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Tom English

Rangers Lady

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nobody wants to play you, nobody can stand you and as for wanting your money, ffs, we real scots pay for your smack, your jsa, your council jobs and all the nhs costs before you die before your 60th birthday. This post from an Aberdeen forum sums up what most think of "yous"

When will these thick, unemployable,fat, ugly, dead at 55, bigoted anti Scottish, labour voting h un phuckers realize that no-one misses them.

That no-one wants to play them again, unless forced to.

We don't want them in our stadiums, we don't want them in our cities and we don't want them in our country. And if our clubs got any money from their fans it would be a drop in the ocean given how much subsidies the hard working Presbyterian North East gives to these wasters on a daily basis.

Just phuck off to mother England in 2014 and save Scotland a fortune in welfare payments

Should FOCUS come sniffing around this post we will be delighted to assist them with this posters IP address etc :)

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English and Cosgrove are on about us not addmiting to the shame of the past..... i.e. Whyte.

I'll gladly admit to the shame Whyte brought upon our club and I would imagine most bears would.

But I do know of another club that won't.

At least they all admit that we are still Rangers 140 years of history unbroken.

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I'm raging what a Tim fest - definately boycotting this crap, also raging I sent 8 text and none mentioned. First few were reasonable points put across with reasonable debate but the longer the show went on I have to admit maybe the last few were a bit too close to the bone for airing. Fucking hate Tom Irish

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And Derek ferguson sits there and licks everyone's arse

Another reason I switched off. Not the sharpest knife in the cutlery drawer. He said he didn't go to Rangers games as he wasn't really a fan. If I heard correctly. What's that all about?
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Having a shower there with the radio on,and nearly had a seizure listening to BBC Scotlands latest attacks on Rangers through their acolytes Cosgrove and English.It was the biggest hatchet job on Rangers yet.Again they trot out the Richard Gough interview,(are you getting the picture now Goughie?)then have quite pointed attacks on Walter and Charles.Had to switch off before the missus had to call 999.I know I`ll get the "don`t listen" posters,but fellow bears remember this is our National broadcaster.This is the corporation for which we are forced to pay a licence fee! Can`t listen to Clyde, but at least I don`t have to give them any of my hard earned.I hope Mr.Traynor will highlight the complete contempt Radio Scotland has for the tens of thousands of bears who have to keep them in business through this unjust levy called the licence fee.

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Your call is quite clear in their hatred of Ramgers FC.

Our Fans should never ever step in any SPL Stadium again, the Boycott is hurting them and its sticking in their throats.

He called Walter Smith a lier and just slagged Jim Traynor for working for Rangers.

They are horrible cretins quite happy to demise our Club further.

Rhats all oc them.

Well done to little DF they asked him if he would boycott as a fan and he declined to answer .

They tried to set the wee man up but he stood his ground and DF akso commented with due respect that Big Goughie doesnt live in Schotland and doesnt have a full picture of wjat went on.

Honestly its disgusting and these twats need to be taken to task.

We pay for these bigots too.

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They all agree that Rangers are 140 years old and its the same club, same sporting entity and brand. Ok theres a change of ownership/corporate structure but its still the same club at the end of the day.

Yeah, I heard that too. English, Cowan and Derek Ferguson - it's the same Rangers else why are Celtic fans getting so worked up about it? Derek is pro-Rangers but if Cowan and English can say that, the argument is over.

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Another reason I switched off. Not the sharpest knife in the cutlery drawer. He said he didn't go to Rangers games as he wasn't really a fan. If I heard correctly. What's that all about?

Saw Derek Ferguson coming away from Ibrox onto Broomloan road after the Montrose game.

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Another reason I switched off. Not the sharpest knife in the cutlery drawer. He said he didn't go to Rangers games as he wasn't really a fan. If I heard correctly. What's that all about?

Ive heard this also with Dalziel saying he is Motherwell fan and McColl saying he is Partick fan live on radio .Men with guts eh .

With guys like this in the media know wonder they are employed by the rodents running the place

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Having a shower there with the radio on,and nearly had a seizure listening to BBC Scotlands latest attacks on Rangers through their acolytes Cosgrove and English.It was the biggest hatchet job on Rangers yet.Again they trot out the Richard Gough interview,(are you getting the picture now Goughie?)then have quite pointed attacks on Walter and Charles.Had to switch off before the missus had to call 999.I know I`ll get the "don`t listen" posters,but fellow bears remember this is our National broadcaster.This is the corporation for which we are forced to pay a licence fee! Can`t listen to Clyde, but at least I don`t have to give them any of my hard earned.I hope Mr.Traynor will highlight the complete contempt Radio Scotland has for the tens of thousands of bears who have to keep them in business through this unjust levy called the licence fee.

