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We shall know them by their deeds...


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Two events caught my eye on the internet cyber world over the weekend.

The first was considerable excitement on some Rangers forums that a Scottish newspaper intended to print a recording of a high ranked football official alluding to "burying Rangers”.

The second notable occurrence was a blog by Ms Angela Haggerty, editor of Phil - The Failed Journalist's book - Downfall. Ms Haggerty as some of you may remember was particularly angry and outspoken when the Sun newspaper decided against serializing the aforementioned book, suggesting it's author was "tarred with a sectarian brush". This is how the Scotsman newspaper reviewed the book recently.....

The sirens started to sound at the first of several references to Rangers supporters as “the Ibrox klan”. The author makes no attempt to disguise his hatred for Rangers, stating at one stage “please let this football club die”. And yet he yearns to be taken seriously as a journalist, repeatedly complaining that no-one from the mainstream media ever calls him. As the tale unravels, - The Failed Journalist starts to disappear up his own rear, declaring: “I am aware of my own contribution and I rather like the guy I see in the shaving mirror every morning.” These are two classic mistakes: believing you are the story, and wanting a story to be true. When it’s not.

Ms Haggerty of course has been a guest on disgraced lawyer Paul McConville's blog Random Thoughts on Scots Law. For those thinking of visiting this shamed lawyers blog let me give you some advice to help you navigate his blog. Rangers, who have managed to generate over 600 "random thoughts" for Mr McConville, are not some mass murderer whose release, on compassionate grounds proved the catalyst for both political and legal arguments. You will find a person fitting that criteria under A for Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrah. Surprisingly this had only managed to generate 1 random thought for Mr McConville. Funny that.

Of course McConnvile himself is no stranger to being a guest on the blog of others having featured on the Scotzine website recently.

Oh what a wicked Web we weave.

Surprisingly there is a connection between those excited Rangers fans I referred to on the opening paragraph and Ms Haggerty's latest blog offering. The connection is in the word “injustice” which Ms Haggerty uses almost as frequently as she uses the word Sevco.

Do we as Rangers fans really have to hear on tape that some on the upper echelons of our footballing hierarchy wanted Rangers dead and buried ? Do their actions not speaker speak louder than any words, recorded or otherwise ?

Have we forgotten that the footballing authority in this country abandoned the fundamental principle of justice, that you are innocent until proven guilty, as they sought to deal with our club ?

That their solution of a five way agreement was a presumption of guilt which they tried to blackmail our club into accepting ?

That a host of football chairmen from the SFL were publicly commenting that the football authorities in this country were bullying, threatening and intimidating them to pursue a course of action with regard to our club ran contrary to natural justice ?

That the government agency investigating Rangers alleged tax discrepancies was leaking confidential information to a number of unknown persons who used that information to manipulate and per-meditate public and media perception with regard to the outcome of this case.

Having failed to stem the leaks, that same government agency failed to involve the Police in the search to attempt to identify those responsible, such leaks of course represented a Breach of the Official Secrets Act, The more cynical amongst us have even suggested that HMRC were less than thorough and professional in their actions, as the consequence of such leaks, despite their criminal nature, suited their purpose.

So no, I don't need to hear a recording to know that some within the echelons of our footballing authorities did everything within their power to see our club dead and buried.

But of course none of the injustices aforementioned are cited on Ms Haggerty's latest blog.

Still.... perhaps her next job will be to edit the Oxford Dictionary, that will give her the perfect opportunity to look up the definition of “injustice”.

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An excellent and erudite article from D'Artagnan highlighting the shallow existence of people who hide behind Social Media or the anonymity of the Internet to peddle their own brands poison of the vilest kind.

I find it astonishing that anybody takes anything these people say seriously; in the case of Ms Haggerty she lists the following qualifications “qualified with an HND in Practical Journalism and a Diploma in Journalism from the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ)”, hardly an honours degree from one of the recognised seats of learning.

So in all honesty I would doubt she is equipped with the skills to produce anything of note, ergo a lack of original content and the constant jumping on any current bandwagon going to stay in the public domain and feed the insecurities therein. In my opinion we simply laugh at the lack of talent on display and ignore/unfollow as appropriate, like a bad smell it will soon disappear.

To give to an insight in to the small amoebic world of Ms Haggerty, here is brief Twitter snapshot of the Haggerty world and my reply, make of it what you will.

Angela Haggerty@AngelaHaggerty

Father's copy of #RFCDownfall arrived in the post today, that'll be me daughter of the year now. There should be a Daughters Day...

21 Sep

@AngelaHaggerty how sad u would even Tweet that, my god, children dying in the street, global poverty & that's made U a star #retards

11:02 PM - 21 Sep 12 ·Embed this Tweet

In the case of Phil McGillivan or as he likes to be known Phil - The Failed Journalist, he’s guilty of something no matter what he says, nobody ups sticks virtually instantly and changes their name without a reason, I’m not into guessing, but Phil knows why don’t you Phil? In life there is one golden rule that always comes true “what goes around, comes around”, so don’t get a crick in your neck from looking over your shoulder fella.

Like before don't feed this guys ego, educate people on his past and his desire to go back to the horrors of the past, he'll soon be ostracised by all.

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Do we as Rangers fans really have to hear on tape that some on the upper echelons of our footballing hierarchy wanted Rangers dead and buried ? Do their actions not speaker speak louder than any words, recorded or otherwise ?

Excellent stuff op

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We dont need to hear the tapes as we have known for along time but the rest of the footballing world does need to hear the tapes, then maybe they can start to put the last 12 months into context and see the sham 'sporting integrity' for what it really is, unbridled hate and envy of the worlds most successful football club.

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