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if ally wasn't the rangers manager...


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So, have you seen improvement this season then?

Not really, No, i've seen more money thrown at Rangers and seen a team with more high paid players steamroll through shite teams whilst being saved by the fact the teams they are playing are shite and overawed by playing in front of 40000 at Ibrox and 4000 Rangers fans at home when they're used to 400 home fans and a dug. Seen it yesterday where in the first half hour Stranraer could have been a few up had they not utterly shat it in front of goal.

Can you not just accept that there are some fans capable of looking at McCoist the manager seperately from McCoist the legend and seeing that in one he was a brilliant player and in the other he's an overpaid, unproven and tactically inept manager. For the money we're paying I want a manager with tactical ability and a long term plan, in fact, I'd want that for half the money. If McCoist was managing Rangers at this level on a much lower budget where he was forced to learn and change things during games to win he'd at least be improving but he's not, he's doing a job akin to holiday mode on football manager, feet up and winning regardless of what you do.

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For Beckham look at sourness ,the interest would be off the hook , the guys a multi millionaire , there would be no problems attracting players to come ,like a said sourness came and took us to another level ,think of the investment it could generate

I don't think he would come to Rangers for starters and although it has worked in the past I don't see the point in bringing in an unproven inexperienced manager when there are guys that have managed before who could do the job.

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Not really, No, i've seen more money thrown at Rangers and seen a team with more high paid players steamroll through shite teams whilst being saved by the fact the teams they are playing are shite and overawed by playing in front of 40000 at Ibrox and 4000 Rangers fans at home when they're used to 400 home fans and a dug. Seen it yesterday where in the first half hour Stranraer could have been a few up had they not utterly shat it in front of goal.

Can you not just accept that there are some fans capable of looking at McCoist the manager seperately from McCoist the legend and seeing that in one he was a brilliant player and in the other he's an overpaid, unproven and tactically inept manager. For the money we're paying I want a manager with tactical ability and a long term plan, in fact, I'd want that for half the money. If McCoist was managing Rangers at this level on a much lower budget where he was forced to learn and change things during games to win he'd at least be improving but he's not, he's doing a job akin to holiday mode on football manager, feet up and winning regardless of what you do.

I find it hard to take your opinion seriously if you won't even admit that this season has been an improvement on last.

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I don't think he would come to Rangers for starters and although it has worked in the past I don't see the point in bringing in an unproven inexperienced manager when there are guys that have managed before who could do the job.

well u don't get if u don't ask players would fall over each other to play for Beckham , he know youth systems after coming throu man u , endless contacts all over the world a good assistant , might just interest him to add manager of Glasgow rangers to his cv
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I find it hard to take your opinion seriously if you won't even admit that this season has been an improvement on last.

It's a qualified improvement, some better players have been added to the squad but the manager is still shit. There has been no improvement in McCoist, he is still a tactical buffoon and he's playing more players out of position now than last season, despite now having clear opportunities to build a squad that caters to the formation he wants to play.

I'm unsure whether to take your opinion on McCoist seriously as you so far haven't given it in this thread, instead nitpicking at posts whilst ignoring the salient points about the manager's failings, why not tell me how he's so good by stacking up some evidence of his tactical nous and ability that can't immediately be shot down by the fact he has one player almost earning more in a week than the entire starting 11 of the teams we play. We're not getting value for money from the players or McCoist. The teams we're playing against shouldn't even be touching the ball but we're kicking off every game, immediately handicapping ourselves by playing a CDM at right wing and a young CM on the left, an attacking mid/forward with no defensive capabilities at CB and a CB at RB, whicch would be fine if we had a limited squad but we have wingers available, our RB got injured and our backup RB was already out on loan (bravo McCoist) and our utility youth player who counts RB as one of his positions (albeit not his favoured one but when has that mattered Ally?) aye, he was out on loan aswell, and we have natural centre backs available, Cribari is past it but he's a better CB than Jig, Faure is a better CB than Jig but he's covering RB and young Luca is a natural CB who could be doing a job if we got over his age.

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It's a qualified improvement, some better players have been added to the squad but the manager is still shit. There has been no improvement in McCoist, he is still a tactical buffoon and he's playing more players out of position now than last season, despite now having clear opportunities to build a squad that caters to the formation he wants to play.

