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Imran hits back via Bill McMurdo

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It is indeed a sad day when posters call for other posters to be banned..............RIMA has been consistent with his posts and his reasons for not wanting anything to harm the Rangers.

I agree Ed, no one should call for posters to be banned. Each is entitled to their view, without having a dig at mutual fans.

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I reckon there are straightforward ways to cut through the accusation, counter-accusation; truth / spin; opinion & counter-opinion where the only common denominator of substance is that they risk creating massive divisions. Maybe thats what all parties want though in the fight for contol of the Club; the fight to blame / defend actions; in a fight fought in the media and fuelled by the media.

The accounts - due soon - will reveal what revenue has been earned by the Club and what money has been spent. I trust the accounts will be transparent enough for accurate and reasoned assessment of the quality of financial stewardship that has been applied.

With the accounts I hope there are clear statements of the revenue Rangers will be receving by virtue of agreed commercial contracts over the next FY and for future FYs if the revenue streams stretch that far. And information about the types of commercial deals in course of being negotiated where the income is not certain - an indication of possible future income streams of that nature would be useful. In short, it is for the Directors to provide full and clear statements of revenue generation deals banked and to be banked. Mather has made a point of emphasising generating revenues to retain the 'infrastructure' (as he put it) to avoid having to incur the costs of investing in that when we are back at the top. Nothing much has been said about what cost-cutting measures have taken place or are planned so more clarity on that is needed too.

Full disclosure of salaries and bonuses would greatly help people to understand who earns what. Whether or not it is justified is a matter of judgement but full and complete disclosure of the facts would, in my view, help in terms of establishing with certainty what is being spent.

With the above 3 blocks of information we will all be better placed to judge the state of the finances and whehter or not the promises made in the IPO have been met or are in course of being met.

I see no reason why both the Rangers Board and former Directors could not agree to disclosure of relevant extracts of the contracts that the Directors were given. If specified bonuses or fees or expenses or whatever other language the contracts use to describe money are legally binding contractual commitments, and if they nature of the deal was that for every £1m of commercial revenue banked by Rangers as a direct result of a contract negotiated and signed a % goes to the person (or persons) resonsible for winning the business and concluding favourable deals that manifestly benefit the Club then that should be apparent from their contracts. The challenge to the Board and to those who have contractual claims is to waive their rights to confidentiality and diclose the contractual deal they all agreed to. The facts will speak for themselves. Whether or not we all think the deals were justified or appropriate is quite another matter of course. But the facts of the deals are the facts and it would, in my view, be sensible to disclose them and save everybody a heap more unncessary anguish and speculation.

A public wrangling does no-one any good in the long run. Maybe with accounts due soon a collective will can emerge to provide full and clear disclosure of all of the relevant information and not just the minimum necessary for accounting purposes. Perhaps this may be too much to ask, and if it is then I guess we are all in for more battles by media and battles behind the scenes in the Boardroom and betwen shareholders and former Directors for a while longer.

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Imran Hits Back

Posted on August 13, 2013by billmcmurdo

I spoke to Imran Ahmad about the story he is suing Rangers for £3.4 million.

He confirmed the story is true that the club owes him money and he is regrettably taking this action.

However, he has vowed that, whether the matter goes to court or whether there is an out of court settlement, he will plough whatever he gets back into the club.

Imran explained to me it was a matter of principle and that he is still committed to seeing the club do well.

His claims are based on a 5% commission he is due for profits on deals he brokered as Commercial Director.

I have received a breakdown on these deals and they stack up to a staggering £67 million which will benefit Rangers.

The real question about Imran Ahmad’s forced departure from Rangers should be:

Why was a man responsible for bringing millions into the club in a short period of time sent packing and who benefits from this money machine’s removal?

I am not saying Imran is a saint but I could put up with a lot from somebody who is working the Midas Touch on behalf of the team I love.

Here is a statement from Imran regarding both the commission due him and the Rangers Media incident, which I am reliably told is a possible breach of the Data Protection Act:

“Its true the club does owe me money.

