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An insult to the Rangers support ?


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The thing with press articles that are offensive, or inaccurate, or designed to fuel the flames of anti-Rangers sentiment, or to stir up trouble etc is that the 'days of reckoning' as Jim Traynor alluded to a few weeks ago never seem to appear. Calibrating what the Rangers Board will tolerate without bringing matters to a publicly evident conclusion by acting would seem to be pretty easy for journalists as the threshold of tolerance seems very high. In other words the response of silence or the quiet word in an ear seem to result in no real anxiety for certain journalists who just carry on to see if the bar of tolerance can be pushed a bit higher. With a result that such insults appear to be just shrugged off as inconsequential in the greater scheme of things. Rangers of course as a Club is very little, if anything, without its loyal Supporters and the Club's executives would do well to remind themselves that what they see as non-insulting, or innacurate but that's ok, or inflamatory may not be seen the same way by Supporters who have to endure the effects of journalistic tripe on a daily basis at work and in the streets and pubs.

Where then are the 'days of reckoning' that have been referred to. Where is the evidence of those journalists who have penned the sorts of innacurate, hostile, offensive etc articles having action taken to remedy the wrong? Can the media department not publish effective counters? Sure it risks a slanging match with journalists but if you are going to 'stand tall' as CM recently put it, and use your voice then it may actually help settle things if some reckonings were made.

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He said 'apparently' because he wasn't in a position to witness the Celtic fans and their behaviour as he was away with Rangers. I'm not sure why that's worthy of an 8 page thread full of petty arguments and blustering or, indeed, numerous reminders of stupid things Keevins has said in the past.

Banning members of the press sets an awful precedent. Freedom of the press is vital to a Democracy.

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Don't you see that this is much more than just a couple of hate filled articles ? It is a continuous attempt to denigrate and besmirch both our club and its support...and as many would argue our culture. But I dont want to bring the cuture aspect into it - though I believe it to be true.

Its sufficient for me that persistent malicious stories, lies, dehumanising comments are coming from a small number of sources - add Spiers to this equation and it utterly churns my stomach that our club continue to entertain these individuals.

A saying I like most apt for some don't you think.

"If you are ashamed to stand by your colours, you had better seek another flag".

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He said 'apparently' because he wasn't in a position to witness the Celtic fans and their behaviour as he was away with Rangers. I'm not sure why that's worthy of an 8 page thread full of petty arguments and blustering or, indeed, numerous reminders of stupid things Keevins has said in the past.

Banning members of the press sets an awful precedent. Freedom of the press is vital to a Democracy.

Be very careful with that one....freedom of press as you call it can and has ruined the lives of so many individuals unjustly....the fact Keevins used the word apparently was because he wasn't in the country however his paper printed many pictures of their actions it wasn't just hearsay.....

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Don't you see that this is much more than just a couple of hate filled articles ? It is a continuous attempt to denigrate and besmirch both our club and its support...and as many would argue our culture. But I dont want to bring the cuture aspect into it - though I believe it to be true.

Its sufficient for me that persistent malicious stories, lies, dehumanising comments are coming from a small number of sources - add Spiers to this equation and it utterly churns my stomach that our club continue to entertain these individuals.

Keevins can write what he likes, it's the clubs responsibility to protect its name and supporters, but over the last year certain people within Ibrox have used the media to gain advantage at Ibrox, maybe this is why nothing is done. Also over the years Rangers have done nothing but take every piece of slander against the club and put the blame on the supporters by meekly accepting everything thrown at them with apologies for being Protestant. Rangers are bringing it upon them selfs, and there is nothing the fans can do if the club doesn't fight for its self.

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Be very careful with that one....freedom of press as you call it can and has ruined the lives of so many individuals unjustly....the fact Keevins used the word apparently was because he wasn't in the country however his paper printed many pictures of their actions it wasn't just hearsay.....


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Be very careful with that one....freedom of press as you call it can and has ruined the lives of so many individuals unjustly....the fact Keevins used the word apparently was because he wasn't in the country however his paper printed many pictures of their actions it wasn't just hearsay.....

It's nothing compared to the problems that press suppression has presented repeatedly throughout history. That's not something I want Rangers associated with even in the most minor way.

