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Makes the hairs on the back of you're neck stand up!


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Remember seeing this on a post a few months ago, just read it again and it got my bood pumping so i thought i would re-post.

Can't remember the original poster but it is outfuckingstanding!


She had been battered, raped and pillaged for several months. Every fresh blow seemed to bring her closer to that final crushing blow. Like a wounded animal she tried to stand on her feet, to regain her dignity and honour, but the attacks were relentless and to the shame of all, none would come to her aid. And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the end was near. The Haters, Vultures and Ghouls made their way towards Ibrox for the telling knockout blow. In the interests of “sporting integrity” a boxing referee was enlisted to deliver the final count. At the doors of Ibrox they were met by two sentinels who barred their way. Alistair McCoist and Lee McCulloch. It was pointless asking them to move. Neither would walk away. “Start the count” demanded one of the haters. And so it began. But not as as they had expected. 10....9....8 “Wait, wait your counting wrong” screamed the haters. 7...6....5 The two sentinels were no longer alone. For on either side of them filing quietly into line were unknown faces wearing Rangers shirts with No. 12 on the back. They didn't need names on the back, it was the badge on the front which was important to them. There were young and old, sprightly and infirm, the capable carried the less capable lest they stumbled. As the count continued the numbers, grew, and grew, and grew, until thousands joined the two sentinels barring the way to Ibrox. The silence was broken momentarily when a whisper filled the air, some say to this day it came from within the walls of Ibrox itself....... “We’ve got the battle fever on” “Who are these people?” asked one of the haters. Ally McCoist stepped forward....... “Allow me to introduce you to my No. 12's......they don't do walking away either” And so it began. In years to come Rangers historians will recite stories of Baxter, Woodburn, Cooper, Laudrup, McCoist, Gough and of course of No. 12. In the coming months news outlets will feature stories about the No. 12's – the fans who would not let their club die. Their loyalty, faith and passion in a football club will capture the imagination of nations. They will become the benchmark which other supporters aspire to. Whatever is thrown at them or their club No.12's will come back for more, time and time again until eventually our detractors can thrown no more. Wherever their club goes the No. 12's will be there. And every other Saturday Ibrox will be filled with No. 12's. Our children's children will proudly tell their friends at school that their grandfather was a No. 12. No. 12's will be the topic of conversation every Monday morning, in factories, offices, wherever people assemble. Newspaper columns will mention the No.12's in the same breath as resilience and a never say die spirit. Who am I and how do I know all this ? Im a No. 12 and Im about to take my place in history.

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Remember seeing this on a post a few months ago, just read it again and it got my bood pumping so i thought i would re-post.

Can't remember the original poster but it is outfuckingstanding!


She had been battered, raped and pillaged for several months. Every fresh blow seemed to bring her closer to that final crushing blow. Like a wounded animal she tried to stand on her feet, to regain her dignity and honour, but the attacks were relentless and to the shame of all, none would come to her aid. And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the end was near. The Haters, Vultures and Ghouls made their way towards Ibrox for the telling knockout blow. In the interests of “sporting integrity” a boxing referee was enlisted to deliver the final count. At the doors of Ibrox they were met by two sentinels who barred their way. Alistair McCoist and Lee McCulloch. It was pointless asking them to move. Neither would walk away. “Start the count” demanded one of the haters. And so it began. But not as as they had expected. 10....9....8 “Wait, wait your counting wrong” screamed the haters. 7...6....5 The two sentinels were no longer alone. For on either side of them filing quietly into line were unknown faces wearing Rangers shirts with No. 12 on the back. They didn't need names on the back, it was the badge on the front which was important to them. There were young and old, sprightly and infirm, the capable carried the less capable lest they stumbled. As the count continued the numbers, grew, and grew, and grew, until thousands joined the two sentinels barring the way to Ibrox. The silence was broken momentarily when a whisper filled the air, some say to this day it came from within the walls of Ibrox itself....... “We’ve got the battle fever on” “Who are these people?” asked one of the haters. Ally McCoist stepped forward....... “Allow me to introduce you to my No. 12's......they don't do walking away either” And so it began. In years to come Rangers historians will recite stories of Baxter, Woodburn, Cooper, Laudrup, McCoist, Gough and of course of No. 12. In the coming months news outlets will feature stories about the No. 12's – the fans who would not let their club die. Their loyalty, faith and passion in a football club will capture the imagination of nations. They will become the benchmark which other supporters aspire to. Whatever is thrown at them or their club No.12's will come back for more, time and time again until eventually our detractors can thrown no more. Wherever their club goes the No. 12's will be there. And every other Saturday Ibrox will be filled with No. 12's. Our children's children will proudly tell their friends at school that their grandfather was a No. 12. No. 12's will be the topic of conversation every Monday morning, in factories, offices, wherever people assemble. Newspaper columns will mention the No.12's in the same breath as resilience and a never say die spirit. Who am I and how do I know all this ? Im a No. 12 and Im about to take my place in history.

