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I reckon they would be foolish to let the guy Limmy on the show. He is basically just a cartoon character and it will end up in a shouting match like what it did with the two Scottish guys from last night. It may however be classed as good listening by some but I cant see it being anything more than a bunch of guys shouting at each other for 5 or 10 minutes.

That's part of the problem. Drives me nuts in the news room, when people have these shows on that are supposed to be "point/counterpoint" but they turn into who can shout the loudest. Just have a fucking talk, listen to people even if you don't agree with them. Facts should win the day; sadly volume often does.

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It's not about taking ourselves too seriously - but the contributors are not comedians (even you, Ed!), and don't want to be. We simply want a civilised and engaging show - and most times that is achieved. And having two Rangers-men bitch-festing about their past shared experiences, when it has nothing to do with Rangers, is just not what we want to hear on that show.

I've never heard your show simply because I've never had the time or link or whatever, but Dunny says your show is great, so I don't doubt that, and I've never done anything other than support your show. That's because you're part of the Rangers Family, and on RangersChat, we like to support that.

But between us, we all have a fair idea of what we want to hear on the show, and it's not bitch-festing, prank-calling or car-crash radio.

The issue here Shane, as you probably know, is that one or two people with former associations to the show are trying to ruin the show, bring it into disrepute etc. Their motives are unclear, but their methods are blatantly obvious.

Now this is exactly the kind of shit we don't want. Those of us newcomers have sat quietly unitl now, and it's hard, when you read the bullshit malicious tweets that stream out of these certain obsessed parties. But no more.

These so called Rangers people better start acting like Rangers fans.

Oh and finally - I don't take the show too seriously - but every single thing any of us do can make a difference - no matter how small - and it all adds up - I've learned that here. (tu)

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Listen, I've said this a hundred times if I've said it once: the purpose is the discussion, and if people take it far too seriously that's entirely their fault. That more than anything is what causes these divides. You get stuck in a groove, you think something is the way it is and can't hear another side or something totally out of left field... just enjoy the ride, enjoy the chat, if you disagree then make your point but make it well. Use data, use evidence... the conjecture and bullshit is what gets us all riled up and firing against one another.

I dunno... no one gets behind a pen or a mic without a bit of ego or whatever you want to call it, but the importance is the discussion of content based on facts and objective material. The subjective business laced in from time to time is never the problem; it's people who are unwilling to accept something that's truth. Occam's razor stands up for a reason; people need to take three seconds before they throw it out there sometimes.

Exactly - the purpose is the discussion, not some daft wee punk trying to make a name for himself, while his "pals" gloat at the mayhem they're spreading through the RangersChat audience./

Well I've got news for them.

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It's not about taking ourselves too seriously - but the contributors are not comedians (even you, Ed!), and don't want to be. We simply want a civilised and engaging show - and most times that is achieved. And having two Rangers-men bitch-festing about their past shared experiences, when it has nothing to do with Rangers, is just not what we want to hear on that show.

I've never heard your show simply because I've never had the time or link or whatever, but Dunny says your show is great, so I don't doubt that, and I've never done anything other than support your show. That's because you're part of the Rangers Family, and on RangersChat, we like to support that.

But between us, we all have a fair idea of what we want to hear on the show, and it's not bitch-festing, prank-calling or car-crash radio.

The issue here Shane, as you probably know, is that one or two people with former associations to the show are trying to ruin the show, bring it into disrepute etc. Their motives are unclear, but their methods are blatantly obvious.

Now this is exactly the kind of shit we don't want. Those of us newcomers have sat quietly unitl now, and it's hard, when you read the bullshit malicious tweets that stream out of these certain obsessed parties. But no more.

These so called Rangers people better start acting like Rangers fans.

