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Give an alternative a chance?


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Dave king had his opportunity to help us. He didn't. Dave king should put up or fuck off. Calling to boycott and damage the club is a disgrace

Firstly, lets listen to his plans to "put up" and then judge him

Secondly, the "call to boycott" is an alternative way of securing you money and supporting the team

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Tell you what, why don't you ask Mr King to put a million pounds in a bag and have him walk it into Ibrox and put it on Wallace's desk (he can even take the Sun's photographer to record it). He could have invested at any time in the last few months and hasn't.

Why would anyone in their right mind give cash to the current regime, the one thing they have proved is that they can make money disappear without consequence?

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1) The current board have not issued any 1p shares. You have just made that up. It is lies.

2) In the grand scheme of things and being a new company, the loan we have taken is not a poor commercial one at all, far from it. (this doesnt mean im happy with Laxey though)

3) Day 121 is nowhere near season ticket renewal time. There is at least a month of a difference. Another made up statement.

4) This isnt meant to be an insult, just a challenge to yet more misleading statements.


1. I think you will find that penny shares are sitting as options to our directors and manager for whenever they wish to cash them in, in addition the £1.5m emergency money (that the directors said they don't need) can be paid back in penny shares to Lax/Eas if they so choose. Try reading the statements to the stock exchange for your information

2. I think, again, listening to financial analysts (who know more about it than me and you) have stated that the deals are poor and better could have been sought elsewhere, "clearly the directors wished to keep the deal in-house" in other words for their own personal gain??

3. Not a made up statement just an opinion on why they directors need 120 days (BP can complete a business review in 30 days)

4. As I said, just my thoughts and thank you for having a normal discussion!!

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Dividing the fans at the time we most need unity has put me off dave king,i dont doubt his sincerity but throwing in this hand grenade doesnt help graham wallace halfway through his 120 day review

Unity will never happen as long as the people running the club do so in a similar way to recent and current regimes, what Mr King proposes offers positives and the least we could do is listen??

120 day review...please!!

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The loan is secured on an empty building and a car park, ffs, now the lies are just blatant.

The only reason it's secured on property is because there would be uproar if they secured it against future s/t or ibrox.

It's irrelevant what they secure it against as it will be paid in full from our s/t money instantly.

Next season we might need 3million and have to pay back 3.5

When we can't pay the assets are sold, it's a long con and doesn't end till assets are stripped.

Why didn't they just invest the money? Why loan it? Surely that's a question needing answered.

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He has the opportunity of providing an alternative, buy the shares required, change from within job done!! I'm actually a Dave King fan but we have been building towards this over the last couple of weeks. As above i feel we are at a critical part of our season with the league being wrapped up in a couple of weeks, the Scottish Cup Quarters with hopefully leading to the Semi and Ramsdens Final. The players and management have had enough distraction and for me it should be their time and time for us to get right fkng behind them.

He will not buy the shares at the moment as the current board will just envelope that money as they have done so very well in the past

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1. I think you will find that penny shares are sitting as options to our directors and manager for whenever they wish to cash them in, in addition the £1.5m emergency money (that the directors said they don't need) can be paid back in penny shares to Lax/Eas if they so choose. Try reading the statements to the stock exchange for your information

2. I think, again, listening to financial analysts (who know more about it than me and you) have stated that the deals are poor and better could have been sought elsewhere, "clearly the directors wished to keep the deal in-house" in other words for their own personal gain??

3. Not a made up statement just an opinion on why they directors need 120 days (BP can complete a business review in 30 days)

4. As I said, just my thoughts and thank you for having a normal discussion!!

1. I think you have misread the penny shares. The 1p is the common name for every single share in the company. This doesn't mean they cost 1p.

2. I would argue that you don't know my background and can therefore only speak for yourself on that matter. A brand new company needing short term cash in a market typically driving losses and subject to bad press day after day does not have a lot of options as far as commercial loans go. The fee, while I'm unhappy at our investor doing it, is not really poor considering the situation.

3. I agree some companies can complete a report in 30 days when they pay millions to the likes of Deloittes, freshfields or KPMG. 3 months is not too long to ask especially when the first 3 weeks are right through the festive period.

4. No problems.

I'm off for a drink now so apologies in advance for any 3am rant back at your reply to this. :lol:

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The only reason it's secured on property is because there would be uproar if they secured it against future s/t or ibrox.

It's irrelevant what they secure it against as it will be paid in full from our s/t money instantly.

Next season we might need 3million and have to pay back 3.5

When we can't pay the assets are sold, it's a long con and doesn't end till assets are stripped.

Why didn't they just invest the money? Why loan it? Surely that's a question needing answered.

Security is standard how many times must it be said?

They've already invested to buy the shares in the first place.

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Unity will never happen as long as the people running the club do so in a similar way to recent and current regimes, what Mr King proposes offers positives and the least we could do is listen??

