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Ally - No more excuses


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I'd tried to temper my bewilderment at our close season signings by reflecting on the often used mantra that "there is no substitute for experience". But having a manager with a propensity for playing just one out and out striker it seemed reasonable to question the wisdom of signing 2 ageing, albeit proven strikers, taking our total to 5. I suppose in some ways the fact we played with 2 up front today is a positive improvement - cherish it, its probably the only positive you will find in this article.

With young Charlie Telfer exiting Ibrox and directing barbed comments at our manager's apparent unwillingness to blood youngsters, the departure of goalkeeper Scott Gallagher and the re-signing of the veteran and occasionally calamitous, Steve Simonsen does little to suggest that youth is to be the favoured option. One wonders how young Nicky Clark feels his development will fare as the least favoured option behind Boyd, Miller, Daly and given today's personnel selection, even Shiels.

Why is this important ? Well if we do manage to successfully negotiate the championship, and I appreciate after today some are saying that's a pretty big "if"; rather than return to the top league with the nucleus of a young team we will instead be replacing ageing players in key positions. "Professors" of football often speak about the "spine" of a team - goalkeeper, centre back and striker. Of our current spine I see only Cammy Bell offering any kind of continuity in this regard. Which of course means new blood, a settling in period and that's before we find the readies for such an overhaul. Without wishing to induce further panic it's probably worth asking the question if there will even be the money for such an overhaul ?

So what does all this experience get you for your money? Well not a lot judging by today's performance. You could forgive a schoolboy team for switching off after scoring and giving yourself a lifeline but a team brimming with seasoned pros? Furthermore how can it be that Nicky Law and Ian Black despite having countless games together under their belt, give the appearance they have never played with one another before? The booing of the formers man of the match award should serve as a warning to all at Ibrox that whilst we may be loyal we are certainly not gullible.

Kenny Miller did what we have come to expect him to do, and were it not for the detrimental effect to Nicky Clark's development and the fact he is a short term rather than a long term answer, you would see this as a beneficial signing for the season, particularly if young Clark was paired alongside him. Kris Boyd I'm not so sure of. He somehow managed to look even less mobile than 1st time around, so much so, I half expected Police Scotland to bring the game to a halt and announce they had found Clyde, the missing Games statue.

The progress and improvement of Lewis Macleod and Fraser Aird has been deeply satisfying for us blue legions, the former in particular showing particular potential. Could a few others have benefited from an extended run in first team football ? Some will remember Dick Advocatt recognising the potential of a young Barry Ferguson and building a team around him, sadly that will not happen so long as young Macleod finds himself played out of position on the wing

We need to stop making excuses for Ally. Yes he has had to endure challenges no other Rangers manager has had to contend with but that really does not excuse signings which are devoid of long term vision, as well as tactics, team selections and substitutions which have us all bewildered.

There was a moment today when the cameras panned to John Greig sitting in the stands, and on seeing his image on the screens applause echoed around the ground. John is a Rangers legend on and off the park. Unfortunately he was not a very good manager.

I fear history may be repeating itself.

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When we were sent down to the 3rd division Ally had the perfect opportunity to develop a style of play to equip us for the bigger challenges of the Championship and Premiership unfortunately Ally chose the lazy short term solution by playing a style of football suited to amateur football and recruiting players to complement this style of football

The OP is spot on no more excuses time to admit Ally you're not capable of being a Rangers manager.

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I share your fears, Nicky Clark scored 40 odd goals the season before we signed him. The worry is he won't get a regular game, be sold for washers, and go on to be a huge asset for some other club. I honestly think that will happen.

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I'd tried to temper my bewilderment at our close season signings by reflecting on the often used mantra that "there is no substitute for experience". But having a manager with a propensity for playing just one out and out striker it seemed reasonable to question the wisdom of signing 2 ageing, albeit proven strikers, taking our total to 5. I suppose in some ways the fact we played with 2 up front today is a positive improvement - cherish it, its probably the only positive you will find in this article.

With young Charlie Telfer exiting Ibrox and directing barbed comments at our manager's apparent unwillingness to blood youngsters, the departure of goalkeeper Scott Gallagher and the re-signing of the veteran and occasionally calamitous, Steve Simonsen does little to suggest that youth is to be the favoured option. One wonders how young Nicky Clark feels his development will fare as the least favoured option behind Boyd, Miller, Daly and given today's personnel selection, even Shiels.

Why is this important ? Well if we do manage to successfully negotiate the championship, and I appreciate after today some are saying that's a pretty big "if"; rather than return to the top league with the nucleus of a young team we will instead be replacing ageing players in key positions. "Professors" of football often speak about the "spine" of a team - goalkeeper, centre back and striker. Of our current spine I see only Cammy Bell offering any kind of continuity in this regard. Which of course means new blood, a settling in period and that's before we find the readies for such an overhaul. Without wishing to induce further panic it's probably worth asking the question if there will even be the money for such an overhaul ?

So what does all this experience get you for your money? Well not a lot judging by today's performance. You could forgive a schoolboy team for switching off after scoring and giving yourself a lifeline but a team brimming with seasoned pros? Furthermore how can it be that Nicky Law and Ian Black despite having countless games together under their belt, give the appearance they have never played with one another before? The booing of the formers man of the match award should serve as a warning to all at Ibrox that whilst we may be loyal we are certainly not gullible.