Dont know who wrote it amigo, but i wish i had.

Pure class.

Its what we want see, the author should be proud :praise: :praise:

No Surrender


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That superb post was by D'Artagnan.

That figures, he writes some great stuff.

His best was one called: First they came for The Billy Boys..........

It was like he could see the future, cos it all came true.Can somebody re-post that please? it was a few years ago, but it was one of those things you read, that stays with you for the rest of your life, believe me.

The guy is so talented. All new members from last 4 years should see this, and also remember when it was written.

Get it posted admin. :praise::ulster::21:

No Surrender


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beautiful stuff

With all that has happened we have become stronger than ever before.

They tried to destroy the club we loved and followed with pride. Our club. The mighty Glasgow Rangers. But they have severely underestimated us.

Their hatred which they have shown towards us with their cowardly actions will never be forgotten.

their day of reckoning is fast approaching.

No Surrender

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Remember seeing this on a post a few months ago, just read it again and it got my bood pumping so i thought i would re-post.

Can't remember the original poster but it is outfuckingstanding!


She had been battered, raped and pillaged for several months. Every fresh blow seemed to bring her closer to that final crushing blow. Like a wounded animal she tried to stand on her feet, to regain her dignity and honour, but the attacks were relentless and to the shame of all, none would come to her aid. And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the end was near. The Haters, Vultures and Ghouls made their way towards Ibrox for the telling knockout blow. In the interests of “sporting integrity” a boxing referee was enlisted to deliver the final count. At the doors of Ibrox they were met by two sentinels who barred their way. Alistair McCoist and Lee McCulloch. It was pointless asking them to move. Neither would walk away. “Start the count” demanded one of the haters. And so it began. But not as as they had expected. 10....9....8 “Wait, wait your counting wrong” screamed the haters. 7...6....5 The two sentinels were no longer alone. For on either side of them filing quietly into line were unknown faces wearing Rangers shirts with No. 12 on the back. They didn't need names on the back, it was the badge on the front which was important to them. There were young and old, sprightly and infirm, the capable carried the less capable lest they stumbled. As the count continued the numbers, grew, and grew, and grew, until thousands joined the two sentinels barring the way to Ibrox. The silence was broken momentarily when a whisper filled the air, some say to this day it came from within the walls of Ibrox itself....... “We’ve got the battle fever on” “Who are these people?” asked one of the haters. Ally McCoist stepped forward....... “Allow me to introduce you to my No. 12's......they don't do walking away either” And so it began. In years to come Rangers historians will recite stories of Baxter, Woodburn, Cooper, Laudrup, McCoist, Gough and of course of No. 12. In the coming months news outlets will feature stories about the No. 12's – the fans who would not let their club die. Their loyalty, faith and passion in a football club will capture the imagination of nations. They will become the benchmark which other supporters aspire to. Whatever is thrown at them or their club No.12's will come back for more, time and time again until eventually our detractors can thrown no more. Wherever their club goes the No. 12's will be there. And every other Saturday Ibrox will be filled with No. 12's. Our children's children will proudly tell their friends at school that their grandfather was a No. 12. No. 12's will be the topic of conversation every Monday morning, in factories, offices, wherever people assemble. Newspaper columns will mention the No.12's in the same breath as resilience and a never say die spirit. Who am I and how do I know all this ? Im a No. 12 and Im about to take my place in history.

Somebody should send this to Lee on twitter

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That figures, he writes some great stuff.

His best was one called: First they came for The Billy Boys..........

It was like he could see the future, cos it all came true.Can somebody re-post that please? it was a few years ago, but it was one of those things you read, that stays with you for the rest of your life, believe me.

The guy is so talented. All new members from last 4 years should see this, and also remember when it was written.

Get it posted admin. :praise::ulster::21:

No Surrender


I agree with that Rab. A fantastic article from Dartagnan. I think it was one of the first I read on joining the forum and one of the best. I could see it happening at the time. Unfortunately we were accused of being paranoid even from some on here. I couldn't believe how some couldn't see it even when it was being pointed out to them.

The drip drip effect had served its purpose with even some of our own believing and accepting the lies, negative stories and images that were being fed to the public on almost a daily basis for years. So I suppose in a sense it's no wonder some people fell for it, every newspaper they picked up, every radio station they tuned in to, every Scottish News programme were at it.

The article should be pinned for everyone to read and never forget.

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