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Charles Green "uniforms"


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FFS, can we not have at least one thread where we don't all sling mud.

Listen, I'll make it simple so that glory hunters like you can understand exactly what's happened to the club. As at 13th May, we were fucked. We had enough money to last us to the end of that month. The only investor willing to come forward at that time was Bill Miller, and he fucked off into the sunset with the stars & stripes trailing between his legs. That was it. We were fucked. Come 31st May, the gates would have been padlocked and we were consigned to history.

Step forward Mr Green. A man wiling to fund us right through the summer out his own pocket. A man who stood by us when HMRC fucked us over when a CVA was still allegedly achievable. Instead of selling Ibrox and Murray Park to a bunch of property investors, he stood by us, and continued to work behind the scenes into the wee small hours to continue to find people willing to invest in what was sure to be a 3rd division team. Do you seriously think people would still be willing to invest the sort of money that was being talked about while we were an SPL club, after we went into the 3rd Division. You need sectioned if you do! For christ sakes, we didn't even know if we would still be in existence until a couple of weeks ago!! Green is the man who sailed us through the murkiest of waters!

Look at what is happening now. At the bottom tier of Scottish Football, we have a squad that would possibly still compete at a decent level in the SPL....strange that without any investment. Mike Ashley now being touted as willing to buy a stake in the club. That wont be cheap! Now, taking only that into consideration, forgetting the shite that's been fucking slung our way by the football authorities, the SPL chairmen, fans and the media......YOU FUCKING BET I'M NOT CRINGING. Here we have a man who is willing to snipe back, a man who will not be hushed, be a puppet on Liewell's string. We've been crying out for someone like this for ages, and it's still not good enough for you!! And as for your opinion....calling him an embarrassment to the club is NOT your opinion. Taking everything into consideration, that's tantamount to slander!

Now, if you're really not at the wind up....man the fuck up and take a look at what is happening now, not what you wanted to happen! Please!

Thank you.

wot he said + 1

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Ally backed whyte also for 6 months before he tippled, so im not sure what your point is.

All this pish about padlocks going on gates is a load of shite. You really think nobody would cough up 6 million for a debt free Rangers? The deal was a stich up. Murray>>>whyte>>>>D&P>>>>Green. Join the dots.

McColl bid the same as green on the day green bought us, but got the KB because green pretended the CVA was possible. Nevermind, maybe he'll say FTP tomorrow and it will make all his bullshit go away. Dreamers.

Dear me........what a tool.

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A lot of what you have posted simply isnt true. If you believe green was the only show in town then you are deluded. The deal was a stitch up between D&P and green since february. They bought us for a song and will make a fortune with our help. You and others might be happy living in the bheasts shadow for the best part of a generation, but its not for me.

Any little profit we make has to be ploughed back into our team, not squirrelled away by green and his merry men. The sad thing is, by the time the majority realise what the fuck is going on it will be too late. We will be back in the same boat, looking for someone to bail us out again.

Us getting papped in div 3 is a blessing in disguise for green, because we will still have a winning team for a few years which seems to placate the masses. The real test will be when we are back in the spl and we have to spend big again to win it and get back in europe. Anyone that thinks green and co are the men to do this are supreme optimists.

If Rangers were anything other than a footbal team we all support i find it hard to believe any sane person would put a single penny into it. Mr green knows this and is now playing his "im starting to love the club and hate the taigs" card.

As for you saying im close to slandering him, ill look forward to his lawyers letter and I hope hes using the same lawyers that advised him on the player transfers. Mr green is a liar, there ive said it. If he has one of his minions trolling this thread for his next soundbite, he should say "why dont they go home" in his next interview. Book sales will go through the roof. The man is an embarrasment.

You're deluded. They've already paid £17.5m for a div 3 club

£200k deposit

£5.5m consideration

£500k to Duff for ops costs between the 1-14 June

£300k stamp duty

£6m of ops costs for June, July and August

£3m of old co Football Creditors in UK/Europe

£1.3m to £2m of SPL TV money

£17.5m of cash out to date you little muppet - thats a song is it?

there will be another £30m of new money ploughed into the club first week of Nov 12. Fans will be able to participate.

