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Answers To the Questions Posed to RST

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Would you suggest that he had no reason or motive when posting?

My concern here is that some are alluding to Harris' actions being motivated by an agenda. Yet no agenda appears to be evident - which you yourself intimated earlier.

I would speculate, if I may, that any posting he had done post incident, was in order to defend his personal and professional integrity, which has been called into question.

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I ran off the Gersave scheme personally Swally, I'm happy to account to you if you're an RST member, unfortunately if you're not it's not public info. If you are member PM me contact details.

The poster RST categorically stated the money which hasn't been paid back had gone in to new shares

It now transpires its in an Escrow account

It also looks like cash has been coming in since 2007 with none of that invested in the club

That is ridiculous

The interest on that money will be substantial yet you decline to say what happened to it

People will obviously make their own conclusions where it's gone - rightly or wrongly

It's not a situation which would give any potential investors in BuyRangers much confidence tbh

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The poster RST categorically stated the money which hasn't been paid back had gone in to new shares

It now transpires its in an Escrow account

It also looks like cash has been coming in since 2007 with none of that invested in the club

That is ridiculous

The interest on that money will be substantial yet you decline to say what happened to it

People will obviously make their own conclusions where it's gone - rightly or wrongly

It's not a situation which would give any potential investors in BuyRangers much confidence tbh

The rules surrounding capital funding share issues and the allocation of interest earned are dealt with adequately in the FCA sponsored rules which have been adopted by the RST in the last 12 months. I'm entirely happy that the current board has adhered entirely to these rules and that the Gersave scheme and interest earned was accordingly allocated to members funds. The members funds are now a substantial credit balance and will be used to further the aims of the Trust.

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As i have said before a board of 8

1 place each for ff rm and vb

the rest filled with professional's

business leaders, a solicitor, a qualified ca and employ, yes EMPLOY a board member as a media spokesperson

then you have something to be reckoned with.

ideally you should also remove the sole goal of fan ownership

how about

The RST -- The Custodian of the club

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As i have said before a board of 8

1 place each for ff rm and vb

the rest filled with professional's

business leaders, a solicitor, a qualified ca and employ, yes EMPLOY a board member as a media spokesperson

then you have something to be reckoned with.

ideally you should also remove the sole goal of fan ownership

how about

The RST -- The Custodian of the club

Why a place on the board from FF, RM & VB ... why not GersNet, why not DoTheBouncy or why anyone from an Internet forum at all ... what qualifies anyone from these organisations above others?

You complain about RSTs link to FF but then say a new board should have a member from that forum in it, exactly as the current RST board has one member from it

The RST is fans group about individual fans, why should they suddenly put other fans groups as more important than an individual?

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Why a place on the board from FF, RM & VB ... why not GersNet, why not DoTheBouncy or why anyone from an Internet forum at all ... what qualifies anyone from these organisations above others?

The same reason as the RFFF. They represent three different strands of Rangers fans, in reasonably large numbers.

More importantly is getting business minded people on board.

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The same reason as the RFFF. They represent three different strands of Rangers fans, in reasonably large numbers.

More importantly is getting business minded people on board.

Aplogies host, I edited my post after you quoted it.

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The same reason as the RFFF. They represent three different strands of Rangers fans, in reasonably large numbers.

More importantly is getting business minded people on board.

No they don't, RM doesn't represent me as RM doesn't have a stance in any subject which I chose to get behind, I joined RM because it seemed a good place to talk to other Rangers fans ... simple as that

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No they don't, RM doesn't represent me as RM doesn't have a stance in any subject which I chose to get behind, I joined RM because it seemed a good place to talk to other Rangers fans ... simple as that

None of them represent me either.

Have a look at the tims trust, have a look at the make up of the tims PLC board and then tell me we are the establishment club.

We need to be a whole lot more professional in everything we do.

The trust, imo, should have a far wider remit as a pressure group.

If 3 of the 8 posts go initially to the three largest net groups then I see no harm in that.

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The rules surrounding capital funding share issues and the allocation of interest earned are dealt with adequately in the FCA sponsored rules which have been adopted by the RST in the last 12 months. I'm entirely happy that the current board has adhered entirely to these rules and that the Gersave scheme and interest earned was accordingly allocated to members funds. The members funds are now a substantial credit balance and will be used to further the aims of the Trust.

That clears that up then

"The current board" have adhered to the rules?

You have adopted the rules in the last 12 months in a scheme that has been running how long?

Rangers haven't seen a penny since 2007?

"A substantial credit balance"? - why the secrecy? The poster RST stated the balance had been used to buy new shares - was he/she misled or.....?

This "substantial credit balance" will be used to further the aims of the RST? Does that mean anything other than buying more shares?

What's the delay in buying them?

