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Defending Rangers Online


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I've seen what the OP is talking about on P&B many times over.

That rat infested site even has a entire forum dedicated to hatred of Rangers and it's not just nonce fc fans who particpate but fans of small diddy teams who seem to have a massive chip on their shoulder when it comes to Rangers.

Best advice i would say is to keep your powder dry for now cause revenge is coming big style when other clubs suffer their own insolvency events.

The house of cards is about to come crashing down very soon.

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Best advice i would say is to keep your powder dry for now cause revenge is coming big style when other clubs suffer their own insolvency events.

The house of cards is about to come crashing down very soon.

Totally agree, our time will come though there is a lot of work to be done in the mean time. We have had to face an organised campaign of bloggers who will portray themselves as fans of clubs that they are not, web sites that have been publishing stolen court, company and tax documents, openly biased broadcasters and a small but well entrenched group of so called journalists who hide behind their status as members of the NUJ.

Many of these journalists seem to have had either direct or indirect links with the Irish republican movement. In some cases it has been said that they actually wrote for the propaganda sheet of the IRA, if so we must prove this by cataloguing these articles as evidence of their bias. Likewise the same must be done for anyone within the political arena be it the GCC, Holyrood or Westminster.

By compiling a list of these people with factual links to their output their claims to being providers of independent observations can be debunked by sending a copy of the said document to anybody who gives them a platform. How many of the sponsors of these organisations really want to be linked to pro-terrorist journalists? The same can be done for any so called academics that use their position within a British educational establishment to lend credence to their views. These establishments depend on partnerships with sponsors to realise the goals set out in their mission statements. Who would really want to partner up with a college or university that employs pro-terrorist activists as head of courses or departments?

For this to work all links must be proven to be accurate, and the document free of language that would undermine its purpose. In the past there have been some terrific pieces of work done to show what our club has had to face in recent years. The sad thing is it was undermined by repetitive comments about fenians, taigs, catholic's, child abusers and unionism. By exposing the bias of these people in defence of the club the other outlook is proven as a by product while showing our own in the best light possible. In other words let them hang themselves with the name calling and use heir own tricks against them by publishing it as an independent report. Perhaps this is something the VB's or the CRO could do the ground work for that's if they aren't already.

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In light of the recent events, especially the complaints regarding the Armed Forces display at Ibrox i posted a few things online stating my disgust at the events and predictably was pounced on by the whiter than white fans from the east.

However, I've had to deal with words from fans of other teams, such has Hamilton Accies fans who believe we are guilty of everything under the sun.

I present these guys with facts, debate with them with sense but regardless nothing seems to actually work and it gets to a point where you think 'what is the point?'

Anyone else have to deal with this online? Or do you just chose to not get involved?

I feel like everytime i mention Rangers online im hit with pish from some fan of another team and it goes beyond banter, it's just sheer delusional opinions.

They appear to either be obsessed, better organized or both?? Everywhere you go they are polluting forums and comments boards with repeated lies. A few fight back, but not too many.

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True, but remember, the point isn't to get somewhere with the deluded mhank you are debating with. It's to make sure those that don't know the truth behind a situation don't read the situation only from a mhank point of view. We need to make sure neutrals realise that they are deluded and that their opinions are skewed by hatred. If you get only one warped view of a set of people it will become accepted truth - a lie repeated often enough becomes truth. The fight is important, keep it up!

Great point, thats what they try to do, it's propaganda. They have been trying for years to harm Rangers anyway they can.If you read ,for example the comments after an article in the Scotsman on Rangers ,it will be full

of bile from the obsessed. They are trying to effect peoples perception of Rangers and our fans.

They regularly pose as fans of wee teams or even as Rangers fans to give their views more credibility.

It's important we keep debating, commenting etc but you are unlikely to win the argument (with an individual) as they are not interested in facts.

But we have to make sure the facts get maximum exposure and we have to show that they are obsessed, bitter and twisted and their opinions are formed out of hate, so that neautrals can see them for what they are, bigots

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No onebin mainstream media has said they got it wrong. They imply we are still guiltybof lots of stuff apparently and the lemmings continue to follow that line of thinking. No point in arguing with idiots they'll drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

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The mhanks are the worst. Lots of other fans hate us too, but not all of them. Quite often they are mhanks is disguise. Like that supposed Stenhousemuir fan that gave up supporting Rangers because of our behaviour. That was an obvious mhank. We need to start playing them at their own game with that shit. If they wanna lie, we'll do it right back at them. 'I was a Celtic fan but I stopped supporting them because of the IRA chants, and anti-protestant singing at their matches.' etc, ecta

It's important to challenge these fuckers. I do from time to time. Otherwise it's one sided and people that don't know the truth often believe what they read.

That is definitely the best way to do it. It's known as black propaganda and works better than anything else.

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Ill post his latest reply.

"If which case nothing I say will enlighten if a trio of soldiers present at the occasion holding a scarf signifying their desire for an entirely Protestant Northern Ireland amongst the video content... Problem with poppy is it reflects on ALL British foreign affairs including some of the atrocities committed in Ireland anyway no point getting into a history lesson if people can't see the offensive nature of what took place then they shouldn't be involved in it in the first place ignorance can only excuse people for so long"

This is what i am dealing with and having to debate. I understand what you're saying but i hate seeing this type of shit go unchallenged.

You could send him a few full stops and commas to put in his writings as he doesn't seem to have them on his keyboard.

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Bad enough conversing with some Bears never mind conversing with the fans of all the diddy teams, you'll never change their deluded opinions so stay away and stick to Rangers only forums

Totally disagree. If we do this then we leave the field open for the sort of bigoted Celtic ideas to predominate. They then seep through the general football culture and become accepted truths. We have to fight them there, not stick to the comfort zones of Rangers forums.

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The mhanks are the worst. Lots of other fans hate us too, but not all of them. Quite often they are mhanks is disguise. Like that supposed Stenhousemuir fan that gave up supporting Rangers because of our behaviour. That was an obvious mhank. We need to start playing them at their own game with that shit. If they wanna lie, we'll do it right back at them. 'I was a Celtic fan but I stopped supporting them because of the IRA chants, and anti-protestant singing at their matches.' etc, ecta

It's important to challenge these fuckers. I do from time to time. Otherwise it's one sided and people that don't know the truth often believe what they read.

Who was the supposed Stenhousemuir fan mate,because i know most of them and cannot think of anyone that would do that.?

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You are wasting your time.

You have to ask yourself, what is the point, what will it achieve?

We have mostly dominated the Scottish game since the late 80's. A lot of supporters have grown up knowing nothing other than Rangers dominating and it leaves them bitter. It's the same for Man Utd due to their dominance during the same period. Supporters of the other English clubs hate Man Utd.

Yes! I'm 25 and we've been champions of Scotland 17 times since I was born. I'm even used to us dominating the country.

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They appear to either be obsessed, better organized or both?? Everywhere you go they are polluting forums and comments boards with repeated lies. A few fight back, but not too many.

I see plenty of Rangers fans posting about the games but none really who actively defend us online where lies are so blatantly being peddled, it's a little frustrating at times. Id say from my own viewpoint that they are always better organized but is that a good thing in this circumstance or more of a sad obsession?

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I see plenty of Rangers fans posting about the games but none really who actively defend us online where lies are so blatantly being peddled, it's a little frustrating at times. Id say from my own viewpoint that they are always better organized but is that a good thing in this circumstance or more of a sad obsession?

They certainly are more organized and have a greater online presence, we don't need to become obsessed about them just defend ourselves.

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