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Statement on Walter Smith from the Association, Assembly and Trust

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Statement on Walter Smith from the Association, Assembly and Trust


"The Rangers Supporters Association, Rangers Supporters Assembly and the Rangers Supporters Trust are extremely concerned with current events at our club.

Walter Smith’s resignation is a matter of deep anxiety and we trust that Walter will give supporters a detailed statement outlining his reasons for leaving.

The recent request for an EGM to replace key personnel would suggest our concerns are shared by other significant shareholders. We would thereforeurge the board of Rangers Football Club to agree to allow the EGM to proceed as soon as possible to enable the thousands of fans who have invested in theclub to hear all sides in an open forum.

In the meantime, we have requested an urgent meeting with the Chief Executive in order to keep our members as informed as possible."

Good statement.

Unity is the key here if we are to rescue our club.

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Suppose we will hear absolutely nothing but will inevitably be expected to do diligently what they suggest as they have a source.

No they wont disclose proof just expect us to believe.

Then they will choose a path and divide fans even further.

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Seems like a fair response to me. The fans deserve an explanation.

And what if Walter Smith is bound by a confidentiality clause?

His old boss (the Edinburgh wine-loving fuck) used that with great effect for many years.

I'd be stunned if the new regime didn't have a similar contract in situ.

I expect nothing explosive from Smith other than to say he "enjoyed" his time at the club, "wishes us well" etc.

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Seems like a fair response to me. The fans deserve an explanation.

It is not within their remit.

Anyway we know the explanation smith isn't happy and. He is off to try and get the club for heehaw with his big pals

Then fury can get his wee blazer an duck can tell him what the fuck to do

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Rangers FC replied.

We have two factions of greedy, unscrupulous bastards who care not a jot what any fan thinks or feels. We will continue to shame your football club and we will use lackies in the above groups to spread all sorts of propaganda and lies.

Message ends!

I don't know who is right and who is wrong, I do know the previous legends like Struth and Wallace will be spinnling in their graves at the thought of these charlatans being in charge of our great football club..


And Smith and McCoist and the "Rangers Men" are every bit as guilty and as dirty as the other faction. Maybe even more so given their collective links to previous regimes.

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It is not within their remit.

Anyway we know the explanation smith isn't happy and. He is off to try and get the club for heehaw with his big pals

Then fury can get his wee blazer an duck can tell him what the fuck to do

I'm an investor. I'm a season ticket holder.

They don't speak for me.

What gives them the right to say they do?

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McCoist will be next to be bumped... And then all the 'fans' who objected to the only remaining 'Rangers men' will have their wish.

I hope their hero-worship of random businessmen works out for us...

Because if it doesn't, I would accept nothing less than Seppuku.

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I'm an investor. I'm a season ticket holder.

They don't speak for me.

What gives them the right to say they do?

I think its a borderline statement without crossing the line that they actually speak for ALL supporters. Statements like "would suggest our concerns are shared by other significant shareholders" seem to be the get out of jail free card there.

Its a statement that can be read as "we are there and concerned for all the fans" but without going as far as "we are speaking for all the fans".

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Good statement.....I share the deep anxiety and will be sharing my feelings tomorrow as will the majority of others! The Green mob need to GTF and quickly.....Walters statement when released will I hope be clear enough to ensure even the blind on here can see.

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A General Meeting whose sole stated objective is the removal of 3 current Rangers Directors including the CEO and FD is not, I think, an event that the CEO and FD would readily want to entertain. So I guess if a way to resist it was possible they would seek to do so. An intervention of the nature tabled by Murray has, to my mind, the sole intention of disrupting the stability that was being created. In fact it is a strategy to deliberately de-stabalise and to capitalise on the effects of the announcement for their own commercial (and possibly egotistic) purposes. Their timing - when the vast majority of STs are sold - appears to be borne out of calculated cynisicm. I regard their action as massively disrespectful to Rangers and to Supporters so unless more substantive and worthwhile reasons are put forward by Murray and his cohorts as to why the 3 current Directors should be removed and replaced by Murray-men they most certainly do not have my support for their plans both as a Supporter first and foremost and as an investor. It goes without saying (to use a McCoist and Smith of-used phrase) that as matters stand and on the basis of what I've heard and read in Club and press statements I do not align with the Trust, Assembly and Association statement.

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Who called the EGM?

Exactly,this has all been set off by people who are trying to seize power without putting Money up.

Well done.

Not arguing but you need a certain amount of shares to call an Egm - so anyone (or group) with those shares is both entitled to do so and has paid to have that share

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A General Meeting whose sole stated objective is the removal of 3 current Rangers Directors including the CEO and FD is not, I think, an event that the CEO and FD would readily want to entertain. So I guess if a way to resist it was possible they would seek to do so. An intervention of the nature tabled by Murray has, to my mind, the sole intention of disrupting the stability that was being created. In fact it is a strategy to deliberately de-stabalise and to capitalise on the effects of the announcement for their own commercial (and possibly egotistic) purposes. Their timing - when the vast majority of STs are sold - appears to be borne out of calculated cynisicm. I regard their action as massively disrespectful to Rangers and to Supporters so unless more substantive and worthwhile reasons are put forward by Murray and his cohorts as to why the 3 current Directors should be removed and replaced by Murray-men they most certainly do not have my support for their plans both as a Supporter first and foremost and as an investor. It goes without saying (to use a McCoist and Smith of-used phrase) that as matters stand and on the basis of what I've heard and read in Club and press statements I do not align with the Trust, Assembly and Association statement.

Post of the century

I have it on good authority that if PM gets in to power he has promised some confirmed bachelor a position within the club

Now that would be the final straw

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Statement written in panic mode. Smith makes it clear in his statement an egm should be avoided. The egm requisition is nothing more than an attempt by mini Murray to further destabilise the current board by trying to turn the fans against them. It will not 'bring out the truth' or reveal some big conspiracy as many people seem to suggest.

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