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A chance for parity UEFA - Sectarianism, racism & antisemitism by TGFITW


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Ok you can't man up - my apologies !

But nor do you have to stoop to their levels of pettiness - football has a great deal of banter in it - and yes some of the banter gets vitriolic at times and now we are al supposed to be faux offended at getting called names such as h** or orange bastard and now we are reporting 'them' for singing songs at a third party team . As a support it just seems petty - something we used to laugh at them for - now we are letting them set he agenda and stooping to their level - me I prefer to keep laughing at them - thre is a lot to get offended about in the world but getting offended on ajax's behalf because ' they'sang stuff is just petty in the extreme - we are better than that - or we were !

Ok you can't man up - my apologies !

But nor do you have to stoop to their levels of pettiness - football has a great deal of banter in it - and yes some of the banter gets vitriolic at times and now we are al supposed to be faux offended at getting called names such as h** or orange bastard and now we are reporting 'them' for singing songs at a third party team . As a support it just seems petty - something we used to laugh at them for - now we are letting them set he agenda and stooping to their level - me I prefer to keep laughing at them - thre is a lot to get offended about in the world but getting offended on ajax's behalf because ' they'sang stuff is just petty in the extreme - we are better than that - or we were !

You really do keep missing the point here don't you? This isn't about being offended, I personally wasn't offended by the chants but I AM offended by the fact that there are Rangers fans being fuckin' JAILED for singing songs while them lot are constantly being let off and ignored for the EXACT same offence!!!! You say you'd just sing the songs back at them or laugh in their faces.... Would you still be laughing after the police chapped on your door for the same thing their being let off for?!? No? Didn't think so. Call it paranoia all you want but the simple fact is, it's happening and will continue to happen as long as we keep "ignoring it" and "not stooping to their level".

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BP9 - Since there were also Republican songs sung last night and that suspected dissident Republican terrorists have been arrested in Scotland, should we not offer resistance to a culture which supports active terrorist violence? Is it not highly likely that these two incidents reveal both sides of the same coin- the terrorism and the culture from which it stems and is given succour?

The Republican songs and their support for active violence should be mentioned in complaints to UEFA as it adds gravity to the claims.

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Oleg you probably wont remember i posted a thread about as year ago about ethnic cleansing.some of the bears were not too happy.i was not for a minute trying to liken my thread to that of the horror of the holocost but simply trying to bring to the attention of fellow bears of what i call a suttle way of oprressing the umionists in this country by the minority of republicans.to be brief we need to take the game to them no matter how trivial it seems.queen and country.

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as an orange man i find it very offensive that they sing these song and time and time again not one thing is done oi remember the banners about the brit army my son being a member of the army that act was the worst act off rancid poison i have ever seen they truly are scum

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Oleg you probably wont remember i posted a thread about as year ago about ethnic cleansing.some of the bears were not too happy.i was not for a minute trying to liken my thread to that of the horror of the holocost but simply trying to bring to the attention of fellow bears of what i call a suttle way of oprressing the umionists in this country by the minority of republicans.to be brief we need to take the game to them no matter how trivial it seems.queen and country.

I remember it well and wholeheartedly agreed with it.

There were some so called Bears at that time, doing the same as they are now. Berating and shouting down anyone with a stance.

Nothing has changed and I'm sure it's the same people.

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yep ive filled it out, i have pledged to myself to take no more double standards in this country, we need to highlight to the rest of the world the hypocritical attitudes and the bigoted behaviour that we are subjected to by them and their media friends i Scotland today

get it filled in.....

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Oleg you probably wont remember i posted a thread about as year ago about ethnic cleansing.some of the bears were not too happy.i was not for a minute trying to liken my thread to that of the horror of the holocost but simply trying to bring to the attention of fellow bears of what i call a suttle way of oprressing the umionists in this country by the minority of republicans.to be brief we need to take the game to them no matter how trivial it seems.queen and country.

I expressed something very similar when I labeled the witchhunts against us as cultural ethnic cleansing, so we are very close on this particular issue.
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I just sent this email to UEFA. Will let you know of any response (not holding my breath)

Racism and Sectarianism in Football.


I wish to register a complaint regarding racist and sectarian singing at the Ajax v Celtic Champions League match yesterday.

