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Is ther less respect from the younger supporters for Ally?


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Im trying to guage reaction from the forum ref Ally McCoist.

Obviously its has been well documented that most do not want Ally as manager. Thats fair enough. However, some of the abuse Ally has taken from the fans is unbelievable. Don't get me wrong, up untill Wednesday night, I was backing Ally but now I think I may have had enough and perhaps we need a fresh outlook. No one is bigger than the Club.

McCoist was my hero growing up, nothing will change that. Loved the guy and had the unbelievabe experience of watching his Rangers career develop. No one wanted him to suceed more than I did. Hate to see the level of abuse he gets as one of our greatest players almost level to what the TLB got on here. don't think he deserves that. Pride is stopping Ally walking away because he is not used to failure.

But do our younger supporters show less respect to Ally because they didnt have the pleasure of watching Ally the player?

Have to say because of the sentimental feeling I have for alot of Ex players who delivered so much success, to witness this current mess, it hurts like hell. Yes perhaps ally should go but I will not ne throwing my weight behind obscene abuse out of respect for the man. Regardless of what he does, I wish him nothing but the best.

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I think so yes, I think those that by default of birth missed out on seeing him in his pomp are possily less likely to hold him to the same standards as those who can remember time and again when a bit of McCoist magic was regularly the difference between winning a trophy or not.

I don't think that in itself is a criticism of those fans, I'm sure 40 year olds today who might hold Ally dear to their hearts possibly didn't have quite as much affection for John Greig as those that were older than them at the time when he couldn't cut it as manager in the 80s either.

I wouldn't say it was solely that but I definitely think there is a generational thing at stake here too.

For the record I think its time Ally called it a day, its been evident for a long long time but the strong personal abuse he receives is in extremely bad taste and I'm uneasy about how much hatred is directed at someone who will forever be a Rangers legend

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I'm in my 40s and loved Ally...

I loved it when he scored that goal against Leeds. That hat-rick in the Cup Final. I loved that he was so good-looking and played for Rangers. I loved that he was voted sexiest footballer at Italia '90 and he was also a Rangers player! I loved that he was on AQOS and he was a Rangers legend. I loved all those little things he did that put rangers into people's thoughts and minds.

But right now, I have nothing but contempt for the man!

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Im trying to guage reaction from the forum ref Ally McCoist.

Obviously its has been well documented that most do not want Ally as manager. Thats fair enough. However, some of the abuse Ally has taken from the fans is unbelievable. Don't get me wrong, up untill Wednesday night, I was backing Ally but now I think I may have had enough and perhaps we need a fresh outlook. No one is bigger than the Club.

McCoist was my hero growing up, nothing will change that. Loved the guy and had the unbelievabe experience of watching his Rangers career develop. No one wanted him to suceed more than I did. Hate to see the level of abuse he gets as one of our greatest players almost level to what the TLB got on here. don't think he deserves that. Pride is stopping Ally walking away because he is not used to failure.

But do our younger supporters show less respect to Ally because they didnt have the pleasure of watching Ally the player?

Have to say because of the sentimental feeling I have for alot of Ex players who delivered so much success, to witness this current mess, it hurts like hell. Yes perhaps ally should go but I will not ne throwing my weight behind obscene abuse out of respect for the man. Regardless of what he does, I wish him nothing but the best.

Only Ally can bring an end to the inevitable abuse and I hope when he leaves he has no regrets about overstaying his welcome because he is well aware it's time to go but as yet cannot accept it.

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As a 60 year old, I was watching Rangers long before McCoist came on the scene (eventually). My hero as a wee boy was John Greig along with the obvious Slim Jim, Willie Henderson, Jimmy Millar, etc. In fact, they were all heroes to a wee boy who was lifted over the turnstile by his Da and got to see these men that I heard so much about but there was just something about John Greig. I just idolised the guy.

When John become manager it slowly changed. To be honest, when he got the job I just wasn't sure that he could manage Rangers coming directly from the dressing room. EventuallyI was one of many who wanted him out as he just couldn't cut it as manager of Rangers. He might have been my playing hero but my love of the club was more important than any individual irrespective of what he had done in the past.

I still respect John now (probably still idolise him if truth be told :blush: ) but I was honest enough with myself to realise he just wasn't good enough as Rangers manager.

When McCoist got the job I immediately had the same misgivings as I had about John Greig i.e. no experience plus, in McCoist's case, I didn't think he was management material.

I honestly don't think it matters to any age group whether you were a playing legend or, indeed, never played for the club. What matters is the club, nothing else.

We have to separate the player from the manager. Maybe that's why the younger Bears can do it as their judgement isn't clouded. They see, like us older Bears, what is going on out on the park and they, quite rightly, expect better from a Rangers team and realise that only change can now achieve this.

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I have no idea to be honest. As a 36 year old he is a mile off losing the hero status he has for me, despite his management failings.

I know older Bears that utterly hate him now, older Bears that share my view, younger Bears that didn't see him play that still hold him as a legend, and younger Bears that think he's anything but a legend.