Oh and finally - I don't take the show too seriously - but every single thing any of us do can make a difference - no matter how small - and it all adds up - I've learned that here. (tu)

I can abide all that, but a car crash ain't that bad sometimes. That's what insurance is for ;)

In any case, I've said a lot more than I planned tonight/this morning and it's 4 a.m. and I'm a bit under the influence. The sun'll be up in a couple hours for me so that's a new day, not that bad of a deal, enjoy that shit, take the piss out of one another, whatever comes will. I'm killing a couple more cans and passing out.

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That's part of the problem. Drives me nuts in the news room, when people have these shows on that are supposed to be "point/counterpoint" but they turn into who can shout the loudest. Just have a fucking talk, listen to people even if you don't agree with them. Facts should win the day; sadly volume often does.

One of the reasons I made the comments I did on the first page. I like the show now and then but it needs to concentrate more on Rangers rather than what others are doing.

Also, point/counter-point debating is excellent and the "I don't like what you are saying so you're banned" ethos is not what I personally look for.

I missed the show last night and from the sounds of the debates this mornign, it won't be worthwhile me listening to the archives and I find that a shame.

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I reckon they would be foolish to let the guy Limmy on the show. He is basically just a cartoon character and it will end up in a shouting match like what it did with the two Scottish guys from last night. It may however be classed as good listening by some but I cant see it being anything more than a bunch of guys shouting at each other for 5 or 10 minutes.

RangersChat is a forum open and equal to all.

It's the callers that make it.

All opinions and contributions are valued.

But we don't do Internal politics. We do Rangers. It's a very simple mandate :D

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One of the reasons I made the comments I did on the first page. I like the show now and then but it needs to concentrate more on Rangers rather than what others are doing.

Also, point/counter-point debating is excellent and the "I don't like what you are saying so you're banned" ethos is not what I personally look for.

I missed the show last night and from the sounds of the debates this mornign, it won't be worthwhile me listening to the archives and I find that a shame.

I mean, there has to be a sense of irony in this thread that who was it came on RC last week to have a go about TRS not publishing a story knowing full well they work on their committee-based system..? That's what I hate even more, is the inconsistency. Oh, it's okay to have a whinge about X because X has an agenda but when similar dialogue moves back the other way it's imprudent. Either the door swings both ways or it doesn't.

I try my best to stick to something empirical as it's what my background informs, and trust me, the past 10 days or so have be chalk full of mentalists trying to bring me down over shit that's laughably false. But if it's bullshit you say why and move on. Easiest way to put a full stop on something.

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What the fuck is this pish? I've never ran that site once. One of the reasons I left because of the awful production and having to tell Tommy to "play a clip" or "start a jingle" and it sounded amateurish as fuck. I had no hand in running it other than turning up at 9pm and talking shite for an hour. I wasn't even a mere admin. As for the money accusation. I'm phoning in directly tonight or tomorrow to thrash this out with you. That's a complete and utter fucking lie and I'm not going to sit back and forth on a forum discussing it. We'll discuss this accusation and others on the phone tonight. You have time to prepare your notes. You better come armed with facts.

As for William? You seem to think I'd distance myself from him. The guy ASKED QUESTIONS. Why is no one understanding that? He gets shouted down and cut off in true SSB style and bad mouthed while cut with all the style and grace of Scottie McClure. "Freedom of speech but just watch what you say" seems ot be the mantra here.

I have not made any peace with Tommy. I'm just not at war (hee hee internet war, we're mentulll) with him I detest watching good bears like Ian, fox and Dunny get tricked into fronting another mans cash cow but i also realise that if I get involved in any war of words with the site I'm going to be giving it publicity so told that wee Kelly lassie to tell Tommy I'm taking a step back from bad mouthing his site. That's obviously going to be reconsidered given your lie.

And lastly, and probably more controversialy...see cunts like D'artagnan ? I have more respect for Mad Phil and Alex Tomo than cunts like him. They might be a right pair of wanks but they have no qualms about using their real name and real picture on a twitter avi.

As per usual I won't be coming back to this thread to see who's said what in response to my post so go nuts and give me hell in my absence, for after all, it is the Rangers Chat way.

