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Walter Smith Out in 24 Hrs - Statement Today

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If smith and McCoist go, we are pretty much fucked in the way of any real Rangers men to stand up for our club, as bad a manager as Ally is he will stand up for this club untill the day he dies, same with Walter, but if they go Green will basically do whatever he wants with no questions asked.

For me Walter has and does not do anywhere near enough standing up for the club. He has been there throughout the constant media vilification of us and like so many 'legends' appears to be part of the dignified silence brigade. The dignified silence strategy that for me was as good as writing to our enemies telling them that it was open season on Rangers.

Having said that, despite not always agreeing with his actions (or lack of) I do believe what he does is at least with the right intention - I truly don't know if that can be said for the other camp.

If he has to step down something is fundamentally wrong. Can we expect Walter will tell us what that is? - would this take a step towards uniting our divided support (which does opitomise 'divide and conquer')

As far as trophies go - well done and thanks Walter as for off the park he has yet IMO to earn the status as something of a saviour that some seem to credit him with. He still could - I doubt he will.

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I only have one agenda and that's to see Rangers in the hands of people that put the club before their own personal gain.

Rangers have made Walter Smith a millionaire a few times over. Why is he taking a salary from the club?

If anything Rangers have made McCoist even wealthier. Why is he not totally embarrassed to be taking the lions share of £1M per year which would be at least five times too much for this level of football even if he was performing well in the job.

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I'm fed up with the whole lot of them. What was even the point in getting Smith into that position?

Clarity for the fans? Or just to get us to buy STs?! He's not said a word and if he does leave unambiguously then ill be even more pissed off.

Fed up with every single one of them.

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I only have one agenda and that's to see Rangers in the hands of people that put the club before their own personal gain.

These people do not exist, at least not any that have enough money to make a difference.

Me, you, and almost every other real bear on the planet, would run the club without personal gain, businessmen/TBK/CG/RST/PM all want their fingers in the pie.

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For me Walter has and does not do anywhere near enough standing up for the club. He has been there throughout the constant media vilification of us and like so many 'legends' appears to be part of the dignified silence brigade. The dignified silence strategy that for me was as good as writing to our enemies telling them that it was open season on Rangers.

Having said that, despite not always agreeing with his actions (or lack of) I do believe what he does is at least with the right intention - I truly don't know if that can be said for the other camp.

If he has to step down something is fundamentally wrong. Can we expect Walter will tell us what that is? - would this take a step towards uniting our divided support (which does opitomise 'divide and conquer')

As far as trophies go - well done and thanks Walter as for off the park he has yet IMO to earn the status as something of a saviour that some seem to credit him with. He still could though.

I think (hope) he's been trying to keep some calm and balance behind the scenes, and now thats all blown up he probably thinks he no longer has a voice in there.

Personally, i think its really worrying that he's (maybe, probably) leaving. This is all about to get even more ugly and it really concerns me we're not going to have Walter there.

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So there have now been 3 thread, totalling about 30 pages, telling us that Walter is leaving. Can anyone actually confirm this, or have a statement from WS on the matter?

Not saying it wont happen, but I have not seen anything from the club or Walter.

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I can help you there

he hasnt got his own way


its that simple

him and mccosit want to lord it about like they were back under mintys tenure

PS some would say that men of principle resign

not continually bloody talk about it without doing it

Didn't get what his way?

And where has he continually talked about resigning?

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I'm fed up with the whole lot of them. What was even the point in getting Smith into that position?

Clarity for the fans? Or just to get us to buy STs?! He's not said a word and if he does leave unambiguously then ill be even more pissed off.

Fed up with every single one of them.

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If this is really true then i am really concerned. I think Green did a good job at the time and was well rewarded for this and I have no problem with that but he did not personally invest any money - I just wish he would sell his shares when he can and move on.

Green complains we have spent to much on players but a role has now been created for him for which i'm sure he is getting a salary - do we really need a 'consultant' if we are so skint?

I would take Walters word over Greens any day - at least walter will have the clubs best interests at heart (even if we don't agree with everything he does) but can we 100% know that Green really cares about our club, i'm pretty sure he is only interested in the share price falling!

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I'll start by saying I am not an expert in business takeovers or the stock market, however I think this is a very clever move by the 'good guys'

By resigning his position, Smith (and by proxy the McColl/Murray/Institutional group) has heaped the pressure on to Zeus and Green

My belief after reading everything this morning is that Smith has been advised to take this step in order to turn the screw on Zeus and at the same time create further uncertainty which will have a detrimental effect on the share price.

Also, it exposes Green (who came back suddenly in a panic to counter the McColl/Murray move of last week). I dont believe he can afford (either financially or support wise) to sack McCoist. He is left with a big decision to make re the future and I believe the 'good guys' are playing a game which will ultimately lead to his (and Zeus') departure

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So your saying Davis is not a better manager than McCoist?

No what I'm saying is that Davies isn't the super manager many seem to think he is. Infact I'll go as far as to say if Davies was English and had no link to our club his name would never be mentioned in relation to the managers job.

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I'll start by saying I am not an expert in business takeovers or the stock market, however I think this is a very clever move by the 'good guys'

By resigning his position, Smith (and by proxy the McColl/Murray/Institutional group) has heaped the pressure on to Zeus and Green

My belief after reading everything this morning is that Smith has been advised to take this step in order to turn the screw on Zeus and at the same time create further uncertainty which will have a detrimental effect on the share price.

Also, it exposes Green (who came back suddenly in a panic to counter the McColl/Murray move of last week). I dont believe he can afford (either financially or support wise) to sack McCoist. He is left with a big decision to make re the future and I believe the 'good guys' are playing a game which will ultimately lead to his (and Zeus') departure

There are no good guys or bad guys, it's one big mess.
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Jeezo, If Walter leaves and as others suggest the Management team move on too, what then? Some are mooting Warnock and Davies, give me peace. They will inherit Ally's squad and from September will actually be able to play them. If Mourinho moves in and he loses to Dunfermline, what then???

This is Ally's squad we have, albeit not the one he might have assembled had he been able to sign contracted players but its HIS squad nontheless. HE should be given the chance to prove himself as Manager of Our Club beyond the embargo. I have said it from day one. Its a fickle fan that can't give a club Legend the benefit of the doubt after what He has been through.

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How would WS resigning 'heap pressure' on CG? And who are these 'good guys'? Are they the ones who let CG and his consortium raise £22 million and get the club back up and running. PM and McColl are NOT good guys. If McColl had the interests of Rangers at heart why didn't he put up 1% of his wealth when the club really needed it and why wait until 34,000 season tickets are sold to try and oust Craig Mather?

PM getting a seat on the board will be an unmitigated disaster. He has only one thing in mind and it is by no means Rangers best interests.

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