Kenny Miller did what we have come to expect him to do, and were it not for the detrimental effect to Nicky Clark's development and the fact he is a short term rather than a long term answer, you would see this as a beneficial signing for the season, particularly if young Clark was paired alongside him. Kris Boyd I'm not so sure of. He somehow managed to look even less mobile than 1st time around, so much so, I half expected Police Scotland to bring the game to a halt and announce they had found Clyde, the missing Games statue.

The progress and improvement of Lewis Macleod and Fraser Aird has been deeply satisfying for us blue legions, the former in particular showing particular potential. Could a few others have benefited from an extended run in first team football ? Some will remember Dick Advocatt recognising the potential of a young Barry Ferguson and building a team around him, sadly that will not happen so long as young Macleod finds himself played out of position on the wing

We need to stop making excuses for Ally. Yes he has had to endure challenges no other Rangers manager has had to contend with but that really does not excuse signings which are devoid of long term vision, as well as tactics, team selections and substitutions which have us all bewildered.

There was a moment today when the cameras panned to John Greig sitting in the stands, and on seeing his image on the screens applause echoed around the ground. John is a Rangers legend on and off the park. Unfortunately he was not a very good manager.

I fear history may be repeating itself.

Sorry dar't but can't agree with cheap dig at boyd who is just off the back of a great season in the top league. Also the vastly overrated Templeton shows us age has no bearing on the issue caus he should be nearing his peak yet ran around like a kid in a playground taking wrong option every time .Also Miller is well past his sell by date but put players ten years his juniour to shame and was my m.o.t.m

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Sorry dar't but can't agree with cheap dig at boyd who is just off the back of a great season in the top league. Also the vastly overrated Templeton shows us age has no bearing on the issue caus he should be nearing his peak yet ran around like a kid in a playground taking wrong option every time .Also Miller is well past his sell by date but put players ten years his juniour to shame and was my m.o.t.m

Which counts for fuck all now that the new season with us has started. He's been useless so far.

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To be fair with the Scott Gallacher situation he would have sat on the bench all season being number two to Bell at 25 he needed to move on and get games. Hearts look like they have signed him to be a back-up keeper as well not sure if he would have made it at Rangers.

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Sorry dar't but can't agree with cheap dig at boyd who is just off the back of a great season in the top league. Also the vastly overrated Templeton shows us age has no bearing on the issue caus he should be nearing his peak yet ran around like a kid in a playground taking wrong option every time .Also Miller is well past his sell by date but put players ten years his juniour to shame and was my m.o.t.m

1. He may well be off the back of a great season but he was immobile, ineffective and looked overweight today. What progress for the future does he and Miller offer us ?

2. Age does have a bearing - many on the field today will require to be replaced as they just wont cut it in the top league

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Which counts for fuck all now that the new season with us has started. He's been useless so far.

Patience is a virtue ,he'll be top scorer this season and we're not a week into it yet.Also if we'd picked the correct option more often today he'd have had three goals on a bad day.

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1. He may well be off the back of a great season but he was immobile, ineffective and looked overweight today. What progress for the future does he and Miller offer us ?

2. Age does have a bearing - many on the field today will require to be replaced as they just wont cut it in the top league

Stating the obvious on point 2 dar't but we don't have cash to do anything about it at the moment and with the exception of the inconsistent mckay there's no queue of mcleods waiting in under 20's.

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Sorry dar't but can't agree with cheap dig at boyd who is just off the back of a great season in the top league. Also the vastly overrated Templeton shows us age has no bearing on the issue caus he should be nearing his peak yet ran around like a kid in a playground taking wrong option every time .Also Miller is well past his sell by date but put players ten years his juniour to shame and was my m.o.t.m

Nicky Clark, Ian black and nicky law were just off superb seasons in the SPL....they came to us and regressed badly! Now it can't be a coincidence anymore....ally is the common denominator here and he needs to be removed ASAP!

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While I'm in agreement in saying "No more excuses" I've also been quite vocal in saying we shouldn't ever be using excuses anyway, I could understand the slow start in SFL3 two years ago due to the uncertainty surrounding the club but what we've seen since has been an unmitigated disaster, some will point to the two back to back titles we've won as some kind of case in point for the club heading in the right direction but if every Bear to a man was honest with himself and his neighbour everyone would be in an agreement that it was basically impossible NOT to win SFL3 & SFL2.

Our performances on the whole have been dire, its been an insult to our intelligence to talk about the win columns when wins are secondary at the level we've been at for the last two years given the total lack of any sort of possibility of a title challenge.

McCoist is a dinosaur, a quick witted and charismatic one at that but a Dinosaur all the same, it's not the 80s or 90s anymore, football managers can't peddle out the same tired old retort about wins, not in 2014 when the invention of Social Media and availability of sites like Rangers Media offer fans a daily platform to discuss whats wrong with the team, in the past because of the all around lack of communication poor performances could often be played down because it felt like you were a lone wolf, in this day and age we are a mere click of a button away from expressing our opinions in the public domain and also hearing others, thousands upon thousands, all the same old tired clichés are no longer acceptable from a Rangers manager.

Also, havibg worked under Smith for so long McCoist became consumed with the win, it was over performance every day of the week, while thats probably deemed acceptable when goibg toe to toe with Celtic, it certainly shouldn't mean the same rules apply when participatig in tin pot Leagues.

Ally has had enough time, he's had two years to get it right and he choose to sacrifice a nrw philosophy in order to just crush an ant with a tractor

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