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Facial Recognition To Punish Fans

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Has Scottish football just struck the final nail in its coffin?

They're looking at facial recognition to punish fans. I know many guys on both sides who are decent normal guys who like a sing song and then back to the boozer for a noise up of each other but in general are mates.

So that's folks jobs now on the line because if they can't track you down just after the game then you can be rest assured some computer wanker will be pouring over pictures of fans "misbehaving"

I don't give a fuck what a tarrier sings, a utd fan, Aberdeen, Motherwell or east Stirling but ruining guys lives through songs at the football is a fucking disgrace.

I hope the RST are all over this.

Bang on the money mate.

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Its trumped up nonsense, so that the Scottish Govt can be seen to be doing something about a trumped up problem, so they trump up some more ways get you arrested on trumped up charges.

As football fans once are again the only targets, it appears the OBAF act isn't enough and they are not getting enough prosecutions to justify this already excessive legislation so they are supporting this move with hard cash. It should be noted that this is not the first time facial recognition in scotland has been in the spotlight as the following article from the DR from May last year highlights:

http://www.<No links to this website>/news/scottish-news/police-slammed-keeping-pictures-innocent-5763206

Make no mistake, this is simply a tool to be used by the SNP to bolster the OBAF act to negate the chances of "insufficient evidence". In the process the freedoms we take for granted as citizens of a democracy are being gradually eroded as the Govt tries in vain to eradicate a non-existant problem , so that they are seen to be tackling something.

Its horrendous.

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Apart from the OP and a couple of others, most on here are only interested in pointing the finger at someone else and trying to shift the whole thing into a tit-for-tat-style "it wiznae me, it wiz him" charade. Most of you seem completely incapable of looking beyond small-fry prejudices to see the bigger picture in all of this.


Keep blaming Celtic, Hibs, Scotland, Ireland, Chic Charnley or whoever else you want to if you are certain it will make you feel better when you are up at court for fuck all.

You reap what you sow.

They bastards are the most hypocritical cunts there is, their fans are up there to blame as much as anybody when it comes to polis etc. at Football.

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Its trumped up nonsense, so that the Scottish Govt can be seen to be doing something about a trumped up problem, so they trump up some more ways get you arrested on trumped up charges.

As football fans once are again the only targets, it appears the OBAF act isn't enough and they are not getting enough prosecutions to justify this already excessive legislation so they are supporting this move with hard cash. It should be noted that this is not the first time facial recognition in scotland has been in the spotlight as the following article from the DR from May last year highlights:

http://www.<No links to this website>/news/scottish-news/police-slammed-keeping-pictures-innocent-5763206

Make no mistake, this is simply a tool to be used by the SNP to bolster the OBAF act to negate the chances of "insufficient evidence". In the process the freedoms we take for granted as citizens of a democracy are being gradually eroded as the Govt tries in vain to eradicate a non-existant problem , so that they are seen to be tackling something.

Its horrendous.

Trump for president

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This legislation was brought in because Celtic fans jumped on the O'Ffended bus and wanted Rangers punished for our songs. They didn't think their jolly craic 'folk' songs would be classed as offensive and when it became clear bawling about the IRA would, fucking remarkably, be classed as offensive they want it repealed.

Make no mistake, if this legislation gets repealed and the scum will be belting out their IRA/'political' songs with gusto, while we'll be getting battered for an occasional outbreak of singing which will still be classed as 'sectarianism'.

This legislation is the leveller, so if it's a case of it being a bit shit for the both sides of the OF or just shit for us, I know which is best for RFC.

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This legislation was brought in because Celtic fans jumped on the O'Ffended bus and wanted Rangers punished for our songs. They didn't think their jolly craic 'folk' songs would be classed as offensive and when it became clear bawling about the IRA would, fucking remarkably, be classed as offensive they want it repealed.

Make no mistake, if this legislation gets repealed and the scum will be belting out their IRA/'political' songs with gusto, while we'll be getting battered for an occasional outbreak of singing which will still be classed as 'sectarianism'.

This legislation is the leveller, so if it's a case of it being a bit shit for the both sides of the OF or just shit for us, I know which is best for RFC.

I dont agree with that rationale to be honest mate. I am all for repealing this act.

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Facial recognition softwre is pretty unreliable IIRC.

I wouldn't worry too much about that tbh.

It's come a long way in the last 5 years :pipe:

Not sure how this would be implemented in a stadium. Aside from the fact it is a terrible idea (as is the legislation).

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On monday night i hope everyone gives it laldi. The Sash, Derrys Walls, Wee Spot In Europe, UDR4, Build My Gallows, Daddys Uniform, Number 1 Platoon

All great loyalist songs none of which can be deemed sectarian. Lets get it right up them

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I dont agree with that rationale to be honest mate. I am all for repealing this act.

They shouted for it to come in, and are shouting loudest to have it repealed. Fans Against Criminalisation are the groin brigade, celtic trust and other celtic supporters groups utterly apoplectic that their IRAoke is now against the law, when it was only our songs that were before.

Trust me buddy, if this legislation goes they'll be immune and we'll be up on charges when 5 guys sing the billy boys. Mark my words.

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It'll never happen but I think the only way to combat the stasi-esque SNP is a joint initiative between fans groups of ourselves and the other mob leading to a Judicial Review of some of the legislation. But everyone's too busy point scoring about who sang what first.

SNP divide and rule while treating football fans worse than convicted criminals out on license.

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Id be more concerned about getting goal line technology first, also facial recognition at football stadiums? Berwick vs Annan on a Wednesday night with a couple hundred there and these clubs are being forced to install it if this goes ahead, along with overcosts of maintenance and employing someone to watch the cameras? Will drive these kind of clubs under, also surely cant just put it in the higher division clubs as that would be unfairly targeting fans based on the teams they support

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Maybe I'm being paranoid here but smart TV's that can listen in to conversations at home,mobile phones that can identify where you are at any given time,now facial recognition for footie fans(for starters). Big Brother really is working overtime to destroy our civil liberties. :mad:

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Maybe I'm being paranoid here but smart TV's that can listen in to conversations at home,mobile phones that can identify where you are at any given time,now facial recognition for footie fans(for starters). Big Brother really is working overtime to destroy our civil liberties. :mad:

Phone GPS can be turned off, smart tv's listening to convos is an urban myth

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It'll never happen but I think the only way to combat the stasi-esque SNP is a joint initiative between fans groups of ourselves and the other mob leading to a Judicial Review of some of the legislation. But everyone's too busy point scoring about who sang what first.

SNP divide and rule while treating football fans worse than convicted criminals out on license.

Fuck them, they cried for years for us to be banned etc. for singing the Billy Boys, now some of their 'songs' etc. are 'under attack' they complain. They're as much to blame as anyone.

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Fuck them, they cried for years for us to be banned etc. for singing the Billy Boys, now some of their 'songs' etc. are 'under attack' they complain. They're as much to blame as anyone.

You just illustrated why it will never happen and things will never get better.

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Phone GPS can be turned off, smart tv's listening to convos is an urban myth


Surely you must be aware of Edward Snowden and that he released classified files on how the US government retrives data from and can monitor there own citizens and that our very own GCHQ is also in on it amongst many other countries.

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Because I don't think think we should work with people that had a big part to play in causing it?


Your right about them causing it. But if your serious about wanting things like this reversed football fans of all ilk need to show a united front.

Media outside Scotland would take serious notice if fans of both Old Firm teams took a united stand on an issue like this.

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