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Your Thoughts On Why Charles Came Back.

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Charles Green said from day one he was here to make money............did he put money of his own into the Club? More than likely he didn't.........we have been told by CG that he was approached by Zeus to be the front-man of the team that wanted to buy the Club........Now why would a group of strangers want to buy a Club with so much alleged debt, especially with the HMRC inflated alleged debt...........well two ways they would have looked at this.............if these figures turned out to be true then they have a liquidation deal to buy the assets cheaper. And belief it or not this would have been an easier scenario as the saving of the Club and all the emotions that go hand in hand are removed............this is what stares hearts just now...........people will be waiting and no doubt would have notified BDO and the Lithuanians(who have the final say)of their intentions to purchase the assets in Liquidation.

So the CG/Zeus went for our Club ....to make money no crime there then, what went wrong HMRC used this inflated sum to knock back the CVA, a shock to CG/Zeus perhaps, but with the blessing of HMRC the assets were purchased in Administration and not held back for Liquidation, meaning as HMRC saiud in a statement the Club and it's history remain intact and will play their football at Ibrox........so huge plus for us.

Now what happened next, Walter appears in the CG role(minus the share promise) to front what we believe was a bid of some £6m from McColl(yet has mccoll admitted it was his bid) CG threw it out and every man jack of us would have done the same in his position.

1. CG and the people he was fronting would have sold at an overall loss

2. Also why sell a debt free club with the assets they own for this insult of an offer.

3. Did Walters group know that this insult would be thrown out? and the offer was the first shot in causing trouble?

Green immediately throw it back into their laps.the invite, come and invest that money with us for the benefit of the Club.................no reply and that said it all to me.

No matter who came in from whatever consortium would have taken salaries I mean we even had Walter taking 50k as a non exec Director.

I have not mentioned the likes of murray until now as quite frankly the man is a disappointment and we have mccoll who has said many times over that he does not want to invest hard cash into the Club , but we have certain sections calling his name as the way forward.......I just don't get that one.

SWhy did Zeus approach CG, more than likely through knowing him re Sheffield Utd and know him as the type of business guy to come in and work through all the keech and sort thing out, pick up his shares and sell them ........job down.

Except for one last thing, if you were CG would you want those shares sold for £ a time or 30p a go Y/N

All the guys who take pleasure in the CG f off chants answer this.........who is coming in and why did they leave the Club a bawshair away from disaster.

Please don't spout D&P were in with Zeus and Green, get a grip those guys were uder so much scrutiny over this administration than anyother administration in recent memory..........they like CG have gone through the mill by panels like D&P have, be they independent or an official one like D&P.

So think about it and take a deep breath and come away from these premeditated attacks we see Green and Co have been facing.

The people who lead this charge have never named who will take over..........why? Do they think that in doing so they will collapse before they start or are they merely stirring it up to sell books,T-shirts and get hits on Blog Sites, more twitter followers.

One poster said , in answer to a post about the use of the same words by certain people as in toxic and so on as a mere coincidence , yet these people all sing from the same hymn sheet and part of the same groups.

Long winded but sometimes it has to be...............if you can't understand the ramblings then I apologise and I know you follow the group who want Green and Co out.

If in the long run it turns out that CG and his people have been naughty I will hold my hands up and accept I got it wrong..........but what a lot of hassle to go through to make a few bucks when the marketplace is awash with deals and a lot less hassle.

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Great post mate and agree with you.

My only issue is with the large bonuses but someone else has said that McCoist and his team took more home, they get less flak which is very hypocritical.

Ally and co can take large amounts of cash from Rangers, because they're Rangers man but Green and co can't as they're 'from another country'

Why no banners for McCoist who last week helped deprive the club of more income from a cup run?

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I think Greens connections to Whyte are enough for me not to trust him. After what happened with Whyte I'm in no mood to give Green the benefit of the doubt. I fact the £ 360,000 bonus for winning div 3 puts it beyond doubt for me, Charles is not to be trusted.

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The last line is a very good point. However it applies to anyone out there looking to get involved. Rangers is not a company to make money out of and there are easier ways to make money. From what I have read the block of shareholders opposed to the current boards operations are being honest about that. Whereas Green is more interested in kicking up a stink in an attempt for someone to pay him £14 million, money that won't go into the club, and he is trying to make out that this block of shareholders have not put money into the club when they clearly have.

It stinks and I think he is trying to manipulate the fans. If I'm wrong I to will hold up my hands.

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I think Greens connections to Whyte are enough for me not to trust him. After what happened with Whyte I'm in no mood to give Green the benefit of the doubt. I fact the £ 360,000 bonus for winning div 3 puts it beyond doubt for me, Charles is not to be trusted.

