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RST Statement


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A small group of zealots chased the Damn Yank whose radical ideas could never work. Ignore the fact CG effectively followed the Miller blueprint to get us where we are today. But in the middle of delicate negotiations, to save the club, these fannies were out with their wee Yank Go Home banners. Home he went.

Now they are hounding Green -- I suspect they may even be responsible for some of the 'media speculation'.

Guess the wee clique of, around 1500 supporters, will not be happy till the fat controller moves from selling t-shirts to having his lard-arse on a boardroom seat.

Perhaps it's time for a Official Rangers FC press release about the trust?

Charles Green is far from perfect. He makes mistakes and will continue to do so. Perhaps someone needs to rein him in a wee bit. But at the end of the day he stepped up and played while others were making financial claims they could not or would not back up.

The RST does not speak for me nor given their numbers do they speak for the majority of Rangers fans. Charles Green represents RFC and he will receive my support through my continued support of RFC.

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Lets look at these claims.

You members hold nothing unless their names are on the register of shareholders, if it is in the name of RST then who ever controls RST controls the shareholder vote and takes any dividend that accrues.

I can offer better give me your money and I will speak for you and give you the dividend when it is paid.

Next point, RST is not my supporters trust. They speak for themselves and appear to ban those who do not agree with them. Also the RST is a money making entity, making it's money from Rangers supporters, but who is getting paid from this money or claiming expenses? The RST talk about openness and transparently, so, be clear, who withdraws money out of the RST?

I agree that it is better to own the share yourself, that's what I did during the IPO. Some could not afford the min 500 pounds so it was a way for them to help the club.

Who's making money from Trust members? I see no evidence of Trust board members claiming excessive expenses etc. if you have proof of wrong doing please give facts.

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so we have a fans group outside Ibrox trying to get members and no doubt slagging of the CEO to get these members.

had a quick look at twitter and see they have a member on every forum to peddle their views, sounds desperate.

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I agree that it is better to own the share yourself, that's what I did during the IPO. Some could not afford the min 500 pounds so it was a way for them to help the club.

Who's making money from Trust members? I see no evidence of Trust board members claiming excessive expenses etc. if you have proof of wrong doing please give facts.

someone had an interest free loan for 18 months re something to do with booking a table for dinner dance...........is this just a rumour doing the rounds?

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excessive expenses etc. if you have proof of wrong doing please give facts.

1. define excessive- how much is being taken out and by whom, it is a simple question.

2. The RST can jump up and down about openess; then show it your self,

3.I did not claim wrong doing you are making assumptions on my behalf.

4.Why are you coming to another forum to hock membership of your site and fan group?

5. Are RST trying to get their man on the board of Rangers?

6. why do you think the RST is not trusted here?

7. Lets say you have 1000 members paying £10 each= £10,000. Where is this money going?

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From Bill NG to Bill Miller, from go Home Yank Banners to Mike Ashley F Off Banners .

I am sick of this RST thinking they speak for me .They never will and never have done so, they have caused so much Trouble inside our Club from a Tiny Minority too .

I don't Trust the Trust as they are self serving and not Inclusive to all.

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1. define excessive- how much is being taken out and by whom, it is a simple question.

2. The RST can jump up and down about openess; then show it your self,

3.I did not claim wrong doing you are making assumptions on my behalf.

4.Why are you coming to another forum to hock membership of your site and fan group?

5. Are RST trying to get their man on the board of Rangers?

6. why do you think the RST is not trusted here?

7. Lets say you have 1000 members paying £10 each= £10,000. Where is this money going?

Properly verified accounts where presented at the agm, I'm no accountant but seemed to be ok to me and others in attendance.

The RST would like a "fan" on the board yes, that's what their very existence is about. That should not be a surprise to anyone.

I did not come on here from another forum to "hock" members. The reason I'm on RM is that I'm banned from FF, my username on FF was bearger2004.

If you were not implying any financial wrongdoings by the Trust board that's fine and I apologise if I offended you.

The Trust are not trusted by certain posters on here who have personal grudges with MD and others.

