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Bill McMurdo - Scotland's Shame


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This is an excellent blog prepared by Bill - and the timing, with VB is ideal.

Obviously it is best to increase his site hits = https://billmcmurdo.wordpress.com/2012/10/10/scotlands-shame/#comment-2829

For those that canny upload:

(My feeling, hibernation is over - the Bears are awakening - we're coming after yeez);


Great credit must be given to the Vanguard Bears for exposing the corruption surrounding breaches of protocol by HMRC staff in respect of Rangers’ tax affairs.

It is claimed by Vanguard Bears that several HMRC employees are under police investigation for improper handling of Rangers’ sensitive financial information. My own sources confirm this and I have heard that several HMRC staff have been suspended pending internal investigation into their activities.

It is clear from the Twitter screenshot produced by VB that a certain HMRC employee has been discussing Rangers’ business in a most unprofessional way, as well as making offensive sectarian references and personally abusive comments about Rangers club officials.

Sadly, this latest revelation only proves how widespread and pervasive the corruption is in Scotland, where attacking its biggest football team is an activity engaged in by many.

Only a fool would suggest that this persecution of Rangers takes place across so many areas and levels in Scottish society for mere footballing reasons.

Yet the powers that be in Holyrood continue to turn a blind eye, choosing to repeat their disgusting adherence to the notion that FIFA has precedence over national governments and thus “forbids” those governments to get involved in defending or protecting football clubs which are experiencing prejudicial treatment by football authorities.

In short, Rangers can expect no support from Alex Salmond and his cohorts in their fight against corruption. There is no political payoff for the SNP should Salmond decide to stick his Mel Gibson sword up on behalf of the Gers.

Typical of the societal problem that endemic Rangers-hating has produced is a comment sent to this blog from a Celtic fan who claimed that abusing sporting integrity – the “crime” for which Rangers FC is so mercilessly persecuted – is worse than abusing children.

Yes, someone really sent such an astonishing communication.

I wouldn’t say that the diseased mind that thinks like this is typical of all Celtic fans but it clearly shows the mindset of a certain group of people for whom their hate-filled obsession of Rangers makes them lose all rationality and human decency.

The failure of ALL our politicians to tackle this culture of hatred is there for all to see.

Once more, the Jerry Sandusky scandal in America has raised its head this week to remind us here in Scotland that the witch hunt against Rangers for alleged financial irregularities all looks rather silly in the light of real crimes that take place in the sporting world.

You have to wonder what kind of punishments would be thrown at a club if one of its officials committed such a crime and the club engaged in a massive cover-up, just like Penn State did.

Actually, no you don’t.

If we have learned anything over the past few weeks, it is that institutions here in the UK engage in cover-ups concerning child molestation all the time.

Funnily enough, one of these institutions has a history of Rangers-hating.

Amazing how these things all link together.

I am all for witch hunts, myself.

It all depends on the target.

After a couple of weeks hearing about Jimmy Saville and other child abusers at the “Beeb,” hearing about a kid abused in a supermarket toilet, reading once more about Jerry Sandusky and agonising along with millions about that poor wee lassie down in Wales, maybe it’s time we all got our priorities right and conducted witch hunts on the things that matter.

But as I said in a previous blog, some people are more obsessed with a football club fiddling the books than they are about kids being molested.

Like the person who sent me the comment about abusing sporting integrity being worse than child abuse.

You wonder – maybe he is so twisted by hate that he has lost any sense of decency.

Or maybe it’s just that he still prizes his Jim’ll Fix It badge.

Scotland’s real shame is that it obsesses with alleged financial indiscretions of its biggest football club, while the cancer of hatred and bigotry grows unabated in the midst – and the revolting crime of child abuse is swept under the carpet time and again.

Thankfully, there are people who want to change this.

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An excellent article but also brings home just how much is covered up in this country because it relates to a certain team and religion.

As an aside this was posted over on Follow Follow by Bill i believe.

The majority of posters were positive in their praise of Bill and surprisingly for VB as well which was nice.

However Mark Dingwall took excpetion to this and after the thread was edited and the link removed he finally chopped the thread completely.

So it appears he would rather hide this issue and comply with the infestation of taig posters than allow a thread to stand that praised another Rangers group.

That is how sad and utterly embarrassing that divisive egomaniac is.

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fk me I see he has gone down the road of tying what is happening to some great religious cabal out to smother the Protestant religion by taking a few snips at rangers ! ffs and asks us to bring the same perspective . there is enough incompetence and mis- management by the sfa and spl that's requires sorted out without trying to tie everything down to some religious crusade . people dislike our club! get over it! people in our club dislike other teams and institutions as well - but it's a fking sport not some religious battle !

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fk me I see he has gone down the road of tying what is happening to some great religious cabal out to smother the Protestant religion by taking a few snips at rangers ! ffs and asks us to bring the same perspective . there is enough incompetence and mis- management by the sfa and spl that's requires sorted out without trying to tie everything down to some religious crusade . people dislike our club! get over it! people in our club dislike other teams and institutions as well - but it's a fking sport not some religious battle !

You must live in west china mate - the sfa/pls incompetence or directive - i'd say a directive, and a vendetta against the biggest club in Scotland, (& possible British movement in Scotland - no one can ever get 400,000 supporters to a football match).