120 day review...please!!

im prepared to give graham wallace a chance in the short term,dave king has the finance so why not make an offer to buy the major shareholders instead of using the fans to buy the club on the cheap
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He will not buy the shares at the moment as the current board will just envelope that money as they have done so very well in the past

I don't know how many shares are currently available but I would be pretty sure if King wanted he could buy enough to give him with the fans enough to have the biggest shareholding. I understand he wants to gain control of the club though through the purchasing of shares through fan power mmmmmmmm!!! So how does doing it this way differ from him just purchasing the shares? apart from the obvious that it's not all his money being used
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1. I think you have misread the penny shares. The 1p is the common name for every single share in the company. This doesn't mean they cost 1p.

2. I would argue that you don't know my background and can therefore only speak for yourself on that matter. A brand new company needing short term cash in a market typically driving losses and subject to bad press day after day does not have a lot of options as far as commercial loans go. The fee, while I'm unhappy at our investor doing it, is not really poor considering the situation.

3. I agree some companies can complete a report in 30 days when they pay millions to the likes of Deloittes, freshfields or KPMG. 3 months is not too long to ask especially when the first 3 weeks are right through the festive period.

4. No problems.

I'm off for a drink now so apologies in advance for any 3am rant back at your reply to this. :lol:

Its your opinion, so no need for an answer that has you ranting, especially "half fu"

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Penny shares are any shares under £1 in a company.

With regards to Dave King stating he does not want to line peoples pockets fine.....but why not go out and purchase shares from investors that bought via the IPO who will have lost money. Some of them may want out and doing this would allow him to push for a seat on the board

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He will not buy the shares at the moment as the current board will just envelope that money as they have done so very well in the past

ill tell yu what.

if you can prove to me right now that the current board have "enveloped" our money. then I will get behind the moves to have them removed.

remember i want to see the proof, not wild speculation and lies.

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Given the troubles Murray, White, Green and the current "lot" have caused/are causing, all of which who have been less than prudent (at best) with the clubs finances, I am amazed at anyone who wishes to slag-off Dave King as some "fans" are doing already, after only his opening statement.

The current board issue penny shares to each other for future huge personal gain, take on poor commercial loans against club assets, operate like a secret society, take 120 days for a business review and seem incapable of bringing in new investment.

Mr Wallace (I was at Man City so can be trusted, why?) asked for 120 days to complete a business review, currently larger world-wide corporations take between 14 and 60 days, Rangers need 120 days?? (is day 121 the season ticket sale day I wonder). Surely Rangers fans are not this naive?

Mr King seems to be open to investing large amounts, bringing together other investors and involving the fans at a senior level so why not at least wait and see what he proposes (we are currently waiting 120 days for the directors), if not good then we can move on from him.

I can understand that fans are fed up reading about the off field issues but we must focus on securing the best long term future for the club.

P.s. Would all the characters that look to insult posts for no reason other than their lack of education, resist doing so to this post as it won't bother me but will make you look like no better than one of the other lot!!

You should be banned from here for posting so many lies in one post.

It's gullible airheads like you who are causing ALL the trouble for the club. Mouthing off a lot of pish and trying to pass it as fact.

No wonder you have to ask in advance for people not to slag what you write.

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Some think the 2 are worth £5m despite the fact we paid far less than that. Like a lot of posters appearing from 'nowhere' again something doesn't add up.

oh it adds up. if you are doing the correct sums.

dave king scaremongering + angry easily led fans + the perception we are ran by spivs = the pish we are seeing right now

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I'm not pro or anti Dave King at this time nor am I pro or anti the current board at this time. What I am seriously disappointed in is the public way that this whole business is being handled. I find it hard, no, impossible to believe that Dave King can't meet with our board and or other investors to discuss additional funding for RFC. What I'm certain is that we are not being told the whole story. Some of King's statement made sense but some of it is completely unworkable, in my opinion and a bit naive.

It does seem clear that King did not offer an interest-free loan. I'm perturbed that he didn't see it as an opportunity to provide the funding £1m against the two RFC properties.

As for the fans having representation with RFC, which fans and which representative? Who gets the blazer?

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oh it adds up. if you are doing the correct sums.

dave king scaremongering + angry easily led fans + the perception we are ran by spivs = the pish we are seeing right now

Its a deja vu moment again for sure. Apparently the people who bought the car park and EH were so greedy they forgot to take the near £2m profit on these assets. Remarkable when others tell us that EH is 'worthless'. Some just don't think before they make shite up.

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im prepared to give graham wallace a chance in the short term,dave king has the finance so why not make an offer to buy the major shareholders instead of using the fans to buy the club on the cheap

What makes you think its a good idea to give the directors even more money, King is trying to buy the club with the fans, what part don't you understand?

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ill tell yu what.

if you can prove to me right now that the current board have "enveloped" our money. then I will get behind the moves to have them removed.

remember i want to see the proof, not wild speculation and lies.

Just because you don't understand, don't get too excited? A lack of transparency tells you that nobody can say or will say where the 22m has gone so you can only imagine (have an opinion of) where it has gone. They spent it, why not declare it, every penny, every other company can?

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You should be banned from here for posting so many lies in one post.

It's gullible airheads like you who are causing ALL the trouble for the club. Mouthing off a lot of pish and trying to pass it as fact.

No wonder you have to ask in advance for people not to slag what you write.

You have just proved my point????

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