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Answers To the Questions Posed to RST

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  1. Please list the successes of the Trust over the last ten and a bit years.

  • Compiled reports for the Club on safety issues fans encountered in Bucharest, Stuttgart and Pamplona and presented them to the Club

  1. If the RST truly aims to widen fan ownership, why do they refuse dialogue with Vanguard Bears, a group of Rangers fans which cannot even be named on the “perceived” RST's in-house website, Followfollow.com?

See previous comments re the FollowFollow website. The RST is willing to speak to anyone who has the best interests of the Club and the fans at heart, as demonstrated last year with the march to Hampden.

On the first point, I'm sick of hearing this from the trust. I was in Pamplona and when I came back I was disgusted at our treatment, I contacted and provided statements to everyone I could think of including the RST, Months passed without so even as much as a reply, I followed up on the email and again nothing then only to read that the RST had included this dossier in its list of achievements. That in itself is nonsense and should be removed because you done nothing and achieved nothing there.

On the 2nd point, I contacted the RST on several occasions over the years on behalf of Vanguardbears and other groups, once again I was met with a deafening silence on each occasion. On one occasion regarding a BBC protest Mark Dingwall answered me on behalf on FF & the RST, not interested and the only reply I received so because he wouldn't back it does that mean the RST automatically doesn't. I also contacted a RST board member who told me that "Mark just won't hear of it because of who's involved"

I will go one step further, name one project that FF has backed and the RST hasn't or vice versa?

If your lawyers or the RST has any problems with anything I said then feel free to PM me and I'll give you my details to pass on to them.
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I have to hold my hand up and say I'm out of touch with the goings on within the RST, and apart from seeing Mark Dingwall on the telly, usually bumping his gums and playing the victim card, I know little about the man.

That said, much of the OP seems to revolve around Mark Dingwall, and that in itself is a worry, given his position.

The way I read it is; basically Alan Harris, who was the Chairman of RST, has stated that Mark Dingwall got a substantial loan, and the RST are calling him a liar.

The explanation is that Mark Dingwall pledged charity money to RST and couldn't pay it, so was allowed to pay it over time... a loan by another name I think!

Meanwhile, Mark Dingwall wrote two cheques for the RST and both bounced.

My feeling on that is not only did it create a conflict of interest, but Mark Dingwall must surely have known he didn't have the funds as he wrote the cheques, the last time I looked, that is at very best, dodgy!

The RST talk about Alan Harris trying to 'further his own goals' but make no mention of what they believe those goals to be, strange then that they can dismiss his claims out of hand.

They have apparently been considering necessary action since September though 10 months, quite a consideration if I might say so.

I am not a member of the RST nor do I know Mr Dingwell. However, as you will see by my personal points at the bottom of the OP (and a few comments already here), I believe he is one of, if not the biggest stumbling blocks to the progression of the RST.

Of course, in a democratic vote it's only fair to elect someone that everyone wants.

Someone on RM has as their signature "the problem with democracy is that two idiots can outvote a genius". Never a truer word spoken.

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Also as others have stated why no legal action against Alan Harris when posters on here are being warned about lawyers?

Plus backing & promoting the Red and Black scarf campaign is not a success, it was a RST campaign. I promote campaigns on twitter and facebook, I then don't claim the glory if they succeed.

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That has never been fraud.

Me using your bank details to buy stuff is fraud.

Sending out cheques in your own name regardless if there is money in your account or not has never been fraud.

Still fucking shocking though, is it not?

Got a bouncer for my business from a friend.

He is not my friend now, thats how it normally works is it not

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I have to hold my hand up and say I'm out of touch with the goings on within the RST, and apart from seeing Mark Dingwall on the telly, usually bumping his gums and playing the victim card, I know little about the man.

That said, much of the OP seems to revolve around Mark Dingwall, and that in itself is a worry, given his position.

The way I read it is; basically Alan Harris, who was the Chairman of RST, has stated that Mark Dingwall got a substantial loan, and the RST are calling him a liar.

The explanation is that Mark Dingwall pledged charity money to RST and couldn't pay it, so was allowed to pay it over time... a loan by another name I think!

Meanwhile, Mark Dingwall wrote two cheques for the RST and both bounced.

My feeling on that is not only did it create a conflict of interest, but Mark Dingwall must surely have known he didn't have the funds as he wrote the cheques, the last time I looked, that is at very best, dodgy!