In my view the full £3.4m is only due because of the way Chris Graham and Malcolm Murray leaked a story about me without any investigation or proof. I believe they continue to leak confidential club information such as this to the press in a misguided attempt to wage a propaganda campaign to win the forthcoming EGM. As far as EGM is concerned it does not matter what they say as I know we have more shares than them. I think this says more about the so called Rangers Men than me as the leaks are directly from their camp and everyone knows they’re very close to Keith Jackson and the Daily Record. If the real Rangers Men want control of Ibrox the morally correct thing to do is buy a controlling stake in the market. Not try to continually seize control without investing a penny.

Charles Green has agreed to tell the truth if it goes to court i.e. I am due 5% bonus on all the commercial deals I negotiated on behalf of the club. I am hardly going to turn my back on a bonus which is due to me when I’ve directly negotiated £67m worth of contracts which benefit the club over the next 5-10 years.

Neither myself or Charles have ever wanted this to go to court as we are substantial shareholders and in fact Charles had already brokered a deal with the club for a fraction of the full liability but the club has not signed up to it. I had also offered to reinvest all my bonus proceeds plus an additional extra £500k of my own money back into the club. At least this shows how much I’ve contributed to the club and the fact that I am prepared to put more cash into the club.”

Ahmad reiterated to me that he wants to buy more shares in Rangers and is determined to defeat the smear campaign being conducted against him.

People keep asking me why I support Charles Green and Imran Ahmad in the Civil War being waged at the club.

My answer is always the same.

I support The Rangers,

However, I think people who bring such sums of money into the club deserve support for that.

And, as I said earlier, who would benefit from removing these people and conducting a media smear campaign against them almost unparalleled in this day and age?

Why would anyone who purportedly loves Rangers have an issue with the club prospering?

Or seek to vilify and remove those who were making it happen?

Imran Ahmad, used a Rangers Media posts to push his agenda at Ibrox. (I AM RANGERS ) continued for some time to leak information that Mr Ahmad thought was useful to him, and his friends, about boardroom business to be out in the public domain. The BBC's news, and the Sun newspaper, were other media outlets that he used frequently, when he was trying to gain some advantage in boardroom wrangles. My own opinion is that the time has come for Ahmad and Green, to go, because I and many others don't believe a word from this pair any more.! McMurdo lost all his credibility after he let Alex Thomson, have such an easy time when he questioned him. Its easy to see that McMurdo has backed his man in the battle for Rangers. Will he benefit if Ahmad, and Green, hold onto power, ? or will they drop him when there is no further use for him, like they did to google eyes. But the big question is what will McMurdo do if Ahmad, and Green, loose the war, will any Rangers fan still bother to read his blog. This is a big gamble for him, because whether you are a Green, man, or a McColl, man, or even a McMurdo, or a Leggo, man it does not mater, the only thing that really matters is, we are all Rangers men, and we all want this mess sorted for the good of our club, and not for the benefit of any individuals.

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If he has secured deals to the value of 67m over the next 5-10 years I will be amazed.

I will be pretty amazed if he hasnt to be honest.

Between Sports direct Puma and Blackthorn it should be double that over 10 years.

If he has only got 67 mill lined up for 10 frign years its no wonder he was shown the door.

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So one side we have Jim McColl, a billionaire who says we're going into administration by Christmas but his money "is not necessary here".[/font

On the other side we have Imran Ahmad, who says he's suing the club for £3.4m so he can “re-invest the money in the club”.

And people are seriously asking me to choose one of these two sides?

Someone wake me up when this farce is over, please.

mccoll can't put it any plainer,he's not interested in taking over,he spoke out as a concerned shareholder.

If it is Green v anyone then it's surely v Paul Murray and tbk's.

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I will be pretty amazed if he hasnt to be honest.

Between Sports direct Puma and Blackthorn it should be double that over 10 years.

If he has only got 67 mill lined up for 10 frign years its no wonder he was shown the door.

I will be pretty amazed if he hasnt to be honest.

Between Sports direct Puma and Blackthorn it should be double that over 10 years.

If he has only got 67 mill lined up for 10 frign years its no wonder he was shown the door.

1) Sponsors dont sign 10 year deals in football

2) You must be mental if you think we can get £134m of sponsorship over that period in todays market and current condition. (tu)

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