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Why would a squad of people pay 17.5 million for a 3rd div club? How do they intend to get it back? I think your figures are way off for whats its worth, but id like someone to explain how they will get a return on their investment?

What you said about Park/McColl/Smith makes me wonder why im even replying to you.

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Why would a squad of people pay 17.5 million for a 3rd div club? How do they intend to get it back? I think your figures are way off for whats its worth, but id like someone to explain how they will get a return on their investment?

What you said about Park/McColl/Smith makes me wonder why im even replying to you.

Makes their shares more valuable by progressing the club.

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Just me that cringes everytime this man opens his mouth then. Absolute embarrassment to our club. Id prefer he delivered on his promises, rather than troll internet forums for snippets to please the masses.

His 20/30 million investment due in July has turned to dust, but nevermind, hes good at clapping against the SFA and making pish jokes about mongo taigs on phone-ins.

All this pish hes talking about bigots and school uniforms is designed for one thing and one thing only. Its nothing to do with fighting for our cause, its all about getting us to part with more dough for his magnificent share issue. Fair play to him, his plan seems to be working a treat.

I despair at the gullibility of football supporters.

Mate you are a gymnastic! and im not talking about the sort of gymnastic who does backflips and cartwheels and shit. you're the type of gymnastic that has a wobbly eye and has his tongue forever stuck to a window.

Fuck off to kerryfail street.

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Why would a squad of people pay 17.5 million for a 3rd div club? How do they intend to get it back? I think your figures are way off for whats its worth, but id like someone to explain how they will get a return on their investment?

What you said about Park/McColl/Smith makes me wonder why im even replying to you.

Man U floats tomorrow in US for $3.8 billion. The world is understanding TV audiences for football are the fastest growing in the world and already larger than any other sport. Rangers is one of the 12th largest clubs in the world. Its a sleeping giant. No brainer of an investment backed by hard assets which admittedly you can't do anything with. The Rangers brand is massive. Its almost like no-one here understands how to make money. This is the deal of the decade and the numbers I have provided are 100% accurate down to the last penny. What doesn't look right to you?

Call McColl yourself and ask him. He wants to concentrate on investing his new £400m VC fund.

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Ally backed whyte also for 6 months before he tippled, so im not sure what your point is.

All this pish about padlocks going on gates is a load of shite. You really think nobody would cough up 6 million for a debt free Rangers? The deal was a stich up. Murray>>>whyte>>>>D&P>>>>Green. Join the dots.

McColl bid the same as green on the day green bought us, but got the KB because green pretended the CVA was possible. Nevermind, maybe he'll say FTP tomorrow and it will make all his bullshit go away. Dreamers.

Mate, you been living in a cave for the last 6 months?? <cr> Seriously.....I'm not kidding either. You really need to catch up. That one bolded sentence has so many flaws in it I couldn't even begin to start unravelling it. I don't want to label you a taig, but by fuck you are doing a good job of sounding like one!

And fuck you very much for derailing what was a great thread. :rolleyes: Just like the Scum. You won't win.

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Man U floats tomorrow in US for $3.8 billion. The world is understanding TV audiences for football are the fastest growing in the world and already larger than any other sport. Rangers is one of the 12th largest clubs in the world. Its a sleeping giant. No brainer of an investment backed by hard assets which admittedly you can't do anything with. The Rangers brand is massive. Its almost like no-one here understands how to make money. This is the deal of the decade and the numbers I have provided are 100% accurate down to the last penny. What doesn't look right to you?

Call McColl yourself and ask him. He wants to concentrate on investing his new £400m VC fund.

Too right its the deal of the decade, only its not for us. Its deal of the decade for them. My problem with this mob are, that profits generated by us should be used by us to make us stronger, not fill suits pockets from foreign countries. The face of Rangers has changed forever and its not for the good of the club.

