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McCoist on STV. Fans need a reality check

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What is embarrassing is how he says we can't compare our present team to the teams who had the likes of Laudrup etc., but we can, those teams played in high quality games such as the CL with very few poor teams in the league, todays team is not in the same class. but are playing against part timers every week, so we, as fans, have exactly the same expectations.

He chats on about entertainment, then qualifies it with, "hopefully attractive football". Hopefully is not good enough for me.

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If McCoist is happy with the way things a going then I really do fear for our future. The fans are not expecting Gazza, Laudrup etc etc however we do expect to see good football and see the team making progress for the future. So far we haven't capitalised on youth, instead McCoist clearly wants to be a cheque book manager. I love him as a player and he will always be a legend however he needs to go in order for us to progress.

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Deflect, deflect, deflect! I have seen very few people react to the title/headline here! The issue arises from what he actually says and you know it!

Read the first 10-15 posts - it'll give you enough over reaction / then again you won't notice cause it suits you not to!

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There just disgusted with his same old shite excuses. Aye but we're winning the league early. So fuck it was always going to happen everyone in world football knows it.

So let's resort to lying to get rid? Is this what we have stooped to?

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If he were to get his wish and a magic dose of 'reality check' dished out among the Support what, I wonder, does he think that would translate into? Suppressed silence at Ibrox as the Support watches professional footballers toil against part timers? Muted applause for allegedly super fit professionals huffing and puffing against (mostly) well intended opposition players who don't have the deluxe facilities at Auchenbowie? Loud cheers each time the only tool in the tactical toolbox (cross ball aimed in the general direction of Daly) is deployed? Muffled admiration as the opportunity to take on a full back (part time mind you)and getting to the by-line at pace to put in a dangerous cross is forgone in favour of cutting inside and (a) passing; (b) skewing the ball into the outer regions of the stadium in what passes for a shot; or © dispossessed. Or is 'reality check' a way of conditioning us to starting to accept a period where mediocrity of standard of play is the way of life underpinned by the simple mentality of 'win' regardless of how dour or how disappointing the performance that goes with it. Would be interesting to hear what he thinks a good dose of reality check would mean. Even more interesting to hear if the CEO shared those views. I suspect had Charles Green still been CEO it may well have been the Manager who was on the receiving end of 'reality check' advice.

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Does Ally have any ambition? does he know who pays the wages?

The fans have ambition so should he, the fans pay the wages, would anyone on here tell their boss to take a reality check if he/she wasn't happy with your work?

Ally is fortunate the board can't sack him, he knows he's untouchable.

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Read the first 10-15 posts - it'll give you enough over reaction / then again you won't notice cause it suits you not to!

Even if some are reacting to the title, does that mean i am? I am reading direct quotes where he questions the fans expectations and IMO disrespects the intelligence of our support by comparing great rangers team if the past who competed at the highest level to a team of SPL level players on big money underperforming against part time players!

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No ally I highly doubt anyone expects law to be like gazza or temps to be like laudrup. I expect rangers f.c with its unmatchable resources and out spending its rivals by atleast 100% to atlwast play better stuff than the opposite part time team. Yes fucking part time team. Lads that train in fields have to wash their own kits. They probably have to frequently miss training due to their full time jobs.

We are shocking to watch even boring. Route one dinosaur football and the shit management team obviously condone it as they never demand more. Wallace should get rid before its too late

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Err none - it's stunning the amount of folk pitching in with their 'disgust' based on a lie of a thread title!

I know responding to the resident attention whore is never a wise move, but for the sake of clarity my view is formed on the direct quotes attributed to the manage on the clubs web site. They could of course be lying.

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The players he bought where the best available. They are the cream of a shit crop.Unfortunately over paying them doesn't improve their talents. They seem to be a bunch who cannot accept criticism nor show any desire. If Mccoist berating them could improve their performance then the crowd booing should have them bursting their arses. Anyone seen any of the players really give it everything to try and succeed? Most look to me like their in a big huff and feel they have done enough to merit their wage. Players with mentalities like that do not have the dedication to improve the level they currently play at.

On top of poor players you have a novice manager who is learning his trade and how to manage and get the best from average players. With the clubs current lack of infrastructure I'm not sure we can afford anything other than an experienced manager. That's not to say Ally might not progress in years to come to be a top class manager. I just don't think we have the time and money to progress together anymore.

At no time have I ever thought Ally hasn't gave it everything he's got. At no time have I felt he doesn't have the same wants and desires we the fans have.

Not sure how any of that constitutes the vitriol he receives. Wanting a more experienced manager with an established attacking style of play doesn't need to lead to demeaning the guy.

Personally that's what I think Ally was delicately trying to say. Maybe I just think that's what he means cause I respect the guy.

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I don't know of any fans that compare this current group of players with the 9 in a row boys.

The fans have valid reasons to be concerned.

Manager on massive wages. £200/300k?

Players on massive wages.

The football isn't any better from what Ally played in his first SPL year. The footballs still the same as last year.

And I'd hate to see Ally given £10m to spend. Probably end up paying £1/2m on some 33 year old.

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Just like The John Greig scenario all over again, the fans could not wait for him to be sacked and we were overjoyed when Jock Wallace returned.

It is the same with Ally, it's only a matter of time as we deserve much better than what he is giving us.

he has made a fortune in wages and has a good few share from us since admin and he comes out with shite like that.

No Ally We deserve better, so do the decent thing and resign and take your backroom staff with you.

We as a club need a full new management structure set up, and I would move heaven and earth to get Dave King on board and Billy Davis as manager for the start of next season.

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