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If you don't renew! Never come back !


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Firstly, I don't intend to be depressing, just covering the angles! Debate is good. For every one of me, there is a 'great, no-one will mess with these guys!' Advocate which equally does my head in!

I just want to see the club run correctly. I'm not overly fussed if its a guy with a bit of a dodgy past as long as he has good intentions, although links to drug dealing is pushing it! I want the club run in a modern professional manner with sound business decisions and low risk exposure.

I don't mind these guys holding a small share, as long as they don't get to a position of power where they will either deliberately con us, or get caught in an external scandal, harming our club by association.

Any actual links?

And why do you assume these guys don't have good intentions? I'm not saying they do, just pointing out, you seem to be very decided on this.

The problem becomes that everyone has skeletons, literally everyone. They'll always get found out now because us fans are utterly paranoid. How many folk do we go through before we decide that a person is trustworthy?

I entirely agree that ideally everyone would hold a small share, but I don't see what you can do if Green decides to sell to these guys? Anything at all? Even if you don't buy season tickets, that isn't going to change Green's mind

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Why not? I'm a convicted crinimal and I've turned over a new leaf lol (pats himself on back) maybe I'm to trusting but the guys bought shares and time will tell. In the mean time let's just support the team.

Fair play mate, didn't intend to suggest folk can't change, so much respect to you.

I'm just twitchy because of the type of offence and exactly how even by association it can be used to harm the club.

I just yearn for a boring corporate existence for our club, with the discussion points being on the park. I just don't have the trust to allow myself to back these guys to get control.

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Fair play mate, didn't intend to suggest folk can't change, so much respect to you.

I'm just twitchy because of the type of offence and exactly how even by association it can be used to harm the club.

I just yearn for a boring corporate existence for our club, with the discussion points being on the park. I just don't have the trust to allow myself to back these guys to get control.

Agree with this entirely. Your stance has been a lot harder for most of the night though!

None of us 'trust' them, nobody would be that naive

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Fair play mate, didn't intend to suggest folk can't change, so much respect to you.

I'm just twitchy because of the type of offence and exactly how even by association it can be used to harm the club.

I just yearn for a boring corporate existence for our club, with the discussion points being on the park. I just don't have the trust to allow myself to back these guys to get control.

Fanx mate, I know what you mean by trust. After all it was broken before. I just think we're pretty much powerless, well maybe not but if we use to much fan power against against major share holders we could cause more harm. But I do see your points and I too yearn for the good times.

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Any actual links?

And why do you assume these guys don't have good intentions? I'm not saying they do, just pointing out, you seem to be very decided on this.

The problem becomes that everyone has skeletons, literally everyone. They'll always get found out now because us fans are utterly paranoid. How many folk do we go through before we decide that a person is trustworthy?

I entirely agree that ideally everyone would hold a small share, but I don't see what you can do if Green decides to sell to these guys? Anything at all? Even if you don't buy season tickets, that isn't going to change Green's mind

They might have good intentions, but if you were to be honest, you would not list the speculation with involvement with criminal gangs, however true, and the criminal past as positive signs. How were we to know Whyte had bad intentions? Sometimes you have to look at the history and make a call. In my mind, these guys are a risk. A risk we can't afford to take. Right now we don't depend on them for survival, so should do all we can to avoid them taking control.

I agree everyone has metaphorical skeletons, these guys might have the real fucking thing though! How many folk do we go through? I propose 3 rules. No tax evaders, no asset strippers and no tims!

Of course it's an open market, nothing can stop these guys buying, but we should discourage rather than encourage them from trying to remove the more boring institutional investors by buying them out. As long as they retain only a small amount, I'm not particularly bothered though.

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Agree with this entirely. Your stance has been a lot harder for most of the night though!

None of us 'trust' them, nobody would be that naive

The difference In our stance or trust is more on severity.

