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Glasgow Rangers 140th Anniversary Home Shirt -Ebay


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I have noticed quite a few ebay listings for the 140th Anniversary Home Shirt, Plus Programme £89.99 - Buy It Now Price.

I Personally cannot wait for the club to place a small amount of them online, simply so i do not need to pay that kind of figure just for the top which is madness.


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Those are not my listings, just pointing out that somepeople are trying to cash-in.

Even when the club has announced that more will be sold in the club shop and even online mid-week.

Some people are chancers! ;)

Not saying it's you, just talking about the fact people are doing it.

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When exactly are the club making these available for purchase online? Do we know yet? I'm assuming there will only be a very limited amount up for grabs and i'd really love to get my hands on one.

@RangersStore - Said they should be online from midweek.

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Why would you buy that yhen sell it so soon?


I would love that top.

I would hazard a guess that the people who bought these are possibly not actual Rangers fans, but cunts who think Rangers fans will pay that money to get one when they thought only 500 would be sold all up.

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