The statement put out by the Trust is in no way anti CG, it says that the two issues should be dealt with correctly I.e. the board and the law courts. If the Trust was anti CG why does he and two other directors have regular contact with it?

Forgot to say that the Trust and MD have stated that he would not be their candidate for the club board in the event of a fan being voted on.

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Properly verified accounts where presented at the agm, I'm no accountant but seemed to be ok to me and others in attendance.

The RST would like a "fan" on the board yes, that's what their very existence is about. That should not be a surprise to anyone.

I did not come on here from another forum to "hock" members. The reason I'm on RM is that I'm banned from FF, my username on FF was bearger2004.

If you were not implying any financial wrongdoings by the Trust board that's fine and I apologise if I offended you.

The Trust are not trusted by certain posters on here who have personal grudges with MD and others.

The statement put out by the Trust is in no way anti CG, it says that the two issues should be dealt with correctly I.e. the board and the law courts. If the Trust was anti CG why does he and two other directors have regular contact with it?

Truthful answer to this please...............how many others?

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Properly verified accounts where presented at the agm, I'm no accountant but seemed to be ok to me and others in attendance.

The RST would like a "fan" on the board yes, that's what their very existence is about. That should not be a surprise to anyone.

I did not come on here from another forum to "hock" members. The reason I'm on RM is that I'm banned from FF, my username on FF was bearger2004.

If you were not implying any financial wrongdoings by the Trust board that's fine and I apologise if I offended you.

The Trust are not trusted by certain posters on here who have personal grudges with MD and others.

The statement put out by the Trust is in no way anti CG, it says that the two issues should be dealt with correctly I.e. the board and the law courts. If the Trust was anti CG why does he and two other directors have regular contact with it?

why did you ban yourself......I notice you don't have the name of the other two(that sounds if there's a third) in regular contact with the all powerful.

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Truthful answer to this please...............how many others?

No idea is my truthful answer. But the vitriol against the Trust would leave me to believe its more than MD. e.g. The "trust less Trust" . That would leave people thinking its more than one guy.

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Have the RST acted and cancelled Greens membership yet ?

So much for actions etc

Rangers Self-interest Trust if you ask me.

They've been simmering since Green triumphed over the skinto Knights when they tried to buy the club on the cheap. TBK's promises of fan power (ie the RST gets a say) put them in their pocket since day one and they've been there ever since.

That lot are worse than the tims.

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1. define excessive- how much is being taken out and by whom, it is a simple question.

2. The RST can jump up and down about openess; then show it your self,

3.I did not claim wrong doing you are making assumptions on my behalf.

4.Why are you coming to another forum to hock membership of your site and fan group?

5. Are RST trying to get their man on the board of Rangers?

6. why do you think the RST is not trusted here?

7. Lets say you have 1000 members paying £10 each= £10,000. Where is this money going?

Bearger can you answer points 1 and 7. Please expand on point 5- what is the RST agenda for the “fan” on the board of Ranger FC and will he be the mouth piece for those in control of RST?

By the way you did not offend me in any way mate.

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From Bill NG to Bill Miller, from go Home Yank Banners to Mike Ashley F Off Banners .

I am sick of this RST thinking they speak for me .They never will and never have done so, they have caused so much Trouble inside our Club from a Tiny Minority too .

I don't Trust the Trust as they are self serving and not Inclusive to all.

Don't know whether you are just making things up or have been misinformed. The RST had nothing to do with the Bill Miller banners, that was Andy Smillie who organise that. You should have a word with him.

Anyway off to the game, no doubt more untruths and smears will be posted before I'm home.

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Bearger can you answer points 1 and 7. Please expand on point 5- what is the RST agenda for the “fan” on the board of Ranger FC and will he be the mouth piece for those in control of RST?

By the way you did not offend me in any way mate.

Board members take no money out for their time etc. if they buy stamps for example they are reimbursed thru receipts etc. the treasurer is a chartered accountant very much doubt she would put her livelihood in jeopardy by doing anything dodgy.

Re the Trust policies, why not have a look at their website.

Definitely leaving for game now.

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