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Bill McMurdo - Scotland's Shame


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I do find it comical that one of the most readily identifiable images of Ireland, the Keltic cross is stolen and a lie, probably invested with Irish folklore.

I think it's good to 'surprise' a septic supporter with that one, even moreso now they have it on their shirts. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Very interesting pal - what have they invented - blight, caravans mibe - and squatting on farms.

I've seen a scenario - where there is the total of 1.2bn muslims comparable to the total of 14mn Jews.

A fair comparison of ability, invention & contribution to humanity - take the nobel peace prize.

For 14million Jews - they have been awarded 129 awards across the entire spectrum of the nobel proze.

For 1.2billion Muslims - they have been awarded 7 nobel awards.

As for our faminists - they contribute zipp all mate.

(if you wish, I can send the details).

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I don't like religion at all WATP-Forever, so I doubt I'd be bothered comparing one set of delusions with anothers intellect.

I like human nature and the way stories can be made up, and then believed by people, so mush so that they become the truth.

Anyway, enough of that, I'm just off to get fitted for my Loch Ness hunters suit. Aparently, the monster was Finn McCoul's(?) pet.

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but life moves on and change is constant !

Really? Taigs are the same today, as they were yesterday, as they will be tomorrow, as they will be for ever and ever....dirty henious, blasphemous, subversive, treasonable, genocidal, sectarian scum!

As for Salmond, he shows all the hallmarks of a taig. Vote for him? Wouldn't piss on this egostistical, self centered, lying bastard if he was on fire. Anyone who does underhand deals with taigs are traitors to this nation and should be hanged for treason accordingly!

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I was gonnae try and explain this thread to my German girlfriend... (who asks why I like fussball so much when Schottland are shite).

Churches, religions, atheism, politics, nationalism, the Third Reich, Nazis, priests, Hitler, Churchill, armed forces, child abuse... come on to fuck and get a grip. I can read enough about the sick cunts in this world. I came here to read about a football club. OUR football club.

When we are done embarrassing ourselves here, can we get back to supporting the manager and the team on the park...????

Danke. (tu)

you are right about getting back to what we should be doing, but first we have to sort out. the cause of all our problems. the biggest problem is the psychological and sectarian war that's being waged against us and the only enemy we have as a club and nation is the totally corrupt Catholic Church who down though all it's history has tried to subdue the world with its satanic system.

There can be no football for us anywhere unless we address these problems as a nation first.

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you are right about getting back to what we should be doing, but first we have to sort out. the cause of all our problems. the biggest problem is the psychological and sectarian war that's being waged against us and the only enemy we have as a club and nation is the totally corrupt Catholic Church who down though all it's history has tried to subdue the world with its satanic system.

There can be no football for us anywhere unless we address these problems as a nation first.

The book "In Gods Name" by David Yallop shows the catholic church in its true corrupt state. The single most heinious corrupt organisation in human history. BAR NONE

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I don't like religion at all WATP-Forever, so I doubt I'd be bothered comparing one set of delusions with anothers intellect.

I like human nature and the way stories can be made up, and then believed by people, so mush so that they become the truth.

Anyway, enough of that, I'm just off to get fitted for my Loch Ness hunters suit. Aparently, the monster was Finn McCoul's(?) pet.

You're right Dutchy - but i viewed it as a progressive nation, as opposed to an unproductive nation. Which i believe is similar to our immigrants, even such as an inability to grow toties, or their record decline into a bankrupt nation, whilst they blame everyone else for their opression.

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This is an excellent blog prepared by Bill - and the timing, with VB is ideal.

Obviously it is best to increase his site hits = https://billmcmurdo.wordpress.com/2012/10/10/scotlands-shame/#comment-2829

For those that canny upload:

(My feeling, hibernation is over - the Bears are awakening - we're coming after yeez);


Great credit must be given to the Vanguard Bears for exposing the corruption surrounding breaches of protocol by HMRC staff in respect of Rangers’ tax affairs.