Give me McColls number and ill gladly call him, im sure you have it, being in the know and all that.

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Mate, you been living in a cave for the last 6 months?? <cr> Seriously.....I'm not kidding either. You really need to catch up. That one bolded sentence has so many flaws in it I couldn't even begin to start unravelling it. I don't want to label you a taig, but by fuck you are doing a good job of sounding like one!

And fuck you very much for derailing what was a great thread. :rolleyes: Just like the Scum. You won't win.

Aye, sorry for derailing your thread man, but its getting on my tits the way hes going about his work and everyone laps it up. Hes talking to the media like some guy in the boozer, not the CEO of Rangers.

You can try rip apart that sentence all you want, but if you believe we would have closed without charlie on the scene then i worry about you. He bought us with underhand methods, then says trusts me, i hate the taigs just like yous. I dont buy it. He wouldnt know a bead rattler if it bit him on the arse.

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Just me that cringes everytime this man opens his mouth then. Absolute embarrassment to our club. Id prefer he delivered on his promises, rather than troll internet forums for snippets to please the masses.

His 20/30 million investment due in July has turned to dust, but nevermind, hes good at clapping against the SFA and making pish jokes about mongo taigs on phone-ins.

All this pish hes talking about bigots and school uniforms is designed for one thing and one thing only. Its nothing to do with fighting for our cause, its all about getting us to part with more dough for his magnificent share issue. Fair play to him, his plan seems to be working a treat.

I despair at the gullibility of football supporters.

are you at the fucking wind up?

if not,get to fuck.

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FFS, can we not have at least one thread where we don't all sling mud.

Listen, I'll make it simple so that glory hunters like you can understand exactly what's happened to the club. As at 13th May, we were fucked. We had enough money to last us to the end of that month. The only investor willing to come forward at that time was Bill Miller, and he fucked off into the sunset with the stars & stripes trailing between his legs. That was it. We were fucked. Come 31st May, the gates would have been padlocked and we were consigned to history.

Step forward Mr Green. A man wiling to fund us right through the summer out his own pocket. A man who stood by us when HMRC fucked us over when a CVA was still allegedly achievable. Instead of selling Ibrox and Murray Park to a bunch of property investors, he stood by us, and continued to work behind the scenes into the wee small hours to continue to find people willing to invest in what was sure to be a 3rd division team. Do you seriously think people would still be willing to invest the sort of money that was being talked about while we were an SPL club, after we went into the 3rd Division. You need sectioned if you do! For christ sakes, we didn't even know if we would still be in existence until a couple of weeks ago!! Green is the man who sailed us through the murkiest of waters!

Look at what is happening now. At the bottom tier of Scottish Football, we have a squad that would possibly still compete at a decent level in the SPL....strange that without any investment. Mike Ashley now being touted as willing to buy a stake in the club. That wont be cheap! Now, taking only that into consideration, forgetting the shite that's been fucking slung our way by the football authorities, the SPL chairmen, fans and the media......YOU FUCKING BET I'M NOT CRINGING. Here we have a man who is willing to snipe back, a man who will not be hushed, be a puppet on Liewell's string. We've been crying out for someone like this for ages, and it's still not good enough for you!! And as for your opinion....calling him an embarrassment to the club is NOT your opinion. Taking everything into consideration, that's tantamount to slander!

Now, if you're really not at the wind up....man the fuck up and take a look at what is happening now, not what you wanted to happen! Please!

Thank you.

well said sir (tu)

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Too right its the deal of the decade, only its not for us. Its deal of the decade for them. My problem with this mob are, that profits generated by us should be used by us to make us stronger, not fill suits pockets from foreign countries. The face of Rangers has changed forever and its not for the good of the club.

Give me McColls number and ill gladly call him, im sure you have it, being in the know and all that.

