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Open Letter to the Online Keyboard Warriors and Know it alls

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This page started 7-8 weeks ago by 2 friends who knew things were not right within the confines of the Ibrox boardroom and like many we were riddled with guilt when OUR club went in to administration and eventual liquidation as we felt the Rangers support as a whole and us as individuals had sat back and let it happen before our eyes. We made a promise that we would not sit back and let anyone ruin our club again

In a short space of time we have attracted numerous fellow bears and other fans groups who had similar feelings to ourselves. We have stood in the streets handing out leaflets at a number of games, organised production of banners, arranged and held open meetings, been continuously on the phone and internet answering questions and stating our point, tried to unite the support and supporters groups and we have done all this for one reason, to protect our club from a clear and present danger in the board room.

We have always stated that not every Rangers fan would agree with us and we expect and respect that but expected the same respect back.

We have received help and support from numerous sources and their help, advise and financial help in forms of suppliers giving their time and products has been priceless and very much appreciated. We could not have taken this from two pals and a facebook page to the front pages of the national press with out this massive support from many others and your assistance will never be forgotten. The board room has been shaken and the institutional investors have heard our voice.

What have we received in return? On a personal level I have lost a considerable income as i am a sole trader, missed out on the limited time I have with my children and put stresses on my relationship due to this page growing arms and legs in a short period and the amount of time it has taken out of my life. I have to accept that this has happened through my own doing.

What I cant accept is the verbal abuse handed out not only online but also while handing out leaflets on the street by the minority. I have been accused of being in the pocket of others and the mouthpiece for organisations i am not even a member of. I have been told I am scum, a taig, a jacobite and even most recently by a professional blogger and probably the most bizarre, a socialist. I am continually told I have a hidden agenda and not the best interests of the club at heart. I get berated online by individuals who appear to follow the party line of their forum of choice and then send me personal message saying in private that they actually don’t mind what we are saying. I get accused of not answering questions when i have answered the same questions a hundred times before but the poster cant be bothered to scan our page for the answer they demand. I have been told never to return to Ibrox. I have been accused of using youths to distribute my message on my behalf. I appear to also have been reported to the police by the board of directors in Ibrox. Why does all this happen? Because i have a different opinion to the minority who wish to destabilise our movement and leave the current proven liars in power at our club? Allow me my voice as i allow you yours.

The rangers online community must be the most fragmented place in the world and thankfully doesn’t represent the fans as a whole. It is a place where the easily lead and lazy form opinions based on the forum of their choice or even based purely as the opposite of the forums and personalities they dislike. It is full of closed shop forums and secret facebook pages where they all decide who they can hate or love, agree or disagree with as a collective. Its a place where statistics are made up then passed off as fact. It is a place for hatred and bile between Rangers fans. It is a place where people can assume strange nicknames and abuse others in secret. It is a place i do not like.

This community really must sort its act out and stop fighting each other because of old differences and lies about each other. There are no winners only losers in this and if you could stop this nonsense then the outside enemies and distracters could be blown away by the power of a defragmented unified support. Do you all realise the effect you could have if you ALL united against outside forces instead of the continued in fight you all seem to thrive on?


Agree or disagree with me on the aims of our group but allow me my opinion without threat and insult please.

I will no longer get involved with debate on line as the minority waste it for the majority. I will still post when I need to and will leave this page open to allow others their opinion but I will continue to delete offensive posts and will start to ban users who continue to abuse others.

Thank you again to the vast majority who conduct themselves in the correct manner but no thanks to the keyboard warriors and know it alls.


Sons Of Struth

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Hmmm- a campaign designed and started online, with the aim of attracting as many supporters as possible, with online being the most obvious medium, and now one of the creators says he is off in the huff from any online debate?

Wee bit of free advice - if you do not like the bad comments as well as the good, do not stick you neck out.

But spare us all from the "the nasty boys did it" stuff.

Seriously, read like something a P7 would have written.

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Because i have a different opinion to the minority who wish to destabilise our movement and leave the current proven liars in power at our club? Allow me my voice as i allow you yours.

Get yerself tae fuck Craig.

YOUR opinion is the minority. You hijack our stadium to push your minority view, then try to make out that it's a majority opinion.

No, I won't allow you your voice if you're saying you speak for me. You don't.

Come back when you've actually got a good idea.


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We seem as a support as divided as ever. It became apparent over the last few years that supporters of some clubs hated Rangers more than they loved their own club.

Now it appears that some Rangers fans hate the faction which they don't support more than they love Rangers.

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"we were riddled with guilt when OUR club went in to administration and eventual liquidation"

You should be ashamed of that statement. One, club wasn't liquidated and two, why should any fan be riddled with guilt because of what one poisonous individual done?

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not one of the so called groups speaks for me. they all have some sort of agenda. all I want is our club to be successful and those with agendas can get tae fuck. I don't care if you do or don't support the ones running our club at the moment we all need to support rangers.

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Well i better put my tin hat on here - I think they are spot on re their comments regarding the conduct of forums.

And whilst I dont agree with their motives because I dont believe their is sufficient info to back up their assertions - these guys deserve great credit for the way they have conducted themselves.

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