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A Change is Gonna Come


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Agree with most of that.

I enjoyed the different perspective of another bear in the blog. I don't agree with bits, but I can totally see the rationale. We ended up with club issues because of wankers trying to Fuck us over, and then it went on an on worse than those old ariston adverts. I also get that, "wonder what's gonna happen next ffs" moments. But we know that those moments happen when something gets to you, under your skin. You just know something else is gonna crap on your day and you try and look to see what it is. that's not a good route if its not based on real lines of connection cos none of us know what's next. Fuck, that sounds like a helpline!

But you know what I mean.

Mr Green has been good so far. Things go wrong every day in life, and they always will. But, for me, at present. I want a clean ship and more efficient club. I don't know what was wrong and why everyone was sacked or left. But I'm not hearing many REAL news reports of valid claims against the club. So its better than it used to be ;)

Keep at it Mr Green I say. Until it proves to be an issue, then I'd expect him to want to leave in reality.


The fact is that whatever happens some people will not be happy, if we act then we are open to the accusations of ruthlessness and power games however do nothing and others complain that we have no direction or plan and that skullduggery may be afoot. Charles and the board have got most things right so far and i think Charles outspoken nature hides a very clever and decisive man who plays up his gruff Yorkshireman persona partly as the support appreciate somebody standing up for us but also because i think he loves the limelight being the CEO at Rangers gives him and he likes to rub the mhedia up the wrong way, all good things for us as no longer are we the soft touch Murray made us. All in all thinking of the other potential Rangers owners (TBK, Bill Miller, Bill Ng, Brian Kennedy) I think we landed on our feet with Charles Green and Co.

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The fact is that whatever happens some people will not be happy, if we act then we are open to the accusations of ruthlessness and power games however do nothing and others complain that we have no direction or plan and that skullduggery may be afoot. Charles and the board have got most things right so far and i think Charles outspoken nature hides a very clever and decisive man who plays up his gruff Yorkshireman persona partly as the support appreciate somebody standing up for us but also because i think he loves the limelight being the CEO at Rangers gives him and he likes to rub the mhedia up the wrong way, all good things for us as no longer are we the soft touch Murray made us. All in all thinking of the other potential Rangers owners (TBK, Bill Miller, Bill Ng, Brian Kennedy) I think we landed on our feet with Charles Green and Co.

Lmao. Your post quoting mine makes it look like I agreed with all the blog... When I was quoting you to start with.

I think along very similar lines as to my take on what effect Rangers has had on our CEO. I don't think its a job you switch off with after 5 bells. He was a successful businessman before he stepped up to the plate. But he said himself he was enroute to retirement in France when this came up. He will leave wealthier no doubt, but we look like well be in a hugely better position financially and structurally when he goes.

Until I see something which fundamentally changes that opinion, he has my support and backing. I actually enjoy almost all of his soundbites. Some of which you can literally hear him fucking off the media and others, which are claimed to be so shocking or playing to whoever. I'm not shocked mostly, I'm shocked its not said more regularly and by more people. Truth hurts when you're a cock, and he has offended some massive hard ons in the Scottish game.


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Green did say Rangers will have to trim the wage bill to 30% of turnover so things will have to change, also think he wants to bring some of his own people into the backroom staff which happens a lot when new people take over football clubs.

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I'm with Charles. Get rid of the dead wood, the under achievers and those who are not likewise minded with his vision. In the big bad business world out there, that's how it has to be. As for the sandancer, sorry but caught bank o' rights, so take your punishmement m8 and BTW a major bonus for us. NEVER rated this guy and whomever gave him a big money 4 year contract is incompetent. Taxy for Ally.

We have the opportunity for a fresh start, so let's make the most of it, building a strong team with a style of play that will leave others in our wake.

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The staff that have left or been sacked look to be in the area where that mathers fella would operate. He ploughed a million pounds in and with RFC track record of keeping players fit and unearthing talent from home or abroad, I think its safe to say he will have a big say on all 3.

We never gave leguen enough time and we should give charles the time to make these changes for our long term benefit.

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Sorry Gaz....normally enjoy reading your stuff but all this is amounts to is a speculation based critisim of Charles green! Many of the questions you pose are the same the many detractors in the media and the obsessed across the city are salivating over to destabilise and scrutinise our progress....was it nesecarily for you to add to that?

Fact is green is a businessman and he seems to be quite ruthless in getting our running costs, output in order and I am delighted by that! For too long we have overpaid mediocracy and gave jobs based on the face fitting as opposed to the contribution of the individual! For too long we have been ran in a haphazard fashion and we need someone to make unpopular and ruthless decisions to make us a sustainable and eventually a profitable business!

Green said many months ago that he wanted the right men in to support ally and this seems to be the start of that process! I have more trust in green sorting our club out that I do ally sorting the team out because he will not be afraid to take risks and plan long term and we need that!

Everything he has done over the last few weeks is exactly what I would have done with the exception of the Alexander situation which could have been handled better albeit Neil exasperated it all by selling his story to a tabloid which doesn't sit right with me!

Once again gaz I like the majority of your stuff and of course you are entitled to hold a different opinion to me and everyone else but I just feel you are providing more ammo for those looking for an excuse to berate us and undermine what we are trying to achieve!

