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im not one of those "several people"........ive called you out because your fucking reeking and i make no apologies, the smell of the bheast is strong, hence the reason your often called out

often........ by the same couple of people.


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Tae fuck with anyone that wants to support this shit book, I'm currently wading my way through a history book about Scotland and that's from a 'well respected' universtiy prof. I'll be posting my opinions on that book when I've finished reading it.

Agree, it seems anyone with an ordinary degree thinks it gives them the credibility to write authoritative works on important social issues. Only a Phd and 10-20 years of publishing at a peer reviewed academic level should give that sort of credibility. Papers should explain when a book is written by an amatuer/self taught person as some readers will just assume it's written by a reliable/verifiable authority. Having a social work or law degree (regardless of how many images of books are on your website) does not even qualify someone to write on those subjects in an academic journal never mind on business or the economics of sport.

I have nothing against amatuer writers but imo newspapers should not endorse such books if they are dealing with important or controversialy issues. Too many readers will simply read and believe. It just allows individuals with clear personal agendas to influence thousands and cause unfair damage to the subject. I serously doubt any cfc fan could write an objective book about Rangers and yet a national paper nearly promoted one without even checking the guy out properly. Poor stuff as usual from the Scottish press.

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Don't worry, you've no reason to feel like a fool.

I'm done with explaining myself on here anyway, well at least to chumps like that.

Reasons why I think you are a tim.

1) your refusal to condemn Alex Thomson's sick joke about the John Greig memorial in this thread: http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=237673&st=80

2) Accusing folk on RM of posting personal details of folk on here when in fact, no one ever has. In this thread http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=236966&st=0

3) Your failure to post in a single match thread since you joined the site (except the one where we lost to Inverness).

4) Your next contribution to a football thread was this

If the other team can't break you down and get hit on the break, then that's their business.
http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=241144&st=20 When the OP was talking about our game against Barca being "anti-football" and celtic's being great defending. Why are you're only 2 contributions towards football on this forum are in a thread where we lost 0-3 and a thread about a celtic's greatest win in modern times?? Like I said, not one particular post, it's your posting style that has me wondering about you.

5) Not wanting to boycott Stirling Albion after their director called us all h*** in this thread http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=238576&hl=5

6) Your shenanigans in the poppy thread yesterday also raised concerns.

I can't be arsed looking for any more of your pish, but as far as I'm concerned, you have written nothing ever on this site which makes me think you are a Rangers fan.

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Don't then, I wont lose any sleep over it. Admin will finally wake up to your like. And by the way, I don't have any interest in religion, I don't have political views that are based around my football club, only a moron would. I voted for labour in the last general election. What I do have is a strong feeling for my club and those who try to harm it, something you seem to lack.

Probably as many Rangers fans have been trade unionists as unionists and mostly both. You were not alone at the last election. None of my Rangers supporting mates are tories. The right wing myth about our support is laughable but it often gets used to portray us as some thing of a racist, imperialistic, hooligan mob like neo-nazis. Even the old orange vote of 60+ years ago was more for NI than it was for the conservative party.

Maybe I'm wrong but would hate to think most Rangers fans vote tory or agree with most of it's ideals. Always strikes me as daft to hear about working class tories.

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Probably as many Rangers fans have been trade unionists as unionists and mostly both. You were not alone at the last election. None of my Rangers supporting mates are tories. The right wing myth about our support is laughable but it often gets used to portray us as some thing of a racist, imperialistic, hooligan mob like neo-nazis. Even the old orange vote of 60+ years ago was more for NI than it was for the conservative party.

Maybe I'm wrong but would hate to think most Rangers fans vote tory or agree with most of it's ideals. Always strikes me as daft to hear about working class tories.

Aye, the Rangers/tory myth is exactly that, a myth. I don't know anyone at all that would vote Tory. Almost everyone I know is a Rangers fan.
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Aye, the Rangers/tory myth is exactly that, a myth. I don't know anyone at all that would vote Tory. Almost everyone I know is a Rangers fan.

