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The Conflict of Interest Debate

North Rd

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I’ve found it very interesting monitoring the Harper Macleod situation; their relationship with Celtic FC, and their employment by the SPL.

Many Rangers fans, including myself, have questioned the suitability of Harper Macleod to carry out any investigation on Rangers.

The term “conflict of interests” has become synonomous with this relationship.

The problem is, that it is not  technically a conflict of interest the way it is “clarified” by those with an agenda. Many a smarmy blogger has taken great delight in reminding Rangers supporters concerned at collusion of this to damage Rangers Football Club, using explanation from the law society website.

To try and explain, a conflict of interests to HM in dealing with Celtic and the SPL, is explained to us as being relevant if the SPL had to investigate Celtic using Harper Macleod, and Rangers are irrelevant.

Let’s just say hypothetically that Celtic supporting Vincent Lunny had no other option than to report Celtic for their arrangement with Robbie Keane.

In this case Harper Macleod would have to declare themselves out.

So, we have bloggers, Celtic supporters, and various on message Celtic supporting journalists telling us it’s not a conflict of interests, with the common message being for us to get back in our box, be quiet, and stop being so silly. Really?

It is actually more corrupt and lacking integrity for Harper Macleod to investigate Rangers through a synergy of interests between Celtic and the SPL.

Given that the two most over used words in Scotland in the last six months have been “sporting integrity”, where is the integrity in Celtic associates taking action to damage Rangers?

Given that the greatest beneficiaries of Rangers losing titles is Celtic, then I’d argue that this is the element being swept under the carpet quite efficiently by those adept at it.

Let’s imagine also the situation where Rod McKenzie, or any other Harper Macleod employee, is a shareholder in Celtic FC, the main beneficiaries of sanctions imposed on Rangers?

Wouldn’t that be technically a conflict of interest? What if you failed to declare that interest?

Denying there is any conflict of interests is misleading. Who would have thought that Celtic fans would lie and cover up?


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Great piece, Bill.

Perception is everything and the firm appointed have to be seen to be neutral - that simply cannot be said of HM.

To paraphrase Bogart : "of all the law firms in all the towns in Scotland, why did they have to walk into this one?"

The fact that no-one in the media is asking why this particular firm, who could not be closer to Celtic unless they worked out of Celtic Park, says it all

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Great post OP. Make no mistake there is a conflict of interest in this case.

There is clearly a case that if HM were to find nothing, then that may adversely impact its relationship with one of its clients (CFC), therefore, there is pressure on those working on this matter to find something against the Murray regime.

What is absolutely staggering here is that the conflict can be overcome really simply. Appoint another firm of Solicitors. There are lots of them, and HM have no unique skill set.

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Maybe that's why CG and Co are staying silent, let them come out with the evidence and then challenge the COI and get it tossed to fuck.

If I could ask Charles one question, it would be, are you willing to take these cunts to the highest court in the land in a bid to hold on to what is rightfully ours and defend the players who won those titles with blood sweat and tears?

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Maybe that's why CG and Co are staying silent, let them come out with the evidence and then challenge the COI and get it tossed to fuck.

If I could ask Charles one question, it would be, are you willing to take these cunts to the highest court in the land in a bid to hold on to what is rightfully ours and defend the players who won those titles with blood sweat and tears?

I believe that Charles Green has drawn a few " lines in the sand " that many in the Scottish game are now finding uncomfortable. A man who says he's ready to be fined a lot for defending our club's reputation is my kinda CEO. Let's get a collection going for a legal buffer to sort this crap out once and for all. We can have the status of the team and its holding company put beyond question. I suggest buckets of donated dosh, you'll remember them, just like the septic pails that were passed aroung porkheid for decades garnering wealth for the rhepublican ira scum, only nicer. If we haven't learned to come out fighting by now then I really despair and the first action would be to declare the HM investigation incompetent at the Court of Session. I'd be only too happy to see the whole corrupt house of cards going up in smoke.

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With the benefit of time (my age) and distance (living in England wi the wife) it is possible to see clearly that

a) this doesn't happen anywhere else (English clubs go into administration and they are penalised once then everyone moves on)

b) this whole business stinks of corruption. In fact it smells so bad that the whole of scottish football reeks like a corpse several months dead. If you dont believe me then check out the international and european press. Scottish football is now percieved as a joke. Has anyone contacted Ian Rankin and suggested this as a basis for his latest crime novel?

c) Incestuous in the extreme is there only one competent firm of lawyers in the whole of Scotland? surely there must be law firms in London qualified and neutral enough to do things properly, above board and without prejudice.

d) the SNP so vociferous about anything else Scottish seem to be deaf blind and mute about this whole situation. On every Scottish issue from oil to American golf courses on Scottish soil their opinion is always in the press but not now despite the fact that Rangers fans make up a huge percentage of their electorate.

e) during a double dip recession any business giving away millions of pounds is clearly run by idiots. Ladies and gentlemen I give you the SPL. Blinded by prejudice, losing money hand over fist and the laughing stock of Europe.

