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Can I just mention that the two rolls were delicious and that they were indeed hand-delivered, which goes against the said pub's earlier stated policy that they do not do home (pitch) deliveries.

That is all.

That was the young one,everyone is equal just some more equal than others.
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Cheers. Looking forward to hearing more

You will be waiting for a long time once REA makes up the minutes in his favour to support fan ownership, could take up to two weeks. also you cant see them unless you sign up to there MASSIVE following of @RangersFirst over just over 2,000 people, out of 5 million Rangers fans, its not too bad.

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You will be waiting for a long time once REA makes up the minutes in his favour to support fan ownership, could take up to two weeks. also you cant see them unless you sign up to there MASSIVE following of @RangersFirst over just over 2,000 people, out of 5 million Rangers fans, its not too bad.

This is an example of people spreading misinformation.

Both meetings have been thoroughly minuted and are available to view. Anyone at the meeting will tell you that they are an accurate representation of what was discussed. Why are you lying? There really is no need.

As for the followers - I think 2k is a good number before the CIC has been launched. How many do think they should have at this stage?

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The Louden Tavern @ 448. I am sorry but I thought that I had previously answered these queries. However, I shall attempt once more to put my case. The first point re timings was perhaps a bit unfair but I was pointing out that Mr Wallace had not been given his 120 days. As regards him doing nothing, perhaps you could enlighten me as to what he is actually doing, not just talking to people. As regards Lawwell, It is by his own admission that he had discussions with him. I did not enquire as to when; I only asked whether or not they concerned Rangers. He has, to date, declined to comment which is why I do not trust him. He is expecting transparency but not giving it. Finally, there are many posts on this and other threads against what you are trying to do. Why not give Mr Wallace time to develop his plan without unnecessary distractions? That is what I meant by disruptive. This sounds just like a re-incarnation of RST only under a different name.

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The Louden Tavern @ 448. I am sorry but I thought that I had previously answered these queries. However, I shall attempt once more to put my case. The first point re timings was perhaps a bit unfair but I was pointing out that Mr Wallace had not been given his 120 days. As regards him doing nothing, perhaps you could enlighten me as to what he is actually doing, not just talking to people. As regards Lawwell, It is by his own admission that he had discussions with him. I did not enquire as to when; I only asked whether or not they concerned Rangers. He has, to date, declined to comment which is why I do not trust him. He is expecting transparency but not giving it. Finally, there are many posts on this and other threads against what you are trying to do. Why not give Mr Wallace time to develop his plan without unnecessary distractions? That is what I meant by disruptive. This sounds just like a re-incarnation of RST only under a different name.

Timing wise, I think now is as good a time as any. Rangers First is independent of what Graham Wallace is doing - We want the fans to have an increased voice with the club. That is not a criticism of the board. It won't matter who is on the on the board we still believe this is the right path.

I will specifically ask Richard whether he has had any dealings with Peter Lawwell regarding Rangers. I will also get back to you. He's been totally upfront with me so far. As to how much work Richard is doing, anyone that has put their name forward will tell you he is working hard - If you were involved you would appreciate how much work he is doing.

Graham Wallace will not be distracted by us. I think you are doing him a disservice to suggest otherwise. I have had some very limited dealings with the man and he comes across as the consummate professional. An impressive individual.

P.S. This is nothing to do with RST or any other fan group. It is being transparent and will continue to be so going forward.

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The Louden Tavern @ 458 (by the way, love that post no.) Thanks for your reply. Sorry to be so long in getting back to you but I was reading a thread about the Scotland Squad. After that I withdraw my allegation about Rangers First being disruptive. The Scotland Squad - now that's disruptive. I hate Bears insulting each other the way they were doing on that thread. At least, so far, this thread has remained courteous and civil.

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The Louden Tavern @ 458 (by the way, love that post no.) Thanks for your reply. Sorry to be so long in getting back to you but I was reading a thread about the Scotland Squad. After that I withdraw my allegation about Rangers First being disruptive. The Scotland Squad - now that's disruptive. I hate Bears insulting each other the way they were doing on that thread. At least, so far, this thread has remained courteous and civil.

Spoke to Richard tonight,he has met Peter Lawwell once when Lawwell shook his hand after St Mirren beat celtic in semi final of League Cup.thats his only recollection of meeting him.Hope that clears that up
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Spoke to Richard tonight,he has met Peter Lawwell once when Lawwell shook his hand after St Mirren beat celtic in semi final of League Cup.thats his only recollection of meeting him.Hope that clears that up

so he gabe a politicians " not to my recollection" answer?


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Had a read at the minutes from the 14th tonight, sounds like a good meeting and some questions I had were asked and answered at the meeting.

I'm against fan ownership as it stands but open to a decent group having a share that gives them a bit more leeway to ask questions if something doesn't seem right.

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The Louden Tavern @ 464. Thanks for the info once again. I have read back through some of the earlier posts and must offer my apologies for picking up a popint incorrectly. I think I read what I wanted to read rather than what was actually posted by rea. H said that he had met Lawwell wheras I read it as he had met with Lawwell. a small difference in vocabulary but a great difference in meaning and I will therefore drop this line. However, there was also a post, I think by lang2911 but I may be wrong and I can't be bothered going through it all again, which stated that this was not about Richard Atkinson. That being the case, I would suggest that, If your scheme is to have any chance of success, he walk away now as he is becoming the Dingwall of Rangers First. Once again I thank you for your response but wonder why rea has always to depend on others to defend him.

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I think you should sign up and read the minutes Corky, I understand and agree with your fears but in the grand scheme of things Richard Atkinson is irrelevant.

It's like you asking me to set up a Facebook page for your business as you don't have a clue what you're doing, once I've got it set up and operating and you know your way around I would pass it over to you and I would be gone, like a cheap one night stand.

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The Louden Tavern @ 464. Thanks for the info once again. I have read back through some of the earlier posts and must offer my apologies for picking up a popint incorrectly. I think I read what I wanted to read rather than what was actually posted by rea. H said that he had met Lawwell wheras I read it as he had met with Lawwell. a small difference in vocabulary but a great difference in meaning and I will therefore drop this line. However, there was also a post, I think by lang2911 but I may be wrong and I can't be bothered going through it all again, which stated that this was not about Richard Atkinson. That being the case, I would suggest that, If your scheme is to have any chance of success, he walk away now as he is becoming the Dingwall of Rangers First. Once again I thank you for your response but wonder why rea has always to depend on others to defend him.

Maybe in your eyes but to be honest as soon as one of your points is answered you go onto another one.i am defending the scheme not Richard,to be honest he is more than able to answer any questions,but you have only accusations.

In what way is he like Mark Dingwall? I don't see any comparisons whatsoever. The only thing I see they have in common is they were both in the Boys Brigade

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bombaybadboy08. Think i'll pass on that. It would be like going to a rally organised by fat alex IMHO. Anyway, noticed a few typos in my last post so, as I am obviously a bit tired, I think I will sign off for the night.

In what way is it like a rally organised by Fat Alex?

In this thread you have attempted to compare the CIC to Hitler, Salmond, and Mark Dingwall. Its transparent what you are doing. I'll give you that at least.

I think everyone in this thread can see through that. If you have legitimate questions about the CIC ask them and they will be answered

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I don't think it is fare to accuse anyone of anything to be honest. there has been so much shit thrown around that we don't know whether we are coming or going,

All I will ask for is monitor the website at www.rangersfirst.org and make your own mind up.

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