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I think it will also have to do with how the person speaks in everyday life. A lot of people use terms that some of us would fund offensive, in their everyday life's and see it as no more than calling someone a dick or wank.

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I grew up hearing nothing but admiration, love and compliments about him. I used to watch all the old Rangers videos from before I was born with McCoist running amok, saving Rangers so many times and banging the goals in. I love Ally McCoist but right now and to be honest for a while he's beginning to really, really make me dislike him.

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Those that didn't grow up watching Ally as a player are able to view his tenure as manager with more objectivity.

This is probably right, we see Ally the Manager (no laughing at the back) rather than Ally the Legendary player turned Manager (I SAID NO LAUGHING AT THE BACK!!!).

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I grew up with his name on all my tops and was my idol, however my club was here before him and will hopefully be here after he's gone.

Rangers come first and I don't feel he's putting Rangers first, I feel he is absolutely ruining my club and setting them back for years to come.

He won't take any blame for that and as much as I don't want to abuse him, when you feel you are being taken for a ride and treated like an idiot I think passion can spill into what we are seeing directed at Ally right now, it will get worse the longer he stays.

He is the problem, not us.

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I share this view.

Most of the younger bears I see seem more against him than the older ones.

I bet the older fans would probably say that's just because younger fans have been spoilt and brought up in an era where being trigger happy and sacking guys rather than standing behind their own is seen as the norm so that's how they are conditioned too.

I'm not saying that's my opinion, I'm only 26 so I very much fall into the younger fan category, but I bet you that's what a lot of them would say.

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I never had the chance to see him play but I'll always love him. "Bleeds Royal Blue" comes to mind.

He deserves harsh criticism for his managerial career at Ibrox. Harsh criticism. Because he's a shite manager, nobody can deny that. But he loves Rangers Football Club. I don't think there can be any question that it was Ally who fought against titles being stripped, it certainly wasn't Charles Green. There's a lot of stuff went on behind the doors that many probably won't ever find out.

He'll always be Super Ally to me.

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As a player, he is in the history books of Rangers and history cannot be removed or altered.

I have many, many great memories of him as a player and can't recall one single bad memory.

As a manager, I cannot say the same, everything about him as a manager is well below par, which I can't accept.

As a player - brilliant.

As a manager - Terrible.

For the record, I am one of the older (much older) fans.

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I share this view.

Most of the younger bears I see seem more against him than the older ones.

Rose tinted specs of delusion I'm afraid for those who idolised mccoist. i was 8 when we had arguably the best season of recent times, the 92/93 treble. McCoist was my hero and I always had 9 and McCoist on my shirt but that cannot sway me from my current opinion. I was worried during smiths last tenure when McCoist managed the league cup games and we were really poor.

I haven't resorted to name calling but the longer he stays the more damaging it will be and waiting for a payout from a club you love for me is unforgivable. I have nothing but admiration for the player but I think so little of him as a manager but also now as a man. His recent actions in his mind might be commendable....sticking to his principles in the face of adversity however to me he has to man up and admit he is to blame, even if he did that and stayed on id have a little more respect for him just now. However, stating that you are still focussed on the job and have the support despite "hiccups" he will not resign just infuriates me.

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I bet the older fans would probably say that's just because younger fans have been spoilt and brought up in an era where being trigger happy and sacking guys rather than standing behind their own is seen as the norm so that's how they are conditioned too.

I'm not saying that's my opinion, I'm only 26 so I very much fall into the younger fan category, but I bet you that's what a lot of them would say.

Yeah no doubt, there are arguments in both camps and all perfectly valid.

I’m 28, I was only a boy when McCoist was running riot but I still remember watching him for a few seasons and like Bombay I had all the strips with McCoist ‘9’ on the back as back then every little Ranger was hooked on him as their clubs talisman.

I didn’t really agree with McCoist getting the job to begin with but gave him the chance to prove me wrong….I stuck with it till about half way through Division 3 when it was made clear to me that it was never going to work. I have made it clear since then that this was always on the cards, I could see it coming a mile away as could many others including the older ones who have seen pretty much a carbon copy of this with Greig.

I don’t think this is a case of being ‘spoilt’ or a glory hunter, we as a support have backed McCoist and Rangers more than any club could or should expect. Crowds of 40 odd thousand in the third tier breaking world records left, right and centre. It’s taken years of poor performances, 3 knockouts in part time cups, 2 EURO back to back defeats plus countless defeats and draws against some of the poorest teams in Britain.

The Rangers fans should be praised if anything for the support and time we have given Ally during nearly 4 years of sub standard returns.

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I was a huge Greig fan as I was an Ally fan. Greig had to go at the time as Ally should now but Greig wasn't getting paid astronomical wages for doing a bad job at the time. This to me is what makes the current situation even more galling. Even if Ally was doing a decent job I'd still be pissed off at the amount he's taking out of the club. His legend status disappeared a long time ago for this bear.

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