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What's Mather done to be a target


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Coups? How do we know we are not getting a donkey?

Oh its one of these religious things a test of blind faith.

Not all coups are beneficial but the people who would be voted on, are those whom investors (shareholders) would deem acceptable to control & improve financial performance of the club.

Thats the problem with not wanting one person to control the club e.g. David Murray, this is what you have to put up with, lots of people buying shares & having an influence on how the club is run ... which could be at odds with fans hopes & wishes.

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Can I ask why everyone seems to be getting at McColl, remember there are many more signatories on the requisition than just McColl's.

McColl might be leading this but the REAL power comes from the majority of the institutional investors who appear to be backing this EGM, they wouldn't have signed calling for Mather, Smart & Stockbridge being removed from the board if they too didn't have didn't real concerns about the way the club is being run.

There investors are the very same guys who we will likely be hitting up again for a 2nd IPO in the near future, why would they invest if they feel we have an incompetent board.

Also, it should be noted that they made no mention of Mather being removed as CEO, only removed from the board, which IMO is a good thing as there is a conflict of interest in a man who has a financial stake in the business making decisions about the running of the footballing side of the club.

Lastly, the way the EGM/AGM is being structured, there is a very real possibility that the ENTIRE current board could be removed.

IF Mather, Smart & Stockbridge are removed at EGM, that means the new board would be Blin, Murray, Hart & Easdale, then the AGM would commence, where existing members can also be voted off i.e. Hart & Easdale and replaced by .... well, who knows.

This could be a very bloodless coup.

If this turns out to be the eventual outcome would it be possible at the same time during the proposed AGM/EGM to review all the salaries currently being paid to members of the Board?
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To all coups are beneficial but the people who would be voted on, are those whom investors (shareholders) would deem acceptable to control & improve financial performance of the club.

Thats the problem with not wanting one person to control the club e.g. David Murray, this is what you have to put up with, lots of people buying shares & having an influence on how the club is run ... which could be at odds with fans hopes & wishes.

I understand the mechanism, just not sure why one group described as asset stripping bastards initially are now a safe pair of hands cause they happen to switch votes to a position that suits a malcontent supporters group. Will their parentage be questioned if they challenge changes they or the groups they represent dont like?

But mainly I dont trust Mini for historical reasons and I am reluctant to support someone hiding in the shadows but being able to manipulate something he has no direct financial or emotional tie to.

Though this is all just a big game to sucker us into thinking King as major owner is a great idea.

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I think it would boil down to him being a football agent, somewhat under qualified to be be a CEO of an institution the size of Rangers.

Then the same can be said of A.McCoist if experience is the main criteria for holding a position at RFC.

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If this turns out to be the eventual outcome would it be possible at the same time during the proposed AGM/EGM to review all the salaries currently being paid to members of the Board?

Honestly I have no idea.

Non-exec directors get approx £50k/annum to consult for the executive board i.e. CEO/FD etc .... I believe the basic salaries that these guys get are actually ok for what is, in essence, a multi-national company however, the bonus structure that was set-up needs to be reviewed & altered so that any bonus payments are directly linked to financial performance of the company ... not footballing performance of the club, especially the FD (Stockbridge at the moment)

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Not all coups are beneficial but the people who would be voted on, are those whom investors (shareholders) would deem acceptable to control & improve financial performance of the club.

Thats the problem with not wanting one person to control the club e.g. David Murray, this is what you have to put up with, lots of people buying shares & having an influence on how the club is run ... which could be at odds with fans hopes & wishes.

paul murray doh a deer

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Why's Mather such a target for McColl ?

Is it overspending ? or does he think he's Greens man on the board.

I cant see what Mather done wrong in all this, he invested a million quid of his own money can any of them say that.

He is just the next target.

I think it's blindingly obvious what's going on. JM and PM have slung mud at everyone, EVERYONE, who isn't in their camp, and hope we are blind enough in our faith of these Rangers fans, that we will believe everything they say without providing any proof.

PM had the same tactic during admin, slate everyone who isn't TBK and hope the fans will back them up.

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We don't know how good a job he is doing until the accounts are published. The CEO is always accountable for a poorly performing company.

I like him, however him continuing in his role depends on his performance not on my gut feeling about him and not on how much he has invested.

Agreed - good points

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Mather bought a new big shiney baw and it's his game the noo.

McColl bought a much smaller baw but wants to grab Mather's big shiney baw for nothing and take over the game.

Mather has the baw and it's his game wi his pals.

McColl gets a squad o mates the gither and threatens Mather and his pals wi his pals who he thinks are better.

Mather continues to play wi his baw and his mates.

McColl runs aboot shouting rude things about Mather and his mates to anyone who he thinks might listen, and how they're gonny burst the big shiney baw if they keep kicking it the way they are at the moment.

Mather continues to play wi his baw and his mates no givin a f**k.

McColl's next move is yet to be made but odds are on a square go in the Albion car park.

During the square go, watched by all of Mathers and McColls mates, a couple of really big boys turn up when nobody's watching and steal both baws.

Then both baws get burst, the big boys run away and Mather and McColl run away home greetin'

The End


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Mather was in a difficult position when it came to signing players we can all see the difference the likes of Daly, Peralta, Law Bell and Clark have made to our team there are one or two who I still wouldn't have signed, Smith and Foster probably but Mather needed to show he backed Ally after last season and he no doubt saw how bad our team was then too, he's getting stick for backing Ally with signings but if he had said no to these players the same people would no doubt accuse him of hanging Ally out to dry and that he was pocketing the cash for signings or some shit.

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The problem as far as I can see it is that Mather is sitting on the hottest throne in town.

There is also the question of the package the CEO and FD are on. If they are replaced and their replacements are given the same packages I would suggest that such a move would be as much motivated by self interest as any other proclaimed desires.

Whatever - if we forget the personalities- what we need now as Club is a period of boardroom stability.

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Im undecided about Mather.

He is supposed to have put his own money in ...but is he taking it back out (salary / bonus).

Is he part of the board that may have been overspending.

He seems ok but is he strong enough as CEO.

What are his and the Board's plans for taking us forward.

Im even more confused about him after this post so I will wait for the accounts before judging him !!!

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