Limmy weather you read this or not I don't know.. But ill go on anyways cause you have me blocked everywhere.

Kelly told me yesterday about you stepping back and what you said and I was completely happy with that, like I said before and even said to the guy William on twitter you had asked before that your name stop being used on the show and I made sure everyone honored that. You asked that your bear of the day tune stopped being used and we did that, I didn't know that your dads painting were even up cause I forgot we had posted those but when you asked those were pulled to. When you told me you was stepping away and you needed time I was fine with that, of course it bothered me cause I was lost as to what to do and wasn't sure how we went from being friends to not even talking no more just cause of this show.

I told people from day one the reason I wanted to get the site going was cause I wanted to help get a platform out there for you cause I thought you was funny, and it worked we did it big, but things went hay wire and got nuts quick, IM sorry if you feel the production was messed up having to tell me what clips to play and when to play them, it was the best I could do with the setup we had going it was a learning process, cause before when we did the other funny shows on the get together and stuff we didn't play clips and didn't take live calls.. I was new to learning that part.

I can back you up that you never "ran" the site I did give you full admin access and never even took it away after you left, but you are right you never used it, you just showed up for the show.

Far as any money talks no one knows shit its all assumptions,, we get less than 1000 hits on the site a day, so the ads make less than a dollar a day and anyone with any website knowledge knows with those few of hit that there is no more there.. There is a counter at the bottom of the page to even prove that that case. And far as donations,, the average donations are 5 and 10 pounds,, and you said yourself we only have 30 lobby listeners, and not even 10 of those donate regularly... I assure anyone the site cost way more money to run then it ever takes in. So it is in no way a "Cash cow" ... And I have no problems again showing anyone who wants to see the exact numbers,, cause I have nothing to hide.. I just want to know where all this money people see to think there is, coming from. Cause we don't get it from ads, and the donations most months hardly cover the 50 a month we pay to chatroll for the lobby chat, and the 40 we spend on the radio and the live player so we can have an enbeaddble player and downloads.. Not to mention the 2 skype numbers we have to pay for and the server bill for the main site.... this site has never from day one made a profit for ANYONE to take from.

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I mean, there has to be a sense of irony in this thread that who was it came on RC last week to have a go about TRS not publishing a story knowing full well they work on their committee-based system..? That's what I hate even more, is the inconsistency. Oh, it's okay to have a whinge about X because X has an agenda but when similar dialogue moves back the other way it's imprudent. Either the door swings both ways or it doesn't.

I try my best to stick to something empirical as it's what my background informs, and trust me, the past 10 days or so have be chalk full of mentalists trying to bring me down over shit that's laughably false. But if it's bullshit you say why and move on. Easiest way to put a full stop on something.

I honestly have no idea what you are on about!

The best way to resolve things is for open sensible discussion. Reverting to slanging matches and name calling gets every bodies back up and is counter productive. (For example, nigh on everyone on here likes or respects D'Artagnion and someone calls him a c**t. Now no one will listen to the name-caller sensibly).

GB - Maybe I will listen to the archives for last night but I have better things to do that listen to shouting matches really and the way last nights show has been portrayed so far is not making me rush out to listen to it..

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What the fuck is this pish? I've never ran that site once. One of the reasons I left because of the awful production and having to tell Tommy to "play a clip" or "start a jingle" and it sounded amateurish as fuck. I had no hand in running it other than turning up at 9pm and talking shite for an hour. I wasn't even a mere admin. As for the money accusation. I'm phoning in directly tonight or tomorrow to thrash this out with you. That's a complete and utter fucking lie and I'm not going to sit back and forth on a forum discussing it. We'll discuss this accusation and others on the phone tonight. You have time to prepare your notes. You better come armed with facts.

As for William? You seem to think I'd distance myself from him. The guy ASKED QUESTIONS. Why is no one understanding that? He gets shouted down and cut off in true SSB style and bad mouthed while cut with all the style and grace of Scottie McClure. "Freedom of speech but just watch what you say" seems ot be the mantra here.