Is that the made up connections that could never be proved, even though half the country wanted it to be proved?

Or the connections to whyte he told us about last october, which got rehashed months later when Whyte ( the man who DID run Rangers into the ground) released his (pre_CVA) tapes?

Or are there connections I am missing?

EDIT: Good post ed,(tu)

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I think Greens connections to Whyte are enough for me not to trust him. After what happened with Whyte I'm in no mood to give Green the benefit of the doubt. I fact the £ 360,000 bonus for winning div 3 puts it beyond doubt for me, Charles is not to be trusted.

So what was that investigation that found nothing all about then?
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I think Greens connections to Whyte are enough for me not to trust him. After what happened with Whyte I'm in no mood to give Green the benefit of the doubt. I fact the £ 360,000 bonus for winning div 3 puts it beyond doubt for me, Charles is not to be trusted.

There were no connections your making stuff up now.

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I think Greens connections to Whyte are enough for me not to trust him. After what happened with Whyte I'm in no mood to give Green the benefit of the doubt. I fact the £ 360,000 bonus for winning div 3 puts it beyond doubt for me, Charles is not to be trusted.

and what connections are they ?
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Charlie mistakenly believed Mather had the strength to resist being manipulated from within, he didn't. Charlie is about to put an end to that manipulation and impose order or worse on the manipulator(s).

Which one are you? Charlie, Imran or the publicist prick releasing the soundbytes?

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Yep ED. It seems to have been forgotten that when CG took over he invited anyone, even those vying for Rangers at the same time, to come and join him and invest in Rangers. Why didn't they join him at that time , play a part in the rebuild of Rangers , and be more united instead of this mess ?

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Both camps are trying to manipulate the fan base into choosing either. We heard a minority shouting for green to fuck off and believe me it was only bf1. Pretty vocal but a minority nonetheless. I would prefer both camps to get together for the good of rangers. I see no reason why they cant work as one

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The last line is a very good point. However it applies to anyone out there looking to get involved. Rangers is not a company to make money out of and there are easier ways to make money. From what I have read the block of shareholders opposed to the current boards operations are being honest about that. Whereas Green is more interested in kicking up a stink in an attempt for someone to pay him £14 million, money that won't go into the club, and he is trying to make out that this block of shareholders have not put money into the club when they clearly have.

It stinks and I think he is trying to manipulate the fans. If I'm wrong I to will hold up my hands.

Fair comment, my original thoughts re this OP was the fact he never hid from the fact that he was in it for the money and that money that he has his sights on is his shares and how much he can get for them.

Yes the money will not go to the Club, that's the nature of the beast so to speak.........he had a contract that if he could bring people on board and get the Club he will be given the shares as part of his deal. The £14m was merely to draw attention to the fact he's is open to an offer and have to repeat............if any of us were CG we would be doing the same as him.

I deliberately left out that many have said that he has struck an agreement with the Easdales, to give me a come back on the £14m..........so has he signed an agreement with them? If so well more bluster to perhaps call the bluff of.well I don't know as mccoll said he will not out a penny in and as for murray, pass on that one.

I happen to think Charles is very good at what he does, again when Walter as frontman offered that insulting £6m , Green immediatley laughed it off and said if you love the Club that much come in with your £6m and we can go forward together, as I said in OP I do believe he really took Walter and Co apart with that.

People either like or dislike him the people who dislike throw insults at him and once again can anyone say that there's a viable alternative out there with the clout to buy these guys off. If that's a fact then they really are (in my eyes) misjudging the guys they're trying to oust and would go further to say they are stirring it up to hammer the share price and that's why I think he has resurfaced to flush them out and try and reverse this attack on the share price.

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Which one are you? Charlie, Imran or the publicist prick releasing the soundbytes?

Big Al the thread title tried to say, give an opinion as opposed to snyde name calling!

Will ask you are a question name the people who are coming in to replace CG and his people?

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Both camps are trying to manipulate the fan base into choosing either. We heard a minority shouting for green to fuck off and believe me it was only bf1. Pretty vocal but a minority nonetheless. I would prefer both camps to get together for the good of rangers. I see no reason why they cant work as one

As I mentioned when Walter offered that insulting £6m on behalf of mccoll(so we were lead to believe) it was rejected as a ludicrous offer and then an invite for them to invest the £6m and move forward together.........as far as I can remember no reply was forthcoming.

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Yep ED. It seems to have been forgotten that when CG took over he invited anyone, even those vying for Rangers at the same time, to come and join him and invest in Rangers. Why didn't they join him at that time , play a part in the rebuild of Rangers , and be more united instead of this mess ?

Indeed and they would no doubt have been in a position at a later date to purchase the shares when CG and co wanted out.

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