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The Union Bears = Embarrassment


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Are the the young boys who cut about in Adidas Gazelles, chequered shirts and Stone Island jackets part of the Union Bears? They've came from nowhere and every away game, you're guaranteed to see groups of at least five of them; all dressed identically.

I love the atmosphere that the Union Bears bring to Ibrox, it's brilliant and while I've agreed with a lot of their views, today just seemed like an uneducated, petulant protest.

Nothing up with wearing Adidas and Stone Island, it's just fashion.
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Great game today and people starting threads about a very very very small minority of our support ! That's the fucking embarrassment.

Doing the fucking scum and scum medias for them.

Well done all involved.

They done a great job of that themselves today.

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I talk to lots of rangers fans at the game or elsewhere and I respect the right they have to voice their opinion on the club they love, none of them have ever slagged off other rangers fans because of their opinions. In other words some on here would say things about fellow supporters ,that would never be deemed appropriate at Ibrox.

You're probably right that people would be less likely to voice negative opinions at Ibrox than from the safety of behind their own computer but they'll still be thinking them.

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I do tolerate them...to a point.

BUT when they get political and their routines become tired and predictable, my tolerance wears thin.

They bore me now and they bore a lot of people.

The atmosphere on Tuesday night was far more genuine and superior to today.

whether a rangers fans opinions bore you or not they are still those of a fellow fan.they have the same right to voice their opinion on anything at rangers as you do, they should also be free from persecution by their own
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There was an anti-green banner displayed in front of the east enclosure. Does that mean everyone who sits in the EC are wankers too?

You pricks on here are a fucking red neck.

If you made as much noise at Ibrox as u do on here the place would be rocking. In the past week we have had so called bears calling Super Ally and now fellow fans wankers?

It's an absolute scandal the way bears slate each other on here. Its fucking simple for me. If u don't like it stay at home, get to fuck.

You lot are the fucking embarrassment. The UB and TBO bring colour and noise to Ibrox, they have an opinion on green and the the board. Some may agree others won't. But to call them neds and wankers fuck off.

Why can't you just enjoy a cracking start to our league campaign and look forward to our new players settling in rather than acting like the bead rattlers who scrutinise our support and songs at every turn.

Un fucking real some of the comments on this.

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You're probably right that people would be less likely to voice negative opinions at Ibrox than from the safety of behind their own computer but they'll still be thinking them.

there is a big difference from thinking to voicing publicly, acceptance should play a vital part. The same tolerance and acceptance towards each other at the games should be embraced on here. That's not to be mistaking for agreeing, discussing an opinion is great expressing your own even better, but denouncing someone for having an opinion on rangers matters is poor.
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There was an anti-green banner displayed in front of the east enclosure. Does that mean everyone who sits in the EC are wankers too?

You pricks on here are a fucking red neck.

If you made as much noise at Ibrox as u do on here the place would be rocking. In the past week we have had so called bears calling Super Ally and now fellow fans wankers?

It's an absolute scandal the way bears slate each other on here. Its fucking simple for me. If u don't like it stay at home, get to fuck.

You lot are the fucking embarrassment. The UB and TBO bring colour and noise to Ibrox, they have an opinion on green and the the board. Some may agree others won't. But to call them neds and wankers fuck off.

Why can't you just enjoy a cracking start to our league campaign and look forward to our new players settling in rather than acting like the bead rattlers who scrutinise our support and songs at every turn.

Un fucking real some of the comments on this.

You have just called fans pricks yourself. :7325:

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There was an anti-green banner displayed in front of the east enclosure. Does that mean everyone who sits in the EC are wankers too?

You pricks on here are a fucking red neck.

If you made as much noise at Ibrox as u do on here the place would be rocking. In the past week we have had so called bears calling Super Ally and now fellow fans wankers?

It's an absolute scandal the way bears slate each other on here. Its fucking simple for me. If u don't like it stay at home, get to fuck.

You lot are the fucking embarrassment. The UB and TBO bring colour and noise to Ibrox, they have an opinion on green and the the board. Some may agree others won't. But to call them neds and wankers fuck off.

Why can't you just enjoy a cracking start to our league campaign and look forward to our new players settling in rather than acting like the bead rattlers who scrutinise our support and songs at every turn.

Un fucking real some of the comments on this.

Irony.... :lol:

BTW, did the EE start sack the board chants?

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whether a rangers fans opinions bore you or not they are still those of a fellow fan.they have the same right to voice their opinion on anything at rangers as you do, they should also be free from persecution by their own

I have no problem with them voicing their opinion.

BUT when they make a tit of themselves and make the club look foolish then it goes too far.

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No fans in my eyes. Disgraceful thread. In fact probably bead rattlers.

Al say it again. If you don't like it stay the fuck away.

In fact go and watch thistle with the anti loyalist song brigade.

I, Like many bears on here was supporting Rangers and going to games long before most of the UB were twinkles in their Daddy's eyes!

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UB do so much for the atmosphere at Ibrox, so I'm reticant to declare them wankers. Three cringe worthy moments though.

Charlie get tae fuck - for its crude simplicity.

Shove your independance up your arse - not sure why they had to go political today.

Walter Smiths Blue and White army - :blink:

However it all pales in comparison to some wee ned with 'Torbett 69' on his Rangers top...wtf!

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As a non season ticket holder i used to love sitting in BF5 with The Blue Order and even since the coming together of the UB07 from the Copland rear to the BF1 i always try and sit as close to them as i can as i fuckan love the atmosphere they bring to the match and i understand every fan is entitled to their own opinion however i hate the anti Green chants as whatever way we look at this that is the man who put his money where his mouth was, fought the HMRC case (and won) and effectively saved our club.

Wise up lads and reserve judgement untill we have the proper facts.

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I was at the meeting on Thursday night at Ibrox and nearly everyone to a man there wants green to get to fuck, so why the hysteria about the UB banners and songs?

Almost every blue nose I know does not want independence, so why get your knickers in a twist bout them singing to stick it up yir arse?

They young lads are a breath of fresh air, they have brought colour and noise to Ibrox, without them its back to the morgue.

They are not neds and wankers.

Only tims and boring old men don't like what they bring.

Seriously, catch a fucking grip. Fellow bluenoses to me, defo not the enemy or something to hate.

Long may it continue.

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No fans in my eyes. Disgraceful thread. In fact probably bead rattlers.

Al say it again. If you don't like it stay the fuck away.

In fact go and watch thistle with the anti loyalist song brigade.

Was going to watch Rangers before many of them were born. Even used to stay of school most days and walk across to the Albion to watch them training most mornings. Never had the bus fare back then, but was proud to walk from Possil and back, to see the team that i loved. So just to let you know, i am not a bead rattler.

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I was at the meeting on Thursday night at Ibrox and nearly everyone to a man there wants green to get to fuck, so why the hysteria about the UB banners and songs?

Almost every blue nose I know does not want independence, so why get your knickers in a twist bout them singing to stick it up yir arse?

They young lads are a breath of fresh air, they have brought colour and noise to Ibrox, without them its back to the morgue.

They are not neds and wankers.

Only tims and boring old men don't like what they bring.

Seriously, catch a fucking grip. Fellow bluenoses to me, defo not the enemy or something to hate.

Long may it continue.

Do not forget that you will be a boring old man one day. But the same boring old men helped build this great club.

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ive loved the UB TBO BF1 whatever you wanna label it as but that today was fucking terrible

i was embarrassed listening to your shite the anti green shit followed by walter smiths blue and white army made my skin crawl

grow up ffs

nm tho 4-1 at least you can go home thinking we have a superb manager


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