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With all due respect to you I think your getting far too involved and drifting away from impartiality on this especially as a Rangers establishment that's meant to be welcome to everyone on match days etc

No issue with it if you want to nail your colours to the mast officially from a business stand point - your pub etc but how does this impact with you being the official Rangers pub etc that deals obviously been done with the status quo at Ibrox as things currently stand

Just my opinion but I feel your getting far too involved

I don't really see where you are coming from with this but:

1. We will always be welcoming to all Rangers Supporters - nothing would ever change that.

2. Why would you presume that we are impartial? I like this idea and think it could be exactly what the club needs. We have our beliefs about what is best for Rangers and Rangers Supporters. We are allowed an opinion. Just because someone does not share my opinion on Rangers First does not mean they would not be welcomed into the pub - Everyone can make up their own mind.

3. Re: Rangers Partnership - Why would that be affected? the group is specifically independent from the 'fans politics' - it isn't pro board, and it is not anti board. If there was a position on that then we wouldn't be involved

Anything else?

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I don't really see where you are coming from with this but:

1. We will always be welcoming to all Rangers Supporters - nothing would ever change that.

2. Why would you presume that we are impartial? I like this idea and think it could be exactly what the club needs. We have our beliefs about what is best for Rangers and Rangers Supporters. We are allowed an opinion. Just because someone does not share my opinion on Rangers First does not mean they would not be welcomed into the pub - Everyone can make up their own mind.

3. Re: Rangers Partnership - Why would that be affected? the group is specifically independent from the 'fans politics' - it isn't pro board, and it is not anti board. If there was a position on that then we wouldn't be involved

Anything else?

If by that you mean your nailing your colours to the mast and saying officially as a pub the Louden supports this movement then fine

No issue with it - your entitled

Was just wanting it cleared up and had a side thought that the current lot at Ibrox agreed to make you official Rangers pub now your helping to push them out

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we dont have Prod schools but we do have public ones.

I have no idea what country you are from, both my schools primary and secondary used the local Church of Scotland as the Church of Scotland is the Establishment Church in Scotland.

Proddy enough for me if not for you..... and all welcome no apartheid practiced here.

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If by that you mean your nailing your colours to the mast and saying officially as a pub the Louden supports this movement then fine

No issue with it - your entitled

Was just wanting it cleared up and had a side thought that the current lot at Ibrox agreed to make you official Rangers pub now your helping to push them out

I take issue with your last point. How can this be pushing anyone out? You can only buy shares that are available to be bought - you can't force someone to sell their shares. If anyone with shares doesn't want to sell them then there is nothing anyone can do.

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I really don't see the egos in this. There was actually a section of the meeting where 'egos' were discussed - It was made abundantly clear that if you are in this for personal glory then you are in the wrong place.

There is no single face of Rangers First - there are lots of different boys from different Rangers backrounds, some within groups others not. The key thing that has been said is we need to put the club and the fans first and stick together. Thats the ethos and why the name Rangers First fits

I dont doubt that the thought behind the idea is for the right reasons. But somewhere down the line, the usual suspects....OR THEIR INFLUENCE.... will begin to steer things in the wrong direction. Some will shout louder than the rest and groups will form.

That's my opinion.

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I dont doubt that the thought behind the idea is for the right reasons. But somewhere down the line, the usual suspects....OR THEIR INFLUENCE.... will begin to steer things in the wrong direction. Some will shout louder than the rest and groups will form.

That's my opinion.

I can understand the skepticism - but if that was the case we will be out - so I hope this goes the way I hope/expect

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Sasa_Papac_No1_Fan @161. Looks like rea has already run away. No posts for more than 24 hours and no answers to my questions. Then again, maybe he is waiting on instructions from Uncle Peter. After all, he was part of a board that put the boot into us and we all know who led that campaign.

Tell us your real name then Corky - that is as fair/relevant a question as you are asking REA - he has shared that so?

I'll ask REA a few questions - do you rate Stewart Regan? - yes or no? do you rate Neil Doncaster? - yes or no? If you can't answer these - could you tell us why?

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Fed Up. I think if you look back at previous threads, the publishing of names etc., is frowned on by members of RM. Various individuals and media outlets have been roundly condemned for doing such. Under the circumstances, I would prefer not to. However, I am sure from some of my comments, people who know me will have worked out who I am, just as I have my strong suspicions as to who some other posters are. I, however, will not speculate on-line as this could jeopardise their safety.

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Fed Up. I think if you look back at previous threads, the publishing of names etc., is frowned on by members of RM. Various individuals and media outlets have been roundly condemned for doing such. Under the circumstances, I would prefer not to. However, I am sure from some of my comments, people who know me will have worked out who I am, just as I have my strong suspicions as to who some other posters are. I, however, will not speculate on-line as this could jeopardise their safety.

That is a perfectly reasonable and fair answer Corky to what I knew was an unfair question! I apologise for adking it but I was trying to make a point that basically there are fair and unfair questions. In my opinion - it is unfair to ask someone for example their religion - that is my opinion anyway. It is i think fair to ask for opinions on Regan/Doncaster etc. Rather than harp on about his school I'd rather ask him questions about the pros and cons of a CIC.