The RST talk about Alan Harris trying to 'further his own goals' but make no mention of what they believe those goals to be, strange then that they can dismiss his claims out of hand.

They have apparently been considering necessary action since September though 10 months, quite a consideration if I might say so.

We have heard the answer before that Mark Dingwall is a great guy and he gifted the RST almost £2,700 for fundraisers that lost money.

Well that is the way they want to portrait it.

He purchased tables for these events and therefore he is liable for the cash. I tried to get my full question across to Namibian Bear but I don't think he realised what I was getting at.

Did MD attend these functions and use these tables ?

Did he collect money from other for these tables or did he entertain guests?

Was any of the money related to auction prizes or monies spent on the night?

The truth of the matter is that he owed the RST £2,670 for near on 2 years, That means it was carried over from at least 1 AGM where no one on the board was informed.

He also bounced 2 cheques to the RST, Is this really the type of person we want on the board ?

Why does this man have such an influence on people to be able to get away with this ?

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Actually, I think its been answered as forcefully as possibly without incurring any legal implications. Read it between the lines and it says that he is INCORRECT in what he states and we don't actually really know why he did say that but guess it was for ulterior motives?

Any decent straight forward statement negates having to read between the lines, if what Harris claimed was untrue and maliciously so they should say it rather than leave a hole a first year law student could drive a bus through, if it is true that Harris deliberately lied and they can prove it they have nothing to fear, until then you continue to read between the lines me I will await definition.

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I am not a member of the RST nor do I know Mr Dingwell. However, as you will see by my personal points at the bottom of the OP (and a few comments already here), I believe he is one of, if not the biggest stumbling blocks to the progression of the RST.

Of course, in a democratic vote it's only fair to elect someone that everyone wants.

Someone on RM has as their signature "the problem with democracy is that two idiots can outvote a genius". Never a truer word spoken.

I believe the operative word is 'Trust' and what I've read about Mark Dingwall on here, is that is an attribute that could never be bestowed on him.

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I believe the operative word is 'Trust' and what I've read about Mark Dingwall on here, is that is an attribute that could never be bestowed on him.

Register on FF, post the same questions & answers from the OP and see what the response is.

The opinions will be at polar opposites from here.

MD is the problem, there is no doubt about that, but it is an easily rectified problem, join up and elect another representative for the position.

I have asked earlier in the thread what numbers folk think the membership will swell by if MD were to step aside, no response yet, only more attacks on MD which gains fuck all.

The idea of the RST is now well and truly fucked, even if MD stepped aside, it would still be seen as a FF organisation, which in itself would be reason enough for the very highest majority on here to continue the charade, the 3 biggest websites we have for Rangers fans act like a divorced couple with a spurned lover.

For the RST to work now it would need elected board members with no affiliation to any website or organisation, that idea in itself in today's society would be impossible.

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Register on FF, post the same questions & answers from the OP and see what the response is.

The opinions will be at polar opposites from here.

MD is the problem, there is no doubt about that, but it is an easily rectified problem, join up and elect another representative for the position.

I have asked earlier in the thread what numbers folk think the membership will swell by if MD were to step aside, no response yet, only more attacks on MD which gains fuck all.

The idea of the RST is now well and truly fucked, even if MD stepped aside, it would still be seen as a FF organisation, which in itself would be reason enough for the very highest majority on here to continue the charade, the 3 biggest websites we have for Rangers fans act like a divorced couple with a spurned lover.

For the RST to work now it would need elected board members with no affiliation to any website or organisation, that idea in itself in today's society would be impossible.

1) Post wouldn't last two seconds.

2) Life ban for poster.

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So, they say its only the 80,000 members on Rangers Media who have a problem with MD!

Most folk outwith the 3 main websites have no idea of the bitching that goes on regarding MD, and lets be realistic about it, in reality the number of users who regularly use these forums these days doesn't amount to that much really, same old blowhards spouting the same old shite.

But I would suggest you read the OP again.

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The list of achievements was pretty weak and like scraping a barrel IMHO

Knowing the answers before asking the questions is scraping the barrel BP.

Just provided yet another opportunity to regurgitate the same old shite, as has been proven with the responses.

In reality, every single question a complete waste of time and completely loaded, still trying to work out the purpose of it...........