I have not made any peace with Tommy. I'm just not at war (hee hee internet war, we're mentulll) with him I detest watching good bears like Ian, fox and Dunny get tricked into fronting another mans cash cow but i also realise that if I get involved in any war of words with the site I'm going to be giving it publicity so told that wee Kelly lassie to tell Tommy I'm taking a step back from bad mouthing his site. That's obviously going to be reconsidered given your lie.

And lastly, and probably more controversialy...see cunts like D'artagnan ? I have more respect for Mad Phil and Alex Tomo than cunts like him. They might be a right pair of wanks but they have no qualms about using their real name and real picture on a twitter avi.

As per usual I won't be coming back to this thread to see who's said what in response to my post so go nuts and give me hell in my absence, for after all, it is the Rangers Chat way.

Cunts like d'art? The guy is the best writer on the Internet for rangers fans. Easily the best blogger by miles. I don't use my real name on here nor would I on rangers chat, why the fuck should people do it?

I've seen bears suspended from jobs etc cause tims have phoned people's places of work to complain etc. in fact one of the boys from here was suspended from work for a Facebook comment.

If d'art has his reasons for not giving out his own name then who fucking cares? If d'art is a cunt to you and you prefer mentally ill phil then you are indeed the cunt.

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I honestly have no idea what you are on about!

The best way to resolve things is for open sensible discussion. Reverting to slanging matches and name calling gets every bodies back up and is counter productive. (For example, nigh on everyone on here likes or respects D'Artagnion and someone calls him a c**t. Now no one will listen to the name-caller sensibly).

GB - Maybe I will listen to the archives for last night but I have better things to do that listen to shouting matches really and the way last nights show has been portrayed so far is not making me rush out to listen to it..

I think this thread turned into a sizable chunk of a show just last week. Correct me if I'm wrong. http://forum.rangersmedia.co.uk/index.php?showtopic=255101

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I mean, there has to be a sense of irony in this thread that who was it came on RC last week to have a go about TRS not publishing a story knowing full well they work on their committee-based system..? That's what I hate even more, is the inconsistency. Oh, it's okay to have a whinge about X because X has an agenda but when similar dialogue moves back the other way it's imprudent. Either the door swings both ways or it doesn't.

I try my best to stick to something empirical as it's what my background informs, and trust me, the past 10 days or so have be chalk full of mentalists trying to bring me down over shit that's laughably false. But if it's bullshit you say why and move on. Easiest way to put a full stop on something.

Shane you must be tired, because that seems to me a very weak argument :D

There is no irony in this thread. A malicious troll came on fishing for some dirt on Tommy. The overwhelming response was that everybody loves RangersChat, and everyone who is onvolved with Tommy loves him.

In spite of that he came on to the show with the concealed purpose of attacking Tommy to try to cause reputational harm in the hope that listeners would walk away.

How does that relate to a free-thinking caller, calling in to make a point -even if it's a criticism of a policy or action (eg censorhip or anything else) in an organisation, be it TRS, RangersChat, RM or Rangers. That is all fair game.

One of the main goals of the RangersChat contributors is to never develop personal or organisational animosity with any member of the Rangers family, and a hope that the call-in can be seen as a place where any and all members of any and all parts of the family can come together and chat/discuss in peace without the danger of it descending into personal attacks.

That boy's actions, and the malice of those behind it (if such there were) does not help any of us achieve that.

And bottom line - if someone unjustly attacks RangersChat or any of it's members, then many of the listeners/contributors, like myself will not take that lying down. In fact, if they attack you, I'll do the same - just as soon as Dunny sounds the call :21:

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Shane you must be tired, because that seems to me a very weak argument :D

There is no irony in this thread. A malicious troll came on fishing for some dirt on Tommy. The overwhelming response was that everybody loves RangersChat, and everyone who is onvolved with Tommy loves him.

