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Journalists? don’t be fooled…


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I haven’t been on all weekend, but this morning I have noticed a fair amount of blocks directed at various journalists starting with sentences like “to be fair to Cosgrove…” or “well done Traynor”.

I really think some people should get there head out the sand in respect to this– these guys have been trying to bury us for the last months and simply because we won the BTC and they are backtracking doesn’t change that fact. Are we all so needy that when we see a positive article from Traynor we suddenly think he is on our side?

In our society one of the checks and balances that should be in place against rabid Internet based gossip and blogs such as the RTC blog should be a free and impartial press. They are supposed to be the people who do the actual digging about and get the facts and present them in an impartial manner to the general public.

Every journalist I have read failed utterly in that respect. Not only did they not do their job – they actually jumped on the Internet blogging bandwagon and effectively became a part of the very thing they should loathe. Additionally, sports journalists suddenly became tax experts overnight – or tried anyway - with laughable results.

I don’t know the reasons why they done this – some of them will be cellic supporters, some of them may simply not be very good journalists, some of them may be lazy, a combination of this or another reason all together. Some of these people may start to be issuing backhanded apologies, or trying to turn the whole tax issue into a morality question, (rather than a legal one, which they lost) or have started to write very positive stories about Rangers.

I don’t think for one minute these guys have suddenly seen the light – I think a light has been shone on their profession in the last 9 months and these guys were found utterly wanting and its slowly starting to sink in how shockingly they have behaved.

But I also think the backtracking is a lot more self serving than that. I really believe that MIH lawyers are going to be going after everybody they can who is in any way implicated in any leaked info from HMRC – and once you set lawyers in motion, they won’t stop. I hope the recent case with Lord McAlpine sets a very recent precedence in this respect. Here was a man accused of child abuse because someone on the Internet said so. He has successful settled out of court with the BBC and ITV and his lawyers are going after every twitter account they can find - with some high profile celebrities in the firing line.

So I think that some of these apologies from journalists will be them “getting there digs in first” - before the lawyers come calling, just as some of the positive stories now will be an attempt to try throw MIH lawyers of the scent. However, I really hope that for a lot of these journalists things are going to get a lot worse as the Scottish press failed the general public and failed the Rangers support (who by and large didn’t know the facts either and were themselves desperate for information) - when all they had to do was their jobs.

One of the mantras I have seen in the last 9 months was “never forgive, never forget”. We appear to be half way down the path to ignoring that – and it’s only been a week.

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One of the mantras I have seen in the last 9 months was “never forgive, never forget”. We appear to be half way down the path to ignoring that – and it’s only been a week.

This. We need to remember how we felt over the summer and retain our righteous anger for those responsible.

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I remember how I felt during the summer, and also how I felt when the result of the FTTT was announced. I was furious and filled with hatred at all the clubs and journalist whose actions had sought to harm my club.

But I just don't think carrying around that level of hatred is healthy, my attitude now is basically to ignore as much of the sections of scottish football that attacked us and take no interest in them - I don't watch any SPL games and don't llok out for their results, I don't engage in small talk with SPL fans about their club or even entertain their snidey bitterness towards my club. The whole experience has made me realise quite how much this club means to me, and I just want to put all my efforts into supporting it and ensuring it is successful.

There are plenty people better equiped to carry out the fight against our enemies, and I respect them for that, but it's not for me.

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Good post from the OP except I think he has caused me to start a migraine.

It hit home over the past could of years the amount of people who gave up on reading newspapers due to the biased unchecked stories that were bandied about almost daily.

I hope we as a club and MIH go after every single one who had an agenda against us

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Its the last time I type a post into MS word and then cut and paste. It changed the font for some reason.

Just kidding mate (tu)

There are very few journos in the main stream media that give a fair opinion of us regularly. One decent article every once in a while makes no difference.

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The failing if the press from day 1 was to not engage accounting, legal, tax and insolvency professionals. I can understand why many wouldn't have wished the publicity but some (notably Neil patey) thrived on it.

I don't need a sports journalist to understand EBTs. I do need them to interview someone who does though.

As he OP makes clear the inability to question and think objectively was frightening. This was important to us but it was just football. Experiencing this mania you can see how the masses get swept along into wars by a compliant press.