There are no profits generated in SFL 3,2,1???? We will do well to break even. If you want to speak to McColl call Clyde Blowers PLC. Fill suit pockets from foreign countries? All they've done is paid money out. They may not get a return for many many years. You change your tunes. I thought the numbers I provided were wrong a minute ago. Rangers looked exactly the same to me yesterday. Were you there?

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Aye, sorry for derailing your thread man, but its getting on my tits the way hes going about his work and everyone laps it up. Hes talking to the media like some guy in the boozer, not the CEO of Rangers.

You can try rip apart that sentence all you want, but if you believe we would have closed without charlie on the scene then i worry about you. He bought us with underhand methods, then says trusts me, i hate the taigs just like yous. I dont buy it. He wouldnt know a bead rattler if it bit him on the arse.

Sadly, the only way that you would be proved 'right' on that score is when we would have been closed down on 1st June. I'm stil trying to work out if that's actually what you wanted so that you could have been that bit more content with being so negative. There were a fair few folk around who seemed 'happy' at us being in such a disastrous state a few weeks ago. Most seem to have been cured by the way Green has turned us around. Maybe you're still contagious? :) Time to get your head out the sand and start enjoying life again. IT'S Oooooooo-Kaaaayyyy!!!! No one's going to have a go at you for it! (tu)

well said sir (tu)


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Aye, sorry for derailing your thread man, but its getting on my tits the way hes going about his work and everyone laps it up. Hes talking to the media like some guy in the boozer, not the CEO of Rangers.

You can try rip apart that sentence all you want, but if you believe we would have closed without charlie on the scene then i worry about you. He bought us with underhand methods, then says trusts me, i hate the taigs just like yous. I dont buy it. He wouldnt know a bead rattler if it bit him on the arse.

Im sure you are taking the piss here! Is there nothing on the telly tonight?

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I place my faith in McCoist rather than Green.

Ally knows what we've been through, how close to the wire we were, what we want to achieve and how sceptical we are.

None of us who truly support Rangers want another Whyte scenario.

But he has been working closer with Green and now trusts him - and I trust McCoist.

Selling an SPL club (or even a first division club) to investors is one thing - what Green is now selling is different - so alowances must be made.

Now - can we get back to the point of this thread?

How many fans with school ties at the next game?

And Charles - if you have any more lines like that, keep 'em coming :thumbup:

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Its not a holding company.

It is a company that owns and operated a football club.

The holding company is the next company up, in whytes case this was Wavetower which owned 80 odd percent of The Rangers FC PLC.

We will be buying shares in The Rangers Football Club LTD, not the holding company.

Fair enough, point taken. It still doesn't mean I will be buying shares in the football club though. I'm fine with that, just don't try and sell it to me as something its not Mr Green.

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Some amount of shite getting talked in here. All i said was he is laying it on a bit thick and im accused of being a taig, a follow follow mole and an snp supporter.

Charlies mission is to get the dough out your pocket, nothing else. Anyone that buys into his pish is by definition a little gullible. I never called anyone a moron, and i didnt say i was right. I wrote my opinion about the shite hes been talking and why hes talking said shite. Its nauseating listening to him make shitey jokes about something a daft taig said on a phone-in.

People on here putting him up as some hero whos championing our cause against "them" are annoying me. Its like brainwashing for dummies every time charlie opens his big daft mouth. If people choose to swallow it, im not bothered.

Ill stick with my anti-green posts until the day he shows us his investors that were putting in this 20 million. Of course this day will never come, because his investors are us who will buy into his share issue. Any dough thats made through a share issue goes in charlies and his investors back bin. Fucking sickens me whats happening to us, again. A lot of good bears lost a lot of money because of previous shenanigans and he wants them all to shell out again to line his pockets.

Rangers can function for 3 seasons on book and gate money quite easily with our current outgoings, so why the rush to get a share issue out again? They bought the club through crookery, and now they play to the gallery to make their investment pay off. He doesnt feel pride when he sees Ibrox filling up, he sees pound signs.

Must be great knowing everything like yourself, we can all learn from you. :craphead:

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