Forgive me if I don't have anything to do with your schemes

I wouldn't invest a penny in anyone who failed to show 100% transparency rather than hide behind vague defensive statements like that above

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As i have said before a board of 8

1 place each for ff rm and vb

the rest filled with professional's

business leaders, a solicitor, a qualified ca and employ, yes EMPLOY a board member as a media spokesperson

then you have something to be reckoned with.

ideally you should also remove the sole goal of fan ownership

how about

The RST -- The Custodian of the club

That's nonsense. The membership of all three websites doesn't even stretch to 100,000. Do we only have 100,000 fans? Internet users are not the majority, and are not fully representative of the views of the whole support.

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That's nonsense. The membership of all three websites doesn't even stretch to 100,000. Do we only have 100,000 fans? Internet users are not the majority, and are not fully representative of the views of the whole support.

Least it keeps the magazine hawkers away!

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That clears that up then

"The current board" have adhered to the rules?

You have adopted the rules in the last 12 months in a scheme that has been running how long?

Rangers haven't seen a penny since 2007?

"A substantial credit balance"? - why the secrecy? The poster RST stated the balance had been used to buy new shares - was he/she misled or.....?

This "substantial credit balance" will be used to further the aims of the RST? Does that mean anything other than buying more shares?

What's the delay in buying them?

Forgive me if I don't have anything to do with your schemes

I wouldn't invest a penny in anyone who failed to show 100% transparency rather than hide behind vague defensive statements like that above

I think in the interests of everyone - the questions raised by Swally require to be addressed.

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Least it keeps the magazine hawkers away!

As a "magazine hawker" I find those comments uncalled for. :ohmy:

We at the 'Magazine Hawkers Union' have made huge leaps in recent years.......one of our members leapt over a six-foot hedge whilst being chased by an Internet Blogger. Said Blogger was chasing a story.....our member got caught up in the moment, panicked, then started running. Were it not for his ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound (his name is 'Clark') there's no way of knowing how this episode might have ended. :pipe:

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That's nonsense. The membership of all three websites doesn't even stretch to 100,000. Do we only have 100,000 fans? Internet users are not the majority, and are not fully representative of the views of the whole support.

Can't argue with that statement, apart from saying you should include bloggers in this you also seem to think they speak for the fans, and if you asked those fans that you mention the ones that are not on internet don't have a clue who the bloggers are............I mean what is an actual blogger and what does he/she actually do...........I can only really think of one who does anything positive in contacting people or organisations involved in the crap that our Club found itself in. The majority wax lyrically about nothing of importance relating to the Club.

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I would love to join an organization such as RST, but wouldnt join to to Dingwall being a member, think the guy is a twit and embarrasses the club, interviews with him are always completely cringeworthy. He ruins the RSTs reputation and the fact they deny that he affects recruitment is obviously bullshit.

Good luck to the Trust etc, but they won't get any support from me while he's there. Im sure many fans feel the same way.

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I think in the interests of everyone - the questions raised by Swally require to be addressed.

I would agree 100% with this, probably the most telling of points raised re rst and comes from their own recent answer to a question. I think people can answer a question in such a way as to try and pacify the person asking the question and be blinded to the fact that the answer given in fact really opens up a whole new avenue for them to be questioned on.

Swally nail on the head and put in a proper fashion that cannot cause any ill feeling.

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That clears that up then

"The current board" have adhered to the rules?

You have adopted the rules in the last 12 months in a scheme that has been running how long?

Rangers haven't seen a penny since 2007?

"A substantial credit balance"? - why the secrecy? The poster RST stated the balance had been used to buy new shares - was he/she misled or.....?

This "substantial credit balance" will be used to further the aims of the RST? Does that mean anything other than buying more shares?

What's the delay in buying them?

Forgive me if I don't have anything to do with your schemes

I wouldn't invest a penny in anyone who failed to show 100% transparency rather than hide behind vague defensive statements like that above

I am always suspicious when someone claims to have implemented something in the last twelve months/last five years or whatever. In effect it could have been implemented in the last five minutes

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As a "magazine hawker" I find those comments uncalled for. :ohmy:

We at the 'Magazine Hawkers Union' have made huge leaps in recent years.......one of our members leapt over a six-foot hedge whilst being chased by an Internet Blogger. Said Blogger was chasing a story.....our member got caught up in the moment, panicked, then started running. Were it not for his ability to leap tall buildings in a single bound (his name is 'Clark') there's no way of knowing how this episode might have ended. :pipe:

You are a purveyor of a newspaper, sir!

Never forget it

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You are a purveyor of a newspaper, sir!

Never forget it

It should be interesting this season as i have been asked to do a speirs/english type column in that talk shite and ignore the truth.............just a matter of agreeing how many pies per article I get.

I promise it will be nothing like the truth and nothing but lies.

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