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No financial penalty for Hearts


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Charles would have had a good sound bite about this - wouldn't have changed anything - but the easily led amongst our support would have been cheering that he was fighting our corner


Once again the club demonstrate they are listening to the fans albeit no doubt some will still be unhappy....

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Charles would have had a good sound bite about this - wouldn't have changed anything - but the easily led amongst our support would have been cheering that he was fighting our corner

You must be on here for the wind up as i see nothing else but that from you.

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OK, i'm late coming into this. I found enough excuses the other day to suggest no precedent was set with our treatment by the SPL and where Hearts find themselves with the new SPFL. It would be difficult to prove we were treated differently by the League. This, however, is an entirely different situation.

The SFA fined us 50K for admin/insolvency event. This should have become a standard fine, if not why not? Then we were told we brought the game into disrepute. Jesus, Rangers have carried the Scottish game for 140 years and got raped by a googly eyed chancer. Dunfermline and Hearts have given little back to the Scottish game in comparision and have been more in the papers for negative stories about not playing players/taxes for the last 2 years. Can this not be construed as bringing the game into disrepute. The SFA have some serious questions to ask on the back of this decision.

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Incredible but not unexpected who really thought that hertz would get punished, demonised or castigated like we did? Not me and its just another piece of proof that Rangers were punished not for any misdeeds but just for being Rangers and having the audacity to win a lot of trophys. Shit like this almost makes me wish Hertz do die, almost.

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By this decision they have now show what happened to us for what it actually was - a witch hunt against us, pure and simple.

They have all denied it say we were simply bitter and delusioned - and scoffed at the Rangers support on radio programs for even suggesting it - but the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

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Because every insolvency event is under completely different circumstances.

There's no rule book with how to deal with these things because they all should be dealt with on a case-by-case.

All we're asking for is consistency with punishments ! Is that really too much to expect ?

You hit the nail on the head with "there's no rule" book !!! The football authorities in this country are f###ing joke !!!


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Like many on here I'm perplexed and confused by the SFA’s ambiguous due process in dealing with Hearts current administrative circumstances.

It’s fairly obvious to many within our support that there has been a huge disparity between the punishment handed down by the SFA to both Hearts and Dunfermline, and that compared to the draconian and severe punishment inflicted on Rangers!

This disparity in punishment only adds to the widely held belief within the Rangers support that within the SFA corridors of power there is an anti Ranger agenda!

In the interest of fairness (and sporting integrity) the SFA should offer an explanation as to why the huge disparity in punishment, surely that’s the very least that Rangers and their support deserve, however I wouldn't hold my breath on it arriving any time soon!

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having read the article on this I'm not even angry just fed up with the whole corrupt stinking lot of them, and as far as the rangers didn't pay tax excuse well hertz still owe the tax man as well so what is the difference really? a sixmonth embargo compared to twelve, zero fine compared to fifty thousand and possibly although im not 100% sure if it was because of administration no player over 21 compared to no player over 18. I said to my dadanyone from the outside who knew nothing about scottish football would take one look at that situation and say "why are they punished differently?"

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You sound like the anguish-filled typical Rangers fan over the last few years that takes absolutely everything that happens in any aspect of life and uses it to say Rangers were persecuted.

What a pile of pish! So do you think Rangers were treated fairly last year? I'm sorry to burst your bubble but Rangers WERE persecuted

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Much better than the financial commentary from a position of ignorance that I responded to.

You call that utter misrepresentation a response, more of a wafflers uninformed mumblings and total lack of any perspective or understanding of any part of the situation. :cgreen:

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Mather's statement is a sensible, measured and thoughtful response to what appears to be a perverse decision, given the precedents set by the SFA.

However, it is absolutely vital that we obtain the detailed reasons behind the decision of the Disciplinary Panel before we say and do anything further. I've no doubt that's why we're seeking 'clarification' and making no further statement at this time. No doubt the club will request the written decision of the panel, which should delineate the deliberations of the panel, their thinking, rationale and decisions. At that point we can analyse the Panel's decision and set their 'rationale' against that applied to us. Let's await that analysis before knee jerking any reaction.

Tonights statement simply puts the SFA on notice that the matter may be pursued. Let's establish the facts and then react in the light of them.

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Damned if they do and damned if they don't. Punishing Hearts as they punished us would have been ludicrous but showing leniency leaves them open to accusations of inconsistency or worse.

They probably made the correct decision today, that's not to say the punishment for us was grossly unfair. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that.

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Damned if they do and damned if they don't. Punishing Hearts as they punished us would have been ludicrous but showing leniency leaves them open to accusations of inconsistency or worse.

They probably made the correct decision today, that's not to say the punishment for us was grossly unfair. Two wrongs don't make a right and all that.

I agree, and if that was the rationale then they should also apologise to us and return the £50k

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What can we actually do, we have no other option but to take this to uefa/fifa. The simple fact they are making up "laws", and also that a governing body was influenced by bigoted football fans last summer. Yes we deserved to be punished but the simple fact they were throwing out fines right left and centre i don't even think they know why. After the biggest club in the country going into admin you would think they would set out concrete laws if/when it started to happen to other clubs. Seriously what do these cunts do everyday?!

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i think a lot of folks here are missing the key difference between the treatment of Rangers and the treatment of other clubs. when we were in diffs there was a concerted effort by the rest of the football family to put us out of business forever. that failed, partly because the SFL clubs acted responsibly but also because Rangers supporters stuck by the club through think and thin. do you not remember people were discussing what other teams we'd all start supporting when there was no Rangers to follow? Nothing about Scottish football should surprise us now, it's the absolute pits run by a bunch of idiots

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