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Bill McMurdo - Scotland's Shame


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BP9 It may not be about religion from our viewpoint but believe me, there are far too many coincidences regarding the 'A good catholic boy from Dundee' brigade for it to be anything other than religious division on their part.


That's the point that idiots like bp9 just don't get.

Bears can be all the liberals and atheists we like, to the hard core taigs we are all DOBs.

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I was gonnae try and explain this thread to my German girlfriend... (who asks why I like fussball so much when Schottland are shite).

Churches, religions, atheism, politics, nationalism, the Third Reich, Nazis, priests, Hitler, Churchill, armed forces, child abuse... come on to fuck and get a grip. I can read enough about the sick cunts in this world. I came here to read about a football club. OUR football club.

When we are done embarrassing ourselves here, can we get back to supporting the manager and the team on the park...????

Danke. (tu)

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so what did bill mean by this - which others - not jus me - have interpreted in the religious way?

"Only a fool would suggest that this persecution of Rangers takes place across so many areas and levels in Scottish society for mere footballing reasons." ????

He meant what he said. The persecution of Rangers, which is evident in all facets of life across Scotland, has its roots in envy, religious hatred and political extremism.

What did you think it meant? I'm struggling to see how any Rangers fan could have failed to understand Bill's words.

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He meant what he said. The persecution of Rangers, which is evident in all facets of life across Scotland, has its roots in envy, religious hatred and political extremism.

What did you think it meant? I'm struggling to see how any Rangers fan could have failed to understand Bill's words.

Now we are getting there.

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Well call it what you will, I work in the Capital. I have seen the Union Flags being torn down from buildings, I can sense the hatred that is brewing in that cess pit. In a few months it will be at fever pitch. That hatred is aimed at everything Unionist, our club is a prime target.

As I have already pointed out, The SNP will do anything and everything it can to Win the Battle, including throwing our club to the wolves.

Union flags torn from buildings - sorry I know there were a few wee press stories about idiots in biscuit factories not wanting Union Jacks at parties but I am sure I would have noticed stories about union flags being ripped from Buildings in Glasgow.

And while you hold Alex Salmond in low regard he is quite clever and I doubt he would deliberately go out to alienate Rangers fans - in fact he is hated more by the Catholic church - but don't let facts get in the way of your rhetoric.

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It's tied to Rangers because as soon as septic were created for the sole purpose of Irish catholics, Rangers became the obvious alternative for Irish protestants that came over as well.

Like it, or lump it, we are percieved as the standard bearers for unionism and protestantism. Some would say protectors.

This I believe is the reason for anyone with an interest in destroying the so percieved institutions of protestantism would gladly make us a target.

It may not be on the battlefield, nor the dagger in the back, but many others would disagree, so surely you agree with their right to hold such views, in a democracy. From the evidence seen so far, and testamonies from foriegn associations, we are not being listened to, but the evidence is growing by the day, and we can only expect a cover-up, which is only right in a cover-up culture.

I trule wish it wasn't based on religion, as I'm sure animosity between other big city/club rivalries in other countries, but in Scotlnd it is.

It's near impossible to deny.

People can think what they want - it doesn't make it correct - Rangers are not a bastion of Unionism or Protestantism nor even Protectors of such institutions - Rangers are a football club. Some fans may attach their politics, and religious beliefs to the club but that is a sad state of affairs. Rangers are the greatest football club in the world - they are NOT a shrine to any political or religious cause - take away those causes and you still have the greatest football team - take away the football and you have a wasteland.

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People can think what they want - it doesn't make it correct - Rangers are not a bastion of Unionism or Protestantism nor even Protectors of such institutions - Rangers are a football club. Some fans may attach their politics, and religious beliefs to the club but that is a sad state of affairs. Rangers are the greatest football club in the world - they are NOT a shrine to any political or religious cause - take away those causes and you still have the greatest football team - take away the football and you have a wasteland.

You can deny our history as much as you want, you are only fooling yourself and conducting revisionism of our past. Religion has played a massive part in shaping our club, and contributing to our success.

It may not be relevant to you, but it is to many others.

Don't fall into the trap of dictating YOUR views of what a fan is to others.

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Aye your right, definately heralding religious wars in that sentance :lol:

1 sentence in an article with hundreds and you translate it as him saying religion is behind it all. The guy imo is mostly on about the witchunt and corruption we have seen against our club, lawyers, sfa, spl, all forms of media, scum fc, hmrc staff, and linking it together like most of the corruption based threads on here. He may believe in this religious war but he suggests nothing of the sort in that article. That sentence amounts to roughly the same as what Charles Green said about the bigotry and hatred shown towards Rangers. I believe what the guy said in the article is true but reading a lot of religion into it is distorting it.

It's like you've created the religious theory in this thread and then spent the evening arguing against it. Was religion a hot issue for you before this thread?

And if your going to quote again don't quote the 1 mention of the word sectarianism, highlight the whole piece and where you read a a big religiously driven agenda against our club. Just can't see it :craphead:

He said this 'persecution' is for reasons other than football - yes I have interpreted that as having a religious angle (as have those who have argued against me)

- so what reasons 'other than football' do you think he means ?