It is claimed by Vanguard Bears that several HMRC employees are under police investigation for improper handling of Rangers’ sensitive financial information. My own sources confirm this and I have heard that several HMRC staff have been suspended pending internal investigation into their activities.

It is clear from the Twitter screenshot produced by VB that a certain HMRC employee has been discussing Rangers’ business in a most unprofessional way, as well as making offensive sectarian references and personally abusive comments about Rangers club officials.

Sadly, this latest revelation only proves how widespread and pervasive the corruption is in Scotland, where attacking its biggest football team is an activity engaged in by many.

Only a fool would suggest that this persecution of Rangers takes place across so many areas and levels in Scottish society for mere footballing reasons.

Yet the powers that be in Holyrood continue to turn a blind eye, choosing to repeat their disgusting adherence to the notion that FIFA has precedence over national governments and thus “forbids” those governments to get involved in defending or protecting football clubs which are experiencing prejudicial treatment by football authorities.

In short, Rangers can expect no support from Alex Salmond and his cohorts in their fight against corruption. There is no political payoff for the SNP should Salmond decide to stick his Mel Gibson sword up on behalf of the Gers.

Typical of the societal problem that endemic Rangers-hating has produced is a comment sent to this blog from a Celtic fan who claimed that abusing sporting integrity – the “crime” for which Rangers FC is so mercilessly persecuted – is worse than abusing children.

Yes, someone really sent such an astonishing communication.

I wouldn’t say that the diseased mind that thinks like this is typical of all Celtic fans but it clearly shows the mindset of a certain group of people for whom their hate-filled obsession of Rangers makes them lose all rationality and human decency.

The failure of ALL our politicians to tackle this culture of hatred is there for all to see.

Once more, the Jerry Sandusky scandal in America has raised its head this week to remind us here in Scotland that the witch hunt against Rangers for alleged financial irregularities all looks rather silly in the light of real crimes that take place in the sporting world.

You have to wonder what kind of punishments would be thrown at a club if one of its officials committed such a crime and the club engaged in a massive cover-up, just like Penn State did.

Actually, no you don’t.

If we have learned anything over the past few weeks, it is that institutions here in the UK engage in cover-ups concerning child molestation all the time.

Funnily enough, one of these institutions has a history of Rangers-hating.

Amazing how these things all link together.

I am all for witch hunts, myself.

It all depends on the target.

After a couple of weeks hearing about Jimmy Saville and other child abusers at the “Beeb,” hearing about a kid abused in a supermarket toilet, reading once more about Jerry Sandusky and agonising along with millions about that poor wee lassie down in Wales, maybe it’s time we all got our priorities right and conducted witch hunts on the things that matter.

But as I said in a previous blog, some people are more obsessed with a football club fiddling the books than they are about kids being molested.

Like the person who sent me the comment about abusing sporting integrity being worse than child abuse.

You wonder – maybe he is so twisted by hate that he has lost any sense of decency.

Or maybe it’s just that he still prizes his Jim’ll Fix It badge.

Scotland’s real shame is that it obsesses with alleged financial indiscretions of its biggest football club, while the cancer of hatred and bigotry grows unabated in the midst – and the revolting crime of child abuse is swept under the carpet time and again.

Thankfully, there are people who want to change this.

let's hope the truth about John Chalmers never comes out eh bears !
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Back in the real world we have laughing stocks like you who think that there is no agenda against our club.

All the evidence presented over the years and you still turn the other cheek like a wet Neville Chamberlain.

All I can say is thank fuck we don't have wet blankets like you in the Armed Forces now.

Big yellow streak is what you have.

I don't think he is declaring that there is no agenda againt our club, just that there is no massive religious conspiracy going on in the background. In a lot of ways I'm inclined to agree with that. There are a lot of Rangers haters out there. It's of little consequence to me their motives for hating us. As the saying goes, haters gotts hate. I'll meet them head on regardless of their motivation.

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