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RST live question and answers at 7pm


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hi, Has there been many people in the last few days buy into the RST scheme

We are sitting at just over £90,000 of investment from just under 700 members. This has all been in the last 48 hours. It is a very fluid situation and the numbers are rising well

£7k in membership fees for "administration"

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You have to wait until 3 years have passed before you can get your money out.

Monies are held in escrow with our solicitors Cobbetts LLP. We can't guarantee you will get your money immediately if you need to withdraw in the first 3 years. Please do not invest if you can't leave it for at least 3 years. There is no deadline. Monies will be refunded if the scheme is unsuccessful.

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From the minute the RST scheme was announced, I didn't have any belief in it. On one hand, it's obvious nobody will be getting a personal holding in the Club except the Trust & Dingwall, and you are paying money to the RST to fund THEIR holding, it has something that's never interested me.

If I had £500 to throw at Rangers, I would. I have £125 to throw away, but it won't be thrown in the direction of the RST. It will be going towards a half ST, thus money going to the Club.

Just my opinion. It's a shame the RST have managed to manouvre themselves into this position, despite their earlier actions towards Green & co.

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