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Ever feel like you're losing the common values you share...


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Same as these fans who didn't seem to care when we won the league, were unbeaten in it but instead decided to diminish the achievement so they could slag off the manager and players... I'm with ya Goat

That's a bit unfair LB.

They cared, they just didn't see it as a massive achievement.

The second most expensive team in Scotland beating bunches of guys playing after a day at their work is hardly earth shattering.

I'd never want Rangers not to win cup but in our weakened state that isn't going to be easy. That's just being realistic.

We aren't the team we were yet and probably around the level of Hibs/Hearts and the lower SPFL teams.

The big difference is we have the fanbase and resources to continue improving til we are back where we should be, but we mustn't kid ourselves we are anywhere near there now or likely to be in the next couple of years.

Nobody is happy with that, but that's our lot, so we must accept it and get on with it.

There are other issues such as Allys management etc which influence our course but I'm sure whatever happens we will keep marching back to the top.

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If you're the sort who is 'upholding our values' then we've had it. You put your personal values ahead of the wishes of the club.

Thankfully people like you only seem to exist on the internet. Either that or you're very quiet in the stands.

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I'd say that the majority of younger bears are capable of acting like complete fanny's on a regular basis.

Doesn't help that our club has been effectively raped and those who could and should be the linchpins of recovery spent most their time dividing and pulling in opposite directions.

Utter shambles for the most part this "journey"

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That's a bit unfair LB.

They cared, they just didn't see it as a massive achievement.

The second most expensive team in Scotland beating bunches of guys playing after a day at their work is hardly earth shattering.

I'd never want Rangers not to win cup but in our weakened state that isn't going to be easy. That's just being realistic.

We aren't the team we were yet and probably around the level of Hibs/Hearts and the lower SPFL teams.

The big difference is we have the fanbase and resources to continue improving til we are back where we should be, but we mustn't kid ourselves we are anywhere near there now or likely to be in the next couple of years.

Nobody is happy with that, but that's our lot, so we must accept it and get on with it.

There are other issues such as Allys management etc which influence our course but I'm sure whatever happens we will keep marching back to the top.

The frustration I have is that we can only get negatives. We win the league it is because it was expected, draw a game it is Armageddon, etc. because if where we are there is no chance of redeeming a bad result or performance and the air of negativity is suffocating.

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Thankfully people like you only seem to exist on the internet. Either that or you're very quiet in the stands.

You'll need to elaborate on 'people like you'. Do you mean people who abide by the clubs wishes and not singabout fucking a pope or go to cup games when the club refused a ticket allocation.

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...with other fans these days?

Modern fans really are an embarrassment to the Rangers support at times. Fans actually not giving a fuck whether we win trophies or not these days. :anguish:

I remember when we used to all have the same common goal, seems some have lost that goal. It wont be long until accepting defeat at Rangers is the norm with these people and we become just another club.


Hopefully, this is just the internet supporter and not the ones who are there weekly, hopefully they still appreciate the values and goals of Rangers and that is to win everything we enter.

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The frustration I have is that we can only get negatives. We win the league it is because it was expected, draw a game it is Armageddon, etc. because if where we are there is no chance of redeeming a bad result or performance and the air of negativity is suffocating.

I know what you mean and did feel like that til a while back.

There is a huge feeling the two lower league wins were just papering over the enormous cracks.

I still feel that way.

We've had two seasons if terrible boring anti football and two good performances lately.

It'll take a lot more before I will reckon we are turning a corner.

That's about as positive as I can be at the moment. The team is very uncertain.

Events off the field seem to be calm at the moment which us helping us all, but I'm well aware it probably just before a storm but I've never been in any doubt that situation woukd resolve itself somehow and just just hope the rebel factions don't push us off a cliff.

For all that we are progressing and all these factors can slow it down but can't stop it. I'm happy with that knowledge and realise it will take a bit of time whatever we do but we will get there.

As I always say "no point greeting about things you can't change"

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There isn't a supporter who doesn't want to win games, leagues and cups but at the moment, based on the games against Hearts and Hibs, we just aren't at the level where it is completely expected.

As someone mentioned above, if you expect us to win the Champions league you're a fucking mentalist.

How can folk be expected to have this "we must win every game" attitude while also expecting Ally to field eleven 18 year olds? It's a complete nonsense. If Ally had done what everyone wanted, and fielded a team of youths from the get go, there's no way in hell we would have won as many games as we did. So then what happens? We start giving abuse to laddies, and even more abuse to Ally, because the team isn't living up to our expectations?

As for the chanting of orange songs, I don't know what to think. To be honest, I'm no that bothered either way but it's not something I do. In a world where folk are getting their heads chopped off on youtube I think we have bigger problems than some diddies who want to get rid of the Royal family (I know there's much more to it than this), who really don't have any influence anymore anyway, so any such aims would be pointless.

If our club historically had a rivalry with black folk and some of our songs had the word n***er (I don't know why this gets automatically censored) in them would we be pussies for not being interested in singing them either?

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Im 25 so so im probably one of the younger fans, but some of the shite that fans my age say and do makes me cringe. I was brought up to belive in Rangers traditions and remember our history. Too many fucking handwringers my age that want us to be everybodys pal and want us to re-sign players like mcgregor, and for us to stop singing loyalists songs and to drop anything associated with Ulster, Unionism, Loyalism, or being Protestant, well they should be told that theres 30 odd other teams in scotland that are nothing more than a football team and youre welcome to support them, this is our club and as long as theres fans like me who were brought up loving everything that Rangers represents then that will never change

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Im 25 so so im probably one of the younger fans, but some of the shite that fans my age say and do makes me cringe. I was brought up to belive in Rangers traditions and remember our history. Too many fucking handwringers my age that want us to be everybodys pal and want us to re-sign players like mcgregor, and for us to stop singing loyalists songs and to drop anything associated with Ulster, Unionism, Loyalism, or being Protestant, well they should be told that theres 30 odd other teams in scotland that are nothing more than a football team and youre welcome to support them, this is our club and as long as theres fans like me who were brought up loving everything that Rangers represents then that will never change

The thing is though they're not all mutually exclusive.

