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taking sore ones at games


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When Barry bent his free-kick over the wall at Hampden in the Scottish Cup Final against the Dhims!! I managed to somehow trap my leg in the gap between the backrest and the seat. The seat was then stood on in the madness and I yelped with pain with my leg being crushed abduction rupturing. It was still black weeks later!

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The Old Firm game when Mo Edu got the 93rd minute winner!, I was sitting in a seat next to the stairs and jumped around like a lunatic when he scored and ended up tripping and rolling down to the bottom of the staircase and ended up with a big gash above my eye, a burst lip and had bruises all over, but the adrenaline from the goal/game plus alcohol made me refuse medical attention so I could go and get pissed with my mates. I got home around 10pm my maw thought I had been fighting or some shit and drove me to the hospital and I had to get stitches for my eye and I was aching all over when I woke up the next morning it was sore as fuck for like two weeks.

I still have a wee scar above my eye to this day so everytime I look at it I think of that game and just smile so I will never forget that game with a scar there to remind me.

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Playing killie away 1997 I think was sitting with my pappy in our end while my dad and his mate were in the killie end anyway Albertz has a blast from a free kick that smacked my dads mate on the face bursting his nose.

Oh and after the Milan legends game last year was walking back to my mates car after it talking to him and another mate of ours turned round to see where he'd went continued to fall from the curb and badly bruise my ankle. Que two mates pissing themselves laughing at me hobbling around until I showed them the swelling straight after we got into the car.

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I seem to recall Albertz driving a freekick right into the wall, some lad took the brunt of the shot...full force to the balls.

Also remember a Gio shot that went astray, hitting some old guy - causing him to spill bovril down his front.

East Fife in The Scottish Cup years ago, the paper did a thing on the guy afterwards & he was pictured holding a bin lid over his nuts.

Personally up at Pittodrie last day of the season when Walter returned i got whacked on the back of the head with an unravelled tifo roll before the game had started, we all know how our fans wait to do a display properly.

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I've avoided any serious injury at games, however in December 2002 against Celtic Mols put us 3-1 up just before half time. Well obviously we were all going mental and a big hefty fella ran a few rows down the stairs and bear hugged my face right into his big sweaty man diddies.


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The Tam Forsyth Cup Final, the Rangers end at Hampden. Heaving as you can imagine.

I had just had my stitches taken out on the previous Wednesday after an appendectomy. I was 16 and my mum barred me from going to the game but I went anyway, of course. Derek Parlane equalised, we all went mental and somebody elbowed me in the scar. It opened up a bit and some blood and clear liquid came out but I wasn't in much pain. I stuck my t-shirt over it and made my way down the front. By the time I got there the hole had widened so I asked the cops if I could go to the ambulance men. Off I went around the pitch and into what can only be described as a scene from M*A* S*H*. There were a lot of supporters from both sides getting treatment and giving each other pelters. It was brilliant. The doc said he couldn't do much for me and gave me a plaster and told me to go to hospital. I just went and sat on the grass next to the photographers behind the goal at the Rangers end and actually stayed there until the end of the game. Fuck knows why I wasn't kicked out. After the game I went to the Western hospital and got a few more stitches and told my mum I got hurt when the bus I was on slammed his brakes. Not sure if she believed me. What an amazing day and a fantastic 3-2 victory as well.

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As a Bairn our secondary school used to get tickets for Scotland games for the schoolboy enclosure. About half a dozen used to go together, and one particular game was against England in the old Home Championships. Mark McGhee rose to plant a header past Peter Shilton and we were directly in line with the direction of the header so saw it in all its glory. 5 of us went mental. Unfortunately, No.6, a nice English friend of ours, got one of our flag poles right up his nose in the mayhem. It near ripped his nose apart. He was not a pretty sight!

Ah pished myself on the bus going to the footie once. Does that count as a sore one?

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East Fife in The Scottish Cup years ago, the paper did a thing on the guy afterwards & he was pictured holding a bin lid over his nuts.

Personally up at Pittodrie last day of the season when Walter returned i got whacked on the back of the head with an unravelled tifo roll before the game had started, we all know how our fans wait to do a display properly.

Haha that was it! Couldn't remember the team.

The freekick is 55 seconds in

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As a Bairn our secondary school used to get tickets for Scotland games for the schoolboy enclosure. About half a dozen used to go together, and one particular game was against England in the old Home Championships. Mark McGhee rose to plant a header past Peter Shilton and we were directly in line with the direction of the header so saw it in all its glory. 5 of us went mental. Unfortunately, No.6, a nice English friend of ours, got one of our flag poles right up his nose in the mayhem. It near ripped his nose apart. He was not a pretty sight!

Ah pished myself on the bus going to the footie once. Does that count as a sore one?

aye pishing yourself counts

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It was 3-0 to Kilmarnock at Ibrox at the end of the advocaat era and that arsehole robotham was refereeing. I was fuckin ragin as I walked out the stadium and decided to kick fuck out of a police cone that was in my road. Only problem was as I ran up to give it a good kickin I didn't know it was full of sand. To howls of laughter of me in fuckin agony I had to make my way to a&e to sort out the 2 fractured toes on my right foot. Absolute shite night

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after a great day on saturday i came home with a few cans, booted her thru the room to watch the x factor, the got the rangers dvd's on.

when seeing big konterman scoring against they cunts again reminded me i fell about four rows down when that happened.

burst nose but worth it.

so have any you guys/girls taken a dull one during a game when the bears have put one away?

You missed X factor, you aff yer nut ?

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When I was a kid, many years ago i was sitting on a crash barrier - anyway I fell off and was laying on the steps. When i opened my eyes there was a guy leaning over me, dressed in all white. White suit, shirt, tie, he even had white shoes. But it was the days of randall and hopkirk - and i'd thought i'd died and was in heaven.

Suppose i was a bit, well being at Ibrox.

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It was 3-0 to Kilmarnock at Ibrox at the end of the advocaat era and that arsehole robotham was refereeing. I was fuckin ragin as I walked out the stadium and decided to kick fuck out of a police cone that was in my road. Only problem was as I ran up to give it a good kickin I didn't know it was full of sand. To howls of laughter of me in fuckin agony I had to make my way to a&e to sort out the 2 fractured toes on my right foot. Absolute shite night

Was pissin down that day as well.

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seen something like this a few year back was sitting in the club deck watching the warm up, some of the players where hitting shots when davie robertson hits one way wide just as this guys walking down the stairs with a try of food and juice

the ball hits the steps couple down from the guy but the ball bounces up smashes the bottom of the try pie's and juice up in the air! about 6 players hit the deck pishing themselfs, robertson just put a hand up!

Slightly OT but involving Davie Robertson again.

New Year's Eve game at Fir Park.

Davie hammers a clearance from the edge of the box at the Rangers end.

Hits one of the St Andrews Ambulance men flush in the face & knocks him clean off his stool!

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When Albertz scored a penalty against them at the back end of 99 my mate was driving us down to Tweedsmuir for a wedding in a big bastard of a landrover. The type with just benches rather than seats in the back. We skidded on black ice, hit a sign post and turned over. Just onto our side rather than a full revolution.

The only major casualty was my gameboy.

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I remember going to bolton to watch them play man utd a few years back, was in the bolton end and a guy a few seats along caught a shot by nani when the players were warming up and started shouting abuse at him, I saw nani looking at him and the next time nani was up for a shot he hit the same guy clean on the back of the head as he was turned round talking to his mate, he hit the deck, you could tell nani meant it but only 1 in 100 would he off actually of hit the guy, such a lucky shot but so funny

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