I'm unsure whether to take your opinion on McCoist seriously as you so far haven't given it in this thread, instead nitpicking at posts whilst ignoring the salient points about the manager's failings, why not tell me how he's so good by stacking up some evidence of his tactical nous and ability that can't immediately be shot down by the fact he has one player almost earning more in a week than the entire starting 11 of the teams we play. We're not getting value for money from the players or McCoist. The teams we're playing against shouldn't even be touching the ball but we're kicking off every game, immediately handicapping ourselves by playing a CDM at right wing and a young CM on the left, an attacking mid/forward with no defensive capabilities at CB and a CB at RB, whicch would be fine if we had a limited squad but we have wingers available, our RB got injured and our backup RB was already out on loan (bravo McCoist) and our utility youth player who counts RB as one of his positions (albeit not his favoured one but when has that mattered Ally?) aye, he was out on loan aswell, and we have natural centre backs available, Cribari is past it but he's a better CB than Jig, Faure is a better CB than Jig but he's covering RB and young Luca is a natural CB who could be doing a job if we got over his age.

I will, but I am not sure there is a huge point in me detailing anything, it is hardly going to have an impact on your view. Your obsession with positions is a little odd, if you can't understand that players can play in multiple positions then you don't watch modern football. I've watched our best performing team in 92/93 with Dave McPherson playing at Right Back and Ian Durrant wide left, I've watched us win in an away OF game heading towards 9IAR with a team half-full of centre backs. I've watched Alex Ferguson play Antonio Valencia at RB, and Giggs in CM and even LB.

If your problem is that the manager doesn't play the style you want, then to a large extent, tough.

The problem with McCulloch at CB is odd, it's not as if our defence has been a major issue.

My point (nitpicking or not) is that this started because you seemed to be commenting that it was only this season that was a problem, and that you would excuse last season's performances. I found that to be a little dishonest, and it appears not only that you still have issues with last season (or the season before), but that you probably had made your mind up back then (Malmo perhaps?).

Overall, this season has been a massive improvement on last season. A couple of major impact points, firstly, the fact that we had a proper pre-season and the introduction of improved players. (no doubt picked by the manager) Therefore, we have played 16 league games, have 46 points and a positive goal difference of 52. We have had one awful result this season, which was at the very start, and before most of our players were available.

My expectations of this season were stated before it started (as a lot of posters did on here), I think I said 90+ points with 100 goals, with a stretch target of 100 points, winning the Challenge Cup and a run in one of the two cups. That seems to be well within our grasp and therefore I would be a hypocrite if I turned against him now.

The expectations of a lot of the fanbase are, to be blunt, bonkers.

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Ally is a legend. But the longer he has been manager the less it looks like he is what rangers as a club need right now.

He is on way to much money. Even if his wages were halved. He still looks at signings for the next game. Not for three years from now.

Examples of bad managerial decisions.....

Two young right backs on low wages put out on loan instead of being given a chance. Foster signed when he wasn't good enough first time round. Faure a centre half bring made to play in a position he's not comfortable with.

Centre half? Okay mohsni and mcculloch doing well. Faure should be the sub as cover. Cribari should be released.

Left back. Wallace. Amazing. Cover for Wallace? Smith not good enough first time round due to injuries. Still not good enough. Young Dundee united left back played against us last season but not one of our coaching team noticed potential.

Midfield. Let's think. Templeton McKay aird all potential width. All warming the bench at best. Black? Law? Paid a lot more than mcloud but to me no better. Play Lewis he has more chance of improving. Peralta? Never a winger. Came as a holding player come right back. Never been played there.

Up front. Daly. Has proved me wrong goal wise. But playing him dictates a big punt up the park. Why no play two wingers and cross the ball to the big man.

Clark. At yesterday's game he was only one providing movement so we took him off. He wasn't playing that well but we weren't playing to his strength.

Little. Scores goals ally doesn't see him as a striker. Hence he moves him wide every chance he gets.

Kenny miller? Ffs why? This league is won? Why sign a guy who will be retired by the time we need him.

We need a man in charge who gives youth a chance. Who has a bench full of youth to throw on and get used to the demands of playing for rangers. Not punts them all out on loan every chance they get.

Rangers need to cut costs. I'd start by having a first eleven of












Release the other goaly foster smith cribari black and utilise Gallagher Mitchell gasperato Crawford and McKay. Even Andy little could potentially be moved on.

Can't really disagree with much of that, other than moving on Andy Little, why?

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I will, but I am not sure there is a huge point in me detailing anything, it is hardly going to have an impact on your view. Your obsession with positions is a little odd, if you can't understand that players can play in multiple positions then you don't watch modern football. I've watched our best performing team in 92/93 with Dave McPherson playing at Right Back and Ian Durrant wide left, I've watched us win in an away OF game heading towards 9IAR with a team half-full of centre backs. I've watched Alex Ferguson play Antonio Valencia at RB, and Giggs in CM and even LB.

If your problem is that the manager doesn't play the style you want, then to a large extent, tough.