Agree, I don't know why but in Scotland it seems you can't wave a union flag without being labelled right wing. It the same with the monarchy. People support allsorts of things because most are not mutually exclusive. My granda loved Britain, liked the country having a monarch, loved Rangers even more, and was a shop steward ffs :lol:

Politics is a mixed bag for many for all sorts of reasons.

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Think I knew this already actually.

:huh: Like I say RM politics is so confusing. There are definately more obvious candidates than yourself running round here, in my opinion. I hope you are a Bear coz if you aren't I'll feel like a right fool.




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Probably as many Rangers fans have been trade unionists as unionists and mostly both. You were not alone at the last election. None of my Rangers supporting mates are tories. The right wing myth about our support is laughable but it often gets used to portray us as some thing of a racist, imperialistic, hooligan mob like neo-nazis. Even the old orange vote of 60+ years ago was more for NI than it was for the conservative party.

Maybe I'm wrong but would hate to think most Rangers fans vote tory or agree with most of it's ideals. Always strikes me as daft to hear about working class tories.

Was there not a Tory majority in Glasgow as late as the 50s?

What is wrong with being working class and not believing in a big overbearing state?

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Apologies for not reading all the posts, but if everyone of us picked up a copy of the book, let it slip on supermarket floor and accidentally kick it under a shelf.

I know there are spaces to kick it under because I used to do that with the Celic magazine.

Sad? Yes, but it's easilly done.

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Agree, I don't know why but in Scotland it seems you can't wave a union flag without being labelled right wing. It the same with the monarchy. People support allsorts of things because most are not mutually exclusive. My granda loved Britain, liked the country having a monarch, loved Rangers even more, and was a shop steward ffs :lol:

Politics is a mixed bag for many for all sorts of reasons.

Shop Steward =FOC=Father Of the Chapel....lol

My young bro was one, wind up time on a night out :party:

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"An attack on a journalist is an attack on journalism and, ipso facto, an attack on democracy."

Laughable that he can't see the irony in that statement when he himself supports the IRA, a group who murder people when democracy doesnt go their way.

The simplicity of your quote and it's point says so many things about them.

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Was there not a Tory majority in Glasgow as late as the 50s?

What is wrong with being working class and not believing in a big overbearing state?

Aye that’s what I was meaning with 60 odd years ago, maybe I’m a bit out.

I couldn’t get a dentist the last time I was unemployed and have never been able to get a council house so the state is not that big for me. They don’t tax Tesco enough to give me one :lol:

I'll give you overbearing in terms of trying to tell you what to think and eat but they all do that now. Services and laws like council housing, NHS, employment rights, unemployment benefit, the extension of the vote, more access to higher education, state pension, have all come about through reactions to working class people, either here or abroad, organising and putting pressure on our supposed 'elites'. The conservative party looks mainly after the interests of business and the wealthy. I think that the state should provide services to help or protect poor or disavantaged people from what would otherwise be unregulated capitalism. But you already know all this and don't give a shit, lol

I take it you’re a working class tory? Must have a business or be a right pain of a manager :P

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Reasons why I think you are a tim.

1) your refusal to condemn Alex Thomson's sick joke about the John Greig memorial in this thread: http://forum.rangers...ic=237673&st=80

I stand by it. I'd never heard the term, and neither had a huge proportion of the people on here. I'm not going to get up in arms about something that doesn't offend me at all due to not knowing the term.

2) Accusing folk on RM of posting personal details of folk on here when in fact, no one ever has. In this thread http://forum.rangers...pic=236966&st=0

Once again, explained. There was a linkedin profile, names, numbers, email addresses on that link and a call for people to use them. That's enough for me to be sickened and again, I'll stand by it.

3) Your failure to post in a single match thread since you joined the site (except the one where we lost to Inverness).

I'll continue to post in match threads I attend, but probably not at your insistence. I'm sure your next message would be that I'd changed my style to "infiltrate".