In my view and from what I've seen REA is a decent guy, he has given a lot of time to a variety of football clubs and some of the FoH people I have spoken to speak very highly of him but most importantly he has given a lot of time and effort to make Rangers fans aware of some things that might benefit us. I will continue to listen and I expect soon to hear more from Rangers fans and less from REA as this option develops or dies.

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No problem Fed Up. I like to think that I am basically a reasonable guy and understand your point of view. My concern is prompted by the treatment we have received from all sides but, IMHO, orchestrated from one place in the East End of Glasgow. I just can't trust those of the other persuasion at this time. Probably paranoia but that is the way it is. Interesting that rea fixed on this and swept the other questions aside.

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No problem Fed Up. I like to think that I am basically a reasonable guy and understand your point of view. My concern is prompted by the treatment we have received from all sides but, IMHO, orchestrated from one place in the East End of Glasgow. I just can't trust those of the other persuasion at this time. Probably paranoia but that is the way it is. Interesting that rea fixed on this and swept the other questions aside.

I understand that - totally!

Would you PM me - I'd like to suggest something that might remove some of your concerns?!

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Interesting that lang2911 posted nothing as I was about to ask if he thought the survey initiated by Mr Wallace was prompted by his suggestions which he advised us were delvered a couple of weeks age and if he thought, as has been suggested, that this could be the precursor to a scheme which he would find favourable. I personally hope so as it is clear he has put a lot of time and effort into this and, from what he has said, although a bit short on detail, sounds like something which could engage the majority of our fanbase ( I regret that I feel there will always be dissenters). If this is the case, would he then give it his full backing and abandon the charlatan he now seems to be in cahoots with?

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Interesting that lang2911 posted nothing as I was about to ask if he thought the survey initiated by Mr Wallace was prompted by his suggestions which he advised us were delvered a couple of weeks age and if he thought, as has been suggested, that this could be the precursor to a scheme which he would find favourable. I personally hope so as it is clear he has put a lot of time and effort into this and, from what he has said, although a bit short on detail, sounds like something which could engage the majority of our fanbase ( I regret that I feel there will always be dissenters). If this is the case, would he then give it his full backing and abandon the charlatan he now seems to be in cahoots with?

Thanks corky, I think...

I am not in cahoots with anyone and please feel free to call me and we can discuss in more detail. PM for number.

I have always said that what matters is that we come together as a fan base in a way that will support the club. I would prefer it if the club/shareholders supported it rather than feel like it was forced upon them, that was never my plan.

Myself and the other rangers fans who are looking to do this, with the support of SDS, are of the same mind.

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I think the vast majority appreciate and applaud the effort here ian but sadly the statements, comments and actions over the past few days emphasis just why this will never work! Far to many react to the media whilst others are either working to an agenda or to easily led!

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lang 2911 @ 389. Yes the previous post was meant as a compliment to your work up to now but no thanks were required although appreciated. However, I am still unclear as to whether or not you would be prepared to work with the board if, as I suspect from the survey, their intention is to set up such a scheme. This would be something I would be interested in. I would not, however, support SDS in any fashion as they are funded by the Scottish Government and "he who pays the piper calls the tune". Also, I do not trust rea one bit. I am mindful of a previous charismatic orator who also started his big push in a beer hall. Things didn't work out to well for his followers, did they? Look at the devastation he caused. Anyway, what has happened since the putsch last week? We do not appear to have heard anything.

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lang 2911 @ 389. Yes the previous post was meant as a compliment to your work up to now but no thanks were required although appreciated. However, I am still unclear as to whether or not you would be prepared to work with the board if, as I suspect from the survey, their intention is to set up such a scheme. This would be something I would be interested in. I would not, however, support SDS in any fashion as they are funded by the Scottish Government and "he who pays the piper calls the tune". Also, I do not trust rea one bit. I am mindful of a previous charismatic orator who also started his big push in a beer hall. Things didn't work out to well for his followers, did they? Look at the devastation he caused. Anyway, what has happened since the putsch last week? We do not appear to have heard anything.

I'll try and make my position clear.

In my view to ensure the future viability and success of Rangers football club, the fans need to come together and work WITH the board AND investors. It will take everyone to have a clear focus on what is best for the club and not themselves.

As for SDS, I knew the CIC was being discussed and from my point of view better to be on the inside influencing the direction it takes than not get involved and wish I had. There is ONE chance at this.

I can say more privately.

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I think the vast majority appreciate and applaud the effort here ian but sadly the statements, comments and actions over the past few days emphasis just why this will never work! Far to many react to the media whilst others are either working to an agenda or to easily led!

I would say the actions of the past few days are exactly why we need this. Hopefully we will get board support. I have suggested it to them

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Question. Are current or former RST board members involved in this new scheme ?

I don't know everyone that has out their name forward. The skills questionaire has went out and on that current affiliations need to be declared.

There have been members and past members attending the meetings so far, perhaps didn't go quite as they expected though :-)

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