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You must live in west china mate - the sfa/pls incompetence or directive - i'd say a directive, and a vendetta against the biggest club in Scotland, (& possible British movement in Scotland - no one can ever get 400,000 supporters to a football match).

no directive just incompetence

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An excellent article but also brings home just how much is covered up in this country because it relates to a certain team and religion.

As an aside this was posted over on Follow Follow by Bill i believe.

The majority of posters were positive in their praise of Bill and surprisingly for VB as well which was nice.

However Mark Dingwall took excpetion to this and after the thread was edited and the link removed he finally chopped the thread completely.

So it appears he would rather hide this issue and comply with the infestation of taig posters than allow a thread to stand that praised another Rangers group.

That is how sad and utterly embarrassing that divisive egomaniac is.

I honestly never thought anything that goes on over on ££ would surprise me any more.

To say I'm flabbergasted at the removal of such a thread, which is in support of our club and shows up those who continually attack our club, would be a gross understatement.

Sad days indeed when such acts are committed by someone who is supposed to be the "leader" of one of our supporters' groups. Really, really sad.

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I honestly never thought anything that goes on over on ££ would surprise me any more.

To say I'm flabbergasted at the removal of such a thread, which is in support of our club and shows up those who continually attack our club, would be a gross understatement.

Sad days indeed when such acts are committed by someone who is supposed to be the "leader" of one of our supporters' groups. Really, really sad.

Its actually quite frightening the size of the enemy within.

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fk me I see he has gone down the road of tying what is happening to some great religious cabal out to smother the Protestant religion by taking a few snips at rangers ! ffs and asks us to bring the same perspective . there is enough incompetence and mis- management by the sfa and spl that's requires sorted out without trying to tie everything down to some religious crusade . people dislike our club! get over it! people in our club dislike other teams and institutions as well - but it's a fking sport not some religious battle !

As Bill says, the constant attacks on our club run far deeper than "just football". The screenshots from the HMRC employee are just one example.

He's also correct about the inactivity of the government and elected leaders. If we were a pie making factory they'd help us, but the Rangers are not so important.

Slippery Salmond will be well and truly bitten on the arse when this is over.

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You really are a laughing stock now.

There's two options open for bluepeter9.

1. He's 9.

2. He's valerie singleton.

Time will tell - and from this hmrc debacle, there's probably hundreds of emails being deleted by the refugees. I hope/expect the btc to be in our favour, thereafter we'll find out the depth of the corruption against us. (including lloyds, nuir in our boardroom, cw, possibly transfer embargo, spl vote - the list goes on).

PS - the 10point deduction, and fine we accept - because that was stipulated - for a club in admin - the rest is gumph.

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Yes keep believing there is no religious agenda.

The only people looking for religious agendas are those on either side of the divide who, for whatever reason, want to tie their religion to our clubs. for me there is a stunning level of incompetence and ineptitude at the sfa and spl that are close to ruining the whole shebang and that should focus our efforts. but the whole concept of a 'cold war of religion' even if exists is just so much push perpetrated on both sides , in the main, by people who don't even go to the kirk! ( or chapel) tit for tat pseudo religious pish! ( but that's only my opinion)

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The only people looking for religious agendas are those on either side of the divide who, for whatever reason, want to tie their religion to our clubs. for me there is a stunning level of incompetence and ineptitude at the sfa and spl that are close to ruining the whole shebang and that should focus our efforts. but the whole concept of a 'cold war of religion' even if exists is just so much push perpetrated on both sides , in the main, by people who don't even go to the kirk! ( or chapel) tit for tat pseudo religious pish! ( but that's only my opinion)

ok - see what you're saying. Then why is the media backing off.

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You really are a laughing stock now.

I am laughing at rhis phoney religious war that the paranoid delusional and socially inept on both sides would like to believe exists - and in their own little warped minds it may be real ... meanwhile back in the real world ......

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This almost more than any other time in our history is something that we need to educate our future generations of.

This time can never be forgiven nor forgotten, I am sometimes baffled by how we see fans of our own club call us paranoid etc despite all that is coming out In the wash.

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I hope the people that used their position to relay confidential information about the club get hammered but it wasn't Rangers haters who put us where we are today. Our support is full of people who hate others for one reason or another so why get upset when others hate us back?

That article is pathetic imo.

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There's two options open for bluepeter9.

1. He's 9.

2. He's valerie singleton.

Time will tell - and from this hmrc debacle, there's probably hundreds of emails being deleted by the refugees. I hope/expect the btc to be in our favour, thereafter we'll find out the depth of the corruption against us. (including lloyds, nuir in our boardroom, cw, possibly transfer embargo, spl vote - the list goes on).

PS - the 10point deduction, and fine we accept - because that was stipulated - for a club in admin - the rest is gumph.

I am Valerie Singleton!

BUT the only religious war being 'fought' out is in he minds of the paranoid delusional in both camps.

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BP9 you really have to ask why there are all walks of (sub)human life putting concerted effort into negative stories about us, after titles, leaking confidential information, consuming their life talking about and hunting Rangers, hiring someone with a direct family link to a well known academic that proclaims irish freedom (ira shite), etc. If it is just rivalrly sorry but it runs so much deeper than that... Bigotry and hatred.

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