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It's nothing compared to the problems that press suppression has presented repeatedly throughout history. That's not something I want Rangers associated with even in the most minor way.

I wonder if the families of the hillsbourogh victims or the countless individuals accused of sexual offences, pre marital affairs or worse and were tried by the press before being found innocent would agree with you?

As soon as you allow the press to slant/twist stories as they have proven to do time and again you allow a public perception to be created that may be completely inaccurate....even just the suggestive comments and assumptions printed by those in the media creates an imbalance and the majority if people still naively believe everything they read!

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I wonder if the families of the hillsbourogh victims or the countless individuals accused of sexual offences, pre marital affairs or worse and were tried by the press before being found innocent would agree with you?

As soon as you allow the press to slant/twist stories as they have proven to do time and again you allow a public perception to be created that may be completely inaccurate....even just the suggestive comments and assumptions printed by those in the media creates an imbalance and the majority if people still naively believe everything they read!

Bit of a straw man that argument. Some of the most evil deeds in human history were committed under regimes who suppressed freedom of the press, it's an unsavoury act with horrific connotations that I don't want Rangers to be associated with - even in the most minor way.

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The more I read this thread the more I realise why we are such an easy target.

A journalist compares our support to Nazis, attempts to set the agenda with regard to our guilt in the SPL Commission and continually stirs the shit with regard to our new striker's nationality and religion - and I call on him to be banned from Ibrox.

Such an action could upset the very democracy of our country. Apparently. Or its worth the free publicity. Apparently.

Perhaps if the journalist in question was to display some journalistic integrity, accurate representation of facts, and refrain from comparing our support to Nazis - then perhaps I would not endanger the very delicate balance of our democracy by asking to have him banned for his shameful conduct.

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I wonder if the families of the hillsbourogh victims or the countless individuals accused of sexual offences, pre marital affairs or worse and were tried by the press before being found innocent would agree with you?

As soon as you allow the press to slant/twist stories as they have proven to do time and again you allow a public perception to be created that may be completely inaccurate....even just the suggestive comments and assumptions printed by those in the media creates an imbalance and the majority if people still naively believe everything they read!

Yeah but that has it's own consequences, as in the Hillsborough case. People stop buying, which is how it should work. And if the line is overstepped, the Police or an independent complaints body should be contacted. That is what we should be doing. Banning the press, or a member therof, is a bad precedent, worthy of the nastiest autocratic regimes there have been.

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Bit of a straw man that argument. Some of the most evil deeds in human history were committed under regimes who suppressed freedom of the press, it's an unsavoury act with horrific connotations that I don't want Rangers to be associated with - even in the most minor way.

There is a difference between restricting freedom of speech and introducing press regulations that inhibit assumptions being made and facts distorted which can destroy individuals and create an innacurate public perception....the perfect example is that of the landlord painted as the murder of that young girl a few years ago just because he looked a bit weird! His life was completely destroyed by the press having the freedom to make assumptions about the guy and assassinate his character!

I would much prefer to know what I read is fact based and not twisted to suit the agenda or ideologies of individuals or groups!

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The more I read this thread the more I realise why we are such an easy target.

A journalist compares our support to Nazis, attempts to set the agenda with regard to our guilt in the SPL Commission and continually stirs the shit with regard to our new striker's nationality and religion - and I call on him to be banned from Ibrox.

Such an action could upset the very democracy of our country. Apparently. Or its worth the free publicity. Apparently.

Perhaps if the journalist in question was to display some journalistic integrity, accurate representation of facts, and refrain from comparing our support to Nazis - then perhaps I would not endanger the very delicate balance of our democracy by asking to have him banned for his shameful conduct.

You have the principle, or you don't. It's not about upsetting the balance of our democracy in this specific case, it's about not throwing aside the principles when it suits.

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The more I read this thread the more I realise why we are such an easy target.

A journalist compares our support to Nazis, attempts to set the agenda with regard to our guilt in the SPL Commission and continually stirs the shit with regard to our new striker's nationality and religion - and I call on him to be banned from Ibrox.

Such an action could upset the very democracy of our country. Apparently. Or its worth the free publicity. Apparently.