The problem with McCulloch at CB is odd, it's not as if our defence has been a major issue.

My point (nitpicking or not) is that this started because you seemed to be commenting that it was only this season that was a problem, and that you would excuse last season's performances. I found that to be a little dishonest, and it appears not only that you still have issues with last season (or the season before), but that you probably had made your mind up back then (Malmo perhaps?).

Overall, this season has been a massive improvement on last season. A couple of major impact points, firstly, the fact that we had a proper pre-season and the introduction of improved players. (no doubt picked by the manager) Therefore, we have played 16 league games, have 46 points and a positive goal difference of 52. We have had one awful result this season, which was at the very start, and before most of our players were available.

My expectations of this season were stated before it started (as a lot of posters did on here), I think I said 90+ points with 100 goals, with a stretch target of 100 points, winning the Challenge Cup and a run in one of the two cups. That seems to be well within our grasp and therefore I would be a hypocrite if I turned against him now.

The expectations of a lot of the fanbase are, to be blunt, bonkers.

I of course understand that some players can play in a number of positions, but I also understand that some cannot, and seem to inexplicably have been asked to do so at Rangers. This of course is fine, if it works, but this season playing MacLeod out of position has seen one of our best players of last season turn into a passenger in this team, he did nothing for the majority of his game yesterday and not for the first time this season, he cannot play at left mid (or a slightly left of central midfielder as part of a 4 man central midfield if we believe the nonsense some people choose to see) and the fact Durrant did means bugger all in relation to Lewis. Peralta has to be the worst, fine, try him at right mid, but when he is entirely ineffectual, a decent manager would realise this and make the change, and if he did that he wouldn't change it back a few weeks later as if the player will somehow have suddenly learned how to be a right wing superstar in the space of a few weeks. If it's broke, fix it. Sometimes it is a matter of necessity that a team ends up with players out of position but not in Rangers case, it's a matter of fitting the chosen players in anywhere rather than picking the right players for the formation you play.

Our defence hasn't been too much of an issue thus far in terms of losing goals but teams are getting chances against us that they shouldn't be, and as said before, they're fluffing them, we're being saved by our oppositions failings rather than our ability. The point with McCulloch is simply to ask why we are playing him at centre back over actual centre backs and in what way is this improving us right now or in the long term. McCulloch should be nowhere near our first team squad 2 years from now but under McCoist he'll probably be our star centreback in the SPL and he'll still be beyond criticism for some fans.

I think part of the problem here is that you are misinterpreting what I said (perhaps my fault) as me saying I would excuse last season's performances entirely and they were not a problem. What i said was McCoist had an excuse for last season, i.e we were shit but there were mitigating factors that McCoist could blame, albeit a lack of pre season does not justify a shit performance in May. What the performances this season have shown is that we were shit due to these factors outwith McCoist's control, and due to McCoist's inability as a manager which sadly shines through in his failing to get a team of incredibly well paid players to perform well against part timers. Forfar aside the performances were better early on so I have to ask myself why the newly assembled team seem to deteriorate the longer they are in McCoist's hands. I genuinely feel we win games in spite of McCoist's efforts because ultimately full time pro players out of position and with poor tactical guidance are still going to defeat part time players of limited ability 9 times out of 10

It's obviously just a difference of opinion on what matters, your expectations for this season being numbers based and not taking account how how we actually play but I wouldn't call you a hypocrite if you said you were happy with the points on the board (as I am) but could also say the performances have been dire and McCoist's tactics are questionable. That said when we come up against SPL opposition in the cup I've no confidence we''ll progress at this stage, unless between now and then McCoist looks at how we've performed this season and makes the changes needed.

I think ultimately the problem is that I and many others don't think McCoist is a good manager and he doesn't alter our opinion any with the way he sets up his team and how he changes things during the game but he simply cannot fail at this level because of the silly money he has at his disposal so we can see how this is going to pan out, a waste of time for the next few years with him in charge before he is replaced with a real manager. I just struggle with the idea that anyone can look at what he does and think he's the man to lead us to the top of the SPL.

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No one with the profile of AM.....He will get us back to the top tier,and then lets see

He will get us back to the top tier, but there aren't many who couldn't

The issue is, what then?

I don't want us to realise in 2015 that we're being managed by someone who was a legend on the pitch, but is out of his depth off the pitch

We should be looking forward.

I like Ally the legend, but don't rate McCoist the manager

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He will get us back to the top tier, but there aren't many who couldn't

The issue is, what then?

I don't want us to realise in 2015 that we're being managed by someone who was a legend on the pitch, but is out of his depth off the pitch

We should be looking forward.