It was apparent that home fans were singing and chanting comments and language which was designed to be offensive and provocative to visiting fans and team members.

In particular, the usage of the words "Orange Bastard".

In Scotland the term "orange" is usually reserved for those of a non-Catholic, especially Protestant, background or faith.

This is clearly sectarian.

In addition, as the visiting team was from Holland, the term is clearly racist as it refers to matters of a national identity.

The home club is well known throughout the world for taking a very easy stand on fans who engage in such behaviour. Their support for fans who engage in singing about terrorism, racism, abuse and other unacceptable behaviour should not be tolerated in modern day Europe.

Can we expect UEFA to investigate such matters?

Should this matter be referred to the world body, FIFA?

To set one matter straight - I register this formal complaint as a neutral viewer. I support neither club, nor am I of the "Orange - protestant faith (nor a Catholic)". Likewise, I am not from Holland.

Many of us here in Australia love football, but are sick and tired, indeed offended by the continuing filth that comes from Glasgow Celtic. Those of us who know innocent victims of child abuse are similarly disgusted by the historical cover-ups that happened at that club.

Will UEFA investigate these matters, or sit idly by while they continue?

I look forward to your response.



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Is there a report facility on the mobile?

I refuse on the grounds that im a proud protestant glaswegian billy boy to participate in sending pointless emails to a tarrier organisation. There really is only one way I want to resolve this. Round up the soldiers Rangers and get stuck into the mhanky bastards, the way we have always done.they can call me what they want as long as they are willing to get a leathering for doing so. Fuckin smelly tottie hoikin bastards.No SurrenderRab

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I just sent this email to UEFA. Will let you know of any response (not holding my breath)

Racism and Sectarianism in Football.


I wish to register a complaint regarding racist and sectarian singing at the Ajax v Celtic Champions League match yesterday.

It was apparent that home fans were singing and chanting comments and language which was designed to be offensive and provocative to visiting fans and team members.

In particular, the usage of the words "Orange Bastard".

In Scotland the term "orange" is usually reserved for those of a non-Catholic, especially Protestant, background or faith.

This is clearly sectarian.

In addition, as the visiting team was from Holland, the term is clearly racist as it refers to matters of a national identity.

The home club is well known throughout the world for taking a very easy stand on fans who engage in such behaviour. Their support for fans who engage in singing about terrorism, racism, abuse and other unacceptable behaviour should not be tolerated in modern day Europe.

Can we expect UEFA to investigate such matters?

Should this matter be referred to the world body, FIFA?

To set one matter straight - I register this formal complaint as a neutral viewer. I support neither club, nor am I of the "Orange - protestant faith (nor a Catholic)". Likewise, I am not from Holland.

Many of us here in Australia love football, but are sick and tired, indeed offended by the continuing filth that comes from Glasgow Celtic. Those of us who know innocent victims of child abuse are similarly disgusted by the historical cover-ups that happened at that club.

Will UEFA investigate these matters, or sit idly by while they continue?

I look forward to your response.



Good work. (tu)

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this may seem petty to some,but it's Still worth reporting,the bheast has been writings and bleating to any organisations it can to complain about us,it may seem tit-for-tat I agree,but it's time to beat them at their own game.

It's like they just try to throw everything at us in the hope it sticks,the only thing that sticks to them is shite on a wall but I digress,we must take any opportunity to highlight these reptiles and the double standards they eminate!

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BP9 - Since there were also Republican songs sung last night and that suspected dissident Republican terrorists have been arrested in Scotland, should we not offer resistance to a culture which supports active terrorist violence? Is it not highly likely that these two incidents reveal both sides of the same coin- the terrorism and the culture from which it stems and is given succour?

The Republican songs and their support for active violence should be mentioned in complaints to UEFA as it adds gravity to the claims.

... and your motivation for reporting these songs - concerned citizen? or Rangers fan? If we are 'entitled' to report these songs (as we think they have broken some law) are 'they' not as entitled to report us if they think we have broken a law? (It may be a stupid law, but it is still the law).

As an ex - soldier, who spent 3 years in Ireland at the end of the troubles, I have no time for the IRA in any shape or form, but I do NOT think that Rangers fans, reporting Celtic fans, for singing songs to (at?) another fan base, is anything we should be getting involved in - its tit - for - tat, and petty. I know some of our fan base sees injustice and inequality at every turn, but I don't (that does not make you wrong or me right - it just means we disagree).