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I read another article on the same subject where it was said that it wasn't a conflict of interest but merely a convergance of interests,I was at work so had no time to reply and can't find he article again,but I was going to use the analogy of a river . If you have several small rivers which eventually converge into one river it eventually becomes too powerful to stop!

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Good post Bill. I've been arguing forcefully in recent weeks, that the Harper McLeod scenario is an 'actual' conflict of interest, but even if it were not, the perception is such that they could not possibly be considered to by most impartial observers as untainted and free of bias.

Acting for one of the main beneficiaries in, what is, a disciplinary inquiry would be unthinkable in the civil or criminal courts, so why should the position be any different in these proceedings?

There are many, and varied, definitions of a conflict of interest and the Law Society definition is narrow in the extreme. In fact I'm persauded it has been consciously constructed in that manner to ensure the widest possible 'latitude' for legal practices.

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Im actually hoping this is where David Murray will challenege them in the courts! not CG! it was under Murrays stewardship and he has recently stated he wasnt asked for his say in the EBT's /Dual contracts, so lets hoping he is going to do something for once to clear our name.

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The fact HP were also involved in the siting of the Velodrome and regeneration of the area around Celtic Park, strengthens the fact they are closely intertwined. Stinks to the high heavens, but yet, still nothing is done about it. The media in this country, who so eagerly tried to find a conflict of interest between Green, Whyte and D&P, sit quietly and ignore all questions, even when facts are put in front of them. It's frustrating to say the least.

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The tims are wrong as usual. There is absolutely no doubt that there is a conflict of interest here and more than one.

This could work in our favour as an adverse judgement would be easily appealed.

No judge in the land would fail to declare a conflict of interest and it would be overturned.

The stuff the tims are quoting from the law society is not definitive and is only examples for illustration.

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The fact HP were also involved in the siting of the Velodrome and regeneration of the area around Celtic Park, strengthens the fact they are closely intertwined. Stinks to the high heavens, but yet, still nothing is done about it. The media in this country, who so eagerly tried to find a conflict of interest between Green, Whyte and D&P, sit quietly and ignore all questions, even when facts are put in front of them. It's frustrating to say the least.

The fact that there has been pretty much NO output from the SNP speaks volumes. I think the come out with a one liner in february but since then NOT A FUCKING PEEP. Yet around 300 folks could have lost their jobs. astonishing in the extreme.

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The fact that there has been pretty much NO output from the SNP speaks volumes. I think the come out with a one liner in february but since then NOT A FUCKING PEEP. Yet around 300 folks could have lost their jobs. astonishing in the extreme.

Exactly! A sausage factory though, is deemed important enough to Scotland to be saved by the SNP :rolleyes: It surprised me actually that during the vote for the velodrome siting, the panel was made up by a number of MSP's. All but one from labour, the odd one was from the SNP, and he actually walked out because he says there was no point in voting as all of the labour MSP were either Celtic shareholders, season ticket holders or both.

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Exactly! A sausage factory though, is deemed important enough to Scotland to be saved by the SNP :rolleyes: It surprised me actually that during the vote for the velodrome siting, the panel was made up by a number of MSP's. All but one from labour, the odd one was from the SNP, and he actually walked out because he says there was no point in voting as all of the labour MSP were either Celtic shareholders, season ticket holders or both.


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Maybe that's why CG and Co are staying silent, let them come out with the evidence and then challenge the COI and get it tossed to fuck.

If I could ask Charles one question, it would be, are you willing to take these cunts to the highest court in the land in a bid to hold on to what is rightfully ours and defend the players who won those titles with blood sweat and tears?

Fuck the highest court. The highest gallows would be rather nice

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Having worked with lawyers for 26 years (that's not fun I assure you) at 2 of Scotland's top law firms including one that acted for Celtic during the McCann take over I can say that any lawyer with integrity would immediately declare themselves unfit to be involved in a case like this and even lawyers who are unscrupulous would know that their interests would be found out. That being said it's still possible that a lawyer who has no obvious connections or liking for the other parties could still be leaned upon as their career progression means everything to them.


ps: My one and only meeting with Fergus McCann was great fun. He was used to people jumping and running about after him but when he turned up late one day for a meeting with no one about except me I just ignored him & got on with fixing the computer I was working at. Eventually some toady took his coat & got him some tea.

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The tims are wrong as usual. There is absolutely no doubt that there is a conflict of interest here and more than one.

This could work in our favour as an adverse judgement would be easily appealed.

No judge in the land would fail to declare a conflict of interest and it would be overturned.

The stuff the tims are quoting from the law society is not definitive and is only examples for illustration.

This is exactly why Green is playing it low-key.

He knows he has a strong appeal based on Conflict Of Interest in his back pocket if he needs it.

The media continuing to ignore this story is as bad a piece of collective journalistic bias as I have seen in years.

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Absolutely incredible - why is that topic locked?

It's worth being pinned, never mind locked

Don't know, hopefully admin can fill us in about why it was locked? Maybe because the source wasnt good enough or something?

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