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Just how far can we push "remarkable" ?


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I have been wanting to ask a question for a few days but there hasn't been an appropriate thread in which to ask...

This argument that the SPL have no jurisdiction over us. How does that work then?

Surely during the years in question, we were playing in the SPL and they are under the impression we broke their rules, however ludicrous that impression is, I don't understand why they don't have the jurisdiction to sit on judgement on that period?

I reject completely their argument that we won those titles unfairly, we didn't, we would have had the same players no matter if legal tax efficient schemes were available or not, however I can't understand the "no jurisdiction" stance, can anybody explain that?

The way I understand it is that, yes, they have no jurisdiction over us, which means they can't dock points, fine us, basically they can't give us any punishments. If they find us guilty, as I understand it, the only way they can punish us is by taking away past glories. I don't think I need to explain that. I also think that is why they pushed so hard to get us out the SPL. So that all the other punishments available to them would be rendered pointless.

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On Tuesday the 13th November, 2012, the SPL hearing into Rangers use of EBT's will commence.

The first “remarkable” is that such a hearing is being carried out in respect of a football club over which the SPL, as a result of their own actions, have absolutely no authority whatsoever. A quick review of their statutes and articles of regulation confirms that.

A second “remarkable” occurs when one considers that such a formal hearing is taking place at all.

For this is the same SPL who had structured a package of sanctions in respect of Rangers, and which had been agreed by our owner, would deal with Rangers EBT's in an informal manner. The fact that such a package of sanctions never came to fruition had nothing to do with Rangers, but everything to do with a group of SFL chairmen who refused to be bullied or intimidated by the SPL and their “master plan” for Scottish football.

“Remarkable” that something which the SPL feels only justifies an informal hearing can somehow take on such a formal and punitive nature when their Machiavellian schemes don’t go as planned.

A further “remarkable” occurs however, when we consider that Rangers, the club being subjected to this hearing, are the club which fully disclosed their dealings via EBT's in their annual submissions, whilst Celtic (a club who forgot to) warrant no such hearing or investigation from the SPL.

But if we haven't already, we now really push the bounds of “remarkable”.

For the investigation into Rangers and EBT's is carried out by a company who enjoy a favourable business relationship with the aforementioned Celtic FC - Harper and MacLeod solicitors. Such is the favourable relationship, that Celtic Chief executive Peter Lawell was recently featured on their website praising their company for their stalwart service to Celtic FC. I say “recently” because Lawell's testimony has, surprise surprise, very recently been removed from their website.

Remarkable ?

“Remarkable” however, now becomes untenable. It seems the SPL have become somewhat “confused” with the role of Harper & MacLeod.

On one hand they suggest that the company is carrying out the investigation...


whilst on the other they claim that there involvement is purely “low level”


Remarkable ?

But for a tired and overburdened “remarkable” I'm afraid to say its plight does not end there.

For who do the SPL appoint to chair this investigation ?

Lord Nimmo. A law expert whose judgement was ruled to be flawed when Rangers appealed his judgement over his ruling on the legality of an SFA transfer embargo.

At this point you may ask what are media are saying about this “remarkable” set of events. ….the words food and drink spring to mind.

Alas, the answer is nothing.

And that in itself is “remarkable”

What I don't understand is the silence from FIFA and UEFA.Surely the stench has reached their nostrils?

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Great post, but what I find remarkable, or maybe Im just thick, is that were being investigated by sceptics legal team, going through our documentation with a fine toothcomb, and they get "investigated" by the SPLs fucking fe***n janny. :angry:


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What I don't understand is the silence from FIFA and UEFA.Surely the stench has reached their nostrils?

I have my doubt SR. Though I would agree they should certainly be getting involved - but if a whole chorus of SFL chairmen calling the head of the SFA a "liar" and having the documentation to prove doesnt do it - you have to wonder what will ?

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I could go into detail but I think I'd lose nearly all of you by the second line. How the fuck is that a great post? The idiot is of course before he even starts, the SPL are not looking at EBTs in November they are looking into unregistered contracts, the SPL have never and could not give a fuck about EBTs.

Does anybody here have an education?

By now the donkeys who were nodding along to the 'excellent post' should look down to see if their saliva(spit) is about to short circuit their keyboards... I thought so. I'll stop there.

Telling the truth until I'm banned

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I could go into detail but I think I'd lose nearly all of you by the second line. How the fuck is that a great post? The idiot is of course before he even starts, the SPL are not looking at EBTs in November they are looking into unregistered contracts, the SPL have never and could not give a fuck about EBTs.

Does anybody here have an education?

By now the donkeys who were nodding along to the 'excellent post' should look down to see if their saliva(spit) is about to short circuit their keyboards... I thought so. I'll stop there.

Telling the truth until I'm banned

Stuart/peter/neil (delete as appropriate) you are making up the justification as you go along. Now fuck off and get torbetted.

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I could go into detail but I think I'd lose nearly all of you by the second line. How the fuck is that a great post? The idiot is of course before he even starts, the SPL are not looking at EBTs in November they are looking into unregistered contracts, the SPL have never and could not give a fuck about EBTs.

Does anybody here have an education?

By now the donkeys who were nodding along to the 'excellent post' should look down to see if their saliva(spit) is about to short circuit their keyboards... I thought so. I'll stop there.

Telling the truth until I'm banned

Please feel free, Brendan, to go into detail and I bet you wouldn't lose me by the second line.

To be fair, however, you nearly lost me here

The idiot is of course before he even starts,
purely on the basis that it doesn't make sense. But like I said Mr O'Smartarse, feel free to do the explaining and I'll do my best to decipher it for ya.
Telling the truth until I'm banned
in all 14 posts since July?

Fountain of fucking knowledge you, eh?


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Great post D'art. Nice to see both yourself and Jim Traynor on the ball today wacko.gif:P

I wonder what CG's game plan is? Let them hold their Kangaroo court and then take the to court. Either the Law Courts in Scotland or the Court of Arbitration in Sport.

Either way they have conducted this witch-hunt in such a manner that no court would uphold and decisions passed down by these clowns.

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