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The answer is blowing in the wind


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“I wish for you all, each of you, to have your own motive for indignation. This is precious. When something outrages you as I was outraged by Nazism, then people become militant, strong, and involved.” (Stephane Hessel)

Much has been made of the comments at the Celtic AGM, particularly the jibes by an SFA board member, who, in his dual role, also officiates over certain matters at Celtic FC. If such comments were seen as an attempt to play to the gallery, Chairman Ian Bankier's comment that there was “a tremendous romance attached to the club” were perhaps an attempt to detract from a far greater romantic screenplay which is developing over the other side of the city.

For this developing screenplay has all the ingredients to be a box office sell out, and in fact, already has sold out time and time again. Furthermore its ability to capture the imagination and attention of those beyond these shores shows no sign of abating. It can neither be stopped nor controlled because it's driving force, the Rangers support, will forever be beyond the reach and control of even multi-roled individuals with alarming, and questionable influence. Its a loyalty which cannot be bought, is not and will not be offered for sale, no matter the offer on the table.

It has the twists of trickery, the depravity of deceit, the unedifying behaviour of the unscrupulous. Unbridled hatred is there for all to see as well Machiavellian plots which would do The Prince justice. Intransigence, incompetence and intent to injure, to destroy an institution are laid bare before all. These factors should set the scene for what would be an overwhelming victory, an annihilation, an extermination.

That no such victory was forthcoming is testament to the screenplay's heroes. Normal men and women whose love for their football club laid to waste the plotters and their schemes. She may have been kicked countless times when she was down, but time and time again the blue legions would pick her up and brace themselves for the next onslaught. Rangers may have been down, battered and bruised, but most certainly not out. And so the march onwards continues. Relentless.

When people speak of the romance of Scottish football they think of the institution which would not die – because her fans would not let it be so. They filled stadiums, broke world records, were the cause of games being postponed. You want romance Mr Bankier ? Look no further than Ibrox.

Forget “defiance” or even vengeance. The bad news for all the cowards who swung the boot whilst we were down is that it is something much worse than either defiance or vengeance.

Righteous Indignation.

It will pursue the plotters, the schemers, and the incompetent. The level of hatred and lack of mercy displayed by many, I can assure you, will be duly reciprocated. And then some. Agencies and individuals cannot hide forever behind anonymity, excuses of “whistleblowing” and “sporting integrity”.

In the near future a criminal enquiry will reach it's conclusion and the long arm of the law will finally get to grips with some of the plotters. The time for Government Agencies hiding behind the excuse of “ongoing criminal enquiries” will be over. If some of them think that Police Scotland are the extent of their worries, then they would be well advised to think again. The failings are already within the public domain and no amount of retrospective action will remedy them.

All we are really waiting for is to see the extent and the scope of the Police Scotland enquiry. We will be reviewing such an enquiry through eyes filled with righteous indignation – and only the full extent of the application of the law will satisfy.

Rangers are indeed coming, on a tidal wind of righteous indignation, perhaps many in Scotland would do well to brace themselves.

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Is a decision imminent D'art ?

I wouldnt say imminent as in this week or even this month but at some stage in the near future that conclusion must be brought to fruition. I would hope the first part of this year given the length of the enquiry - but that of course depends on the scale of its remit

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I wouldnt say imminent as in this week or even this month but at some stage in the near future that conclusion must be brought to fruition. I would hope the first part of this year given the length of the enquiry - but that of course depends on the scale of its remit

Ok, cheers.

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I wouldnt say imminent as in this week or even this month but at some stage in the near future that conclusion must be brought to fruition. I would hope the first part of this year given the length of the enquiry - but that of course depends on the scale of its remit

You don't half do some fantastic work for the rangers support mate, you're about the only poster/topics reading in the BD these days.

A thankless task but you never give up. A credit to the fanbase mate (tu)

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You don't half do some fantastic work for the rangers support mate, you're about the only poster/topics reading in the BD these days.