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Well said mate. No, we should never "forgive and forget".

That's the trouble with society these days, too ready to forget and all about appeasement.

What these Jounalist did was tantamount to attacking my Family, and that, my friends, is completely unacceptable.

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They extend their necks only when safe from being chopped off; this is a valuable lesson in not trusting news organisations, one that I hope that will become firmly ensconced in Rangers culture.

It's a dark time indeed when any journalist is applauded for telling the truth. Hear everything; assume nothing.

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I was walking along the beach and I tripped and fell head-first into a large hole that had been dug in the sand.

My head was, in fact, in the sand.

Is this story allowed on RM? :000000082:

only if you got up quickly.

If you left it buried there for a while, then no.

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Traynor has been writing supportive stuff about us for a good cpl of months. Although, he is the only one.

Cunts like cosgrove etc, are running scared and trying to backtrack

Evidence of that on snyde fm recently where they all seem to be bleating "i never said that", to every factual accusation about their past comments.





Phil the murderer

The failed lawyer

And many more are there for the taking. We should ruin the fuckin lot of them.

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Jim Traynor from todays record....

ANOTHER day another investigation. The broken and fragmented world of Scottish football is to have yet another inquiry.

How many more of these gas-bag sessions must we endure?

Thankfully, though, it isn’t about EBTs. It isn’t even about Rangers, who have already been examined more closely than Kylie Minogue’s bum.

The Ibrox club and their long-suffering supporters have been the butt of so many jokes for such a long time. But it’s their turn to laugh at the self-styled experts who called Rangers’ tax trial so badly wrong.

They are entitled, especially when they hear and read some journos who just can’t bring themselves to accept the verdict.

These writers and commentators continue to point out the First Tier Tax Tribunal ruling wasn’t unanimous, that it was a split verdict.

Yes it was 2-1 in favour of Murray International and Rangers. But it was a clear win and isn’t it strange that the same people didn’t write and talk about Celtic’s recent triumph, a truly fantastic result, over Barcelona as though it was less than a “real” victory because it was only 2-1.

They lauded this win, and rightly so, but with Rangers they just can’t admit they were wrong.

It’s just too unpalatable that their favourite phrase “succulent lamb” should be replaced with “humble pie”.

Perhaps an investigation into their conduct would be useful, you know, just to help them confront and

come to terms with their obvious dislike of Rangers.

But that will have to wait because there is another inquiry starting and believe it or not, this new one won’t be about league reconstruction either. Hallelujah.

Neither is it about Scotland failing to beat Tonga at rugby. Questions really should have been asked about Andy Robinson long before Saturday.

Actually, there was only one question: Why was he allowed to remain in position for so long when it was clear he wasn’t cutting it?

Probably because the SRU are missing exactly the same parts of DNA script as the SFA. That’s the bits containing the instructions for the development of a spine. But if Robinson had been anything like Neil Lennon he would have listened to the supporters, packed his bags and quit long before yesterday.

The Celtic manager has just said that if his club’s fans keep shouting at him or his players and make it clear they want him to go, that’s precisely what he’ll do.

Lennon was speaking after Celtic’s home loss to Inverness on Saturday because he had been annoyed by two or three fans behind the technical area. They weren’t happy with what they were getting from the manager’s team and he wasn’t happy they made their feelings known.

Afterwards he said: “I didn’t like what they were saying about the team. Look, if they’re not happy with what I’m doing with the team I’ll go.”

Please, get a grip Lenny. Man up and stop being so precious.

One moment – Friday, actually – he’s tweeting to members of that schizophrenic mob known as ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ, who don’t know if they’re football fans or political activitists.

They believe Celtic haven’t done enough to support them in their argument with Strathclyde Police – apparently anyone in this brigade shouldn’t be questioned or removed – and boycotted Saturday’s match.

Lennon, through Twitter, had invited them in for a chat to see if he could help. “You should get five of the boys to come and see me and tell me what’s the major issues and what can or can’t be done,” he tweeted.

So, let me get this correct. ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ can actually refuse to support the team and are invited in for a blether but other fans, who don’t want anything to do with this band, aren’t allowed to criticise the team.

Are ǝpɐbıɹq uǝǝɹb ǝɥʇ favoured over the rest? Are they better fans than the others?

