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Confessions of a fence sitting blogger


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I see what you mean. Yet the only way we can be included in these processes is to have a neutral representative on the board...someone with a bit of financial nous perhaps.

Which is where the McColl requisition breaks down for me. Why go to the trouble of placing someone like Blin on the board, only to include mini-murray?

A PR disaster.

A very good point re Blin/Murray.

Perhaps a statement, I know words can be cheap, from Blin could shed some light

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I see what you mean. Yet the only way we can be included in these processes is to have a neutral representative on the board...someone with a bit of financial nous perhaps.

Which is where the McColl requisition breaks down for me. Why go to the trouble of placing someone like Blin on the board, only to include mini-murray?

A PR disaster.

It is a PR disaster.

As to solutions - I really think we need to think out of the box on this one.

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Listen D'A you are not sitting on the fence you are reacting like any intelligent Rangers Supporter should do, how can you trust any of them when they are all acting like despicable rogues and dragging the name of Rangers through the mud for their own personal gain.

What we are witnessing is false claims and counter false claims to throw red herrings left, right and centre and I just hope it doesn't all end in tears again.

All I know is there is only one constant in this shambles and that is the resilience and strength of the Fans who continue to show their support by their presence at games home and away this season, friendlies especially, they must have spent fortunes already although that will not bother them, they do it because they want to through Loyalty to the Club they Love.

My Friend it was not you who sat on the fence when the stakes were critical and the Clubs death was on the cards it was men who had the power and the wealth that would have saved us the pantomime we are witnessing now.

You Brother are no fence sitter you are a Loyalist who nailed his colours to the mast when you were born ! (tu):ukflag:;):sherlock:

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I just can’t make my mind up either.

When Charles Green first appeared on the scene he was like a breath of fresh air.

At last we had someone who publicly stood up for the rights of our Club.

At that time I thought he would be the ideal man to lead us away from the abyss.

Even during the intervening period right up until recent events unfolded I still had faith in his ability, so much so that I voted for him in the poll on here.

The doubt started to creep in when men that I feel within my heart of hearts would not intentionally damage our Club, men such as Walter Smith and numerous ex-players who were the life blood of the team during their playing years.

For me, these men are in the know in as much as they have access to information not readily available to all and sundry. All are implying that we fans should be vigilant regarding the current administration of the Club.

Therefore, until all the relevant facts are made public, I too will be sitting on the fence

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Listen D'A you are not sitting on the fence you are reacting like any intelligent Rangers Supporter should do, how can you trust any of them when they are all acting like despicable rogues and dragging the name of Rangers through the mud for their own personal gain.

What we are witnessing is false claims and counter false claims to throw red herrings left, right and centre and I just hope it doesn't all end in tears again.

All I know is their is only one constant in this shambles and that is the resilience and strength of the Fans who continue to show their support by their presence at games home and away this season, friendlies especially, they must have spent fortunes already although that will not bother them, they do it because they want to through Loyalty to the Club they Love.

My Friend it was not you who sat on the fence when the stakes were critical and the Clubs death was on the cards it was men who had the power and the wealth that would have saved us the pantomime we are witnessing now.

You Brother are no fence sitter you are a Loyalist who nailed his colours to the mast when you were born ! (tu):ukflag:;):sherlock:

Great post Blue. (tu)

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Top post. Agree fully with what you are saying. I too was firmly a supporter of Craig Whyte when he first appeared. I just put all the mhedia stuff about him as the usual bheast obsessiveness with rangers. Unfortunately I'm still kinda half hoping with green. Don't know if its just wishful thinking that we can't possibly be fucked over twice in so short a time or if I'm just a moron who never learns. I so badly want all this pish to just be sorted out and to get back to where we should be.

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Such a pertinent few paragraphs - I'm very familiar with this lack of certainty!

My Mum used a different term but had a similar perspective and was just as astute as the OP's.

I don't really know what to do or who to support and it is doing my head in! I'm driven to distraction by it to be frank. Actually I'm getting quite angry because I feel there is a vast army of Rangers men - like me who are in a similar position. Love the Club - yes I'll use the term "Real Rangers Men"!! Not agenda led sycophants for one extreme or another, not seduced by big and wild talk, not convinced that any of the "players" in this farce are right but - totally certain our club needs good decisive leadership both on the park, beside the park, in the offices and in the boardroom!