4) Your next contribution to a football thread was this

http://forum.rangers...ic=241144&st=20 When the OP was talking about our game against Barca being "anti-football" and celtic's being great defending. Why are you're only 2 contributions towards football on this forum are in a thread where we lost 0-3 and a thread about a celtic's greatest win in modern times?? Like I said, not one particular post, it's your posting style that has me wondering about you.

Not sure this needs answered.

5) Not wanting to boycott Stirling Albion after their director called us all h*** in this thread http://forum.rangers...pic=238576&hl=5

Yep, I was alone in not boycotting a club who fired the person responsible I believe? Could be wrong though.

6) Your shenanigans in the poppy thread yesterday also raised concerns.

Once again, not the only one and my reasons for that were fully explained.

I can't be arsed looking for any more of your pish, but as far as I'm concerned, you have written nothing ever on this site which makes me think you are a Rangers fan.

I'll end it here, think what you want, that's your prerogative.

The toughest thing on this board is being at all moderate. The whole point of a forum is an exchange of ideas. I'm pretty sure the reason the neg rep button was removed was due to people being punted off the board and discredited as soon as they arrived if they voiced an opinion that some didn't like and I remember several times where the same group of posters actively went out to have people binned.

I'm sure the taigs will have a field day now that you've so helpfully posted the "how to" guide to lasting on RM. Well done.

I'll keep posting, on the threads I want to post on and will select to ignore you from here out.

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Greenslade has previous of course. Writes poison for the Grauniad, is a pal of mcgobble.. is involved in The Bureau for investigative journalism ( the mob who slavishly reproduced Thomson's fantasies in a Times article....and incidently were involved in the BBC programme that falsley accused Lord McAlpine. A wee cabal of Rangers haters who are probably tied into McInally, Thomson,Cosgrove and Speirs....and it looks like they've had some influence in the BBC (who'd have thought it !)

Is the bureau of investigative journalism(hired as freelance by Beeb) not the mob who were involved in the meltdown at the BBC over the Newsnight /Lord McAlpine fiasco caused by their failure to properly check their facts .Apparently they have been thoroughly discredited and their top man has stepped down

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often........ by the same couple of people.


Maybe it's like the raging Homophobe thing.The raging Taig hunters.............what a great cover......

Too many posters on here act like weans when someone has a different opinion .

Most of these people would have stood on Sunday(or Saturday) observing the minutes silence for the fallen who died so as we have the right to express our opinions freely.The price of freedom is not just in blood on battle fields,it's allowing others their opinion,however tasteless or disgusting to us it maybe.

That is where our freedoms become priceless,our right to reply to the like of three names and his ilk.

For the record,I do believe their is an infestation of Tarriers on this board.

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Back to the OP.

Was in tesco this morning and decided to look for this tiolet paper book of Phil Mac Gobbler Bhan.

I couldn't believe it, a guy picked up two coppies of the book and put them in his basket.

Later I saw him at the check out and they gone, vanished into thin air.

Now hypothetically, if every Bear picked up a copy from every shop, dropped it and kicked it under a shelf, the there would be no more books to sell.

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Maybe it's like the raging Homophobe thing.The raging Taig hunters.............what a great cover......

Too many posters on here act like weans when someone has a different opinion .

Most of these people would have stood on Sunday(or Saturday) observing the minutes silence for the fallen who died so as we have the right to express our opinions freely.The price of freedom is not just in blood on battle fields,it's allowing others their opinion,however tasteless or disgusting to us it maybe.

That is where our freedoms become priceless,our right to reply to the like of three names and his ilk.

For the record,I do believe their is an infestation of Tarriers on this board.

It's a double edged sword, you're absolutely right that there must be an infestation. I'm sure it's the same on any forum, regardless of whether it's football or otherwise. It's just human nature.

My issue is with a small group of people constantly hounding those they don't agree with. If someone sets out to get a rise out of them, then fair enough but thread after thread gets lost in the noise of accusation. This one being a prime example. Can't deny I've played my part in that to be fair.

As for the original post, threads like this, which will be lurked on just give his work of fiction more credence and advertisement.

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