I like Ally the legend, but don't rate McCoist the manager

He will get us back to the top tier, but there aren't many who couldn't

The issue is, what then?

I don't want us to realise in 2015 that we're being managed by someone who was a legend on the pitch, but is out of his depth off the pitch

We should be looking forward.

I like Ally the legend, but don't rate McCoist the manager

We are one of the biggest Clubs in the world,and we need a high profile manager.....In our current situation hard to attract. We are not going to wrestle the title from the big gerry knews at the first attempt......So lets show some loyalty to the only man standing two years ago
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We are one of the biggest Clubs in the world,and we need a high profile manager.....In our current situation hard to attract. We are not going to wrestle the title from the big gerry knews at the first attempt......So lets show some loyalty to the only man standing two years ago

Now I don't want to come across as someone who just wants to slate Ally, but if he's going to manage a team who plays football like that, then he deserves questions to be asked of him.

I disagree we need a high profile manager. We need a good manager. If he's high profile, then that's a bonus.

In our current situation, it is hard to attract, which furthers my point - we need quality before profile

I expect us to challenge them first season back. I won't burn my strips if they don't, but complacency will get us nowhere. We will take time to get back to the top, it will be a slow (sometimes painful) experience, with investment needed, but it will happen.

We have shown loyalty to Ally, as he showed to us, but at the end of the day, no man is bigger than the club, and we deserve the best.

If Ally isn't the best, he has to go, and we shall forever remember him has the legendary player he was, and the loyal bluenose he's proven to be

But (if the time ever comes) I hope that as a true Ranger, he will see this, and will do what he can to help the club


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We are one of the biggest Clubs in the world,and we need a high profile manager.....In our current situation hard to attract. We are not going to wrestle the title from the big gerry knews at the first attempt......So lets show some loyalty to the only man standing two years ago

So we let the mhanks get 4 or 5 in a row then we change things?.We cant outspend them, and we dont have their revenue streams.when we're back in the top league we need to rely on a developed team, and a manager with the tactical ability to beat the mhank champions over the course of a season.Do we have that team or manager. Because if not we are wasting time money and opportunity.We will look back and regret this wastefulness.Even many of those loyal to ally say they dont think he'll cut it in the top league. Yet wont consider alternatives

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Now I don't want to come across as someone who just wants to slate Ally, but if he's going to manage a team who plays football like that, then he deserves questions to be asked of him.

I disagree we need a high profile manager. We need a good manager. If he's high profile, then that's a bonus.

In our current situation, it is hard to attract, which furthers my point - we need quality before profile

I expect us to challenge them first season back. I won't burn my strips if they don't, but complacency will get us nowhere. We will take time to get back to the top, it will be a slow (sometimes painful) experience, with investment needed, but it will happen.

We have shown loyalty to Ally, as he showed to us, but at the end of the day, no man is bigger than the club, and we deserve the best.

If Ally isn't the best, he has to go, and we shall forever remember him has the legendary player he was, and the loyal bluenose he's proven to be

But (if the time ever comes) I hope that as a true Ranger, he will see this, and will do what he can to help the club


I beg to disagree but WATP
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What about my post would you disagree with?

I think a massive club needs a high profile manager......do you think the lurgan bigot is a better manager than AM or just got more money to spend...PLG wanted to do what you wanted but never given the time,because we always had to beat the big gerry knews
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So we let the mhanks get 4 or 5 in a row then we change things?.We cant outspend them, and we dont have their revenue streams.when we're back in the top league we need to rely on a developed team, and a manager with the tactical ability to beat the mhank champions over the course of a season.Do we have that team or manager. Because if not we are wasting time money and opportunity.We will look back and regret this wastefulness.Even many of those loyal to ally say they dont think he'll cut it in the top league. Yet wont consider alternatives

What Manager since the arrival of Souness has used youth development.....PLG could have done given time,but we cant even give a man time 11 points clear with a game in hand at the turn of the year
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While youth development sounds great, it isn't possible to just start it in division 3 and be ready for the SPL. It takes setting up, planning and years of investment, and given that some of the best prospects left, some are available and the fans lost patience with the rest really quickly, I wonder if we are living in the real world. (Anyone who disagrees tell me your views on Cole, Perry, Hegarty, Hutton, Naismith, Hemmings.....)

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What Manager since the arrival of Souness has used youth development.....PLG could have done given time,but we cant even give a man time 11 points clear with a game in hand at the turn of the year

Didnt say youth. Said developed team. As in moulded over a period of time.Honestly, unless given a huge pot of cash, significantly more than the bheggars have, can you see ally winning the top league? And would you trust ally to spend that money wisely?

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