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Rangers and the BBC


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Most likely pish, but if true, what if the BBC had asked for a meeting? We would be daft not to at least hear what they have to say. If we don't like it, then tell them where to stick it. Building bridges could mean many things, so I don't think we should be too quick to jump to criticism until we know more detail.

As I've said many times in here I'm not against the idea of building bridges provided it comes from others first. A simple but sincere apology is a good start then we can start to move on from there

So yeah, if that's the case then I agree with you - it would be worthwhile but I am still haunted by Mathers first interview about him and Smith taking it upon themselfs to build bridges with people

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It should come us no surprise - the BBC Executive in London are awash with complaints from Rangers fans one of which of course has been upheld.



So as you sow...so shall you reap.

The BBCs (in Scotland) performance just seems to be generally of a low standard, quite apart from their bias. I've quite often watched some of their news reports and thought 'that was terrible, you've missed so many important points in the issue you might as well not have covered it'.

Also, I saw that Mark Daly on the channel the other night. An atrocious excuse for a journalist. Absolutely terrible at what he does, in both content and presentation. It's beyond me how he gets the slots he does. Actually, it isn't really beyond me....

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The fuckers need us more than we need them.

The public want to know about Rangers.

If the BBC don't have the information, they go elsewhere - to media that do.

Without ratings they die.

Let the bastards grovel.

We call the shots.

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As I've said many times in here I'm not against the idea of building bridges provided it comes from others first. A simple but sincere apology is a good start then we can start to move on from there

So yeah, if that's the case then I agree with you - it would be worthwhile but I am still haunted by Mathers first interview about him and Smith taking it upon themselfs to build bridges with people

Fair do's.

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Most likely pish, but if true, what if the BBC had asked for a meeting? We would be daft not to at least hear what they have to say. If we don't like it, then tell them where to stick it. Building bridges could mean many things, so I don't think we should be too quick to jump to criticism until we know more detail.

they publicly slated us, they can publicly apologise. This behind the scenes "let's have a meeting" shite can bite me.
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they publicly slated us, they can publicly apologise. This behind the scenes "let's have a meeting" shite can bite me.

Well yeah, in the meeting maybe we can make that demand.

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The Bridge can be built If......................

They come out and say "The BBC are delighted to once again be associated with the Worlds most successful Club, The Rangers.

We are happy that all the Ill feeling caused by our Lies, The worst in the Clubs 141 year history, now seems to have come to an end.

We realise that any party is innocent until proved guilty and sincerly apologise for mis-reporting the facts regarding alleged Money Rangers owed to the Taxman which has been Proved beyond all reasonable doubt not to be the case."

They then commission a couple of programmes

The first to be aired is a Panorama Special called 'One Day In Sheffield - A documentary showing how a true football support should behave, followed up by a horror movie The Bheasts in Brentford..(Which will be after the watershed of course)

This Statement has to be read out by Chris McLaughlin and once they do the above.......................We tell them to Fuck Off!

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The Bridge can be built If......................

They come out and say "The BBC are delighted to once again be associated with the Worlds most successful Club, The Rangers.

We are happy that all the Ill feeling caused by our Lies, The worst in the Clubs 141 year history, now seems to have come to an end.

We realise that any party is innocent until proved guilty and sincerly apologise for mis-reporting the facts regarding alleged Money Rangers owed to the Taxman which has been Proved beyond all reasonable doubt not to be the case."

They then commission a couple of programmes

The first to be aired is a Panorama Special called 'One Day In Sheffield - A documentary showing how a true football support should behave, followed up by a horror movie The Bheasts in Brentford..(Which will be after the watershed of course)

This Statement has to be read out by Chris McLaughlin and once they do the above.......................We tell them to Fuck Off!

I am just watching a pig fly past my window.
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In my view the BBC played a full and active part in an anti-Rangers agenda and in doing so sought to actively harm the Club. They have been banned. I have seen and heard nothing to suggest that the ban should be lifted and 'normal' relations restored. Craig Mather has made it clear that action will be taken against (unnamed) persons / institutions / clubs when the time is right. James Traynor has talked about days of reckoning. The actions, statements and the like by the BBC affect Supporters as much if not more so than those who hold office at the Club. CM and JT both know that Supporters are to be respected. Mather has said that Rangers would use its voice and that he personally would stand tall for Rangers. In my view it would be incredible if the BBC was not one of the entities where action is to be taken unless CM and JT are going to argue that action has been taken in the form of a ban. Well for me that does not go far enough and nothing has been said or done by the BBC to cause me to consider it appropriate to lift the ban. In fact, I'd be looking for the media department to publicly take up every issue of BBC inaccurate reporting, malice, mischief and material which directly or by inference sought to harm Rangers and take them head on so that the voice which Craig Mather speaks of is heard loud and clear. If the voice he refers to is quiet whispers in corridors and a ban is lifted then it would be no voice at all. The BBC needs to demonstrate that it earns the respect of Rangers and Rangers Supporters. It is for them to demonstrate. So far the evidence in my view is nil and therefore any notition of bridge building by Rangers would be an error of judgement.


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The day that our activists get a sensible reply to their questions from this publicly ( you & me ) funded body will be a truly underwhelming event! BBC London has lost the plot by allowing this regional minnow to become hijacked by the worst, of what the journalistic underclass would call, objective reporters. FFS it's taken up to 30 years for them to acknowledge last night that the romans have been brutalising their young. There must be a papal tour on

Active Harm needs no translation...........has no justification...........cannot be swept aside, like it didn't happen............you need us...........we don't need you.............stay outside in the rain and snow...........we'll let you know !!

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Sorry, but no way will I EVER accept alliances with the Bigoted Broadcasting Clowns and I seriously hope the Club are not going ahead with this neither. They have been the biggest reason next to the Daily Rhebel in anti-Rangers reports, so unless they are begging on their knees for forgiveness and sacking the aforementioned tools responsible then they can fook off and the club will be hearing from a lot of supporters of their utter disgust in this idea.

I support my Club, but I definitely won't support this.

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not mysterious just the truth,you should read my posts,i think,no ,I know more than most,just tend to spill when I have a beer or two :dry:I know more than 95% on here FACT.....

Not to say I am correct,but why post something if you are not near 90% clear on things,some just post to get a reaction,and good on them......I my friend do not belong in that exalted company :thumbup: ....
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I want nothing to do with the bbc again. Yes , I'm sure they'd ' like ' talks . But they need us more than we need them.

What have they done for us in recent years - nothing ! And are we any worse off because of it ? No were not - just look at our attendances at Ibrox, everywhere we go and not to mention out tv figures.

Fuck them, we don't want or even need them.

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It's preposterous to discuss building bridges when BBC Scotland employ in some form or another:








All of the above are agenda driven.

All of the above preach hatred over our team.

All of the above are given a platform to falsify facts, and smear our club in lies and negativity.

Until that lot are out of the building, which I don't ever see happening, then there is no point, and even if the Beeb slap their wrists, it'll only be a short period of time before they spew their propaganda again.

So fuck the BBC.

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