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Losing titles is the worst case scenario


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as usual the septic clowns are pushing their "punishment agenda" for us aided and abetted by the tabloids.this loss of titles crap the scum keep banging on about is very much the worst case scenario in this clusterfuck of a situatiion.

may i just remind everyone here that there are a range of sanctions that can be applied in our case including points deductions a scottish cup ban for a year or longer, loss of sfa license i.e a ban from football.

yes i know i have spelt titles wrong in my heading-actually it looks like loss of tities!!!! :D

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You are quite right and I also think we should look at the impact *had* we notified the SPL of the EBT scheme.

So Rangers tell the SPL that Barry Ferguson is also a member of an EBT scheme setup by MIH and receives non contractual, discretionary payments.

What would the SPL have done with this knowledge? I submit, nothing at all.

So, *if* we are found to have transgressed the rules by not informing the SPL of the payments made through the EBT scheme, the sanction applied should be fairly minor given the impact of the SPL having known about it would be meaningless.

I don't see any ground for leaping to one of the worst sanctions available.

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I just don't see how they can justify it unless the legal HMRC case goes against us, not only goes against us but proves that there was deliberate use of double contracts.

There are a number of possible outcomes even if we are found guilty that, from what I have read, it is unlikely that it will be considered duel contracts. As long as there is evidence the club took reasonable measures, such as employing accounting professionals, then the club will have done everything expected of it. It then becomes a matter between the individual and HMRC.

The most important thing at the moment is that Green doesn't accept removing the clubs right to challenge the SFA's decisions. Or accept them to get membership then take legal action against an illegal sanctions. Either way the club must stand up for democracy and demand that any punishment is appropriate and lawful.

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as usual the septic clowns are pushing their "punishment agenda" for us aided and abetted by the tabloids.this loss of titles crap the scum keep banging on about is very much the worst case scenario in this clusterfuck of a situatiion.

may i just remind everyone here that there are a range of sanctions that can be applied in our case including points deductions a scottish cup ban for a year or longer, loss of sfa license i.e a ban from football.

yes i know i have spelt titles wrong in my heading-actually it looks like loss of tities!!!! :D

Mate it's already been decided by liewell and co that titles will be taken away, they have been banging on about this since the start of last season with drip drip bits in the papers every few weeks.

It's also the Spl that are taking this case on so that body can't hit us with cup bans or points deductions as we are not under spl rule as an sfl club, the one and only sanction they can apply is titles being stripped.

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I celebrated these titles win and have the memories to prove it!

We know we won them and they want to forgot that they lost them!

Hey Timmy come over to my place.

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From what I understood, the loss of titles would have been a possible punishment, if we had been voted into Div 1.

But that didn't happen, so there is no need for it to be as severe now, apart from pure vindictiveness.

We have already lost at least 3 future possible titles - is that not punishment enough, fucks sake.

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I have absolutely no doubt that they will try to do it. The argument seems to be that 'dual contracts' means the players were not properly registered so we were fielding ineligible players for years. Pretty hard to argue against that to be honest even if it seems that it's no more than an administrative error.

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I reckon they'll strip the titles but not award them to anyone else. Like someone said we've already celebrated so fuck them, can take our memories. To be honest I think we should count this season as a title for us after all the shit that happened. Yeah, the fiddlers were a couple of points in front on14/02/12 but we all know their bottle would have crashed. As far as I'm concerned we won the league last season and the timmys can fuck off.

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I also think they may take em as much as it pains me to say it,,,,,,but wouldn't be stupid enough to hand them to celtic. Not only would it cause serious repercussions but like many on here have said they would then leave them selves open to teams who came 3rd demanding reimbursement for champion lg money and teams who may have got relegated due to points lost to Rangers asking for compensation also.

And the cups dont have the removal of title in their rules,,, so what they take SPL titles but not cup wins ??,,, im sure the other teams in the cups might have something to say about that.

In any case IF they do remove the 7 titles they're on about we HAVE TO ADD ON OUR 7 WW2 TROPHIES and give them a massive GIRUY

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But they have shown their complete hatred for us so don't expect any leniency from them. Everything they have done has been to the most they can apply. The fines etc were all the maximum they could apply. They even made up a sanction, the transfer embargo, and applied that.

Make no mistake they will apply the maximum sanction possible on us and that will be stripping titles and cups. I also think they will def hand the titles to Celtic. Celtic will be pushing in the background for this and we have ex players etc coming out on a daily basis applying pressure for us to be stripped. Say it often enough. We have seen this with the newco pish.

Hopefully the club doesn't take this lying down. I for one don't want those bastards handed our titles.

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Stripping titles will be interesting: I think the criteria for doing so will have to be made very very clear; it is not enough to just play it by ear, the SFA need to stipulate a term of reference for doing so that we can all look at and then it can be examined in regards to other clubs and so on. Of all the measures. I would say this is the most serious of all the measures taken, and if it is done then it needs a lot of fine print attached to it. This would be disparage the achievements of great players; of Alex McLeish and Walter Smith; so it needs to be paid attention to.

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living in Northern Ireland you get used to the desire of some folks to constantly revise history; this usually goes along the lines of they were the victims, they only murdered people because everyone else was so nasty to them, they'll only be satisfied by re-writing history and humiliating us all. well after a while you begin to realise that this tendency is itself a self-perpetuating victimhood - they can't justify themselves so they have to denigrate others. i know i'll get flamed for this but i really don't care about this attack on our titles and achievements. we know what skill and effort went into winning them and nobody, especially that rabble can ever take that away.

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I just don't see how they can justify it unless the legal HMRC case goes against us, not only goes against us but proves that there was deliberate use of double contracts.

There are a number of possible outcomes even if we are found guilty that, from what I have read, it is unlikely that it will be considered duel contracts. As long as there is evidence the club took reasonable measures, such as employing accounting professionals, then the club will have done everything expected of it. It then becomes a matter between the individual and HMRC.

The most important thing at the moment is that Green doesn't accept removing the clubs right to challenge the SFA's decisions. Or accept them to get membership then take legal action against an illegal sanctions. Either way the club must stand up for democracy and demand that any punishment is appropriate and lawful.

Even if Green agreed to not challenge, then there is nothing stopping David Murray challenging it, it will end up with the SFA in court again and they don't have a great record.

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