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Former Rangers star Charlie Miller: I knew nothing about Castlemilk murder but Walter Smith ordered me to grass

16 November 2014 07:56 AM

CHARLIE MILLER tells the story of his rollercoaster life in a new book, in this extract he remembers the demons that plagued his glory days.

Charlie Miller Ex-Rangers and Scotland footballer for Sunday Mail Pictured: Charlie Miller

You grow up quick in a place like Castlemilk. You have to.

It is a tough place and, in many ways, it’s about survival.

And, trust me, if you are known as a grass, you might not survive long.

That’s why I was so shocked when I was called into Walter Smith’s office at Ibrox after training.

In June 1994, Andrew Halley had been killed after a fight in Castlemilk. I was 17 years old and on a night out and I’ll always remember that our taxi couldn’t get up Castlemilk Drive – the main road in the scheme – because it was shut off by police.

Read more from Charlie Miller's explosive book: 'I was never a problem drinker I was a problem gambler..I blew £1 MILLON'

The next day, we heard there had been an argument outside Castlemilk Community Centre involving Halley, who was there for a birthday party. Two of my friends had been involved before others took matters into their own hands.

Just over a month later, I was called into Walter’s office to be told a long-time friend of his, a detective chief inspector, was the leading investigator in the murder case and he wanted me to help him as much as I could. I was stunned. Since the night it happened, I had barely given it a second thought.

Charlie Miller on Gazza: I loved Gazza. It breaks my heart to see him in a bad way


I said: “Gaffer, I can’t tell him anything because I wasn’t there.”

But Walter was having none of it and was convinced that I knew more than I was letting on. Clearly, his pal and leading investigator also thought I was involved in some way or was holding back information.

Effectively, Walter was asking me to be a grass. He wanted me to cough to what I’d heard and nail someone I knew had been involved in the fight with Halley. I’d be putting someone – people I knew – in the frame for a murder.

I just couldn’t do that. There’s an unwritten rule in places like Castlemilk – or any housing estate in Glasgow –that you don’t grass people up.

Repeatedly, I told Walter I couldn’t help him or his mate. But I knew my refusal to talk could have serious consequences because he wasn’t happy with me.

Eventually I was questioned by the police at Aikenhead Road station, along with a few of my other mates, but I told them nothing. I didn’t know exactly what had happened.

I hadn’t done what Walter wanted me to and, at that point, I genuinely feared for my Rangers career.

Two men were later jailed for the death on reduced charges after claiming it was self-defence.

In Castlemilk, you can’t be known as a grass. If I’d have coughed, about an incident I hadn’t seen, I would have got myself into big trouble. Trust me, my life wouldn’t have been worth living if I’d done what Walter had asked me to. Now, let me make one thing clear, I love Walter, both as a man and as a manager. He was the gaffer who gave me my big chance at Rangers.

To throw me into the first team at 17 shows he had faith in me. Without Walter, I wouldn’t have won nine-in-a-row at Rangers. Who knows? I might not even have made it as a footballer.

Mark Hateley and Charlie Miller celebrate against Celtic in 1994

But, despite all that, I have to be honest. And, to this day, I still feel a bit of resentment towards him.

I feel he could have handled me better as a kid at Ibrox. I think he could have guided me more. People will say that guiding myself was my responsibility and maybe they’re right. But, in my

opinion, Walter could have been more of a father figure to me during my time at Rangers. The first time I ever met him was at Springburn Park in Glasgow. He stood at the side of the pitch with an umbrella watching the young Rangers Boys’ Club team and he called me over. He just had a little word in my ear as I walked off.

I’ll never forget it, even though he didn’t say a lot. He told me if I kept working hard and doing what I was doing, I’d be fine. He said: “We’ll look after you.” That was it. But it meant a lot to me at that time because I was only 14 years old.

But when I arrived at Ibrox, a daft teenage boy, I think I was an easy target. I was never innocent in Walter’s eyes. He always had a reason to bin me from the team or have a pop.

There were incidents in which I deliberately didn’t get involved but still ended up in trouble. I remember being in the Tunnel nightclub in Glasgow.

I was inside chatting to one of the bouncers. The next minute, all hell broke loose and fighting erupted. The following morning, it was reported in the papers that I was at the heart of it. It was nonsense but enough for Walter. He dragged me into his office the following day and I told him I’d done nothing. “Aye, you never do f****** anything, do you?” he said before fining me.

That was typical. Things that other players would do without a word being said would get me hauled over the coals.

Maybe Walter was trying to teach me a lesson. But it didn’t help me. Perhaps, deep down, he knew I had real talent and he was on my back to try to get the best out of me. I don’t know. I’d have thought there was a better way of doing it.

Arguably, though, the worst moment I had under Walter was when he had me in for yet another dressing-down and told me: “Don’t ever think you’re a Gascoigne or a Laudrup. Just you get the ball and give it to one of them.” For a young player, that kind of comment is like a dagger through the heart. I was devastated because I suddenly felt that Walter didn’t rate me as a player.

I never for a minute thought I was as good as Paul Gascoigne or Brian Laudrup. Those two were world-class players who’ve played at the highest level but, as a young player still

making my way in the game, I wanted to aspire to be as good as them.

So for Walter to say that, it knocked me. It was a hard blow and one I don’t think I deserved. I’m good friends with former Rangers defender Michael Ball now, even though we didn’t get to play together at Ibrox.

He played under Walter and his assistant Archie Knox at Everton and, according to him, they’d often use me as an example to young players at Goodison Park. They’d say things like: “You don’t want to end up like a kid at Rangers called Charlie Miller. He had all the talent in the world and had a chance – but wasted it.”