Heard Traynor tonight and although a few days ago i urged bears to give him the benefit of the doubt after tonights final goodbyes i DONT expect Traynor to lay the boot into the Bbc.Infact i would say listening to him fawning over Richard Gordon it made me think have we just committed a very bad move.

Was not convinced he will go on any attacks for us to be totally honest

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English and Cosgrove are on about us not addmiting to the shame of the past..... i.e. Whyte.

I'll gladly admit to the shame Whyte brought upon our club and I would imagine most bears would.

But I do know of another club that won't.

At least they all admit that we are still Rangers 140 years of history unbroken.

I was listening on the way home, english also said he was 99.9% sure we were guilty of the EBT he couldn't believe the verdict. and cosgrove was still saying we are guilt of wrong doings over the last 6 years, then he was asked what wrong doing so he changed his mind and said well last year anyway. Also english dose n't seam to think Traynor will be able to cope at Rangers. i got the felling both of them have realised Rangers with Traynor will fight them all the way. But it was good to here them all saying look stop being stupid, Rangers are the same club as they have always been just because you get new owners you don't get a new club. And i don't know of any fan who wouldn't give whyte a good kicking.

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Was listening to them on my drive home after the game. Switched over to 5 live after after listening to english and co spouting their bile. Funny how they say Scottish football doesn't need Rangers. On the way to the game tuned into Off The Ball and all they talked about was Rangers. Felt sorry for Derek Ferguson he's well out his depth with English. I've come to the conclusion that man is a nasty piece of work. They never mentioned the real reason Traynor left the Record /BBC or what was in his final article. Basically because Traynor exposed them all in that article and stated that his reasons were that he was pissed off / disenchanted with his fellow journalists and could take no more. Re the boycott he slated CG and never mentioned the fact that it was initially the supporters who announced they didn't want tickets and by saying that the club didn't want an allocation CG was merely taking the heat out of the situation with talk of picketing etc. Re his comments on WS. In my opinion they were bordering on libelous. Walter has always carried himself with dignity throughout his career and I've never heard him speak so strongly as he did last week. That tells me that there is much more to this than is being aired in public. Coupled with the fact that Thompson had to stand down from his position on the SPL board just a few days before certainly suggests there's more to it than meets the eye. IMO Tom English will not last on the BBC. The sight of him and Spiers cringing on tv the other night was a joy to behold. Today was a fantastic day, great to see all the old stars, Caldow, Wilson and co. We are indeed the people.

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I was listening on the way home, english also said he was 99.9% sure we were guilty of the EBT he couldn't believe the verdict. and cosgrove was still saying we are guilt of wrong doings over the last 6 years, then he was asked what wrong doing so he changed his mind and said well last year anyway. Also english dose n't seam to think Traynor will be able to cope at Rangers. i got the felling both of them have realised Rangers with Traynor will fight them all the way. But it was good to here them all saying look stop being stupid, Rangers are the same club as they have always been just because you get new owners you don't get a new club. And i don't know of any fan who wouldn't give whyte a good kicking.

That's what got me angry, when they said Rangers (and the fans) won't admit to the shame of the past.

We do, the club does, we wish Whyte had never been born, yes we're ashamed that a cretin was allowed to take over a proud scottish institution and bring disgrace upon it by not paying taxes during his ownership.

They also all agreed that the tims are obsessed by us, ironic really English and Cosgrove are every bit obsessed as them.

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That's what got me angry, when they said Rangers (and the fans) won't admit to the shame of the past.

We do, the club does, we wish Whyte had never been born, yes we're ashamed that a cretin was allowed to take over a proud scottish institution and bring disgrace upon it by not paying taxes during his ownership.

They also all agreed that the tims are obsessed by us, ironic really English and Cosgrove are every bit obsessed as them.

Cosgrove was also saying the two dundee teams are only interested in each other, and the like of Rangers should stop thinking we are the only team that bring big crowds fair enough i think their game tomorrow will be a sell out, but how meany derby's have they had in the last 5 years (i have n't had time to check that fact) but we were bring a huge away support 2-4 times every season. And if they weren't bothered about us why spend that 10 minutes talking about us not taking tickets. And Green turned down tickets saying safety reasons, nothing said about that on the show.

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