Perhaps if the journalist in question was to display some journalistic integrity, accurate representation of facts, and refrain from comparing our support to Nazis - then perhaps I would not endanger the very delicate balance of our democracy by asking to have him banned for his shameful conduct.

It's all about standing by our colours D, most of us will some won't.

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Yeah but that has it's own consequences, as in the Hillsborough case. People stop buying, which is how it should work. And if the line is overstepped, the Police or an independent complaints body should be contacted. That is what we should be doing. Banning the press, or a member therof, is a bad precedent, worthy of the nastiest autocratic regimes there have been.

The hillsbourogh case was so high profile that these appeals/commissions etc gained national attention and allowed a wrong to be righted....that isn't always the case....how many still believe we owed the taxman hundreds of millions? A good friend if mine had his life ruined by a poxy little local paper, he won a press complaints claim but the damage was done and he had to move away! Invariably whilst things stay as they are the likes if Keevins and journalists in general can print what they want with very little repercussions....

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There is a difference between restricting freedom of speech and introducing press regulations that inhibit assumptions being made and facts distorted which can destroy individuals and create an innacurate public perception....the perfect example is that of the landlord painted as the murder of that young girl a few years ago just because he looked a bit weird! His life was completely destroyed by the press having the freedom to make assumptions about the guy and assassinate his character!

I would much prefer to know what I read is fact based and not twisted to suit the agenda or ideologies of individuals or groups!

Surely if it's written by a person, then eliminating agenda or ideaology entirely is virtually impossible. We all write with our own prejudices. In the example you state, the press should have been heavily censured and punished. That's how it should work. Overstep the mark and the proper independent judiciary deals with you.

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The more I read this thread the more I realise why we are such an easy target.

A journalist compares our support to Nazis, attempts to set the agenda with regard to our guilt in the SPL Commission and continually stirs the shit with regard to our new striker's nationality and religion - and I call on him to be banned from Ibrox.

Such an action could upset the very democracy of our country. Apparently. Or its worth the free publicity. Apparently.

Perhaps if the journalist in question was to display some journalistic integrity, accurate representation of facts, and refrain from comparing our support to Nazis - then perhaps I would not endanger the very delicate balance of our democracy by asking to have him banned for his shameful conduct.

D'art it really amazes me the justifications some are providing on here for the constant barrage of agenda driven and innacurate press both directly towards us and in a general sense....

It's actually quite disheartening to be honest....

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You have the principle, or you don't. It's not about upsetting the balance of our democracy in this specific case, it's about not throwing aside the principles when it suits.

Explain to me how banning Keevins is throwing aside the principle when it suits ? We are not banning Richard Wilson, Peter Adam Smith, Leckie, Waddell etc. We are talking about an banning an individual who has lied about our support, lied about our club and attempted to enhance the likliehood of title stripping based on assumption of guilt without trial or hearing.

Thats not defacing the values of freedom of speech its about protecting this club and support from an individual who by lies, insidious and deliberate has attempted to harm both club & support.

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The hillsbourogh case was so high profile that these appeals/commissions etc gained national attention and allowed a wrong to be righted....that isn't always the case....how many still believe we owed the taxman hundreds of millions? A good friend if mine had his life ruined by a poxy little local paper, he won a press complaints claim but the damage was done and he had to move away! Invariably whilst things stay as they are the likes if Keevins and journalists in general can print what they want with very little repercussions....

So surely you should be arguing for heavier punishments and a more perspicacious press complaints dept. For most, including your friend, individual action will have no effect. Rangers banning Nuremberg will have no effect on him, or us. An improved complaints system and a deterrent might.

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D'art it really amazes me the justifications some are providing on here for the constant barrage of agenda driven and innacurate press both directly towards us and in a general sense....

It's actually quite disheartening to be honest....

Truly shocking Kev, You could be forgiven for thinking Keevins has a fundamental right to lie about club & support when you read some of these comments.

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D'art it really amazes me the justifications some are providing on here for the constant barrage of agenda driven and innacurate press both directly towards us and in a general sense....

It's actually quite disheartening to be honest....

Nobody is justifying that. We are disagreeing with the method of dealing with it (overstepping the mark). The position is continually being misrepresented.

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