I don't care if folk like us or not. In fact it's better if they don't as it makes it better when we beat them.

I also believe that Septic actively work to undermine our club and there is a disgusting link between them and GCC.

I also don't believe that Catholics are the down trodden minority that some like to make out.

But I'm no interested in singing about the Battle of the Boyne or about hating fenians.

As I said above, if we -for some unknown reason- traditionally sang songs about slaves and black folk would you still be interested in singing them now?

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Im 25 so so im probably one of the younger fans, but some of the shite that fans my age say and do makes me cringe. I was brought up to belive in Rangers traditions and remember our history. Too many fucking handwringers my age that want us to be everybodys pal and want us to re-sign players like mcgregor, and for us to stop singing loyalists songs and to drop anything associated with Ulster, Unionism, Loyalism, or being Protestant, well they should be told that theres 30 odd other teams in scotland that are nothing more than a football team and youre welcome to support them, this is our club and as long as theres fans like me who were brought up loving everything that Rangers represents then that will never change

So it's not about the club but your personal belief then. The club have came out and said they don't want stuff like that attached to us.

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i want rangers to win every fucking match they play. that's what rangers is all about. winning.

but you have to be realistic at where the hell we are at the moment. our club was almost destroyed. we got thrown to the bottom of professional scottish football. our club is a fucking mess right now. fans divided and the so called fans or blue tims who want to see our club dead. our pathetic manager who doesn't have a clue what hes doing.

last season i was happy with us just winning the league. i know i'm gonna get a lot of hate for saying it but i don't give a shit. i'd rather we win the league/get promoted than win the league cup or ramsden cup. don't give a shit about them right now. if we did win them then fucking great! i just want to see rangers focus on returning to the spfl premiership where we belong. once we've got that taken care of then aye i expect us to be winning the other competitions and looking to get into europe and do well there. i think i speak for many others when i say that i won't be fully satisfied until we win a european competition. thats how well i want rangers to do.

if that makes me less of a rangers fan in your eyes, come and see how many fucks i give. i am a rangers supporter and i want to see my club get back to where it belongs as soon as possible. once we do that we'll have plenty of time to win all these other competitions. we really need to get back to the premiership.

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So it's not about the club but your personal belief then. The club have came out and said they don't want stuff like that attached to us.

And why have they? Because they pandered to the tims. There is nothing wrong with being a Protestant, Unionist or Loyalist, but the hangwringers having us thinking we should be ashamed, or at least be quiet about, our heritage and traditions that we've held for over a hundred years.

If it werent for those things then Rangers would have ended up just another football club. Dozens of clubs across Europe have political leanings and traditions and they dont feel like they should be ashamed of them. The tarriers are free to fly foreign flags and play into the poor oppressed Irish Catholic mentality of their fans but if we fly a Union Jack folk get offended?

There is a simple solution, if people dont like the songs and flags and values held my most Rangers fans then no one if forcing them to come to Ibrox.

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And why have they? Because they pandered to the tims. There is nothing wrong with being a Protestant, Unionist or Loyalist, but the hangwringers having us thinking we should be ashamed, or at least be quiet about, our heritage and traditions that we've held for over a hundred years.

If it werent for those things then Rangers would have ended up just another football club. Dozens of clubs across Europe have political leanings and traditions and they dont feel like they should be ashamed of them. The tarriers are free to fly foreign flags and play into the poor oppressed Irish Catholic mentality of their fans but if we fly a Union Jack folk get offended?

There is a simple solution, if people dont like the songs and flags and values held my most Rangers fans then no one if forcing them to come to Ibrox.

If people don't like the club not wanting to be part of it anymore then no one forces them to come to Ibrox either. If folk want to sing about fucking popes, the Ira and drug dealers in Belfast then there's plenty other places to do it. Even Rangers don't want it.

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When I was young my mates and I, along with thousands of others, supported Rangers.

Young modern Rangers fans support Rangers though perhaps not having consumed the same amounts of alcohol.

Can someone please explain the difference, other than in how we/they dress or as mentioned the amounts of alcohol consumed pre-match??

Don't we all still (uof and sos excluded) support The Rangers???

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Think it tends to be a more generational thing right now.

The younger Bears who grew up watching Rangers in the late 80s & 90s sign multi-million pound players every season and win almost everything probably thought that type of scenario would never end.

The more mature Bears who lived through the 80s when the new firm were the force in Scottish football are probably a bit more patient.

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Its part to do with the fact the country isnt as segregated, people live next door to tims and have tim pals and dont want to offend them. Rangers and sellik fans sitting in a house together watching OF games and the like.

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At 54 I am still in the modern fan category but I want us to win every trophy we can but old enough to realise that we can't.

I am also appreciative enough to realise we do not have the team or resources of even 4 years ago - progression through the leagues is the number one priority and I am amazed at how many fans don't seem to appreciate that!

Surely we're good enough to win the challenge cup?

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Surely we're good enough to win the challenge cup?

We are good enough - but as we have seen being good enough and making it happen ain't the same - we are surely favourites, and rightly so, but even in a two horse race with a runaway favourite shit can still happen.

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