The same folk revel in the same type of threads week in week out on both sites, pro RST/Anti RST............it's done, time to move on.

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Still fucking shocking though, is it not?

Got a bouncer for my business from a friend.

He is not my friend now, thats how it normally works is it not

Aye, of course (even worse if it was a friend in your case)

Point being though, I have had to explain what fraud is many times on here, Craig Whyte bumping TicketUs for example.

It is sly, sleekit and downright scummy, but the isn't any criminal laws about bumping people.

You can take folk to small claims court for stuff like this, but there is still no way that you are guaranteed to get your money.

Fraud is a very serious criminal offence, tge amount of people who don't understand what fraud actually is, is staggering.

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Without undermining the excellent work done by Nambian - I would point out we are are only getting one side of the story here. It would be better balanced if Alan Harris was given a right to respond, though that might not be possible.

It would be interesting if some of the posters from Gersnet could give their version of this as Im sure some were involved at the time.

Frankie can you help at all ?

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Knowing the answers before asking the questions is scraping the barrel BP.

Just provided yet another opportunity to regurgitate the same old shite, as has been proven with the responses.

In reality, every single question a complete waste of time and completely loaded, still trying to work out the purpose of it...........

The same folk revel in the same type of threads week in week out on both sites, pro RST/Anti RST............it's done, time to move on.

And yet you are one of the most prolific posters on this thread.

If it's done and it's time to move on; what compels you to keep posting on this topic ?

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And yet you are one of the most prolific posters on this thread.

If it's done and it's time to move on; what compels you to keep posting on this topic ?

There's now 44 posts on the thread bud, I'm hardly fucking prolific.

The constant obsession on here regarding MD is embarrassing and childlike, I like posting my opinion on it.

I was viewing as a visitor but decided to log on when this thread started to put in my tuppence worth, ok with you?

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Without undermining the excellent work done by Nambian - I would point out we are are only getting one side of the story here. It would be better balanced if Alan Harris was given a right to respond, though that might not be possible.

It would be interesting if some of the posters from Gersnet could give their version of this as Im sure some were involved at the time.

Frankie can you help at all ?

D'Art, Mr Harris's side of the story has been posted on here several times in recent weeks which is what prompted NB to do this Q&A. He did say at the time that he would respond to our statement but he never did.

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Most folk outwith the 3 main websites have no idea of the bitching that goes on regarding MD, and lets be realistic about it, in reality the number of users who regularly use these forums these days doesn't amount to that much really, same old blowhards spouting the same old shite.

But I would suggest you read the OP again.

You're too hard on yourself

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Aye, of course (even worse if it was a friend in your case)

Point being though, I have had to explain what fraud is many times on here, Craig Whyte bumping TicketUs for example.

It is sly, sleekit and downright scummy, but the isn't any criminal laws about bumping people.

You can take folk to small claims court for stuff like this, but there is still no way that you are guaranteed to get your money.

Fraud is a very serious criminal offence, tge amount of people who don't understand what fraud actually is, is staggering.

I took him to the small grab round the neck court.

Got more than I was due funnily enough :thumbup:

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Register on FF, post the same questions & answers from the OP and see what the response is.

The opinions will be at polar opposites from here.

MD is the problem, there is no doubt about that, but it is an easily rectified problem, join up and elect another representative for the position.

I have asked earlier in the thread what numbers folk think the membership will swell by if MD were to step aside, no response yet, only more attacks on MD which gains fuck all.

The idea of the RST is now well and truly fucked, even if MD stepped aside, it would still be seen as a FF organisation, which in itself would be reason enough for the very highest majority on here to continue the charade, the 3 biggest websites we have for Rangers fans act like a divorced couple with a spurned lover.

For the RST to work now it would need elected board members with no affiliation to any website or organisation, that idea in itself in today's society would be impossible.

Just to clarify. Mark Dingwall has previously refused an olive branch and opportunities to unite the support as stated in a previous post from RFE.

What chance does the RST have when one of their board is the most divisive person amongst the Rangers support.

To answer your other question. YES ! I would rejoin the RST if Mark Dingwall was no longer involved.

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D'Art, Mr Harris's side of the story has been posted on here several times in recent weeks which is what prompted NB to do this Q&A. He did say at the time that he would respond to our statement but he never did.

Is Harris honestly mistaken in his clear statement or is he lying, if the latter that raises even more questions.

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