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Young Will and the Golden rule, don't read if you don't like his work.


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Excellent again from young Will.

October 11, 2013

A Golden Rule

I appear to have ruffled a few feathers with my blog yesterday when I spoke about the socialist undercurrent to the “Spivs Out” campaign at Ibrox.

Some have misinterpreted my meaning with this. I wasn’t attacking socialism as such – I was saying that people have used the socialist-leaning of many to generate a distrust and suspicion of “money men” in the boardroom wars enveloping Rangers at this present time.

This distrust is widespread in Scotland thanks to decades of socialism being espoused here.

I recognise that, although socialism is known as the politics of envy, not all socialists are mean, spiteful people. I have had many good socialist friends over the years.

The point is – and I say this respectfully – socialists are easily manipulated. “Bosses” have always known this. Many a radical shop steward has been tamed by a promotion or, in certain cases of weaker character, a bung or two.

Where this is pertinent is that many of the people I am aware of who are active in the “Spivs Out!” campaign at Ibrox just now are very much middle class, some with businesses of their own and living in the posher areas. These people know how easy it is to whip up more gullible fans by using language like spivs, chancers, conmen and money men.

As posters on my Comments section have said more than once, when you confront these wee laddies with their “Sack The Board” and “Spivs Out” banners, they cannot give one logical reason why they are waving these banners.

And the real tragedy of all of this is that the Requisitioners are no revolutionaries riding in to represent the common man in his struggle with Big Business. They just represent other money men who think they can get more bang for their invested buck by having Requisitioners in Rangers blazers at the expense of certain incumbents in Rangers blazers.

It’s not about the common man. It’s not about the “heart and soul of Rangers” or any such stuff. It’s about money and power, folks.

Certain ringmasters on the Requisitioners side would love to have people believe I have been bought and paid for by the club so that somehow this would make my blogs less credible. Those who know me know the truth of this.

As I keep saying, the Ibrox Boardroom War is a conflict between money men – not a battle against money men. For people to try and portray it as a crusade against businessmen while trumpeting their own billionaire backer – who adamantly won’t invest anyway – is ludicrous.

Rangers Football Club will always attract business people because it represents money, prestige, power and influence. That’s what attracted David Murray. Being owner and Chairman of Rangers massively enhanced SDM’s profile.

Football is a business. Having a football agent for a father taught me that. Like every other business, people get into it to make money. Some of the language used around the business side of football by fans would be laughable in other businesses.

“Oh, he’s only in it to make money!”

Why do people do THEIR jobs? Because they love driving buses and would do it for nothing? Or they have always wanted to answer calls in a call centre from random strangers giving them earache?

Imagine going up to Richard Branson and saying: “You’re a pure conman. You only have those big planes so you can make money. I bet you don’t even like planes, ya spiv!”

The fact is that this world is run by people with money and socialism – noble though it may be – is just a tool rich people use to manipulate the masses.

A brutal assessment of life on planet earth, perhaps. But an honest one.

And a biblical one.

Jesus called the system “Mammon.”

Oops, that’s me being a religious nut, again.

We would call it the rat race or just life.

One day we can hope or believe it will all change and a new system replace it.

Until then, the person who runs Rangers will be the person who owns and/or controls most shares. Whoever has the gold makes the rules.

That’s how it works.

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Good read and can't disagree at all.

The only people not in football ownership ot make money are guys like Abramovich, etc who seem more content at having a club as a "pet project" to show off to their billionaire pals. Even then the spin-off of owning a large club will always open business doors for you.

I've no issue with someont making a lot of money out of our club. Great players have done it through the years. They contributed on the field and walked away with handsome salaries. Off the field should be no different.

The main thing is that on or off the field, that anyone earning form the club through slaary, dividend, bonus or whatever should be making a positive impact on the fortunes of the club and as long as that remains the case then they deserve to profit form their efforts.

We are a business and, like it or not, business is about operating in a manner which benefits the owners and the business. Whether it is the current board or any of the boards that run the club in the future, the rules of business will not change

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Unless you are going to strip assets then the only way you are going to make any money is to increase income and the value of the club and this is achieved by having a successful team.

The question therefore is have we any asset strippers in the boardroom or waiting in the wings.

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"socialists are easily manipulated"

Lenin, Trotsky,Castro ?

right enough Bill..........stick to Jesus and being a mouthpiece

fuckin Bertrand Russell

Karl Marx ? married into aristocracy and money, the thing about socialism and communism is that you need to be able to afford them to enjoy them... at the expense of others, not forced into them like the exploited proletariat.

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Who the fuck dresses you in the morning. :pipe:

Fuxsake McMental is really earning his money from the board with his propaganda onslaught.Just like bawsack on here.

We are less than a page into the thread FFS.

Guys you all collectively need to grow the fuck up and stop posting childish insults back and forth.

I mean all of you who do it. It ruins threads, ruins peoples enjoyment of the site, and if you want to engage in slap fights then do so in the Off Topic area.

Debate like reasonable people or shut the hell up.

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Like him or not, He is 100% spot on with this comment.

Of course he is spot on, it's fucking stating the obvious. Did anybody ever think otherwise? Or were some people under the impression that the requisitioners were fighting with provvy books?

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There's at least a couple of assumptions in there that I'd take issue with, but can't really be bothered. Thank you, nonetheless, for the ground-shattering revelation that it's businessmen against businessmen. Nobody had noticed. Really.

That doesn't seem to have been universally appreciated.
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Of course he is spot on, it's fucking stating the obvious. Did anybody ever think otherwise? Or were some people under the impression that the requisitioners were fighting with provvy books?

Well yes, I do think people think otherwise.

If they didn't, then they wouldn't be naive enough to post stuff like " we gotta get rid of these money men, and get in good Rangers men that will do it for the love of the club"

"rangers best interests at heart"

None of these money men have that, they are all in it to line their pockets. ( with the possible exception of Dave King, who is probably the closest we would get to a money man who does have our best interests at heart)

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