In spite of that he came on to the show with the concealed purpose of attacking Tommy to try to cause reputational harm in the hope that listeners would walk away.

How does that relate to a free-thinking caller, calling in to make a point -even if it's a criticism of a policy or action (eg censorhip or anything else) in an organisation, be it TRS, RangersChat, RM or Rangers. That is all fair game.

One of the main goals of the RangersChat contributors is to never develop personal or organisational animosity with any member of the Rangers family, and a hope that the call-in can be seen as a place where any and all members of any and all parts of the family can come together and chat/discuss in peace without the danger of it descending into personal attacks.

That boy's actions, and the malice of those behind it (if such there were) does not help any of us achieve that.

And bottom line - if someone unjustly attacks RangersChat or any of it's members, then many of the listeners/contributors, like myself will not take that lying down. In fact, if they attack you, I'll do the same - just as soon as Dunny sounds the call :21:

Yeah, but someone who I'm pretty sure is a mod on here (I forget who's who) and a contributor to the FWW book decided to have a pop at TRS because something wasn't published and that was welcome onto the show without any rebuttal, right? And don't start tossing me in with TRS proper; I've never even written for them. It doesn't condone anything, but you can't have one without the other.

I think I'm too pragmatic for all this sometimes. Maybe I am tired or just too dull :pipe:

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I honestly have no idea what you are on about!

The best way to resolve things is for open sensible discussion. Reverting to slanging matches and name calling gets every bodies back up and is counter productive. (For example, nigh on everyone on here likes or respects D'Artagnion and someone calls him a c**t. Now no one will listen to the name-caller sensibly).

GB - Maybe I will listen to the archives for last night but I have better things to do that listen to shouting matches really and the way last nights show has been portrayed so far is not making me rush out to listen to it..

No mate - it wasn't like that.

the caller came on at 9:15. He was only on for 5 minutes max

Tried to have a go at Tommy. Tommy's dignity was sublime. Ian's outrage was manifest, and as for Fox - we'll I'll let you hear that for yourself ;)

After that, the show had 5 minutes of "what a twat" then it was business as usual, and we ended up with loads of callers, loads of topics, and about 20 in the Skype Loyal afterwards :D

You'll enjoy it mate.

We even talked about Rangers at one point ;)

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Yeah, but someone who I'm pretty sure is a mod on here (I forget who's who) and a contributor to the FWW book decided to have a pop at TRS because something wasn't published and that was welcome onto the show without any rebuttal, right? And don't start tossing me in with TRS proper; I've never even written for them. It doesn't condone anything, but you can't have one without the other.

I think I'm too pragmatic for all this sometimes. Maybe I am tired or just too dull :pipe:

Yes - the guy put his side of the story, and he put it across in a civilised and respectful manner.

Anyone from TRO who thinks they were described unfairly, with no right to reply, should please call in and talk about it. You will find they will get as much airtime, engagement, and respectful treatment as that caller got.

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Yes - the guy put his side of the story, and he put it across in a civilised and respectful manner.

Anyone from TRO who thinks they were described unfairly, with no right to reply, should please call in and talk about it. You will find they will get as much airtime, engagement, and respectful treatment as that caller got.

Easy to say after the fact. Sometimes it's best to contact people beforehand or read what they had to say prior. Once you've allowed one side to prosper it's hard to convince the other to take part.

TRO = TRS + CRO = I make all zee shirts

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No mate - it wasn't like that.

the caller came on at 9:15.

Tried to have a go at Tommy. Tommy's dignity was sublime. Ian's outrage was manifest, and as for Fox - we'll I'll let you hear that for yourself ;)

After that, the show had 5 minutes of "what a twat" then it was business as usual, and we ended up with loads of callers, loads of topics, and about 20 in the Skype Loyal afterwards :D

You'll enjoy it mate.

We even talked about Rangers at one point ;)

Ok, I'll listen when it's available.