Did CG not try to say Bigotry just meant hatred? and therefore that hatred could only be because we were a great football team - yep I can see others would want us out of the sport as they think it means more chance for them to win - but that's a footballing reason!

- so if the reason is "other than football" and its NOT religion - what do you think those other reasons are ?

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It's fairly obvious is it not?

The decision was taken based on personal prejudice and not for what was best for Scottish Football.

Those prejudices were varied, apparent religious bigotry, vindictiveness, envy, blind hatred and petty jealousy.

All tied to football but not footballing reasons. It could only have been footballing reasons if it was in the rules, it wasn't.

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I fu*king hate REMFS - how can someone sat in the UK doing feck all get a medal before us that went there? Why should they even get one? Twats.


I went to the Falklands - I was there as they bombed us - I dug in and stayed in sangers till my nice warm ERV truck was unloaded 4 days later - but I was also in the REME, I set up the communications - I was NOT a front line squaddie - I was a REMF - as during the conflict, while I was on the island, while I was close to bombs, I was never in 'contact' with the enemy. I have the rosette on my Medal because of that. Those who stayed at home did not get the rosette, just the medal. But I am still a REMF! but someone has to provide the support!:rolleyes:

(Oh I also spend 3 years in NI on a permanent posting - in Londonderry!)

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He meant what he said. The persecution of Rangers, which is evident in all facets of life across Scotland, has its roots in envy, religious hatred and political extremism.

What did you think it meant? I'm struggling to see how any Rangers fan could have failed to understand Bill's words.

I get it - I dont believe it - but I get it ! perhaps you should explain it to posters who think Bill's words have nothing to do with religion!

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You can deny our history as much as you want, you are only fooling yourself and conducting revisionism of our past. Religion has played a massive part in shaping our club, and contributing to our success.

It may not be relevant to you, but it is to many others.

Don't fall into the trap of dictating YOUR views of what a fan is to others.

Where have I ever denied it or tried to be revisionist about it - BUT I do question its relevance today - and there seems to be plenty of our supporters who want to force their views on others - am I not entitled to voice my opinion - or does your version of free speech only spread to the words you want to hear ?

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Surprise surprise.... BP9 at the centre of a Rangers identity/heritage debate.

If I didnt know better I would say you had a "secret agenda" :lol:

My agenda ain't a secret - religion, and politics out of football - simple agenda !

Now what's your agenda ?

( I would settle for Religion and Piolitics out of "The bears Den" and just chat about football )

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My agenda ain't a secret - religion, and politics out of football - simple agenda !

Now what's your agenda ?

( I would settle for Religion and Piolitics out of "The bears Den" and just chat about football )

Unfortunately - there is politics in football - Rangers is predominantly supported by loyalist. celtic is supported by non-loyalists - with an allegiance to a foreign country.

Can you explain how the supporters of two football clubs with diverse policies - can keep politics out of football.

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Unfortunately - there is politics in football - Rangers is predominantly supported by loyalist. celtic is supported by non-loyalists - with an allegiance to a foreign country.

Can you explain how the supporters of two football clubs with diverse policies - can keep politics out of football.

The clubs do NOT have these policies - some fans of these clubs do - big difference. And, while many don't wish to hear this the majority of Celtic fans are Scottish and the upcoming referendum is not about Loyalism or not - it is about Unionism or not. But how some one votes should (!! ) have fk all to do with which team they support! Its a sad person that will take a vote, one way or another, based on supporting a football team.

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Rangers FC have, in my lifetime, always been linked to Unionism and the Protestant working class of Scotland - a fact (not fiction) manifested in its warm welcoming of the annual Orange Order Church Parade and the Boys Brigade gatherings over the years. Its supporters (of which I am one) sang songs praising William Of Orange and ridiculing the enemies of the Protestant religion and Unionism.

We fornicated many a Papal leader into the bargain. :rolleyes:

Murray and others severed that link. Shame on him - shame on them.

I look forward to the day when the OO returns to Ibrox.

I want MY club back.

No Surrender and all that. :sherlock:

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The clubs do NOT have these policies - some fans of these clubs do - big difference. And, while many don't wish to hear this the majority of Celtic fans are Scottish and the upcoming referendum is not about Loyalism or not - it is about Unionism or not. But how some one votes should (!! ) have fk all to do with which team they support! Its a sad person that will take a vote, one way or another, based on supporting a football team.

Aye neither they do.

Celtic cross on the shirts of their jerseys

Memorials to the famine

Close links with the Catholic Church

More rubbish from you but not unexpected these days.

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Surprise surprise.... BP9 at the centre of a Rangers identity/heritage debate.

If I didnt know better I would say you had a "secret agenda" :lol:

Well he is on very very good terms with 2 chairman of SFL clubs and they tell him everything. I asked him what attracted him to Rangers, as he is not a Glaswegian.............still (no surprise) waiting for his reply.

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