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You state- " There is a fine line between widespread change and cuts for the necessity of the club – should and will the fans be made aware of which of the two lies ahead? "

Yet these two strategies can be applied at the same time and given our circumstances require to be applied at the same time.

For the business plan to work the key is maximising ticket sales and attracting media interest. This is primarily achieved by delivering entertaining and winning football, whilst operating within income streams and not debts.

For a while we were proud of the fact we could outspend our opposition. I would love to see the day Rangers win titles without spending disproportionate amounts of cash to win those titles. That is how we got into this position in the first place. So yes I will support Green as he cuts costs and makes changes to a set up which so far shows little evidence of developing our own home grown talent. I will also support Ally McCoist as he tries to turn the footballing side around in challenging circumstances.

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Like many Bears I was cautious at first but Mr. Green has played a blinder so far. Keeping his promises, making tough calls but keeping the club the priority.

Club? More the investors, we will know soon about Charlie's plans, the SPL/SFL vote on reconstruction will have to be addressed where we are playing next year! Charles wants our wage bill down to 5m and Ally wants 10 players, something's got to give, we can't keep losing 1m a month, it's not sustainable and sure not the business plan for next season. He wants to raise the ST price, but can't if we are playing in the league of 18 next year. I don't think we will see Charlie here for CL music, IMO next season will be his last.

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Sorry Gaz....normally enjoy reading your stuff but all this is amounts to is a speculation based critisim of Charles green! Many of the questions you pose are the same the many detractors in the media and the obsessed across the city are salivating over to destabilise and scrutinise our progress....was it nesecarily for you to add to that?

Fact is green is a businessman and he seems to be quite ruthless in getting our running costs, output in order and I am delighted by that! For too long we have overpaid mediocracy and gave jobs based on the face fitting as opposed to the contribution of the individual! For too long we have been ran in a haphazard fashion and we need someone to make unpopular and ruthless decisions to make us a sustainable and eventually a profitable business!

Green said many months ago that he wanted the right men in to support ally and this seems to be the start of that process! I have more trust in green sorting our club out that I do ally sorting the team out because he will not be afraid to take risks and plan long term and we need that!

Everything he has done over the last few weeks is exactly what I would have done with the exception of the Alexander situation which could have been handled better albeit Neil exasperated it all by selling his story to a tabloid which doesn't sit right with me!

Once again gaz I like the majority of your stuff and of course you are entitled to hold a different opinion to me and everyone else but I just feel you are providing more ammo for those looking for an excuse to berate us and undermine what we are trying to achieve!

have you got any evidence what so ever that Neil Alexander took cash for his interview as that's twice now I have seen you peddling that - and I wonder why?

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Green had to rely on advice from the people already at the club in the beginning,he is starting to see things with more clarity and can see a jobs for the boys culture coupled with gross ineptitude and is starting to wield the knife accordingly. I for one am delighted he has started the process as I have never in my 47 years following the club witnessed such a poor excuse for a coaching staff,coupled with a manager who has become expert at excuse making and deflecting accountability I can't wait for a manager who will get the maximum from the players we have who will know a player when he sees one and has his own ideas on how the game should be played. But that's just my opinion.

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Club? More the investors, we will know soon about Charlie's plans, the SPL/SFL vote on reconstruction will have to be addressed where we are playing next year! Charles wants our wage bill down to 5m and Ally wants 10 players, something's got to give, we can't keep losing 1m a month, it's not sustainable and sure not the business plan for next season. He wants to raise the ST price, but can't if we are playing in the league of 18 next year. I don't think we will see Charlie here for CL music, IMO next season will be his last.

You may be right mate but im happy weve got a strong holding company to run the club. Canny wait to hear the Champions League music again!

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The way I look at things is at the time of Green coming in, not too much could be fiddled with so close to a new season, he has had time to assess and take stock of what needs to be done, with the title now won, he has the time to make the changes and put in place the structure for next year, no point in waiting get it done.

Yes he is here to make money, but he has to structure for success to ensure a good return.

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I'm distressed that an R & B classic by the greatest voice of the 20th century is being besmirched by association with this ill informed, scare mongering article by some self important blogger.

Look at you with the big words

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What you think he have it for free?

Yes! See I trust people (trust but verify) and if someone like Neil - not really known for his outspoken views or media presense says he is trying to get his ppoint of view across I believe that and not that he has some monetary motive - whereas you seem to find the worst in people and love to have unsubstantiated digs - like the cheap shots you have thrown at Neil Alexander getting paid for his interview - based on NOTHING!

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I'm distressed that an R & B classic by the greatest voice of the 20th century is being besmirched by association with this ill informed, scare mongering article by some self important blogger.

Its ok its just more blowing in the wind!

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Green had to rely on advice from the people already at the club in the beginning,he is starting to see things with more clarity and can see a jobs for the boys culture coupled with gross ineptitude and is starting to wield the knife accordingly. I for one am delighted he has started the process as I have never in my 47 years following the club witnessed such a poor excuse for a coaching staff,coupled with a manager who has become expert at excuse making and deflecting accountability I can't wait for a manager who will get the maximum from the players we have who will know a player when he sees one and has his own ideas on how the game should be played. But that's just my opinion.

unlucky for you he ain't changing manager
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