A thankless task but you never give up. A credit to the fanbase mate (tu)

totally agree with this. PZJ on Bill McMurdos' blog is another who works tirelessly to expose the failings of others...
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One area of indignation is at Hearts. They joined the tarrier cabal which tried to destroy us. They currently lie at the bottom of the division with the very real threat if liquidation. The best they canhope for is playing in the first division for the next two seasons.

My message to all Jambo lurkers is shame on you but hey Karma is upon you! Ha ha ha ha ha ha........

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One area of indignation is at Hearts. They joined the tarrier cabal which tried to destroy us. They currently lie at the bottom of the division with the very real threat if liquidation. The best they canhope for is playing in the first division for the next two seasons.

My message to all Jambo lurkers is shame on you but hey Karma is upon you! Ha ha ha ha ha ha........

Indeed, fuck them!

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As ever a great read with all the right words in all the right places! My question would be is this based on knowledge or hope of redress in the future?

Some of it is based on knowledge Grant some on hope.

For instance I know the following :-

(1) That the leaking of information is subject of an ongoing Police enquiry (I know this as fact because I raised the complaint myself and my local MSP has pursued the matter)

(2) That HMRC appear to have failed to report any of these leaks (I await confirmation on what they actually did to confirm they themselves were not responsible)

(3) The information used in the BBC Documentary "The Men Who Sold The Jerseys" was evidence stolen from the Tax Tribunal. This is alluded to in Lprd Nimmo Smith's SPL Commission Report (Section 98)

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Yes indeed there are a number of material events to unfold and unfold in the public domain so that we can all see and understand and react accordingly. To help with 'we will not forget' it might yet prove useful to have a charge sheet thread or forum so that all the matters where those who caused or sought to cause active harm to Rangers are listed and kept tabs on as part of a proper 'moving on' process for Rangers as a Club and for Supporters.

Perhaps it also needs to be borne in mind that a mindset of those in public office can be to do as little as possible for as long as possible in the expectation that the 'problem' goes away and is forgotten, or if that is not likely to water down findings so that officials are never held properly to account, or that the investigations fizzle out due to lack of resources or other priorities and so on. These need to be guarded against. So where public authorities are concerned full and proper and persistent use may need to be made of Freedom of Information Act enquiries, enquires to elected officials, direct enquires to relevant Government Departments and their Ministers. I'd hoped that James Traynor might have played a part in ferreting out the truth but he is no longer on the scene (unless he is working on stuff like this in the background - is he still writing a book with Charles Green or has that all fallen away?).

The corporate memory needs to be retained and kept to the fore of what happened in 'active harm' terms when we were voted out (the actions of the SPL, SFA and of certian clubs) were also once a very focal point for the Green and Mather Boards, and of how Rangers would take action at the right time. None of the reasons for that have gone away, so in addition to the stuff to be dealt with in the public domain (Police Scotland, HMRC) there are also the matters of what actions Rangers still need to take in football authority / club / people terms when the time is right. Right jnow I think it is only Ally who is left as one who had direct first hand experience at negotiating level of how others sought to apply active harm to Rangers. I'm sure there will be Board notes of the events but there is nothing quite like being there first hand and looking in the eyes of those with an agenda against us to really understand their motivations. I sincerely hope that knoweledge is understood at Board level and that at the right times Rangers would act as promised as part of moving on. When we get back to the top flight then the active harm clubs are going to have to face us.

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Don't let this go D'Art. Keep at it and hopefully they get some of the treatment that came our way.Karma would be good and Lawell knows he can't expect his support to carry them through the way the bears have rallied behind the world record holders. Power to your pen sir.

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Sadly I think it will all just disappear. Nothing has ever reached the conclusion it should have in matters relating to the bigots across the city and their agents. This I feel will be no different. They control the media so will control both the flow of information released and the reporting of the demand for action. Their agents will again do their work to quell debate and silence calls for legal retribution.

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