I'm not willing to give them a chance as I think it's too big a risk. I don't know if we let them in, could we get them out?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you are saying you would not be particularly thrilled but would be against action to dissuade them from bidding. Such as the threat of withholding tickets. It could work too. The guys could be honest reformed characters who could be great for us.

I just fear that my stereotypical view would be more likely.

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The difference In our stance or trust is more on severity.

I'm not willing to give them a chance as I think it's too big a risk. I don't know if we let them in, could we get them out?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think you are saying you would not be particularly thrilled but would be against action to dissuade them from bidding. Such as the threat of withholding tickets. It could work too. The guys could be honest reformed characters who could be great for us.

I just fear that my stereotypical view would be more likely.

Frankly my mind is basically switched off now. Too late for me! Not against action to stop these guys investing per se, and certainly not overly enamoured by former criminals getting more control of our club.

Simply wondering where it ends. While not rallying this accusation at you, think there are some so scarred by Whyte's reign that they refuse point blank to trust anyone regardless of their actions. Green, the prime example. Not perfect for us, by a long shot. Said some stupid shit and gets inky fluffed up a lot of things. But visibly worked hard for us and did so much. Yet some fans delighted hes out the door, call him a crook, tell us he was 'in it for the money' (something he openly stated)

I worry that these guys get starved out and worse comes along. Already think we're seeing 'worse options' going from Green to these guys. Think there is serious danger of action backfiring, club suffering, 'Rangers men' doing fuck all to prevent it

Basically, I'm just depressed by how split a fanbase we are. Almost literally might aswell splinter the club into two.

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Craig Whyte came in and the fans, including myself were naively optimistic. I won't fall for that again. No-one asked at the time what the details of his murky past, or his reportedly infinite wealth. We just assumed it would all be okay. Of course it is possible that a dodgy guy could try to buy us, but this time we would dig into their past to uncover these details we missed with Whyte. If the guy is a crook, get him to feck. Fool me once.....

Not buying season tickets might not have to happen, but the meaningful threat of it should be enough. Much like launching a nuclear weapon on another nuclear state would assure huge casualties. Mutual destruction insures that the threat is never carried out. Try to buy us, we sink your investment. Mutual destruction. The threat of losing money has to be present to put them off buying. If we state we will renew regardless, then why would they not try to exploit it? They need a threat.

Right now we don't need someone to buy a majority share, we don't want it. It's fine the way it is. Get them to fuck. Appoint a responsible CEO and let them run us correctly.

We simply can't afford to give these guys a chance. Whyte crippled us in under a season, who is to say these guys won't do the same? I'll give a chance to a person who has no criminal record, not history of tax evasion and no history of asset stripping. It's surely not too much to ask.

You have to wonder though, as you say, no respectable business men are coming in for us, are we just attracting the trouble at the minute? If so, we should resist it and go with our existing set up. No controlling stakes. Just a business ran correctly.

What a load of fukkin shite

The Easdales arent running nuclear weapons around on their buses, they are businessmen and most businessmen have skeletons in their closet

It's just that most haven't had them exposed

Drama Queen statements like the above make me shake my head in disbelieve

I can't comprehend any Rangers fan I know, and I know hundreds, ever thinking shite like that

Maybe I just move in different circles

Where is your ST for btw?

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I disagree with this post 100%. You cannot alienate fans just because they buy a ST one year and not the next. Why not say the same about fans who only go to home games? A fan who goes to 5 games a year is still a Rangers supporter and should not be chased away.

I can't imagine anyone making their choice of ST or not based on who appears to own the club, as it's mainly a financial thing. Anyway I though that with all us small shareholders owning a wee bit there was less chance of anyone taking over a majority of shares.

ps: I am a current ST holder, MFN A. I bought the shares, the programs and the shirt this year. Also bought the pies but they are not that good.

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Yet they should be able to come back when we're at the top of Scottish football again?

Naw - back in the 80's, when Souness turned up, we should have limited ST sales to the loyal few who stuck with the club. And denied access to the many thousands willing to pay to see a side in with a chance of winning the league.