I was a bit pissed off to see the story "Rangers Fans get together to list 50 questions..." Nobody asked me - or anyone I know to comment or contribute yet I've had a season for 34 years and been going since I was a wee boy - a lot of my friends are the same - nobody asked any of them either! There is a huge silent majority of Real Rangers Men - honest and true and we don't need all this shite!

Please for God's sake - throw away the self interest, forget the pals and cliques and forget the old divisions be Real Rangers Men - stop squabbling and let's do what we can to take the Club forward TOGETHER! We need our Churchill - now! Surely somewhere we have a man or woman who can do that??

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The accounts are now to be published early - in Aug - according to reports from the meeting at Ibrox tonight. That will help to clarify the financial situation. The facts will speak for themselves and the Directors can be held to account at the AGM, or sooner perhaps if the Murray request for a General Meeting is agreed.

Seems to me from the threads from the meeting tonight that the Board is minded to enter into dialogue with Murray / McColl and want to 'strengthen' the Board. They are reviewing CG's position. All of which, and some of the other stuff from the meeting tonight, indicate to me that the Board is trying to rip the fence up and to join forces with Murray / McColl and establish stability by consensus rather than by fighting it out in the battle to win shareholder support for one camp or the other.

It that is correct then any discomfort from indentations from fence-sitting will be removed and we will all be able to roam the pastures of stability and perhpas enjoy games of football once again. Somewhere over the rainbow Board harmony beckons.

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The accounts are now to be published early - in Aug - according to reports from the meeting at Ibrox tonight. That will help to clarify the financial situation. The facts will speak for themselves and the Directors can be held to account at the AGM, or sooner perhaps if the Murray request for a General Meeting is agreed.

Seems to me from the threads from the meeting tonight that the Board is minded to enter into dialogue with Murray / McColl and want to 'strengthen' the Board. They are reviewing CG's position. All of which, and some of the other stuff from the meeting tonight, indicate to me that the Board is trying to rip the fence up and to join forces with Murray / McColl and establish stability by consensus rather than by fighting it out in the battle to win shareholder support for one camp or the other.

It that is correct then any discomfort from indentations from fence-sitting will be removed and we will all be able to roam the pastures of stability and perhpas enjoy games of football once again. Somewhere over the rainbow Board harmony beckons.

I liked that bit RB - Im away to click my heels 3 times...

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I see what you mean. Yet the only way we can be included in these processes is to have a neutral representative on the board...someone with a bit of financial nous perhaps.

Which is where the McColl requisition breaks down for me. Why go to the trouble of placing someone like Blin on the board, only to include mini-murray?

A PR disaster.

They need Murray to agitate the RST and friends behind their cause

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What percentage ownership do we have? I may be wrong but it crossed my mind today that after the share issue it was said Rangers fans had taken up a bigger than expected amount. What percentage is that - does it make us as a group the biggest single shareholder?

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The fans have been let down so many times by the board and "others", there are no fences left to sit on!

You can come and sit on my fence Bubbly, lol

Mind you I am still Pro Green and Ally, so maybe you won't want to sit on my fence. That meeting hasn't deterred or swayed me in any way.

My issues still lie with the bonuses/wages of the board. I still find them inexcusable and staggering. I can't even see any intention from the board on budging these points. I would prefer to hear that they will either lock these bonuses till we are "back" in top tier or lower them drastically in an ideal world.

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Agree 100% Dart

Its so very difficult for some myself included to have a go at Green after all he has done.

But if we are in trouble and its on his watch then he had better get it sorted.

If we are not then show us.

The 2 parties that is Green and McColl NEED TO BE A BIT MORE GROWN UP. Get round the table issue a joint statement in regards to our finances coupled where we go from here....

A few fans have taken a quite hard line on this and while not exactly thrilled by it I do understand the fear that is felt.

Well said that man.

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D'Art thought provoking as usual.

Like you I have no real affection for any of the current protagonists publicly fighting for control of (our) Rangers, I do however believe that we as a fan base can and should be able to exert a far greater level of control over the destiny of our great club.

We have to force this change by whatever means necessary - no matter who has control of our club by the end of, what I suspect may be a very long game of poker. Perhaps the necessary militancy involved in achieving this may seem unpalatable to some.

I also believe that we as a support must force change by whatever legitimate means available, because without a unified voice, we will always be on the outside looking in.

Just don't mention boycott!

'We are the People'

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