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Another anti Rangers fairytale by the jackal, how £1 turns into £125m:


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Can't be arsed reading the article as soon as I saw who wrote it as I know it will be a load of pish, as for some of the comments, get a fucking life how can you honestly say there would be any truth in the article a clear biased anti everything about the club you are supposed to love. Shame on you all for that using clear anti-Rangers propaganda to try and justify your stance against the board and club.

Good post, and their hatred for the board is that strong, that they now take the side of all the Rangers haters who write about us.

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Back on topic (sorry). Setting aside the obvious journalistic exaggeration and sensationalism, I think the article highlighted by the OP is a pretty fair round-up of the goings on since the first sale by SDM (e.g. although the article implies it, it doesn't actually say £125m has gone missing - merely 'changed hands').

In answer to Minstral and others who will nio doubt ask who I would like to see running the club, given that the ownership issue is now out of pandora's box (unless someone has a spare £25m kicking about) then I don't think it is unreasonable for a quoted PLC to have the following:-

1. An experienced football CEO on a suitable salary with ONLY fiscal related performance bonuses

2. A hard-nosed FD on a suitable salary with ONLY fiscal related performance bonuses

Both the above MUST have no connection whatsoever with Charles Green, Imran Ahmed, Duff & Phelps, any of the 3 financial advisers we have used since IPO, Paul Murray, Malcolm Murray, David Murray, or for that matter Al Murray!

3. Three additional NED's to complement the above, one from each 'side' and one elected fans rep with a suitable business background.

Given all the crap that has gone on in the past 18 months, the first job of the board should to publish a detailed business plan, complete with cash-flow forecasts, to satisfy everyone that the business is viable and sustainable. I don't have any names for you, but then I don't know too many CEO's or FD's - but there must be some candidates out there.

Anyone interested in getting 'control' of the club for their own 'side' should be given the bum's rush. Likewise any directors looking for inflated salaries and ridiculous commission based add-ons to their remuneration packages should be shown the door.

Finally, my issue with the current board is that there are members with continued links to CG, D&P, etc. which is not condusive to transparent governance, there are still leaks aplenty and the level of remuneration packages in the past year has been obscene given that we recorded a £14m operating loss. Also, just why did it take over 12 months to agree a salary review with Ally? It was obvious to anyone looking in that his package was far too high for our position and financial circumstance, and would only serve to be divisive no matter how loyal he has been.

There, I feel better now! Let the flaming commence.

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Don't know where to start with some of the lies in that.

"Green then picked up Ibrox and Murray Park for a £5.5m snip, which was another astonishing deal given that it was conducted in a closed shop without other offers being invited by the administrators."

What utter bolocks. How do these rags get away with printing such obvious lies?

90% of the article is utter bollocks as you say but I am afraid this part is true. CG's consortium was given preferred bidder status in order to enact an CVA which unfortunately they failed to do and the company was to be liquidated. At this point, by law, D&P were duty bound to re-open the bidding process to maximise the price obtained, and this they failed to do, and if I understand things correctly is subject to an ivestigation lead by BDO.

I know the rest of the article is incredibly inaccurate.

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That's nonsense as someone was already granted preferred status before they pulled out, TBK got offered it before Green stepped In

The BDO investigation clear the administrators of wrong doing - unless they are part of this one big Green is evil conspiracy too?

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Back on topic (sorry). Setting aside the obvious journalistic exaggeration and sensationalism, I think the article highlighted by the OP is a pretty fair round-up of the goings on since the first sale by SDM (e.g. although the article implies it, it doesn't actually say £125m has gone missing - merely 'changed hands'). In answer to Minstral and others who will nio doubt ask who I would like to see running the club, given that the ownership issue is now out of pandora's box (unless someone has a spare £25m kicking about) then I don't think it is unreasonable for a quoted PLC to have the following:-

1. An experienced football CEO on a suitable salary with ONLY fiscal related performance bonuses

2. A hard-nosed FD on a suitable salary with ONLY fiscal related performance bonuses Both the above MUST have no connection whatsoever with Charles Green, Imran Ahmed, Duff & Phelps, any of the 3 financial advisers we have used since IPO, Paul Murray, Malcolm Murray, David Murray, or for that matter Al Murray!

3. Three additional NED's to complement the above, one from each 'side' and one elected fans rep with a suitable business background. Given all the crap that has gone on in the past 18 months, the first job of the board should to publish a detailed business plan, complete with cash-flow forecasts, to satisfy everyone that the business is viable and sustainable. I don't have any names for you, but then I don't know too many CEO's or FD's - but there must be some candidates out there. Anyone interested in getting 'control' of the club for their own 'side' should be given the bum's rush. Likewise any directors looking for inflated salaries and ridiculous commission based add-ons to their remuneration packages should be shown the door. Finally, my issue with the current board is that there are members with continued links to CG, D&P, etc. which is not condusive to transparent governance, there are still leaks aplenty and the level of remuneration packages in the past year has been obscene given that we recorded a £14m operating loss. Also, just why did it take over 12 months to agree a salary review with Ally? It was obvious to anyone looking in that his package was far too high for our position and financial circumstance, and would only serve to be divisive no matter how loyal he has been. There, I feel better now! Let the flaming commence.

He went to a very good school that have produced some excellent people in many walks of life! I would be happy for a former pupil of said school to be involved (They'd have their own blazer as well).

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Because you have absolutely no means of knowing if any of that is true.

You are basically saying they are better cos they are good guys and you say they are.

The board are already doing most of your points.

It seems odd you keep pushing Minico yet don't want to discuss any of their considerable shortcomings.

Thats the trouble, we know nothing of Minico's intentions, their involvement with folk like Ticketus, or whether they will invest any money. We will only find that out once they get their feet under the table (if it happened, which it won't) and they deem to tell us.

Their promises of fan representation will fade faster than Craig Whytes charm and those backing them will be left high and dry. Again.

Actually back last summer either right around the time Greens mob bought the club or soon after, one of the troo bloo stated that to get Rangers back to winning top tier titles, qualifying and competing in Europe would mean a certain level of finance being secured via bank loans. Which they said they felt would be necessary but more than sustainable.

I don't remember PM or any other of the suitors saying anything that contradicts that since. Might be wrong, someone can maybe correct me, if not: there is your/our answer.

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