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Jim Spence Rangers Jibes - Chris Graham


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Spiers at it again.................

Graham Spiers@GrahamSpiers 15m

My impression is a majority of people in Scottish football view Rangers as a re-started club. Which makes this @bbcjimspence tiff a bit odd.

The same 'Spiers' who lied repeatedly on live national television despie written proof?

Aye, he is someone who's word I trust.

Discredited bawbag, happy clappy baptist cunt.

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I think it's a really good article, and you are looking for things to criticise. So he mentioned his book briefly, get him strung up! It's hardly the point of the article.

I also think we have taken steps forward when it comes to challenging bias, maybe not huge steps but we've picked it up. It does seem to me that Traynor should be doing more but then I acknowledge that you have to be smart about these things.

If someone else wrote the article would you respond like this? If Chris has irked you in the past, it's still possible for you to admit that he has written a good article. IMO it identifies bias and describes the situation concisely.

I`m not looking for things to criticise. It`s just how it reads.Does he have to mention a book ? I`m fed up of bloggers writing books.If they are going to write an article don`t use it as a selling tool. By me saying Traynor has done next to nothing means I`m wrong in some peoples eyes yet I`ve yet to see what he gets paid a huge salary for.There is a difference in being smart and being weak in these circumstances. Put it this way. If all the abuse had been directed at celtic would they be saying " have to be smart about these things ". answer = No ! They would be slaughtering all involved yet we do next to nothing.

If someone else had wrote this article I would have said the same. Yes he`s right to pull up Spence like everyone else has but he should just leave it at that. Is he still banned from here ? If so then that bit would only be directed to him.He`s written some good stuff and some poor stuff.This has decent bits but nothing new as I`ve read it all before.Is he the best out there writing about Rangers ? No.He is only a blogger , nothing more.

The one good thing about this incident is that it has gotten a focus from everyone to hit back. I think that is the only reason Rangers have actually come out and said anything is because the fans basically demanded it. But there will always be Rangers hating press being given a free reign at Ibrox so are they only doing a token gesture here .We can only wait and see .I would have banned Spence on the spot.enough is enough.

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I`m not looking for things to criticise. It`s just how it reads.Does he have to mention a book ? I`m fed up of bloggers writing books.If they are going to write an article don`t use it as a selling tool. By me saying Traynor has done next to nothing means I`m wrong in some peoples eyes yet I`ve yet to see what he gets paid a huge salary for.There is a difference in being smart and being weak in these circumstances. Put it this way. If all the abuse had been directed at celtic would they be saying " have to be smart about these things ". answer = No ! They would be slaughtering all involved yet we do next to nothing.

If someone else had wrote this article I would have said the same. Yes he`s right to pull up Spence like everyone else has but he should just leave it at that. Is he still banned from here ? If so then that bit would only be directed to him.He`s written some good stuff and some poor stuff.This has decent bits but nothing new as I`ve read it all before.Is he the best out there writing about Rangers ? No.He is only a blogger , nothing more.

The one good thing about this incident is that it has gotten a focus from everyone to hit back. I think that is the only reason Rangers have actually come out and said anything is because the fans basically demanded it. But there will always be Rangers hating press being given a free reign at Ibrox so are they only doing a token gesture here .We can only wait and see .I would have banned Spence on the spot.enough is enough.

What an odd thing to say.

Why would any supporter of Rangers be fed up with other supporters writing books about our great club?

In the early days of the internet I used to complain about the lack of printed word out there about Rangers.

I personally cannot get enough of it when it is written by my fellow supporters. Why would this bother you, after all you can ignore it, not buy and most certainly not bother to read it.

Most odd.

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What an odd thing to say.

Why would any supporter of Rangers be fed up with other supporters writing books about our great club?

In the early days of the internet I used to complain about the lack of printed word out there about Rangers.

I personally cannot get enough of it when it is written by my fellow supporters. Why would this bother you, after all you can ignore it, not buy and most certainly not bother to read it.

Most odd.

Its not the fact that they write the books more the fact they promote them all the time through their articles.When a situation like this arises I would prefer the writers to focus solely on the issues at hand and not trying to sell their book on the back of the situation. Anyone can write a book and if people want to buy it then thats fine.

I`m just glad we are finally starting to hit back at our enemy`s and mainly the BBC.

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What pisses me off - don't know about others - is the BBC did not really apologise for Spence's remarks.

They said they were sorry if some were offended by Soences's comments. They did not actually say that Spence was wrong and that disciplinary action was being taken which is what is required if they really believed he had been wrong.

Shower of bigotted bastards who hate Rangers.

