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John Brown.

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There is a clear and distinct difference between Tax fiddling and Tax exiling. (tu)

Nearly every one in Asia who has a few quid runs cash around to avoid paying tax - it is absolutely standard practice. I am always surprised that folk are surprised by such matters.

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To the intelligent among us, yes. We both know how this would be portrayed and how easily it would all be swallowed.

Agree, but im not bothered about anyone else.....and also not supporting who he is bringing to the table.

I dont mind someone based from Gibraltar or Jersey if they have earned their corn legit and chosen to take advantage of better climes and better tax rules.

I do mind Bomber fronting it though. He is an embarrassment to them. (tu)

Loved him as a player though.

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So people are offended by a man who has partaken in drinking a few familiar beverages after a remarkable career and perhaps didn't mix his words and said what had to be said at a protest on the front doors at Ibrox because emotions were running high? Well lock me up beside him because i believe him and will be patient as good things come to those who wait!

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I can't believe the amount of stick John Brown is getting over this. Do u guys actually trust Charles Green? If u do then crack on. Bomber is trying to save this club from these crooks.

Lets see the proof that Green and Co are crooks? Or are you just taking John Brown's word for it because he's a "Rangers" man?

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The abuse aimed at John brown is slightly strange, he is trying to save us from the disaster that is Charles Green. Regardless of whether his bid is credible or not, he should be given every chance to express his vision for the club, which hopefully he will do this weekend. We have waited months for a former player to break the mould and become vocal, and John Brown has become that unlikely man. He deserves credit for that and I remain hopeful that he can be the man to oust Green, but only time will tell. Either way he is putting pressure on Charles Green which can only be positive, as he has been far from honest since the beginning.

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We will see. I take it u backed Craig Whyte as well?

Honestly saying stuff like that wont help make your point here.

If you were to put a case for Brown telling us his backers and who is funding the deal plus plans for the future it would serve you better than just saying its because he supports Rangers.

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He has told u his backers. The fans.

So the fans have had nigh on 6 months to put something together.

Apart from the sterling efforts of the RFFF, that's gone really well, hasn't it?

A fan based scheme is NOT going to happen overnight.

If JB is serious, he needs to say how much he needs to raise, by when, terms of eligibility to partake & most crucially, who will underwrite it until the fan cash starts to come in.

This is the key part - remember when Murray made a share issue available to existing shareholders - take up was poor & Murray Group, as underwriters, had to pick up the slack.

Unless JB has everything set out just right, I can see his plan going exactly the same way as Murray's - as I say, we need absolute clarity on who is underwriting this & their ability to pick up the shortfall if it doesn't go to plan.

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Shows us the deeds!

...oh wait, you already did that, errm, I have info on green which I will sell to the sun

...oh wait, I'll sell a story about taking an old boys season ticket money. Don't by season tickets, the money isn't safe!

...of wait, its been confirmed it is safe. Give me you're season ticket money and the fans will buy shares in the club!

...oh wait, green had announced a share issue. Just gony no buy a ticket from green, at least with me you'll get transparency!

...oh wait, I'm no gony tell you anything including vision and plans for future or who the investors will be but greens a crook!

...oh wait, I have absolutely no evidence of that. Shows us the deeds, I'm a true rangers man, I'm one of you guys

...oh wait, I will still charge you £500 to attend a supporters club event but my ultimate aim is to do the best for the club

...oh wait, I tried to help a couple off Celtic supporters buy rangers, just shows the DEEDS!

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Having a thread about John Brown doesn't help our situation nor does it enhance Bomber's reputation. Regrettably he has let himself down with his outbursts. He most certainly has the interests of Rangers at heart but that doesn't mean he has done anything which helps our situation. In fact, at this time, Bomber has just muddied the waters. He has decried Green and his consortium but has not provided any evidence to back up those accusations. He accuses Green of a lack of clarity and then promises bids but refuses to name the people behind such bids.

What I find astonishing is that some financial backer is supposed to believe that Bomber is an ideal front man for this alleged takeover. I admire Bomber for his contribution on the park to our Club's history but his recent behaviour is tarnishing such admiration.

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Rangers has been groomed by crooks and criminals, all of whom should be hanged. How could Murray let a sacred thing like Rangers Football Club be intoxicated by filth and greed? Everyone now is in it for money, Green has admitted it. Everyone surrounding Rangers, even our friends, are driven by money. It's an abomination. We the fans, not in any position of power; but the working man, the season-ticket holder, the honest SUPPORTER - we are all that's left. Only we can save this club. Not the bastard Dingwall, the sinister SFA nor the bastarding fucking brown or a similar fucking 'syndicate' of Rangers men offering (after the newco has been formed.) We'll learn from this brutally, but we will learn to shut the doors on outsiders. It's the fans serving time, not Whyte or Murray.

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Bomber will be outlining his plan and answering the many questions fans have this weekend.

The meeting on Sunday 15th July, previously scheduled at Dakota Eurocentral @2pm is now changed to The Thistle Hotel, Glasgow@ 2pm.

Only 2 representitives from each supporters club will be permitted entry.

The end game is fast approaching.

My question for him would be why don't you fuck off?

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At least we weren't abused !

Glorious 12th

Who is "we" that you refer too? Does "we" mean Brown supporters? So everyone who does not support brown has been abused? Oh dear, you have the same powers of logical thinking as brown :wanker:

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