I would much prefer that we all got back to being concerned about the football, all this petty - tit-for-tat stuff just keeps eroding the fun.

Last night the police arrested numerous people for 'alledged' :pipe: support of terrorist actions - that is REAL seriously bad shit.

Tuesday night some Ajax fans lost the plot and vandalised porkdump stadium by ripping out seats - that is pretty shit

Tuesday night some Celtic fans sang some songs - thats annoying shit!

Our club support is NOT (in my humble opinion) the vehicle for tackling societies faults and troubles, we are not a politcial force, there to look at how we solve the 'Ireland' question, nor the independance question, nor are we there to promote some religious ideaology - we are a football club. Lets get back to just supporting the club - remember the fun we used to have with the 'Lets all laugh at Celtic' thread on RM - now demoted on some 'cleansing' of the Bears Den where to discuss or biggest historical rivals is not allowed unless its a thread like this ? With all this petty shite (on both sides) we will just end up with more rules - not less and I would rather other police were takling the REAL shite rather than the 'annoying shite' and I dont see how your campaign helps anyone to focus :pipe: on the real shite!

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... and your motivation for reporting these songs - concerned citizen? or Rangers fan? If we are 'entitled' to report these songs (as we think they have broken some law) are 'they' not as entitled to report us if they think we have broken a law? (It may be a stupid law, but it is still the law).

As an ex - soldier, who spent 3 years in Ireland at the end of the troubles, I have no time for the IRA in any shape or form, but I do NOT think that Rangers fans, reporting Celtic fans, for singing songs to (at?) another fan base, is anything we should be getting involved in - its tit - for - tat, and petty. I know some of our fan base sees injustice and inequality at every turn, but I don't (that does not make you wrong or me right - it just means we disagree).

I would much prefer that we all got back to being concerned about the football, all this petty - tit-for-tat stuff just keeps eroding the fun.

Last night the police arrested numerous people for 'alledged' :pipe: support of terrorist actions - that is REAL seriously bad shit.

Tuesday night some Ajax fans lost the plot and vandalised porkdump stadium by ripping out seats - that is pretty shit

Tuesday night some Celtic fans sang some songs - thats annoying shit!

Our club support is NOT (in my humble opinion) the vehicle for tackling societies faults and troubles, we are not a politcial force, there to look at how we solve the 'Ireland' question, nor the independance question, nor are we there to promote some religious ideaology - we are a football club. Lets get back to just supporting the club - remember the fun we used to have with the 'Lets all laugh at Celtic' thread on RM - now demoted on some 'cleansing' of the Bears Den where to discuss or biggest historical rivals is not allowed unless its a thread like this ? With all this petty shite (on both sides) we will just end up with more rules - not less and I would rather other police were takling the REAL shite rather than the 'annoying shite' and I dont see how your campaign helps anyone to focus :pipe: on the real shite!


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BP9 it is about equal treatment. Should we sit in silence while our culture is disassembled in front of us or do we stand up to the powers that be and point out the hypocrisy of their actions?

Your culture ? OK - what culture are you trying to protect? Is Rangers the vehicle for defending your 'culture'?

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Sooner or later, with regards to songs both sides will erode each others freedom totally in the tit-for-tat war. Then, the powers-that-be will implement the laws all across the board. No-one will be allowed to make much of a noise at all.

That way they can ensure total control of large groups of people - kind of like a law that compliments the Criminal Justice Act.

No chanting. No protests. No musical gatherings. Silence. Subservience.

They can then sit back and enjoy the fruits of your children's and grandchildren's slavery. Job done.

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Your culture ? OK - what culture are you trying to protect? Is Rangers the vehicle for defending your 'culture'?

I'm not sure I need to go into specifics as I'm certain you are trolling again. But I'll spell it out: our football culture.

Maybe it has passed you by, but the media tend to portray it like this: Rangers support bad, everyone else good.

They have tried to sanitise football chants in Scotland, yet they only pick on one side. Anything we do is headline news, yet everyone else gets off Scot-free. For example was there not an article in on of the rags about glass in a playground after one of the away games and it was made out it was all our fault?

We have to fight our corner.

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