It’s quite ridiculous, especially when Lennon himself hasn’t been slow to chip in his own views on various issues, such as reconstruction.

He’s also spoken on Rangers’ tax battle – although not yet on the ruling of the First Tier Tax Tribunal – and he has had his say on all those he claims concentrate only on the negatives.

No one took the huff. It’s part of the game. Supporters pay serious money to watch their teams and are entitled to voice their opinions on standards of play.

But where were we going with this? Oh yes, that other investigation.

This time the SFL have launched a probe into the alarming circumstances which caused police to prevent Elgin City’s match against Rangers from going ahead yesterday.

At least 1200 tickets more than Elgin’s Borough Briggs ground could hold were in circulation and both the SFL and Grampian Police were stunned when they found out about the oversell on Friday.

A club statement said they are working closely with the local authority and the SFL “to establish the full facts in this matter”.

But surely it’s fairly straightforward. Who authorised the printing of extra tickets and why?

The licence was granted for a handful over 4500 so why anyone thought it would be okay to sell extra briefs is beyond comprehension.

Of course it could have been some kind of accident but the league are, I believe, furious and determined to come down hard if it’s found anyone has put profit before public safety.

A League official consults and directs every club before their home matches with Rangers because of the numbers who travel to see Ally McCoist’s team and Elgin won’t be able to fudge this issue.

Heads could roll if there has been negligence, or worse, and it’s my understanding the League want this matter over and done with before this week is out.

The League are embarrassed because they have been positioning themselves to take the lead in the reconstruction debate.

They have tried to present a professional and responsible attitude towards reconstruction, declaring their preference for a merger of themselves with the SPL and three divisions of 16-10-16, but Elgin have just scored in their own net.

And although we might all have had enough of investigations, this one is certainly worth the time and the effort.

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I haven’t been on all weekend, but this morning I have noticed a fair amount of blocks directed at various journalists starting with sentences like “to be fair to Cosgrove…” or “well done Traynor”.

I really think some people should get there head out the sand in respect to this– these guys have been trying to bury us for the last months and simply because we won the BTC and they are backtracking doesn’t change that fact. Are we all so needy that when we see a positive article from Traynor we suddenly think he is on our side?

In our society one of the checks and balances that should be in place against rabid Internet based gossip and blogs such as the RTC blog should be a free and impartial press. They are supposed to be the people who do the actual digging about and get the facts and present them in an impartial manner to the general public.

Every journalist I have read failed utterly in that respect. Not only did they not do their job – they actually jumped on the Internet blogging bandwagon and effectively became a part of the very thing they should loathe. Additionally, sports journalists suddenly became tax experts overnight – or tried anyway - with laughable results.

I don’t know the reasons why they done this – some of them will be cellic supporters, some of them may simply not be very good journalists, some of them may be lazy, a combination of this or another reason all together. Some of these people may start to be issuing backhanded apologies, or trying to turn the whole tax issue into a morality question, (rather than a legal one, which they lost) or have started to write very positive stories about Rangers.

I don’t think for one minute these guys have suddenly seen the light – I think a light has been shone on their profession in the last 9 months and these guys were found utterly wanting and its slowly starting to sink in how shockingly they have behaved.

But I also think the backtracking is a lot more self serving than that. I really believe that MIH lawyers are going to be going after everybody they can who is in any way implicated in any leaked info from HMRC – and once you set lawyers in motion, they won’t stop. I hope the recent case with Lord McAlpine sets a very recent precedence in this respect. Here was a man accused of child abuse because someone on the Internet said so. He has successful settled out of court with the BBC and ITV and his lawyers are going after every twitter account they can find - with some high profile celebrities in the firing line.

So I think that some of these apologies from journalists will be them “getting there digs in first” - before the lawyers come calling, just as some of the positive stories now will be an attempt to try throw MIH lawyers of the scent. However, I really hope that for a lot of these journalists things are going to get a lot worse as the Scottish press failed the general public and failed the Rangers support (who by and large didn’t know the facts either and were themselves desperate for information) - when all they had to do was their jobs.

One of the mantras I have seen in the last 9 months was “never forgive, never forget”. We appear to be half way down the path to ignoring that – and it’s only been a week.

Good post mate .I certainly will never forget ,nor forgive

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