Remember what I told you when you "recruited" me into Rangers Chat - not interested if all it is is chats about other teams and/or slanging matches.....

PS - When are my shirts coming :)

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Easy to say after the fact. Sometimes it's best to contact people beforehand or read what they had to say prior. Once you've allowed one side to prosper it's hard to convince the other to take part.

The guy actually called in to talk about his blogs, not their publication - it just kind of digressed - stuff happens, cos the show is allowed to go where the callers want it to go, as long as they remain respectful of all.

TRO = TRS + CRO = I make all zee shirts

I have no idea what that even means, but I can probably guess :D -

I am so far removed from the politics - I just want us all to get along.

Unity is Strength and all that (tu)

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Remember what I told you when you "recruited" me into Rangers Chat - not interested if all it is is chats about other teams and/or slanging matches.....

PS - When are my shirts coming :)

Mate you keep saying that, but tbh I don't see where you're coming from.

There are occasional short discussions around other issues surrounding Rangers like SFA, BBC etc, but mostly we talk about Rangers, in whatever shape or form - my big gripe last night was about why we still don't have a Rangers presence on the Blackthorn Sponsored clubs page!!! - that's Rangers.

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The guy actually called in to talk about his blogs, not their publication - it just kind of digressed - stuff happens, cos the show is allowed to go where the callers want it to go, as long as they remain respectful of all.

I have no idea what that even means, but I can probably guess :D -

I am so far removed from the politics - I just want us all to get along.

Unity is Strength and all that (tu)

Well right, but then you can't get surprised when people don't want to do the counter. I've never wrote for TRS and I know how they select their stories; this was someone who had, who was well familiar with it, and apparently felt slighted that one didn't get through the door. It was still published on RM I believe; not sure the point in firing up a thread and then getting on a call in to toss people under the bus because you don't agree with how their editorial process works, especially when you have access to another outlet that's arguably as big or even bigger.

Shirts = Gravy Train

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Ok, I'll listen when it's available.

Remember what I told you when you "recruited" me into Rangers Chat - not interested if all it is is chats about other teams and/or slanging matches.....

PS - When are my shirts coming :)

Shirt not posted yet - need to decide if I split the packet open and try to stuff something else in, or not.

I did that last time and it never arrived, so thinking it might be better to send this sealed package exactly as it came from the Megastore.

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Well right, but then you can't get surprised when people don't want to do the counter. I've never wrote for TRS and I know how they select their stories; this was someone who had, who was well familiar with it, and apparently felt slighted that one didn't get through the door. It was still published on RM I believe; not sure the point in firing up a thread and then getting on a call in to toss people under the bus because you don't agree with how their editorial process works, especially when you have access to another outlet that's arguably as big or even bigger.

Shirts = Gravy Train

Aye, maybe a fair point. But the guy said on the show that they told him the article was "too critical of Speirs"

Now that is either true or a lie.

If it's true, then it's a topic worthy of reasoned discussion

And if it's a lie, then somebody needs to call in and put it right. How else can call-in shows work?

And as for all that shorts/gravy train/ politics stuff - man I'm so sick of it. All these various topics on RM being hijacked by people who are quite frankly boring the tits off us all. I just want it all to stop.

Anyway, I need to go to work now. Nice chatting to you Shane (tu)

PS - Would be great if you called in to chat about something ;)

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Aye, maybe a fair point. But the guy said on the show that they told him the article was "too critical of Speirs"

Now that is either true or a lie.

If it's true, then it's a topic worthy of reasoned discussion

And if it's a lie, then somebody needs to call in and put it right. How else can call-in shows work?

And as for all that shorts/gravy train/ politics stuff - man I'm so sick of it. All these various topics on RM being hijacked by people who are quite frankly boring the tits off us all. I just want it all to stop.

Anyway, I need to go to work now. Nice chatting to you Shane (tu)

PS - Would be great if you called in to chat about something ;)

That implies everyone listens to said call in, or that said call in should not fire off an email first ;)

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