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great article,these retards like spence ,speirs and english must be struggling for hits,so the trolling has started back up,one of these guys are going to end up with a sore face.these desperate bastards are conducting theirselfs like a couple of street hookers desperate for a couple of quid,if this is their attempt at drumming up interest in that boring pile of shite of a show sportsound ,im afraid it wont work,thats shows about as appealing as a night with michele mcmanus.

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What pisses me off - don't know about others - is the BBC did not really apologise for Spence's remarks.

They said they were sorry if some were offended by Soences's comments. They did not actually say that Spence was wrong and that disciplinary action was being taken which is what is required if they really believed he had been wrong.

Shower of bigotted bastards who hate Rangers.

exactly. thats why I`d like Rangers to come out and ban spence. Not just a token ban either when you end up seeing them worming their way in a couple of weeks later. Spiers would be next.We need to rid our mhedia of haters. We are only looking for fair reporting , nothing more.

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Ooooft! Touched a raw nerve there.

Didn't Fury deny all knowledge of ever having been in your company? I think you're just being deliberately condescending to him for reasons known only to yourself.

Christopher Graham in telling porkies shocker.

Now stop sidetracking the thread given that I have offered him praise you wee fruit.

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By me saying Traynor has done next to nothing means I`m wrong in some peoples eyes yet I`ve yet to see what he gets paid a huge salary for.There is a difference in being smart and being weak in these circumstances. Put it this way. If all the abuse had been directed at celtic would they be saying " have to be smart about these things ". answer = No ! They would be slaughtering all involved yet we do next to nothing.

Recently we've seen club statements which name and shame certain institutions, along with a declaration to follow official complaint procedures and take swift action. In my book this is a definite step forward.

I'm not saying more can't be done, what would your strategy be if you were doing JT's job?

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Recently we've seen club statements which name and shame certain institutions, along with a declaration to follow official complaint procedures and take swift action. In my book this is a definite step forward.

I'm not saying more can't be done, what would your strategy be if you were doing JT's job?

How long has JT been in the job ? naming and shaming institutions isn`t enough. He should be naming individuals.I would ban individuals. If they can`t learn to stop spreading lies then the only option is to ban them. Yes we would get slaughtered at first by the mhedia but will it be any worse than what we have had to endure.The likes of Spiers etc must not have a free reign to come and go at Ibrox as if they are untouchable. We do not need the mhedia.

They harm us more than any benefit they give us. I`d also stop all the leaks to them by staff. I`d also stop any Rangers employee speaking to certain mhedia outlets / journo`s. Why isn`t Rangers own webpage not the first source of info for our club ?

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How long has JT been in the job ? naming and shaming institutions isn`t enough. He should be naming individuals.I would ban individuals. If they can`t learn to stop spreading lies then the only option is to ban them. Yes we would get slaughtered at first by the mhedia but will it be any worse than what we have had to endure.The likes of Spiers etc must not have a free reign to come and go at Ibrox as if they are untouchable. We do not need the mhedia.

They harm us more than any benefit they give us. I`d also stop all the leaks to them by staff. I`d also stop any Rangers employee speaking to certain mhedia outlets / journo`s. Why isn`t Rangers own webpage not the first source of info for our club ?

You'd need to stop the directors, management and players - Walter (when he was on the board), Ally, Jig etc etc being so chummy with them as well or it wouldn't work.

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I thought it was a leggo article when I started to read it. the usual pushing of a book.

Then the great line near the end."Things have improved greatly on this front since Jim Traynor became involved with the club"

Does anyone really think Traynor has been doing a great job defending us ? I think he has been a shambles.

What are articles from a banned poster being put on here ?

All the article does is rehash everything that has already been said on here and other sites.

Banned? Since when, and for what?
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You'd need to stop the directors, management and players - Walter (when he was on the board), Ally, Jig etc etc being so chummy with them as well or it wouldn't work.

Thats our problem. They can`t help themselves.All wanting to air our business in the public. Thats why I`d like JT to organise the media side of our business alot better. That includes him putting out info to individuals as well.

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You'll be complaining about keevins next and his misrepresentation of the facts, maybe not.

You really are an odd fellow aren't you? Thats a few times now i have seen you post on a thread to try and undermine another poster instead of contributing to the thread. Did you read my views on Keevins or are you a bit slow? Maybe best to go read my views on that particular individual once again before needlessly trying to derail a thread with petty personal Pish!

Regardless the big difference here is that the BBC is a publicly funded broadcaster who are supposed to under their own guidelines to remain impartial and factual something spence et al seem incapable of doing thereby going against the guidelines and rulings of the BBC trust which governs BBC Scotland.

So anyway, this waste of space aside, keep up the good work folks....get the complaints in at trust level, it's the only way to get any kind of change/action and don't settle for their "apology".

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