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I remember a certain individual staying and not budging at kilmarnock til they got the best fee possible. Showing more loyalty to kilmarnock than us. Yes i respect the fact he done a 75% pay cut and applaud him for his time at rangers.....but with the comments of new club and no history hes giving our enemies more to attack is with and that was simply a cop out to leave .

We will soldier on and find new heros as always but i hope all the fans regardless of our stances on charles green get behind him.

Obviously he is enexperienced in this sort of issue as there is no club as big as ours for this bs to happen. Get behind the loyal players who stay. Welcome the.new...judge.green when he leaves and lets get back to our best.

This is only the beginning it will get worse and no dount we wil lose fans and folk along the way but we will.be back


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