I’m not sure how I feel about that. In a way, I’m pleased that Walter and Archie obviously rated me as a player but I don’t think I did that badly in the game compared with a lot of other talented young players who have the world at their feet early on in their career but never win a trophy or even establish themselves at a big club. I did both.

Charlie Miller

I still played more than five seasons at for Rangers and I’m proud of that. Is there part of me that wishes I’d have just done everything Walter told me to and never misbehaved? Of course. But I wasn’t a bad kid. At times, I just got caught up in things that I wish I hadn’t. I was a young, gullible guy from Castlemilk who probably didn’t realise what I had.

I hear players and coaches talking about it all the time. They talk about how many players fall by the wayside when they go on to play for either of the Old Firm clubs. Better players than me have failed at Rangers or Celtic because they didn’t have the mentality to deal with it. I think I did.

People ask if I wish Walter had been more of a father figure to me. I have never known my dad and I suppose I’d have liked him to treat me more like he did the other boys in the Rangers team.

My uncles, Benny and Jim, took over the role of my father. They were great. But I signed for a club the size of Rangers and was in the first team at 17. I didn’t know how to deal with that or realise what I had. Maybe Walter could have helped me more.

When I see Walter now, we’re fine. I met him in the summer of 2013 when I was coming back from Hong Kong, where I play every year for the Rangers all-star team. We bumped into each other at the airport and there will never be a problem between myself and Walter. To him, I’m still just “wee Charlie” and that’s fine. That’ll never change.

Whatever I think about Walter and how he treated me, I wasn’t perfect, far from it.

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I don't believe Walter would have told Charlie to grass on someone at an incident he wasn't at. I also don't believe Charlie's refusal to talk would have had ramifications on his Rangers career IMO. I think Walter knew, even from an early stage that Charlie wasn't the most honest, dedicated, focused guy around and would ultimately not fulfil any of his potential. Charlie also seems to contradict himself, even in that short extract by saying he was always getting caught up in things yet seemed surprised why Walter was always on his case.

Charlie had a huge chance, and it's a shame he didn't quite achieve as much individually, as a player, as he maybe should have but I can honestly say if I was in his position, playing for the Rangers, with God, Gazza, McCoist and the like by your side, I would have done everything and anything to make it, especially when you had the raw potential he had. I realise he may have had personal problems, but we all do, and life isn't easy but I think he seems to admit that he could and should have made better decisions.

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Firstly, wish to God he would take responsibility more - Walter could have looked after me more? Grow up.

Secondly, I love how we have this stupid code where a grass is the lowest form of life but it is socially acceptable to be a killer - guess which section of society came up with that rule?

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Comes across in all that as a big-headed insecure no mark who never lost the scheme mentality.

He was fortunate to have been a talented footballer, gain some glory and earn some money but still seems bitter, and the apparent lack of respect he still has for his team mates and manager at Ibrox does not impress me at all.

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In fact, reading it again, every part of that is someone playing the victim. Seriously, maybe that one time in that club he didn't get involved, how many other times did he? How often did he take responsibility for those?

Honestly, change the t-shirt and stop blaming the rest of the world because you didn't take your chance. Let's all look forward to whose fault it is that he blew a fortune gambling.

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Aye Charlie contradicts himself, I'm sure he did know something although not being involved himself, Walter obviously knew that he was a bit wild and kept the wrong company.

Uncles are all very well but maybe if he had a father looking out for him things would have been different. The majority of young boys in Castlemilk grew up decent enough and avoided the gang culture, pity he didn't

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'I was never a problem drinker........................................

You may never have been a 'problem drinker' Charlie, but IIRC at a time when you should have been establishing yourself in the 1st team squad alongside Amo, Amato, Porrini, Durie etc you were quite happy to get 'pished' at a minimum of two club functions in Florida while most of the other first team squad were 'hugging a beer' or drinking cola.

So you may not have a 'problem' in the George Best/Gazza sense but you pissed away a very promising career through a combination of alcohol and you're "I'm a big shot" attitude. A very prominent and respected player told me that 1999-2000 squad was the "best dressing room I've ever been in but of course you get the odd asshole" (casts a glance at CM which for me spoke volumes.

Not surprised to see him running to the DR --- will not be buying the book.

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Comes across in all that as a big-headed insecure no mark who never lost the scheme mentality.

He was fortunate to have been a talented footballer, gain some glory and earn some money but still seems bitter, and the apparent lack of respect he still has for his team mates and manager at Ibrox does not impress me at all.

Also someone who needs cash badly!! That's what pishing in the street does to you!

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ffs he tells the truth and gets slaughtered for it . I've met Charlie a few times and hes always been respectable and spoke well of his time at the Bears

I 2nd this, I have been in Charlie's company on a few occasions and he's been great company.

You have to remember that the squad he was in then was like no other. It was a very successful team full of camaraderie and players that celebrated victory by partying hard. Goram, Gazza, Mcoist, Durrant, Mclaren, to name a few all loved a bevy around that period. Charlie being as young as he was at that time amongst such company without a father figure meant it was always going to be a difficult task steering him away from the inevitable outcome.

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Firstly, wish to God he would take responsibility more - Walter could have looked after me more? Grow up.

Secondly, I love how we have this stupid code where a grass is the lowest form of life but it is socially acceptable to be a killer - guess which section of society came up with that rule?


Usually just grasses that stick up for grasses. Thats in the code you're talking about,section 7 page 3

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