The absolute pish talked on this board at times.


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What a load of fukkin shite

The Easdales arent running nuclear weapons around on their buses, they are businessmen and most businessmen have skeletons in their closet

It's just that most haven't had them exposed

Drama Queen statements like the above make me shake my head in disbelieve

I can't comprehend any Rangers fan I know, and I know hundreds, ever thinking shite like that

Maybe I just move in different circles

Where is your ST for btw?

It might help if you could read. I am not claiming they are running nuclear weapons, I was explaining how the threat of mutual destruction can avert a disaster. The threat of fans starving out dodgy owner should be enough to stop them taking over.

Most business men might have some skeletons, but most of them are not fucking ex cons who have been done with tax fraud and are rumoured to be fecking gangsters! I can't comprehend how anyone could possibly condone supporting guys like that running our club!

Anyways, off to work, hope to fuck today is a day with no more revelations.

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I disagree with this post 100%. You cannot alienate fans just because they buy a ST one year and not the next. Why not say the same about fans who only go to home games? A fan who goes to 5 games a year is still a Rangers supporter and should not be chased away.

I can't imagine anyone making their choice of ST or not based on who appears to own the club, as it's mainly a financial thing. Anyway I though that with all us small shareholders owning a wee bit there was less chance of anyone taking over a majority of shares.

ps: I am a current ST holder, MFN A. I bought the shares, the programs and the shirt this year. Also bought the pies but they are not that good.

If you can keep the pies down then your a real supporter.

Agree with your post. No one can tell others who can and cannot return.

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We are a feckin laughing stock, out of the frying pan into the fire I am so angry if this is to happen. I understand people can change but these two wont I don't like the idea of someone having a large share of our club with a criminal back ground that have been done for fraud. It is common knowledge one of the brothers took the fall for the other but no-one can prove it. We know these guys are buying up a lot of business or own in the Greenock area, they almost have the transport side sewn up, Inverclyde taxis and McGills bus large business, also own Blairs the joiners I am sure they have fingers in other pots, some say links to drugs etc but there is no proof to link them, some say money laundering but there is no proof to link them. These two are clever guys if they go after something they usually get what they want. They have shares in Greenock Morton as well. They didn't get these business with being nice guys believe me ask Harts Coaches found out at the time how nice they were to them. Ask the lady who owned stagecoaches when they tried to use the same tactics and found out they where small fry compared to them and sent the packing. These guys are not good for our club I understand they have 6% of the shares already but to allow them to have another 8% will be nothing short than a backward step. Will I be renewing my ST I will wait and see how this all pans out before I let go of my cash, known that Green cant sell until December. Why not sell these share on the open market and allow fans to buy them. I just want my club to rid of any questionable large share holders as the media will be over this like flies round shite to run our club down even more.

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This mitre_mouldmaster sounds like he's been spending too much time with the FF nutjobs...

Instead of "Yanks no thanks", It'll be "Take your buses elsewhere" next

Because I dont want a convicted criminal running Rangers?

I cant stand FF. I dont like the idea of the Blue Knights either, but these guys are sounding like bad news!

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Because I dont want a convicted criminal running Rangers?

I cant stand FF. I dont like the idea of the Blue Knights either, but these guys are sounding like bad news!

I understand the James is the person supposedly buying the shares and that Sandy is his brother.

Personally I wouldn't want to comment on that any further as Slander laws are applied to web postings as equally as sectarian.

Anyway if Charlie sell his shares to James Easdale this would give him 14%, possibly a seat on the board, but not a controlling interest. As James Easdale is a Rangers Fan with a number of succesfull business's is this not the type of person we need on the Rangers Board.

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A think some people have short memories it was just last summer we might have been no Rangers ! I know were all unhappy with things that are going on , Playing wise , The boardroom stuff, its simple if you love this club buy your season ticket, if you can't afford one come when you can buy a ticket, lets keep the momentum of the fans going into the new season follow follow thats what its all about.


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